997 resultados para Small Parameter


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Nonlinear acoustic wave propagation in an infinite rectangular waveguide is investigated. The upper boundary of this waveguide is a nonlinear elastic plate, whereas the lower boundary is rigid. The fluid is assumed to be inviscid with zero mean flow. The focus is restricted to non-planar modes having finite amplitudes. The approximate solution to the acoustic velocity potential of an amplitude modulated pulse is found using the method of multiple scales (MMS) involving both space and time. The calculations are presented up to the third order of the small parameter. It is found that at some frequencies the amplitude modulation is governed by the Nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE). The first objective here is to study the nonlinear term in the NLSE. The sign of the nonlinear term in the NLSE plays a role in determining the stability of the amplitude modulation. Secondly, at other frequencies, the primary pulse interacts with its higher harmonics, as do two or more primary pulses with their resultant higher harmonics. This happens when the phase speeds of the waves match and the objective is to identify the frequencies of such interactions. For both the objectives, asymptotic coupled wavenumber expansions for the linear dispersion relation are required for an intermediate fluid loading. The novelty of this work lies in obtaining the asymptotic expansions and using them for predicting the sign change of the nonlinear term at various frequencies. It is found that when the coupled wavenumbers approach the uncoupled pressure-release wavenumbers, the amplitude modulation is stable. On the other hand, near the rigid-duct wavenumbers, the amplitude modulation is unstable. Also, as a further contribution, these wavenumber expansions are used to identify the frequencies of the higher harmonic interactions. And lastly, the solution for the amplitude modulation derived through the MMS is validated using these asymptotic expansions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nonlinear acoustic wave propagation is considered in an infinite orthotropic thin circular cylindrical waveguide. The modes are non-planar having small but finite amplitude. The fluid is assumed to be ideal and inviscid with no mean flow. The cylindrical waveguide is modeled using the Donnell's nonlinear theory for thin cylindrical shells. The approximate solutions for the acoustic velocity potential are found using the method of multiple scales (MMS) in space and time. The calculations are presented up to the third order of the small parameter. It is found that at some frequencies the amplitude modulation is governed by the Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation (NLSE). The first objective is to study the nonlinear term in the NLSE, as the sign of the nonlinear term determines the stability of the amplitude modulation. On the other hand, at other specific frequencies, interactions occur between the primary wave and its higher harmonics. Here, the objective is to identify the frequencies of the higher harmonic interactions. Lastly, the linear terms in the NLSE obtained using the MMS calculations are validated. All three objectives are met using an asymptotic analysis of the dispersion equation. (C) 2015 Acoustical Society of America.


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The pure diffusion process has been often used to study the crystal growth of a binary alloy in the microgravity environment. In the present paper, a geometric parameter, the ratio of the maximum deviation distance of curved solidification and melting interfaces from the plane to the radius of the crystal rod, was adopted as a small parameter, and the analytical solution was obtained based on the perturbation theory. The radial segregation of a diffusion dominated process was obtained for cases of arbitrary Peclet number in a region of finite extension with both a curved solidification interface and a curved melting interface. Two types of boundary conditions at the melting interface were analyzed. Some special cases such as infinite extension in the longitudinal direction and special range of Peclet number were reduced from the general solution and discussed in detail.


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A phase relaxation model (PRM) for 2-phase flows is presented in this paper on the basis of three principal assumptions. The basic equations for PRM arc derived from the Boltzmann equations for gas-partlcle mixture, The general characteristics and solving process of the PRM's basic equations are also presented and discussed. Many terms in the PRM's basic equations contain a factor ε= ρgρp/ρg+ρp2 which is an intrinsic small parameter for 2-phase mixture, with ρg and ρp being respectively the densities of gas and particle phases.This makes it possible to simplify the computation of the PRM's basic equations. The model is applied to for example, studying file steady propagation of shock waves in gas-particle mixture. The analysis shows that with an increase of shock wave strength the relaxation process behind a gasdynamics shock front becomes a kind of dynamics relaxation instead of the standard exponential relaxation process. A method of determining experimentally the velocity and tem...更多perature relaxation rates (or times) of gas-particle flows is suggested and analyzed.


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The nonlinear partial differential equations for dispersive waves have special solutions representing uniform wavetrains. An expansion procedure is developed for slowly varying wavetrains, in which full nonlinearity is retained but in which the scale of the nonuniformity introduces a small parameter. The first order results agree with the results that Whitham obtained by averaging methods. The perturbation method provides a detailed description and deeper understanding, as well as a consistent development to higher approximations. This method for treating partial differential equations is analogous to the "multiple time scale" methods for ordinary differential equations in nonlinear vibration theory. It may also be regarded as a generalization of geometrical optics to nonlinear problems.

To apply the expansion method to the classical water wave problem, it is crucial to find an appropriate variational principle. It was found in the present investigation that a Lagrangian function equal to the pressure yields the full set of equations of motion for the problem. After this result is derived, the Lagrangian is compared with the more usual expression formed from kinetic minus potential energy. The water wave problem is then examined by means of the expansion procedure.


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Interfacial waves propagating along the interface between a three-dimensional two-fluid system with a rigid upper boundary and an uneven bottom are considered. There is a light fluid layer overlying a heavier one in the system, and a small density difference exists between the two layers. A set of higher-order Boussinesq-type equations in terms of the depth-averaged velocities accounting for stronger nonlinearity are derived. When the small parameter measuring frequency dispersion keeping up to lower-order and full nonlinearity are considered, the equations include the Choi and Camassa's results (1999). The enhanced equations in terms of the depth-averaged velocities are obtained by applying the enhancement technique introduced by Madsen et al. (1991) and Schaffer and Madsen (1995a). It is noted that the equations derived from the present study include, as special cases, those obtained by Madsen and Schaffer (1998). By comparison with the dispersion relation of the linear Stokes waves, we found that the dispersion relation is more improved than Choi and Camassa's (1999) results, and the applicable scope of water depth is deeper.


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The design of a large and reliable DNA codeword library is a key problem in DNA based computing. DNA codes, namely sets of fixed length edit metric codewords over the alphabet {A, C, G, T}, satisfy certain combinatorial constraints with respect to biological and chemical restrictions of DNA strands. The primary constraints that we consider are the reverse--complement constraint and the fixed GC--content constraint, as well as the basic edit distance constraint between codewords. We focus on exploring the theory underlying DNA codes and discuss several approaches to searching for optimal DNA codes. We use Conway's lexicode algorithm and an exhaustive search algorithm to produce provably optimal DNA codes for codes with small parameter values. And a genetic algorithm is proposed to search for some sub--optimal DNA codes with relatively large parameter values, where we can consider their sizes as reasonable lower bounds of DNA codes. Furthermore, we provide tables of bounds on sizes of DNA codes with length from 1 to 9 and minimum distance from 1 to 9.


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Support Vector Machines (SVMs) perform pattern recognition between two point classes by finding a decision surface determined by certain points of the training set, termed Support Vectors (SV). This surface, which in some feature space of possibly infinite dimension can be regarded as a hyperplane, is obtained from the solution of a problem of quadratic programming that depends on a regularization parameter. In this paper we study some mathematical properties of support vectors and show that the decision surface can be written as the sum of two orthogonal terms, the first depending only on the margin vectors (which are SVs lying on the margin), the second proportional to the regularization parameter. For almost all values of the parameter, this enables us to predict how the decision surface varies for small parameter changes. In the special but important case of feature space of finite dimension m, we also show that there are at most m+1 margin vectors and observe that m+1 SVs are usually sufficient to fully determine the decision surface. For relatively small m this latter result leads to a consistent reduction of the SV number.


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In this paper we develop an asymptotic scheme to approximate the trapped mode solutions to the time harmonic wave equation in a three-dimensional waveguide with a smooth but otherwise arbitrarily shaped cross section and a single, slowly varying `bulge', symmetric in the longitudinal direction. Extending the work in Biggs (2012), we first employ a WKBJ-type ansatz to identify the possible quasi-mode solutions which propagate only in the thicker region, and hence find a finite cut-on region of oscillatory behaviour and asymptotic decay elsewhere. The WKBJ expansions are used to identify a turning point between the cut-on and cut-on regions. We note that the expansions are nonuniform in an interior layer centred on this point, and we use the method of matched asymptotic expansions to connect the cut-on and cut-on regions within this layer. The behaviour of the expansions within the interior layer then motivates the construction of a uniformly valid asymptotic expansion. Finally, we use this expansion and the symmetry of the waveguide around the longitudinal centre, x = 0, to extract trapped mode wavenumbers, which are compared with those found using a numerical scheme and seen to be extremely accurate, even to relatively large values of the small parameter.


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We consider the problem of constructing balance dynamics for rapidly rotating fluid systems. It is argued that the conventional Rossby number expansion—namely expanding all variables in a series in Rossby number—is secular for all but the simplest flows. In particular, the higher-order terms in the expansion grow exponentially on average, and for moderate values of the Rossby number the expansion is, at best, useful only for times of the order of the doubling times of the instabilities of the underlying quasi-geostrophic dynamics. Similar arguments apply in a wide class of problems involving a small parameter and sufficiently complex zeroth-order dynamics. A modified procedure is proposed which involves expanding only the fast modes of the system; this is equivalent to an asymptotic approximation of the slaving relation that relates the fast modes to the slow modes. The procedure is systematic and thus capable, at least in principle, of being carried to any order—unlike procedures based on truncations. We apply the procedure to construct higher-order balance approximations of the shallow-water equations. At the lowest order quasi-geostrophy emerges. At the next order the system incorporates gradient-wind balance, although the balance relations themselves involve only linear inversions and hence are easily applied. There is a large class of reduced systems associated with various choices for the slow variables, but the simplest ones appear to be those based on potential vorticity.


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We use the deformed sine-Gordon models recently presented by Bazeia et al [1] to take the first steps towards defining the concept of quasi-integrability. We consider one such definition and use it to calculate an infinite number of quasi-conserved quantities through a modification of the usual techniques of integrable field theories. Performing an expansion around the sine-Gordon theory we are able to evaluate the charges and the anomalies of their conservation laws in a perturbative power series in a small parameter which describes the ""closeness"" to the integrable sine-Gordon model. We show that in the case of the two-soliton scattering the charges, up to first order of perturbation, are conserved asymptotically, i.e. their values are the same in the distant past and future, when the solitons are well separated. We indicate that this property may hold or not to higher orders depending on the behavior of the two-soliton solution under a special parity transformation. For closely bound systems, such as breather-like field configurations, the situation however is more complex and perhaps the anomalies have a different structure implying that the concept of quasi-integrability does not apply in the same way as in the scattering of solitons. We back up our results with the data of many numerical simulations which also demonstrate the existence of long lived breather-like and wobble-like states in these models.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this work we analyze the convergence of solutions of the Poisson equation with Neumann boundary conditions in a two-dimensional thin domain with highly oscillatory behavior. We consider the case where the height of the domain, amplitude and period of the oscillations are all of the same order, and given by a small parameter e > 0. Using an appropriate corrector approach, we show strong convergence and give error estimates when we replace the original solutions by the first-order expansion through the Multiple-Scale Method.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)