976 resultados para Scientific Disciplines


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This article explores the diversity of scientific disciplines and paradigms, their relevance for policy development, how policy emerges throughout society,-and the mechanisms by which scientists can promote the value of science in policy formation. The author gives examples from various countries where freshwater science was used to inform policy.


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Long-term research in the western English Channel, undertaken by the marine laboratories in Plymouth, is described and details of survey methods, sites, and time series given in this chapter. Major findings are summarized and their limitations outlined. Current research, with recent reestablishment and expansion of many sampling programmes, is presented, and possible future approaches are indicated. These unique long-term data sets provide an environmental baseline for predicting complex ecological responses to local, regional, and global environmental change. Between 1888 and the present, investigations have been carried out into the physical, chemical, and biological components (ranging from plankton and fish to benthic and intertidal assemblages) of the western English Channel ecosystem. The Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom has performed the main body of these observations. More recent contributions come from the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey, now the Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science, dating from 1957; the Institute for Marine Environmental Research, from 1974 to 1987; and the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, which was formed by amalgamation of the Institute for Marine Environmental Research and part of the Marine Biological Association, from 1988. Together, these contributions constitute a unique data series; one of the longest and most comprehensive samplings of environmental and marine biological variables in the world. Since the termination of many of these time series in 1987-1988 during a reorganisation of UK marine research, there has been a resurgence of interest in long-term environmental change. Many programmes have been restarted and expanded with support from several agencies. The observations span significant periods of warming (1921-1961; 1985-present) and cooling (1962-1980). During these periods of change, the abundance of key species underwent dramatic shifts. The first period of warming saw changes in zooplankton, pelagic fish, and larval fish, including the collapse of an important herring fishery. During later periods of change, shifts in species abundances have been reflected in other assemblages, such as the intertidal zone and the benthic fauna. Many of these changes appear to be related to climate, manifested as temperature changes, acting directly or indirectly. The hypothesis that climate is a forcing factor is widely supported today and has been reinforced by recent studies that show responses of marine organisms to climatic attributes such as the strength of the North Atlantic Oscillation. The long-term data also yield important insights into the effects of anthropogenic disturbances such as fisheries exploitation and pollution. Comparison of demersal fish hauls over time highlights fisheries effects not only on commercially important species but also on the entire demersal community. The effects of acute ("Torrey Canyon" oil spill) and chronic (tributyltin [TBT] antifoulants) pollution are clearly seen in the intertidal records. Significant advances in diverse scientific disciplines have been generated from research undertaken alongside the long-term data series.


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The present paper provides a historical note on the evolution of the behavioral study of interlimb coordination and the reasons for its success as a field of investigation in the past decades. Whereas the original foundations for this field of science were laid down back in the seventies, it has steadily grown in the past decades and has attracted the attention of various scientific disciplines. A diversity of topics is currently being addressed and this is also expressed in the present contributions to the special issue. The main theme is centered on the brain basis of interlimb coordination. On the one hand, this pertains to the study of the control and learning of patterns of interlimb coordination in clinical groups. On the other hand, basic neural approaches are being merged together with behavioral approaches to reveal the neural basis of interlimb coordination. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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An education in Physics develops both strong cognitive and practical skills. These are well-matched to the needs of employers, from engineering to banking. Physics provides the foundation for all engineering and scientific disciplines including computing technologies, aerospace, communication, and also biosciences and medicine. In academe, Physics addresses fundamental questions about the universe, the nature of reality, and of the complex socio-economic systems comprising our daily lives. Yet today, there are emerging concerns about Physics education: Secondary school interest in Physics is falling, as is the number of Physics school teachers. There is clearly a crisis in physics education; recent research has identified principal factors. Starting from a review of these factors, and from recommendations of professional bodies, this paper proposes a novel solution – the use of Computer Games to teach physics to school children, to university undergraduates and to teacher-trainees.


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O Mosteiro de São Martinho de Tibães localiza‐se próximo de Braga (Norte de Portugal) e foi a Casa‐mãe da Ordem Beneditina em Portugal. Este Mosteiro foi abastecido durante séculos por numerosas minas de água, a maioria das quais se encontra actualmente abandonada. Este trabalho enfatiza a importância da combinação de diferentes matérias científicas nos processos de recuperação do património mineiro abandonado, bem como de sítios geo‐arqueológicos de relevância cultural, como um exemplo do processo transformador de uma organização, no sentido de promover um segundo ciclo de vida. O objectivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma abordagem metodológica, sob o ponto de vista da geoconservação e da geodiversidade. Subsequentemente, acções específicas serão desenvolvidas para reabilitar determinadas área, com o intuito de facilitar a sua inclusão em hidrogeo‐itinerários classificados. Esta perspectiva reflecte uma importante medida para a sustentabilidade, quer para o promotor quer para o meio ambiente envolvente.


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Dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, specialization of Collaborative Networks


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Projet réalisé dans le cadre d'une cotutelle avec l'Université de Bourgogne (Dijon, France)


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In ihrer Arbeit "Mobiles Lernen. Analyse des Wissenschaftsprozesses der britischen und deutschsprachigen medienpädagogischen und erziehungswissenschaftlichen Mobile-Learning-Diskussion." zeichnet Judith Seipold die Phasen und Entwicklungslinien der bisherigen und naturwüchsigen Diskussion um das Mobile Lernen nach. Dabei eröffnet sie mit ihrer Analyse des vornehmlich britischen Wissenschaftsprozesses des Mobilen Lernens ab Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts den Blick auf die Struktur der medienpädagogischen und erziehungswissenschaftlichen Mobile-Learning-Diskussion, auf deren Kontexte, Bezugspunkte, Perspektiven und theoretische Schwerpunkte, aber auch Erfolge und Problembereiche in der praktischen Umsetzung des Lernens mit Mobiltechnologien in formalisierten Lernkontexten wie dem des Schulunterrichts. Auf diese Weise liefert die Autorin eine Systematik, die nicht nur die britische Diskussion für die deutschsprachige Medienpädagogik verfügbar macht, sondern auch eine neue und systematisch begründete Reflexionsebene für eine aktuelle medienpädagogische Entwicklung – das Mobile Lernen – bildet. Zunächst widmet sich die Autorin der Analyse des Wissenschaftsprozesses der bisherigen britischen und teils auch der deutschsprachigen Mobile-Learning-Diskussion. Um diesen Prozess in seiner Struktur greifbar zu machen, skizziert sie die Bezugsdisziplinen, aus denen die medienpädagogische und erziehungswissenschaftliche Mobile-Learning-Forschung schöpft, arbeitet die Legitimationsbasis auf, auf die sich Mobiles Lernen stützt, zeichnet die historische Entwicklung der Diskussion nach, die sowohl Alltagsnutzung von Mobiltechnologien als auch den Fachdiskurs einschließt, und erläutert innerhalb ihres Modells der Phasen und Entwicklungslinien Mobilen Lernens Theorien, Konzepte und Modelle, die in der Mobile-Learning-Community als zentral für Analyse und Planung Mobilen Lernens erachtet werden. Konzepte und Modelle, die in der Mobile-Learning-Diskussion die Rolle der Lernenden in das Zentrum der Betrachtungen rücken und eine explizite Handlungsorientierung unterstützen, sind Kernbereich des theoriebasierten Teils der Arbeit. Überlegungen zu einer „Sozio-kulturellen Ökologie Mobilen Lernens“, zu „user-generated contexts“ und zu einer „kulturökologisch informierten Didaktik des Mobilen Lernens“ sind dabei sowohl reflektierende Einordnung aktueller Konzepte und Modelle als auch theoretische und konzeptionelle Basis für die praktische Umsetzung Mobilen Lernens. Um die Rolle der Handlungskompetenzen, kulturellen Praktiken und Strukturen der Lerner bei der Nutzung von Mobiltechnologien für Lernen analytisch zu fassen, finden im Praxis-Kapitel Planungs- und Analyseschemata unter Rückgriff auf Beispiele aus der Praxisforschung und der Implementierung mobilen Lernens in den Schulunterricht Anwendung. Ihre Erörterungen rahmt die Autorin abschließend kritisch und weist zum einen auf bildungspolitische, strukturelle und handlungspraktische Implikationen hin, die sich aus der Mobile-Learning-Diskussion ergeben; zum anderen lenkt sie das Augenmerk auf Gegensätze und Dialektiken des Mobilen Lernens, die sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen alltäglicher mobiler Mediennutzung und der teils theoretisch informierten schulischen Verwendung von Mobiltechnologien zum Lernen entfalten. Sie gilt es, im weiteren Verlauf der Diskussion zu hinterfragen und aufzulösen.


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Colanta es una empresa del sector agroindustrial y lechero que constantemente está buscando la innovación como eje fundamental de su crecimiento. Lo cual, la ha llevado a ser una de las empresas más importantes del sector. Por ello y teniendo en cuenta la evolución que ha tenido la compañía a lo largo de su creación y a los cambios generados a causa de la apertura económica y a la entrada de nuevos competidores en el sector se ha considerado pertinente cuestionarse si al 2021 COLANTA seguirá siendo una empresa líder en el sector lechero y agroindustrial. Para ello se utilizará la prospectiva como herramienta de estudio; esta es descrita por Godet como “la anticipación al servicio de la acción”, (Ortega, p.3) es decir, que consiste en establecer las diferentes situaciones alternativas en las que por cualquier motivo podríamos encontrarnos en un futuro, así mismo se analiza como alternativa para diseñar escenarios futuros. En el análisis prospectivo, se dan constantemente interacciones entre la estrategia y el mejoramiento, dos términos que están muy relacionados entre sí. El primero consiste en la construcción de un futuro deseado, donde se le garantiza a la sociedad ventajas que avalen la perdurabilidad de la misma en el tiempo y el segundo es el resultado de la optimización de procesos o de actividades que la sociedad lleva a cabo. La prospectiva busca identificar los escenarios futuros más probables y deseables hacia los cuales debe encauzarse una organización, una región o un país por medio del uso de metodologías que son empleadas ampliamente en distintas disciplinas científicas.


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La presente tesis tiene como objetivo establecer la importancia de la Cooperación Internacional en Ciencia y Tecnología para el fortalecimiento y el desarrollo de la investigación Universitaria, tomando como casos tres universidades de Bogotá.


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El presente artículo busca describir las formas identitarias en la región fronteriza de Táchira (Venezuela) ― Norte de Santander (Colombia). El diseño de la investigación se corresponde con la metodología cualitativa, y adopta como método la Teoría Fundamentada; se aplicó el muestreo teórico en combinación con la saturación teórica para analizar las entrevistas de un conjunto de informantes clave ubicados a ambos lados del límite internacional. Así mismo, se hizo una revisión de la literatura especializada sobre identidad y formas de identidad contemplando los aportes de diversas disciplinas científicas. Los datos son analizados siguiendo la línea de codificación teórica (abierta, axial y selectiva) y la inducción analítica para revelar conceptos emergentes y desvelar sus vinculaciones. Los resultados evidencian elementos comunes y divergentes en las formas identitarias: la “identidad personal” (elementos de autopercepción, parentescos, doble identidad y diferenciación identitaria), la “identidad fronteriza” (la región se percibe como diferente del resto), la “identidad nacional” (historia, conciencia del límite y símbolos), los cuales coexisten en los habitantes de frontera. Los “aspectos actitudinales” muestran aceptación y rechazo frente al desempeño de las principales instituciones presentes en la dinámica fronteriza. Las formas identitarias encontradas en la región confirman los estudios sobre identidad y fronteras, aunque es de destacar que la experiencia del límite internacional no alcanza a desdibujar las percepciones nacionales estereotipadas del otro.


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Intensive cultivation of fen peat soils (Eutric Histosols) for agricultural purposes, started in Europe about 250 years ago, resulting in decreased soil fertility, increased oxidation of peat and corresponding CO2-emissions to the atmosphere, nutrient transfer to aquatic ecosystems and losses in the total area of the former native wetlands. To prevent these negative environmental effects set-aside programs and rewetting measures were promoted in recent years. Literature results and practical experiences showed that large scale rewetting of intensively used agricultural Histosols may result in the mobilisation of phosphorus (P), its transport to adjacent surface waters and an accelerated eutrophication risk. The paper summarises results from an international European Community sponsored research project and demonstrates how results obtained at different scales and from different scientific disciplines were compiled to derive a strategy to carry out rewetting measures. A decision support system (DSS) for a hydrologically sensitive area in the Droemling catchment in north-eastern Germany was developed and is presented as a tool to regulate rewetting in order to control P release. It is demonstrated that additional laboratory experiments to identify essential processes of P release during rewetting and the site-specific management of the water table, the involvement of specific knowledge and experience of the stakeholders are necessary to develop an applicable DSS. The presented DSS is practically used to prevent freshwater resources from diffuse P pollution.


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It is shown here that the angular relation equations between direct and reciprocal vectors are very similar to the angular relation equations in Euler's theorem. These two sets of equations are usually treated separately as unrelated equations in different fields. In this careful study, the connection between the two sets of angular equations is revealed by considering the cosine rule for the spherical triangle. It is found that understanding of the correlation is hindered by the facts that the same variables are defined differently and different symbols are used to represent them in the two fields. Understanding the connection between different concepts is not only stimulating and beneficial, but also a fundamental tool in innovation and research, and has historical significance. The background of the work presented here contains elements of many scientific disciplines. This work illustrates the common ground of two theories usually considered separately and is therefore of benefit not only for its own sake but also to illustrate a general principle that a theory relevant to one discipline can often be used in another. The paper works with chemistry related concepts using mathematical methodologies unfamiliar to the usual audience of mainstream experimental and theoretical chemists.


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In the last two decades substantial advances have been made in the understanding of the scientific basis of urban climates. These are reviewed here with attention to sustainability of cities, applications that use climate information, and scientific understanding in relation to measurements and modelling. Consideration is given from street (micro) scale to neighbourhood (local) to city and region (meso) scale. Those areas where improvements are needed in the next decade to ensure more sustainable cities are identified. High-priority recommendations are made in the following six strategic areas: observations, data, understanding, modelling, tools and education. These include the need for more operational urban measurement stations and networks; for an international data archive to aid translation of research findings into design tools, along with guidelines for different climate zones and land uses; to develop methods to analyse atmospheric data measured above complex urban surfaces; to improve short-range, high-resolution numerical prediction of weather, air quality and chemical dispersion through improved modelling of the biogeophysical features of the urban land surface; to improve education about urban meteorology; and to encourage communication across scientific disciplines at a range of spatial and temporal scales.


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Inequalities within dentistry are common and are reflected in wide differences in the levels of oral health and the standard of care available both within and between countries and communities. Furthermore there are patients, particularly those with special treatment needs, who do not have the same access to dental services as the general public. The dental school should aim to recruit students from varied backgrounds into all areas covered by the oral healthcare team and to train students to treat the full spectrum of patients including those with special needs. It is essential, however, that the dental student achieves a high standard of clinical competence and this cannot be gained by treating only those patients with low expectations for care. Balancing these aspects of clinical education is difficult. Research is an important stimulus to better teaching and better clinical care. It is recognized that dental school staff should be active in research, teaching, clinical work and frequently administration. Maintaining a balance between the commitments to clinical care, teaching and research while also taking account of underserved areas in each of these categories is a difficult challenge but one that has to be met to a high degree in a successful, modern dental school.