967 resultados para Proulx, Monique,--1952---Thèmes, motifs


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Dans la foulée des récents travaux sur les transferts culturels, Robert Dion a consacré un ouvrage (L’Allemagne de Liberté : sur la germanophilie des intellectuels québécois, 2007) au rapport de fascination « à distance » entretenu avec l’Allemagne par plusieurs collaborateurs regroupés autour de la revue Liberté. Se situant dans le prolongement de l’étude de Dion, ce mémoire propose des analyses de nouvelles et de romans québécois écrits par trois collaborateurs de la revue : Diane-Monique Daviau, Yvon Rivard et Pierre Turgeon. Comportant des références plutôt étoffées à l’Allemagne, leurs textes offrent une perception de l’Autre que l’on peut, suivant la perspective des études interculturelles, examiner sous l’angle d’une « rencontre » entre les cultures. C’est donc à la relation avec la langue, avec les lieux, avec l’histoire et la littérature allemands que nous nous intéressons, cherchant non seulement à qualifier le rapport à l’altérité allemande qu’introduisent les textes, mais aussi à identifier certaines conséquences formelles d’une mise en scène littéraire de l’Autre – pratiques polyphoniques, types de procédés intertextuels, etc. Ce travail, qui a également pour objectif de présenter une réflexion novatrice sur l’inscription des thèmes de l’exil, du décentrement et de la migration dans la littérature québécoise contemporaine, lie la référence allemande à l’« enquête sur soi » qu’accomplissent les personnages de Daviau, de Rivard et de Turgeon, révélant que dans leur quête, ces protagonistes prennent souvent la mesure de leur propre « précarité », et, dans certains cas, d’un « héritage de la pauvreté » (Yvon Rivard) qui serait leur – deux motifs majeurs de la littérature québécoise.


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Ce mémoire porte sur la représentation du curé dans les films La petite Aurore l'enfant martyre (Jean-Yves Bigras, 1952) et Aurore (Luc Dionne, 2005). L'objectif principal est d'identifier l'image que l'on présente du curé dans ces deux oeuvres. L'étude de cette représentation permet de cerner les discours portés par ces deux films à travers le personnage du curé et d'apprécier dans quelle mesure ces discours filmiques témoignent du caractère de la société québécoise à deux époques déterminées, soit les années 1950 et les années 2000. Inscrite dans le champ des études culturelles, la recherche se fonde sur quatre axes théoriques principaux : la représentation, l'interprétation, la mythologie et l'analyse filmique. Les travaux de Stuart Hall, d'Umberto Eco et de Roland Barthes constituent le cadre théorique. L'approche de l'analyse de contenu s'inspire des travaux de Laurence Bardin et l'analyse filmique, de ceux de Jean Mitry, d'Anne Goliot-Lété et de Francis Vanoye, entre autres. La procédure de recherche consiste dans le découpage des éléments constitutifs de chaque film en plans, séquences et extraits, de manière à déconstruire les récits filmiques et à faire émerger les facteurs signifiants susceptibles de permettre de reconstituer le sens à travers la reconstruction du rôle du curé et la caractérisation du personnage dans chacun des films. La démarche d'interprétation s'appuie sur une série de thèmes sous lesquels se classent, en opposition souvent, les attributs des deux personnages, comme l'apparence générale, l'intégration au milieu, l'intellectualité, la figure d'autorité, le conformisme et la responsabilité. L'hypothèse principale formulée dans le cadre de la problématique se trouve validée. La représentation du curé dans le film de 1952 offre une image idéalisée du « bon curé », laquelle est conforme au discours dominant de son époque de production. Dans le film de 2005, on délaisse plutôt l'image idéalisée pour revêtir le curé d'attributs négatifs et le rendre responsable, en grande partie, du drame vécu par Aurore. De plus, les trois hypothèses secondaires ont pu aussi être validées : la représentation du curé en 2005 est liée à une plus grande sensibilité au phénomène de la maltraitance des enfants et au besoin d'en identifier les responsables; le transfert de responsabilité vers le curé semble le reflet de reproches adressés par la société québécoise au clergé pour des fautes du passé et la représentation péjorative du curé de 2005, où l'on insiste sur son caractère froid et distant, ne choque plus personne. Porteuse de plusieurs mythes, dont certains rejoignent les fondements de l'identité québécoise, l'histoire d'Aurore fait partie intégrante du patrimoine culturel. Les relectures de cette triste affaire au fil des ans traduisent aussi les changements qui marquent la société québécoise, en particulier dans son rapport au clergé et à la religion.


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Quando a II Guerra Mundial chegou ao fim, calcula-se que havia até 40 milhões de europeus deslocados de seu local de origem. Inicialmente, coube à Agência das Nações Unidas para Auxílio e Restabelecimento (ANUAR) repatriar essas pessoas. Diante da crescente resistência de muitas em retornar para casa, foi criada pela ONU a Organização Internacional de Refugiados (OIR). De 1947 a 1951, quando foi substituída pelo ACNUR, foi responsável por reassentar mais de 1 milhão de pessoas em diferentes países. O Brasil foi um deles. Diante deste quadro, a presente dissertação busca compreender, em primeiro lugar, a construção do maquinário internacional de proteção de refugiados surgido no pós-guerra no âmbito da ONU. Em seguida, analisar de que maneira o Brasil se inseriu nele. Qual o papel que teve na criação do regime? Quais interesses tinha em vista ao receber os refugiados? São algumas das perguntas para as quais o presente estudo procurou encontrar respostas.


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Acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is the consequence of a severe ADAMTS13 deficiency resulting from autoantibodies inhibiting ADAMTS13 or accelerating its clearance. Despite the success of plasma exchange the risk of relapse is high. From 2 patients (A and B), splenectomized for recurrent episodes of acquired TTP, the splenic B-cell response against ADAMTS13 was characterized through generation of human monoclonal anti-ADAMTS13 autoantibodies (mAbs) by cloning an immunoglobulin G (IgG)4κ- and IgG4λ-Fab library using phage display technology and by Epstein-Barr virus transformation of switched memory B cells (CD19+/CD27+/IgG+). Sequence analysis of the anti-ADAMTS13 IgGs of both patients revealed that the VH gene use was limited in our patients to VH1-3 (55%), VH1-69 (17%), VH3-30 (7%), and VH4-28 (21%) and contained 8 unique and thus far not reported heavy-chain complementarity determining region 3 motifs, of which 4 were shared by the 2 patients. The discovery of several highly similar anti-ADAMTS13 autoantibodies in 2 unrelated TTP patients suggests that the autoimmune response is antigen driven, because the probability that such similar immunoglobulin rearrangements happen by chance is very low (< 10(-9)).


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Denaturation of extracellular matrix proteins exposes cryptic binding sites. It is hypothesized that binding of cell adhesion receptors to these cryptic binding sites regulates cellular behaviour during tissue repair and regeneration. To test this hypothesis, we quantify the adhesion of pre-osteoblastic cells to native (Col) and partially-denatured (pdCol) collagen I using single-cell force spectroscopy. During early stages of cell attachment (≤180 s) pre-osteoblasts (MC3T3-E1) adhered significantly stronger to pdCol compared to Col. RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp)-containing peptides suppressed this elevated cell adhesion. We show that the RGD-binding α5β1- and αv-integrins mediated pre-osteoblast adhesion to pdCol, but not to Col. On pdCol pre-osteoblasts had a higher focal adhesion kinase tyrosine-phosphorylation level that correlated with enhanced spreading and motility. Moreover, pre-osteoblasts cultured on pdCol showed a pronounced matrix mineralization activity. Our data suggest that partially-denatured collagen exposes RGD-motifs that trigger binding of α5β1- and αv-integrins. These integrins initiate cellular processes that stimulate osteoblast adhesion, spreading, motility and differentiation. Taken together, these quantitative insights reveal an approach for the development of alternative collagen I- based surfaces for tissue engineering applications.


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Background: Regulation of gene expression in Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) remains poorly understood. While over half the genes are estimated to be regulated at the transcriptional level, few regulatory motifs and transcription regulators have been found. Results: The study seeks to identify putative regulatory motifs in the upstream regions of 13 functional groups of genes expressed in the intraerythrocytic developmental cycle of Pf. Three motif-discovery programs were used for the purpose, and motifs were searched for only on the gene coding strand. Four motifs – the 'G-rich', the 'C-rich', the 'TGTG' and the 'CACA' motifs – were identified, and zero to all four of these occur in the 13 sets of upstream regions. The 'CACA motif' was absent in functional groups expressed during the ring to early trophozoite transition. For functional groups expressed in each transition, the motifs tended to be similar. Upstream motifs in some functional groups showed 'positional conservation' by occurring at similar positions relative to the translational start site (TLS); this increases their significance as regulatory motifs. In the ribonucleotide synthesis, mitochondrial, proteasome and organellar translation machinery genes, G-rich, C-rich, CACA and TGTG motifs, respectively, occur with striking positional conservation. In the organellar translation machinery group, G-rich motifs occur close to the TLS. The same motifs were sometimes identified for multiple functional groups; differences in location and abundance of the motifs appear to ensure different modes of action. Conclusion: The identification of positionally conserved over-represented upstream motifs throws light on putative regulatory elements for transcription in Pf.


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Examination of the symmetric Hantzsch 1,4-dihydropyridine ester derivatives of the prototypical nifedipine molecule indicates the tendency of this class of molecule to form a common packing motif. Crystal structure analysis of 2,6-dimethyl-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylic diesters and analogs reveals that they form extended chains, characterized as the C(6) packing motif, via intermolecular (amine) N-H...O=C (C3,C5 carbonyl) hydrogen bonds. In addition, all the prepared derivatives also satisfy the basic structural requirements for their high binding efficiency to the receptor. The reproducible C(6) packing motif observed among these compounds has a use in the design of solid-state materials.


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An important question of biological relevance is the polymorphism of the double-helical DNA structure in its free form, and the changes that it undergoes upon protein-binding. We have analysed a database of free DNA crystal structures to assess the inherent variability of the free DNA structure and have compared it with a database of protein-bound DNA crystal structures to ascertain the protein-induced variations.


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Education for a Technological Society. Public School Curriculum Construction, 1945-1952. The subject of my research is the significance of technology in the construction process of the public school curriculum during the years 1945-1952. During the period the war reparation and rebuilding placed demands and actions to rationalise and dramatise industry and agriculture. Thereby the ambitions of building a technological country and the reformation of curriculum took place simultaneously. Fordistian terms of reference, of which the principles were mass production, rationalisation and standardisation, a hierarchical division of labour and partition of assignments, provided a model for the developing curriculum. In the research the curriculum is examined as an artefact, which shapes socio-technically under the influence of social and technical factors. In the perspective of socio-technical construction the artefact is represented by the viewpoints of members of relevant social groups. The groups give meaning to the curriculum artefact, which determines the components of the curriculum. The weakness of the curriculum was its ineffectiveness, which was due to three critical problems. Firstly, the curriculum was to be based on scientific work, which meant the development of schools through experiments and scientific research. Secondly, the civilised conseption in the curriculum was to be composed of theoretical knowledge, as well as practical skills. Practical education was useful for both the individual and society. Thirdly, the curriculum was to be reformed in a way that the individuality of the pupil would be taken into account. It was useful for the society that talents and natural abilities of every pupil were observed and used to direct the pupil to the proper place in the social division of labour, according to the "right man in a right place" principle. The solutions to critical problems formed the instructions of the public school curriculum, which described the nature and content of education. Technology and its development were on essential part of the whole school curriculum process. The quality words connected to the development of technology - progress, rationality and effectiveness - were also suitable qualifiers and reasons for the reform of the curriculum. On the other hand, technology set a point of comparison and demand for the development of all phases of education. The view of technology was not clearly deterministic - it was also possible to shape technological society with the help of education. The public school curriculum process indicates how originally the principles of technological systems were shaped to the language of education and accepted in educational content.


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Manuscript: "Das Weltfriedensjahr". Essay on the proclamation of an international year of peace to promote peace on earth and outlaw war.


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Temple Emanuel was founded in 1920 in Lawrence, Massachusetts. It began by serving a small immigrant Jewish community that has since grown to an affluent and lively congregation of about 600 families. This growth occurred largely under the tenure of Rabbi Harry A. Roth, who lead the congregation from 1962 until 1990 and oversaw the temple’s move to Andover, Massachusetts. This collection includes correspondence, photographs, and sermons.


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Lemkin is the individual primarily responsible for adoption of the United Nations Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. The collection is arranged according to the following subject areas: personal material, material on the Genocide Convention, material on genocide.


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Grave sculpture as interpreter of life and death. Grave sculptures done by Heikki Häiväoja, Kain Tapper and Matti Peltokangas 1952-2002. The thoughts of Philippe Ariès and Erwin Panofsky on western funeral art constitute the starting point of this study. These scholars speak about the 20th century as a period of decline regarding western funeral art. The reason for this situation lies, according to them, in the fact that death has been rejected and become a private affair in modern society. Especially Panofsky sees an important reason for the decay of funeral art also in the separation of death from religion. In this study, I approach the view of Ariès and Panofsky from the angle of Finnish funeral art. The subject of the study is grave sculptures of three Finnish sculptors: Heikki Häiväoja, Kain Tapper and Matti Peltokangas, from 1952 to 2002. (The analysis of the grave sculptures has been performed with the Iconology of Erwin Panofsky. The analysis has been deepened by the ideas of a graveyard as a semiotic text according to Werner Enninger and Christa Schwens. In order to confirm their argumentation, they analyse the graveyard text with the model of communicative functions of Roman Jakobson and verify that the graveyard is a cultural text according to Juri Lotman.) Results of the study In the grave sculptures of the sculptors, different worldviews appear alongside Christian thoughts indicating a new stage in the tradition of funeral art. In the grave sculptures characterised as Christian, the view of life after death is included. In these memorials the direction of life is prospective, pointing to the life beyond. Death is a border, beyond which one is unable to see. Nevertheless the border is open or marked by the cross. On this open border, death is absence of pain, glory and new unity. In memorials with different worldviews, the life beyond is a possibility which is not excluded. Memorials interpret life retrospectively; life is a precious memory which wakens grief and longing. Many memorials have metaphysical and mystic features. In spite of democratization the order and valuation of social classes appear in some memorials. The old order also materializes in the war memorials relating the same destiny of the deceased. Different burial places, nevertheless, do not indicate social inequality but are rather signs of diversity. The sculptors' abstract means of modern funeral art deepen the handling of the subject matter of death and reveal the mystery of it. Grave sculptures are a part of Finnish and sacral modern art, and there is an interaction between funeral art and modern art. Modern art acquires a new dimension, when grave sculptures become a part of its field. Grave sculptures offer an alternative to anonymous burying. The memorial is a sign of the end of life; it gives death significance and publicity and creates a relation to the past of the society. In this way, grave sculptures are a part of the chain of memory of the western funeral art, which extends throughout Antiquity until ancient Egypt. (In this study I have spoken of funeral art as a chain of memory using the thoughts of Danièle Hervieu-Léger.) There are no signs of decay in the grave sculptures, on the contrary the tradition of funeral art continues in them as a search for the meaning of life and death and as an intuitive interpretation of death. As such, grave sculptures are part of the Finnish discussion of death.


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A super-secondary structural motif comprising two orthogonally oriented beta-strands connected by short linking segments of <5 residues has been identified from a data set of 65 independent protein crystal structures. Of the 42 examples from 14 proteins, a vast majority have only a single residue as the linking element. Analysis of the conformational angles at the junction reveals that the recently described type VIII beta-turn occurs frequently at the connecting hinge, while the type II beta-turn is also fairly common.