991 resultados para Pe riodique e lectronique (Descripteur de forme)
Ce texte se veut un document de prsentation visant familiariser les diffrents auteurs ayant particip ltude tude de faisabilit : Modle de fournisseur de services de dpt lectronique, commande par le Bureau du Registraire de la Cour suprme du Canada en septembre 2002 avec la notion de dpt lectronique telle quenvisage par le gouvernement canadien. Il fait ltat dun modle conceptuel de march de fournisseur de services de dpt lectronique (FSDE) normatif gr par le secteur priv afin de fournir des services de dpt lectronique srs et peu coteux aux praticiens du droit au Canada. Ce modle envisag par les responsables du projet pourra, grce lutilisation de la norme juridique XML Court Filing 1.0, fournir une plate-forme commune de dpt lectronique et de gestion des documents offrant une interface avec les systmes de gestion des instances et de gestion des documents de chaque tribunal. Ces travaux ne constituent pas pour autant un endossement du modle FSDE, mais plutt un engagement dtudier de faon complte et systmatique une solution de rechange au dpt lectronique afin damliorer notre connaissance collective dans ce domaine.
Les auteurs prsentent les rgles issues de la Loi pour la confiance dans lconomie numrique venant encadrer le commerce lectronique. Ils illustrent leurs propos au regard de la notion de commerce lectronique et de la responsabilit et des obligations dinformation dcoulant de cette activit, de la problmatique lie la publicit en ligne ou encore des obligations de forme relative au contrat.
Le sujet sur lequel porte la prsente tude est inspir de la problmatique la base du dveloppement du commerce lectronique: la confiance. En effet, laccroissement exponentiel du nombre dinternautes et des sites Web commerciaux pose un srieux problme ce niveau. Ces sites prsentent au public une information et des services divers, mais peu vrifiables. Ainsi, le principal obstacle au dveloppement du commerce lectronique avec les particuliers est le manque de confiance quinspirent les lieux visits. En effet, comment savoir si lentreprise existe, quelles sont ses politiques concernant la scurit ou la gestion des renseignements personnels, etc. La vrification et la certification des sites apparaissent comme une solution de plus en plus attrayante et utilise pour ajouter cet lment de confiance. Dj, de nombreux sceaux de qualit sont apparus sur les sites commerciaux. Certains sceaux portent sur la confidentialit tandis que dautres ciblent la protection des consommateurs. La certification peut provenir de la compagnie mme, dun tiers certificateur ou dun organisme public. Ces lments constituent des balises et repres importants pour le consommateur sur Internet. Toutefois, les incidences lgales sont multiples et certains concepts demeurent flous. Pour apporter une rponse ces questions, nous dfinirons le concept de certification des sites Web et ses enjeux dont plus particulirement la problmatique de la confiance des consommateurs. Les diffrents objets de la certification seront analyss, tant au niveau de lentit, du contenu du site que de la dimension transactionnelle de celui-ci. Les processus possibles et les impacts de la certification occupent la seconde partie du travail. Il sagit dexaminer successivement les tapes menant la certification, soit ltablissement des standards, de lvaluation de lentit et de la certification elle-mme. Lanalyse des impacts de la certification, tant sur le plan de la porte, de la responsabilit lgale et des effets sur la concurrence de la certification constitue quant eux, laboutissement de la recherche, soit de savoir quel est limpact juridique dun tel mcanisme. Le but de la recherche est de permettre au lecteur de mieux cerner ce phnomne de lutilisation de la certification sur Internet avec ses avantages et ses limites. Certes, cet outil peut savrer trs utile pour btir la confiance des consommateurs, promouvoir lessor du commerce lectronique et constituer une forme dautorglementation. Toutefois, mal utilis ou mal encadr, il peut engendrer leffet inverse et dtruire cette confiance si fragile construire dans un environnement dmatrialis.
"Le prsent rapport a pour objet de fournir un commentaire dtaill sur la faisabilit globale d'un portail unique de dpt lectronique hberg par le secteur priv (modle transactionnel central de dpt lectronique) fond sur la norme LegalXML. Le rsultat attendu principal est une opinion concernant la faisabilit du modle guichet unique (portail lectronique). D'autres rsultats attendus comprennent : une connaissance accrue chez les intresss du modle de fournisseur de services et une valuation prliminaire de l'appui que le modle reoit. Nous avons utilis deux vhicules d'analyse principaux pour raliser les objectifs de l'tude susmentionns : des analyses documentaires et des entretiens auprs d'intresss. Les analyses visent explicitement : examiner des approches diffrentes au dpt lectronique, notamment un systme de dpt lectronique comme extension de chaque instance, et l'hbergement par le secteur priv par opposition au secteur public d'un guichet unique; recenser les questions et les facteurs de risque critiques se rapportant la mise en place de services de dpt lectronique dans les cours, notamment la protection des renseignements personnels, la proprit intellectuelle et la scurit, et en discuter; opposer chacun de ces points au modle de FSA; faire des recommandations sur la stratgie permettant de rgler les questions et les facteurs de risque critiques. L'tude a rvl que : de nombreux intresss appuient le dpt lectronique; de nombreux intresss (p. ex. les avocats) ne font aucune distinction entre les formes diffrentes de dpt lectronique, tandis que d'autres s'en soucient beaucoup (p. ex. administrateurs de certaines cours); un modle de fournisseur de services de dpt lectronique (FSDE) guichet unique offre quelques avantages importants par rapport une approche de dpt lectronique individuelle, surtout pour ce qui concerne les cots et la plate-forme de l'avenir; un modle de FSDE du secteur priv offre des avantages considrables par rapport un modle de FSDE du secteur priv, surtout en matire de succs et de cot de la mise en uvre."
Ps-graduao em Cincia e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Marche solennelle -- Meditation -- Pastorale -- Alla fuga -- Elegie -- Capriccio -- Andante religioso -- Melodie -- Priere -- Deux preludes -- En forme de canon -- Scherzo.
PERWAPI is a component for reading and writing .NET PE-files. The name is a compound acronym for Program Executable Reader/Writer Application Programming Interface. The code was written by one of us (Diane Corney) with some contributions from some of the early users of the tool. PERWAPI is a managed component, written entirely in safe C#. The design of the writer part of the component is loosely based on Diane Corneys previous PEAPI component. It is open source software, and is released under a FreeBSD-like license. The source may be downloaded from http://plas.fit.qut.edu.au/perwapi/ As of the date of this document the code has facilities for reading and writing PEfiles compatible with the latest (beta-2) release of the Whidbey version of .NET, that is, the Visual Studio 2005 framework. An invocation option allows earlier versions of the framework to be targeted.
PERWAPI is a component for reading and writing .NET PE-files. The name is a compound acronym for Program Executable Reader/Writer Application Programming Interface. The code was written by one of us (Diane Corney) with some contributions from some of the early users of the tool. PERWAPI is a managed component, written entirely in safe C#. The design of the writer part of the component is loosely based on Diane Corneys previous PEAPI component. It is open source software, and is released under a FreeBSD-like license. The source may be downloaded from http://perwapi.codeplex.com. As of the date of this document the code has facilities for reading and writing PEfiles compatible with the V2 or later frameworks.
The aim of the thesis was to compare the correspondence of the outcome a computer assisted program appearance compared to the original image. The aspect of the study was directed to embroidery with household machines. The study was made from the usability point of view with Brother's PE-design 6.0 embroidery design programs two automatic techniques; multicoloured fragment design and multicoloured stitch surface design. The study's subject is very current because of the fast development of machine embroidery. The theory is based on history of household sewing machines, embroidery sewing machines, stitch types in household sewing machines, embroidery design programs as well as PE-design 6.0 embroidery design program's six automatic techniques. Additionally designing of embroidery designs were included: original image, digitizing, punching, applicable sewing threads as well as the connection between embroidery designs and materials used on embroidery. Correspondences of sewn appearances were examined with sewing experimental methods. 18 research samples of five original image were sewn with both techniques. Experiments were divided into four testing stages in design program. Every testing stage was followed by experimental sewing with Brother Super Galaxie 3100D embroidery machine. Experiments were reported into process files and forms made for the techniques. Research samples were analysed on images syntactic bases with sensory perception assessment. Original images and correspondence of the embroidery appearances were analysed with a form made of it. The form was divided into colour and shape assessment in five stage-similarity-scale. Based on this correspondence analysis it can be said that with both automatic techniques the best correspondence of colour and shape was achieved by changing the standard settings and using the makers own thread chart and edited original image. According to the testing made it is impossible to inform where the image editing possibilities of the images are sufficient or does the optimum correspondence need a separate program. When aiming at correspondence between appearances of two images the computer is unable to trace by itself the appearance of the original image. Processing a computer program assisted embroidery image human perception and personal decision making are unavoidable.
The Game Sense coaching approach emphasises the modification of game elements or the development of modified games to achieve learning outcomes. In this article we will introduce the constraints-led approach to learning and demonstrate how the theory can underpin the design of games lessons ensuring that teachers give themselves the best chance of satisfying the skill acquisition and psychological needs of every child in PE.
Low-cycle fatigue (LCF) responses of NIMONIC PE-16 for various prior microstructures and strain amplitudes have been evaluated and the fatigue behavior has been explained in terms of the operative deformation mechanisms. Total strain-controlled LCF tests were performed at 923 K on samples possessing three different prior microstructures: alloy A in solution-annealed condition (free of and carbides), alloy B with double aging treatment (spherical of 18-nm diameter and M23C6), and alloy C with another double aging treatment ( of size 35 nm, MC and M23C6). All three microstructures exhibited an intial cyclic hardening followed by a period of gradual softening at 923 K. Coffin-Manson plots describing the plastic strain amplitudevs number of reversals to failure showed that alloy A had maximum fatigue life while C showed the least. Alloy B exhibited a two-slope behavior in the Coffin-Manson plot over the strain amplitudes investigated. This has been ascribed to the change in the degree of homogeneity of deformation at high and low strain amplitudes. Transmission electron microscopic studies were carried out to characterize the various deformation mechanisms and precipitation reactions occurring during fatigue testign. Fresh precipitation of fine was confirmed by the development of mottled contrast in alloy C. Evidence for the shearing of the ordered precipitates was revealed by the presence of superdislocations in alloy C. Repeated shearing during cyclic loading led to the reduction in the size of the and consequent softening. Coarser precipitates were associated with Orowan loops. The observed fatigue behavior has been rationalized based on the micromechanisms stated above and on the degree of homogenization of slip assessed by slipband spacing measurements on tested samples.
Strain-rate effects on the low-cycle fatigue (LCF) behavior of a NIMONIC PE-16 superalloy have been evaluated in the temperature range of 523 to 923 K. Total-strain-controlled fatigue tests were per-formed at a strain amplitude of +/-0.6 pct on samples possessing two different prior microstructures: microstructure A, in the solution-annealed condition (free of gamma' and carbides); and microstructure B, in a double-aged condition with gamma' of 18-nm diameter and M23C6 carbides. The cyclic stress response behavior of the alloy was found to depend on the prior microstructure, testing temperature, and strain rate. A softening regime was found to be associated with shearing of ordered gamma' that were either formed during testing or present in the prior microstructure. Various manifestations of dynamic strain aging (DSA) included negative strain rate-stress response, serrations on the stress-strain hysteresis loops, and increased work-hardening rate. The calculated activation energy matched well with that for self-diffusion of Al and Ti in the matrix. Fatigue life increased with an increase in strain rate from 3 x 10(-5) to 3 x 10(-3) s-1, but decreased with further increases in strain rate. At 723 and 823 K and low strain rates, DSA influenced the deformation and fracture behavior of the alloy. Dynamic strain aging increased the strain localization in planar slip bands, and impingement of these bands caused internal grain-boundary cracks and reduced fatigue life. However, at 923 K and low strain rates, fatigue crack initiation and propagation were accelerated by high-temperature oxidation, and the reduced fatigue life was attributed to oxidation-fatigue interaction. Fatigue life was maximum at the intermediate strain rates, where strain localization was lower. Strain localization as a function of strain rate and temperature was quantified by optical and scanning electron microscopy and correlated with fatigue life.
India already has earned the dubious distinction of being one of the countries with the highest incidence of tuberculosis (TB). The conventional control measures have had little impact on the relentless march of the TB epidemic. Potential solutions to this problem include the development of new drugs and an effective TB vaccine. In this perspective, identification of the mycobacterial components that have important role(s) in the establishment of the infection assumes crucial importance. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an intracellular pathogen and it resides inside the macrophage, which is considered to be the most important component of the immune system. M. tuberculosis possesses two highly polymorphic sets of genes called the PE and PPE families. These unique families of proteins account for about 10% of the mycobacterial genome and have drawn considerable interest from different schools of M. tuberculosis researchers across the globe. In this review, we discuss the importance of these proteins in the regulation of dendritic cell and macrophage immune-effector functions, as well as the relevance of these proteins in the clinical manifestation of TB. This information may be helpful to better understand the immunological importance of PE/PPE proteins and their roles in mycobacterial virulence. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The dispersion state of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) in melt mixed polyethylene/polyethylene oxide (PE/PEO) blends has been assessed by both surface and volume electrical conductivity measurements and the structural relaxations have been assessed by broadband dielectric spectroscopy. The selective localization of MWNTs in the blends was controlled by the flow characteristics of the components, which led to their localization in the energetically less favored phase (PE). The electrical conductivity and positive temperature co-efficient (PTC) measurements were carried out on hot pressed samples. The neat blends exhibited only a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) effect while the blends with MWNTs exhibited both a PTC and a NTC at the melting temperatures of PE and PEO respectively. These phenomenal changes were corroborated with the different crystalline morphology in the blends. It was deduced that during compression molding, the more viscous PEO phase spreads less in contrast to the less viscous PE phase. This has further resulted in a gradient in morphology as well as the distribution state of the MWNTs in the samples and was supported by scanning electron and scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) studies and contact angle measurements. SAM from different depths of the samples revealed a gradient in the microstructure in the PE/PEO blends which is contingent upon the flow characteristics of the components. Interestingly, the surface and volume electrical conductivity was different due to the different dispersion state of the MWNTs at the surface and bulk. The observed surface and volume electrical conductivity measurements were corroborated with the evolved morphology during processing. The structural relaxations in both PE and PEO were discerned from broadband dielectric spectroscopy. The segmental dynamics below and above the melting temperature of PEO were significantly different in the presence of MWNTs.