993 resultados para Nature study.


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Drawing as a means of recording is a very common practice in junior primary science lessons. This is largely due to the availability of necessary materials. Also, most youg children have some degree of drawing skill and enjoy drawing activities. Since 1956 the science curriculum to be implemented in primary classrooms in Victoria has changed from one that was based largely on nature study (biological) to one that includes physical and technological aspects. Further, there have been changes in the teaching methodologies advocated for use in science lessons. A modified Interactive Teaching Approach was used for the studies. Drawing was the main means by which the children recorded information. The topic of 'shells' was used to enable collection of data about the children's enjoyment of the activity and satisfaction with their achievement. This study was replicated using the topic 'rocks'; again data were collected concerning satisfaction and enjoyment. During a series of lessons on 'snails' data were collected concerning the achievement of 'process' and 'objective' purposes that teachers might have in mind when setting a drawing activity. In addition to providing data about purposes the study stimulated some questions regarding the techniques the children had used in their drawings. Accordingly, data concerning the use of graphic techniques by the children were collected during a series of lessons on 'oils'. The data collected and analysed in the various studies highlighted the value of drawing in junior primary school science lessons. It also validated strategies developed by the author and designed to help teachers and children use drawing effectively in science activities.


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This research investigated the benefits of children's contact with nature as perceived by adult educators. It was found that contact with nature is perceived to: increase self-confidence and self-esteem; provide opportunities to experience mystery, privacy, and sensory engagement; connect children with school; and accommodate different learning styles and abilities.


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"First edition."


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Editor: Apr. 1908- E.F. Bigelow.


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In marbled boards, green vellum spine.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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v.1. Bird neighbors.--v.2. Game birds.--v.3. Bird homes.--v.4. Animals.--v.5. Fishes.--v.6. Butterflies.--v.7. --v.8. Insects.--v.9. Wild flowers.--v.10. Mushrooms.


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At head of title, no. 1- : Commonwealth of Massachusetts. State board of agriculture


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This dissertation empirically explores the relations among three theoretical perspectives: university students approaches to learning, self-regulated learning, as well as cognitive and attributional strategies. The relations were quantitatively studied from both variable- and person-centered perspectives. In addition, the meaning that students gave to their disciplinary choices was examined. The general research questions of the study were: 1) What kinds of relationships exist among approaches to learning, regulation of learning, and cognitive and attributional strategies? What kinds of cognitive-motivational profiles can be identified among university students, and how are such profiles related to study success and well-being? 3) How do university students explain their disciplinary choices? Four empirical studies addressed these questions. Studies I, II, and III were quantitative, applying self-report questionnaires, and Study IV was qualitative in nature. Study I explored relations among cognitive strategies, approaches to learning, regulation of learning, and study success by using correlations and a K-means cluster analysis. The participants were 366 students from various faculties at different phases of their studies. The results showed that all the measured constructs were logically related to each other in both variable- and person-centered approaches. Study II further examined what kinds of cognitive-motivational profiles could be identified among first-year university students (n=436) in arts, law, and agriculture and forestry. Differences in terms of study success, exhaustion, and stress among students with differing profiles were also looked at. By using a latent class cluster analysis (LCCA), three groups of students were identified: non-academic (34%), self-directed (35%), and helpless students (31%). Helpless students reported the highest levels of stress and exhaustion. Self-directed students received the highest grades. In Study III, cognitive-motivational profiles were identified among novice teacher students (n=213) using LCCA. Well-being, epistemological beliefs, and study success were looked at in relation to the profiles. Three groups of students were found: non-regulating (50%), self-directed (35%), and non-reflective (22%). Self-directed students again received the best grades. Non-regulating students reported the highest levels of stress and exhaustion, the lowest level of interest, and showed the strongest preference for certain and practical knowledge. Study IV, which was qualitative in nature, explored how first-year students (n = 536 ) in three fields of studies, arts, law, and veterinary medicine explained their disciplinary choices. Content analyses showed that interest appeared to be a common concept in students description of their choices across the three faculties. However, the objects of interest of the freshmen appeared rather unspecified. Veterinary medicine and law students most often referred to future work or a profession, whereas only one-fifth of the arts students did so. The dissertation showed that combining different theoretical perspectives and methodologies enabled us to build a rich picture of university students cognitive and motivational predispositions towards studying and learning. Further, cognitive-emotional aspects played a significant role in studying, not only in relation to study success, but also in terms of well-being. Keywords: approaches to learning, self-regulation, cognitive and attributional strategies, university students


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Este estudo teve como enfoque o papel da reflexão na escola, para transformação de práticas. Este implicou a realização de um projeto a nível de escola, que teve a colaboração e envolvimento de todos os docentes. A concretização deste projeto permitiu uma compreensão mais aprofundada de diversas potencialidades, quer do exercício da reflexão, como da colaboração entre pares, da investigação‐ação, promovendo a sua utilização, com uma participação ativa de todos. Estamos perante um estudo de natureza interpretativa, que se iniciou com a aplicação de um inquérito por questionário aos docentes participantes, implicando posteriormente, a formação de um grupo de trabalho, com recurso a encontros semanais de reflexão colaborativa, reflexões escritas em critical friend e uma entrevista final aos mesmos. Relativamente aos procedimentos de análise, estes foram do tipo qualitativo tendo‐se privilegiado o discurso oral e escrito utilizado ao longo de todo o estudo. Os resultados auferidos, não diferem muito de outros estudos que se centraram na mesma temática, reconhecendo portanto, as potencialidades formativas da reflexão colaborativa, da investigação‐ação, relativamente ao desenvolvimento dos saberes profissionais, que fomentam a construção de uma nova dinâmica na organização escola. Esta sensibilização possibilitou o desenvolvimento das nossas aprendizagens em toda a instituição facilitando assim a mudança.


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Anna Company demostra en la seva tesi que el desenvolupament de sistemes model constitueix una bona estratègia per a l'estudi de les ciències naturals. Que la natura és sàvia ho hem sentit a dir moltes vegades. Des de fa uns anys, els químics hi dirigeixen l'atenció, per reproduir la senzilla complexitat amb la qual els sorprèn dia a dia. La tesi que ha defensat Anna Company camina en aquesta direcció, en voler reproduir determinats fenòmens d'oxidació que es donen en el nucli dels enzims


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Comunicació on es pretenen presentar alguns dels resultats més significatius de la investigació amb referència a l’evolució de les cobertes del sòl a l’Alt Empordà entre 1957-2001, i parant especial atenció a les transformacions identificades en el paratge de closes


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Este trabalho é um estudo de caso sobre comunidades ribeirinhas do estuário amazônico em que se analisam as dinâmicas sócio-espaciais e a organização comunitária da população que reside na ilha do Combu. Trata-se de averiguar a organização espacial e territorialidade das comunidades, ou seja, a produção e reprodução da vida material e econômica buscando nessas experiências aportes que venham servir de referência para outras localidades rurais tendo em vista o debate sobre o desenvolvimento regional. Servem como amostra da pesquisa 54 unidades familiares distribuídas em quatro comunidades: Igarapé Combu, Beira do Rio, Piriquitaquara e Furo do Benedito. Por ser um estudo de natureza interdisciplinar adota a perspectiva sócio-econõmica, política e cultural tendo como foco as questões: a) Como as comunidades da ilha do Combu têm se adaptado às interferências exógenas e quais as estratégias de sobrevivência; c) Quais as diferenciações, inter-relação entre os grupos e suas formas de organização e articulação; d) O que gera maior envolvimento comunitário. Os resultados mostram que a desarticulação é um fator desfavorável na organização comunitária o que implica menor possibilidade de se inserirem na sociedade como cidadãos participantes do processo de desenvolvimento e direcionadores de seu destino. A manutenção do ambiente e do bem-estar das comunidades está relacionada a aspectos que levem em conta informação e conhecimento formal, aliado à manutenção de práticas segundo as especificidades locais, pois quanto maior o grau de conhecimento e permanência no local, maior a identificação, valorização e cooperação dos ribeirinhos. A ausência desses aspectos aponta para um baixo grau de desenvolvimento ou para práticas pontuais onde eles são fracamente percebidos. Não obstante as comunidades não serem capazes de sozinhas produzirem dinâmicas que promovam seu bem-estar destaca-se o manejo florestal desenvolvido por aqueles ribeirinhos que tem servido de suporte para um maior incremento na economia uma vez que essa prática potencializa a produção de açaí, principal fonte de renda local favorecendo maior poder de compra às famílias. Isso reforça o argumento de se estabelecerem parcerias entre as instituições e a comunidade local no sentido de promover a sustentabilidade ambiental e social.