44 resultados para NICS


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O presente trabalho busca, numa forma bastante pessoal de pesquisa participativa, fazer a genealogia do hip-hop no Rio de Janeiro, priorizando o elemento rap. Procura mostrar o impacto das novas tecnologias de comunicação e informação entre os que vivenciam o hip-hop, seja produzindo, baixando músicas, participando das redes temáticas, etc... Como as novas tecnologias fazem parte da história e da vida do hip-hop, aliadas ao trabalho cooperativo e colaborativo dos produtores dessa arte, é algo pensado com base nas teorias do trabalho imaterial


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L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és millorar la rendibilitat de l’explotació ramadera d’oví de carn de Cal Alzina s.c.p a través de la comercialització del seu producte. Es vol complementar l’activitat ramadera de producció de xais que es duu a terme actualment amb el servei de venda del producte al consumidor final, per aconseguir eliminar els intermediaris i poder obtenir el màxim benefici. L’explotació de Cal Alzina s.c.p es troba al terme municipal de la Roca del Vallès, està formada per dos socis, els dos propietaris i únics treballadors de l’explotació. Disposa d’un ramat de 922 ovelles de raça Ripollesa amb un sistema semi-extensiu. La venda actual dels xais es fa a través de carnissers que paguen un preu per kg de canal establert pel mercat


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. El art??culo incluye una serie de enlaces electr??nicos con material tratado en la jornada


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El doblaje al catalán de los diálogos es bastante defectuoso


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Des del seu descobriment, a la molècula C60 se li coneixen una varietat de derivats segons el tipus de funcionalització amb propietats fisicoquímiques específiques de gran interès científic. Una sel·lecció de derivats corresponents a addicions simple o múltiple al C60 s'ha considerat en aquest treball d'investigació. L'estudi a nivell de química computacional de diversos tipus d'addició al C60 s'han portat a terme per tal de poder donar resposta a aspectes que experimentalment no s'entenen o són poc clars. Els sistemes estudiats en referència a l'addició simple al C60 han estat en primer lloc els monoiminoful·lerens, C60NR, (de les dues vies proposades per la seva síntesi, anàlisis cinètic i termodinàmic han ajudat a explicar els mecanismes de formació i justificar l'addició a enllaços tipus [5,6]), i en segon lloc els metanoful·lerens i els hidroful·lerens substituits, C60CHR i C60HR, (raons geomètriques, electròniques, energètiques i magnètiques justifiquen el diferent caràcter àcid ente ambdós derivats tenint en compte una sèrie de substituents R amb diferent caràcter electrònic donor/acceptor). Els fluoroful·lerens, C60Fn, i els epoxid ful·lerens, C60On, (anàlisi sistemàtic dels seus patrons d'addició en base a poder justificar la força que els governa han aportat dades complementàries a les poques que existeixen experimentalment al respecte).


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Esta dissertação tenta analisar a influência da pressão externa sobre a abertura comercial brasileira. Define as condições nas quais a pressão externa se expressa, a partir da teoria da dependência e de autores de política internacional denominados "realistas". A pressão externa pode ser econômica ou ideológica. Em seguida, são apresentados eventos ocorridos no sistema internacional, como o declínio relativo da hegemonia norte-americana, a ascensão dos países recentemente industrializados (NICs), a globalização da economia mundial, a crise da dívida, que aumentaram o potencial de conflito do Brasil com os países desenvolvidos nos anos 80. Para verificar se a pressão externa foi efetiva, a vulnerabilidade econômica e ideológica do Brasil foram também analisadas


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O câncer cervical acomete anualmente cerca de 470.000 mulheres em todo o mundo e mais de 16.000 mulheres no Brasil. O desenvolvimento do câncer cervical e sua associação ao Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) estão bem documentados, sendo este o fator principal para o desenvolvimento do câncer cervical. A infecção genital por Chlamydia trachomatis é estudada como um co-fator no desenvolvimento de neoplasias intraepiteliais cervicais (NICs) e outras alterações celulares significativas em mulheres com histórico de infecção por HPV. Este estudo tem como objetivo conhecer a prevalência de infecção por HPV e Chlamydia trachomatis em uma amostra de mulheres assintomáticas de uma área geográfica localizada na zona norte de Porto Alegre, bem como verificar as características associadas à presença desta co-infecção e sua relação com lesões cervicais. Trata-se de um estudo transversal cujo desfecho é a positividade ao HPV e à Chlamydia trachomatis em uma amostra de mulheres assintomáticas de Porto Alegre. Um total de 1217 amostras de material do colo do útero foi coletado para realização do exame citopatológico e para a identificação do DNA-HPV e DNA-CT através da técnica da Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR). Colposcopia e biópsia foram realizadas sempre que a citologia estivesse alterada e/ou a PCR para o HPV-DNA fosse positiva. A prevalência de HPV e Chlamydia trachomatis e sua distribuição por faixa etária são descritas, bem como a sua associação com as variáveis estudadas através das Razões de Chances (RC) estimadas por regressão logística múltipla. Observou-se uma prevalência de HPV-DNA de 28,4% (n=346/1217), de CT-DNA de 12,6% (n=152/1208) e de co-infecção por HPV e CT de 6,5% (n=78/1208). Mulheres não brancas (Razão de Chance (RC) =1,60; Intervalo de Confiança (IC) de 95%:1,10-2,38),assalariadas (RC=1,74; IC95%:1,17-2,60) e com parceiro apresentando história de condiloma genital (RC=2,35; IC95%:1,17-4,72) mostraram-se associadas com a positividade para HPV. A infecção por CT mostrou uma associação positiva com mulheres que iniciaram a vida sexual antes dos vinte anos (RC=1,82; IC95%:1,05-3,15) e assalariadas (RC=1,93; IC95%:1,15-3,25). Quanto à co-infecção por HPV e CT, mulheres com mais de três de parceiros sexuais na vida (RC=2,02; IC 95%:1,12-3,65) apresentaram uma associação positiva com o desfecho. Com relação à citologia, tanto a infecção por HPV quanto a co-infecção apresentaram associação significativa com anormalidades citológicas (p≤0.001). Os resultados mostraram uma elevada prevalência de HPV, de CT e de co-infecção em uma amostra de mulheres assintomáticas reforçando dados relatados na literatura. A associação destas infecções com variáveis sócioeconômicas, de comportamento sexual e com lesões do colo uterino, indicam a importância de medidas para a promoção e prevenção de saúde com este alvo específico dentro da rotina de serviços de atenção primária. Desta forma, acredita-se que estes dados possam ser muito úteis no planejamento de programas, incluindo o controle de Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis e a utilização de vacinas para o HPV.


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The aromaticity index is an important tool for the investigation of aromatic molecules. This work consists on new applications of the aromaticity index developed by teacher Caio Lima Firme, so-called D3BIA (density, delocalization, degeneracy-based index of aromaticity). It was investigated its correlation with other well-known aromaticity indexes, such as HOMA (harmonic oscillator model of aromaticity), NICS (nucleus independent chemical shielding), PDI (para-delocalization index), magnetic susceptibility (), and energetic factor in the study of aromaticity of acenes and homoaromatic species based on bisnoradamantanyl cage. The density functional theory (DFT) was used for optimization calculations and for obtaining energetic factors associated with aromaticity and indexes HOMA and NICS. From quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) it was obtained the indexes D3BIA, PDI and . For acenes, when the over-mentioned indexes were applied it was observed no correlation except for D3BIA and HOMA (R2=0.752). For bisnoradamantenyl dication and its derivatives, it was obtained a good correlation between D3BIA and NICS. Moreover, it was evaluated solely one of the factors used on D3BIA calculation, the delocalization index uniformity (DIU), so as to investigate its possible influence on stability of chemical species. Then, the DIU was compared with the formation Gibbs free energy of some pairs of carbocations, isomers or not, which each pair had small difference in point group symmetry and no difference among other well-known stability factors. The obtained results indicate that DIU is a new stability factor related to carbocations, that is, the more uniform the electron density delocalization, the more stable the is carbocation. The results of this work validate D3BIA and show its importance on the concept of aromaticity, indicating that it can be understood from degeneracy of atoms belonging the aromatic site, the electronic density in the aromatic site and the degree of uniformity of electron delocalization


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This Phd thesis was entirely developed at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG, Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma Canary Islands) with the aim of designing, developing and implementing a new Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Near Infrared Camera Spectrometer (NICS) installed on the Nasmyth A of the telescope. The idea of a new GUI for NICS has risen for optimizing the astronomers work through a set of powerful tools not present in the existing GUI, such as the possibility to move automatically, an object on the slit or do a very preliminary images analysis and spectra extraction. The new GUI also provides a wide and versatile image display, an automatic procedure to find out the astronomical objects and a facility for the automatic image crosstalk correction. In order to test the overall correct functioning of the new GUI for NICS, and providing some information on the atmospheric extinction at the TNG site, two telluric standard stars have been spectroscopically observed within some engineering time, namely Hip031303 and Hip031567. The used NICS set-up is as follows: Large Field (0.25'' /pixel) mode, 0.5'' slit and spectral dispersion through the AMICI prism (R~100), and the higher resolution (R~1000) JH and HK grisms.


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Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Aufklärung von Struktur und Dynamik komplexer supramolekularer Systeme mittels Festkörper NMR Spektroskopie. Die Untersuchung von pi-pi Wechselwirkungen, welche einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die strukturellen und dynamischen Eigenschaften supra- molekularer Systeme haben, hilft dabei, die Selbst- organisationsprozesse dieser komplexen Materialien besser zu verstehen. Mit dipolaren 1H-1H and 1H-13C Wiedereinkopplungs NMR Methoden unter schnellem MAS können sowohl 1H chemische Verschiebungen als auch dipolare 1H-1H und 1H-13C Kopplungen untersucht werden, ohne dass eine Isotopenmarkierung erforderlich ist. So erhält man detaillierte Informationen über die Struktur und die Beweglichkeit einzelner Molekül- segmente. In Verbindung mit sogenannten nucleus independent chemical shift (NICS) maps (berechnet mit ab-initio Methoden) lassen sich Abstände von Protonen relativ zu pi-Elektronensystemen bestimmen und so Strukturvorschläge ableiten. Mit Hilfe von homo- und heteronuklearen dipolaren Rotationsseitenbandenmustern könnenaußerdem Ordnungs- parameter für verschiedene Molekülsegmente bestimmt werden. Die auf diese Weise gewonnenen Informationen über die strukturellen und dynamischen Eigenschaften supramolekularer Systeme tragen dazu bei, strukturbestimmende Molekül- einheiten und Hauptordnungsphänomene zu identifizieren sowie lokale Wechselwirkungen zu quantifizieren, um so den Vorgang der Selbstorganisation besser zu verstehen.


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In this thesis, three different types of quantum rings arestudied. These are quantum rings with diamagnetic,paramagnetic or spontaneous persistent currents. It turns out that the main observable to characterizequantum rings is the Drude weight. Playing a key role inthis thesis, it will be used to distinguish betweendiamagnetic (positive Drude weight) and paramagnetic(negative Drude weight) ring currents. In most models, theDrude weight is positive. Especially in the thermodynamiclimit, it is positive semi-definite. In certain modelshowever, intuitivelysurprising, a negative Drude weight is found. This rareeffect occurs, e.g., in one-dimensional models with adegenerate ground state in conjunction with the possibilityof Umklapp scattering. One aim of this thesis is to examineone-dimensional quantum rings for the occurrence of anegative Drude weight. It is found, that the sign of theDrude weight can also be negative, if the band structurelacks particle-hole symmetry. The second aim of this thesis is the modeling of quantumrings intrinsically showing a spontaneous persistentcurrent. The construction of the model starts from theextended Hubbard model on a ring threaded by anAharonov-Bohm flux. A feedback term through which thecurrent in the ring can generate magnetic flux is added.Another extension of the Hamiltonian describes the energystored in the internally generated field. This model isevaluated using exact diagonalization and an iterativescheme to find the minima of the free energy. The quantumrings must satisfy two conditions to exhibit a spontaneousorbital magnetic moment: a negative Drude weight and aninductivity above the critical level. The magneticproperties of cyclic conjugated hydrocarbons likebenzene due to electron delocalization [magnetic anisotropy,magnetic susceptibility exaltation, nucleus-independent chemical shift (NICS)]---that have become important criteriafor aromaticity---can be examined using this model. Corrections to the presented calculations are discussed. Themost substantial simplification made in this thesis is theneglect of the Zeeman interaction of the electron spins withthe magnetic field. If a single flux tube threads a quantumring, the Zeeman interaction is zero, but in mostexperiments, this situation is difficult to realize. In themore realistic situation of a homogeneous field, the Zeemaninteraction has to be included, if the electrons have atotal spin component in the direction of the magnetic field,or if the magnetic field is strong.


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Context. We report the infrared identification of the X-ray source 2XMM J191043.4+091629.4, which was detected by XMM-Newton/EPIC in the vicinity of the Galactic supernova remnant W49B. Aims. The aim of this work is to establish the nature of the X-ray source 2XMM J191043.4+091629.4 studying both the infrared photometry and spectroscopy of the companion. Methods. We analysed UKIDSS images around the best position of the X-ray source and obtained spectra of the best candidate using NICS in the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) 3.5-m telescope. We present photometric and spectroscopic TNG analyses of the infrared counterpart of the X-ray source, identifying emission lines in the K-band. The H-band spectra does not present any significant feature. Results. We have shown that the Brackett γ H i at 2.165 μm, and He i at 2.184 μm and at 2.058 μm are significantly present in the infrared spectrum. The CO bands are also absent from our spectrum. Based on these results and the X-ray characteristics of the source, we conclude that the infrared counterpart is an early B-type supergiant star with an E(B − V) = 7.6 ± 0.3 at a distance of 16.0 ± 0.5 kpc. This would be, therefore, the first high-mass X-ray binary in the Outer Arm at galactic longitudes of between 30° and 60°.


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The 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between glycine-derived azlactones with maleimides is efficiently catalyzed by the dimeric chiral complex [(Sa)-Binap·AuTFA]2. The alanine-derived oxazolone only reacts with tert-butyl acrylate giving anomalous regiochemistry, which is explained and supported by Natural Resonance Theory and Nucleus Independent Chemical Shifts calculations. The origin of the high enantiodiscrimination observed with maleimides and tert-butyl acrylate is analyzed using DFT computed at M06/Lanl2dz//ONIOM(b3lyp/Lanl2dz:UFF) level. Several applications of these cycloadducts in the synthesis of new proline derivatives with a 2,5-trans-arrangement and in the preparation of complex fused polycyclic molecules are described.


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Published in 1836 under the title: Pic nics from the Dublin penny journal.