998 resultados para Invasion resistance


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Genes involved in host-pathogen interactions are often strongly affected by positive natural selection. The Duffy antigen, coded by the Duffy antigen receptor for chemokines (DARC) gene, serves as a receptor for Plasmodium vivax in humans and for Plasmodium knowlesi in some nonhuman primates. In the majority of sub-Saharan Africans, a nucleic acid variant in GATA-1 of the gene promoter is responsible for the nonexpression of the Duffy antigen on red blood cells and consequently resistance to invasion by P. vivax. The Duffy antigen also acts as a receptor for chemokines and is expressed in red blood cells and many other tissues of the body. Because of this dual role, we sequenced a 3,000-bp region encompassing the entire DARC gene as well as part of its 5' and 3' flanking regions in a phylogenetic sample of primates and used statistical methods to evaluate the nature of selection pressures acting on the gene during its evolution. We analyzed both coding and regulatory regions of the DARC gene. The regulatory analysis showed accelerated rates of substitution at several sites near known motifs. Our tests of positive selection in the coding region using maximum likelihood by branch sites and maximum likelihood by codon sites did not yield statistically significant evidence for the action of positive selection. However, the maximum likelihood test in which the gene was subdivided into different structural regions showed that the known binding region for P. vivax/P. knowlesi is under very different selective pressures than the remainder of the gene. In fact, most of the gene appears to be under strong purifying selection, but this is not evident in the binding region. We suggest that the binding region is under the influence of two opposing selective pressures, positive selection possibly exerted by the parasite and purifying selection exerted by chemokines.


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Background Ureaplasma diversum has been associated with infertility in cows. In bulls, this mollicute colonizes the prepuce and distal portion of the urethra and may infect sperm cells. The aim of this study is to analyze in vitro interaction of U. diversum isolates and ATCC strains with bovine spermatozoids. The interactions were observed by confocal microscopy and the gentamycin internalization assay. Findings U. diversum were able to adhere to and invade spermatozoids after 30 min of infection. The gentamicin resistance assay confirmed the intracellularity and survival of U. diversum in bovine spermatozoids. Conclusions The intracellular nature of bovine ureaplasma identifies a new difficulty to control the reproductive of these animals.


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Das Glioblastoma multiforme zählt zu den häufigsten glialen Neoplasien des Menschen und weist zudem unter den Gliomen die höchste Malignität auf. Glioblastompatienten haben trotz aggressiver therapeutischer Ansätze eine mittlere Überlebenszeit von weniger als einem Jahr. Die diffuse Invasion in das umliegende Hirngewebe ist einer der Hauptgründe für die Rezidivbildung und die infauste Prognose von Glioblastompatienten. Neuere Untersuchungen lassen vermuten, dass die starke Invasion auch einer der Gründe für die beobachtete anti-angiogene Resistenz bei der Behandlung von Glioblastomen ist. Das bidirektionale EphB/Ephrin-B-System wurde bei der axonalen Wegfindung als Vermittler repulsiver Signale identifiziert und auch im Zusammenhang der Migration und Invasion von Zellen überprüft. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte daher die Funktion der bidirektionalen Eph- und Ephrin-Signaltransduktion in Bezug auf die Glioblastominvasion und Progression untersucht werden. rn Genetische und epigenetische Untersuchungen der EphB/Ephrin-B-Familie in einer Kohorte von Gliompatienten unterschiedlicher Malignitätsgrade identifizierten Ephrin-B2 als mögliches Tumorsuppressorgen. In Übereinstimmung damit führte die Inaktivierung von Ephrin-B2 in einem murinen Gliommodell zu einer verstärkten Invasion und einem erhöhtem Tumorwachstum in vivo. Dies konnte in verschiedenen Invasion-Assays in vitro bestätigt werden. Weiterhin zeigten unsere Untersuchungen, dass Ephrin-B2 transkriptionell durch das hypoxische Mikromilieu HIF-1α-vermittelt reprimiert wird. Da HIF-1α als transkriptioneller Aktivator Ephrin-B2 nicht direkt reprimieren kann, wurden potentielle HIF-1α-regulierte Repressoren untersucht, die für die Ephrin-B2 Herunterregulation verantwortlich sein könnten. Dabei wurde anhand von Ephrin-B2-Promotoranalysen und ChIP-Assays ZEB2 als HIF-1α-induzierbarer Repressor von Ephrin-B2 identifiziert. Zur Bestätigung der Hypothese, dass ZEB2 ein wichtiger Regulator der Tumorinvasion ist, wurden humane ZEB2-Knockdown-Glioblastomzellen generiert und in vitro sowie in vivo untersucht. Im Hinblick auf mögliche therapeutische Anwendungen wurden die ZEB2-Knockdown-Glioblastomzellen zusätzlich im Zusammenhang anti-Angiogenese-induzierter Invasion analysiert. Der Verlust von ZEB2 führte dabei zu einer verringerten Glioblastominvasion und Progression in einem Maus-Xenograft Modell. Die Behandlung der Tumoren mit dem anti-VEGF-Antikörper Avastin resultierte in einer stark erhöhten Invasion, die durch die Inaktivierung von ZEB2 und der dadurch reaktivierten repulsiven Signale von Ephrin-B2 wieder aufgehoben werden konnte. Zusammenfassend konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit erstmals gezeigt werden, dass Ephrin-B2 als Tumorsuppressor in Gliomen agiert und durch verschiedene Mechanismen wie der genetischen und epigenetischen Kontrolle, aber auch der HIF-1α-vermittelten, ZEB2-abhängigen Repression inaktiviert wird. Dies resultiert in einer Blockade repulsiver Signale, so dass Tumorzellen diffus in das Parenchym und zu den Blutgefäßen migrieren können. Der in dieser Arbeit neu identifizierte Signalweg stellt ein attraktives therapeutisches Ziel zur Inhibition der Tumorzellinvasion dar und ermöglicht darüber hinaus der Ausbildung von Resistenzen gegenüber anti-angiogener Behandlung entgegenzuwirken. rn


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BACKGROUND: With the emergence of Src inhibitors in clinical trials, improved knowledge of the molecular responses of cancer cells to these agents is warranted. This will facilitate the development of tests to identify patients who may benefit from these agents, allow drug activity to be monitored and rationalize the combination of these agents with other treatment modalities. METHODS: This study evaluated the molecular and functional effects of Src inhibitor AZD0530 in human lung cancer cells, by Western blotting and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, and by assays for cell viability, migration, and invasion. RESULTS: Src was activated in four of five cell lines tested and the level corresponded with the invasive potential and the histologic subtype. Clinically relevant, submicromolar concentrations of AZD0530 blocked Src and focal adhesion kinase, resulting in significant inhibition of cell migration and Matrigel invasion. Reactivation of STAT3 and up-regulation of JAK indicated a potential mechanism of resistance. AZD0530 gave a potent and sustained blockage of AKT and enhanced the sensitivity to irradiation. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicated that AZD0530, aside from being a potent inhibitor of tumor cell invasion which could translate to inhibition of disease progression in the clinic, may also lower resistance of lung cancer cells to pro-apoptotic signals.


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Soil biota can be important drivers of plant community structure. Depending on the balance between antagonistic and mutualistic interactions, they can limit or promote the success of plant species. This is particularly important in the context of exotic plant invasions where soil biota can either increase the biotic resistance of habitats, or they can shift the balance between exotic and native plants towards the exotics and thereby greatly contribute to their dominance. Here, we explored the role of soil biota in the invasion success of exotic knotweed (Fallopia × bohemica), one of the world's most noxious invasive plants. We created artificial native plant communities that were experimentally invaded by knotweed, using a range of substrates where we manipulated different fractions of soil biota. We found that invasive knotweed benefited more from the overall presence of soil biota than any of the six native species. In particular the presence of the full natural soil biota strongly shifted the competitive balance in favor of knotweed. Soil biota promoted both regeneration and growth of the invader, which suggests that soil organisms may be important both in the early establishment of knotweed and possibly its later dominance of native communities. Addition of activated carbon to the soil made the advantage of knotweed disappear, which suggests that the mechanisms underlying the positive soil biota effects are chemically mediated. Our study demonstrates that soil organisms play a key role in the invasion success of exotic knotweed.


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Moraxella catarrhalis is a common pathogen of the human respiratory tract. Multidrug efflux pumps play a major role in antibiotic resistance and virulence in many Gram-negative organisms. In the present study, the role of the AcrAB-OprM efflux pump in antibiotic resistance was investigated by constructing mutants that lack the acrA, acrB, and oprM genes in M. catarrhalis strain O35E. We observed a moderate (1.5-fold) decrease in the MICs of amoxicillin and cefotaxime and a marked (4.7-fold) decrease in the MICs of clarithromycin for acrA, acrB, and oprM mutants in comparison with the wild-type O35E strain. Exposure of the M. catarrhalis strains O35E and 300 to amoxicillin triggered an increased transcription of all AcrAB-OprM pump genes, and exposure of strains O35E, 300, and 415 to clarithromycin enhanced the expression of acrA and oprM mRNA. Inactivation of the AcrAB-OprM efflux pump genes demonstrated a decreased ability to invade epithelial cells compared to the parental strain, suggesting that acrA, acrB, and oprM are required for efficient invasion of human pharyngeal epithelial cells. Cold shock increases the expression of AcrAB-OprM efflux pump genes in all three M. catarrhalis strains tested. Increased expression of AcrAB-OprM pump genes after cold shock leads to a lower accumulation of Hoechst 33342 (H33342), a substrate of AcrAB-OprM efflux pumps, indicating that cold shock results in increased efflux activity. In conclusion, the AcrAB-OprM efflux pump appears to play a role in the antibiotic resistance and virulence of M. catarrhalis and is involved in the cold shock response.


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One hypothesis for the success of invasive species is reduced pathogen burden, resulting from a release from infections or high immunological fitness (low immunopathology) of invaders. Despite of strong selection exerted on the host, the evolutionary response of invaders to newly acquired pathogens has rarely been considered. The two independent and genetically distinct invasions of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas into the North Sea represent an ideal model system to study fast evolutionary responses of invasive populations. By exposing both invasion sources to ubiquitous and phylogenetically diverse pathogens (Vibrio spp.) we demonstrate that within a few generations hosts adapted to sympatric pathogen communities. However, this local adaptation only became apparent in selective environments, i.e. at elevated temperatures reflecting patterns of disease outbreaks in natural populations. Resistance against sympatric and allopatric Vibrio spp. strains was dominantly inherited in crosses between both invasion sources, resulting in an overall higher resistance of admixed individuals than pure lines. Therefore we suggest that a simple genetic resistance mechanism of the host is matched to a common virulence mechanism shared by local Vibrio strains. This combination might have facilitated a fast evolutionary response that can explain another dimension of why invasive species can be so successful in newly invaded ranges.


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We compared the responses of native and non-native populations of the seaweed Gracilaria vermiculophylla to heat shock in common garden-type experiments. Specimens from six native populations in East Asia and from eight non-native populations in Europe and on the Mexican Pacific coast were acclimated to two sets of identical conditions before their resistance to heat shock was examined. The experiments were carried out twice - one time in the native range in Qingdao, China and one time in the invaded range in Kiel, Germany - to rule out effects of specific local conditions. In both testing sites the non-native populations survived heat shock significantly better than the native populations, The data underlying this statement are presented in https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.859335. After three hours of heat shock G. vermiculophylla exhibited increased levels of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and of a specific isoform of haloperoxidase, suggesting that both enzymes could be required for heat shock stress management. However, the elevated resistance toward heat shock of non-native populations only correlated with an increased constitutive expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70). The haloperoxidase isoform was more prominent in native populations, suggesting that not only increased HSP70 expression, but also reduced allocation into haloperoxidase expression after heat shock was selected during the invasion history. The data describing expression of HSP70 and three different isoforms of haloperoxidase are presented in https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.859358.


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ADP-ribosylation factor-1 (ARF1) est une petite GTPase principalement connue pour son rôle dans la formation de vésicules au niveau de l’appareil de Golgi. Récemment, dans des cellules de cancer du sein, nous avons démontré qu’ARF1 est aussi un médiateur important de la signalisation du récepteur du facteur de croissance épidermique (EGFR) contrôlant la prolifération, la migration et l'invasion cellulaire. Cependant, le mécanisme par lequel l’EGFR active la GTPase ainsi que le rôle de cette dernière dans la régulation de la fonction du récepteur demeure inconnue. Dans cette thèse, nous avions comme objectifs de définir le mécanisme d'activation de ARF1 dans les cellules de cancer du sein hautement invasif et démontrer que l’activation de cette isoforme de ARF joue un rôle essentiel dans la résistance de ces cellules aux inhibiteurs de l'EGFR. Nos études démontrent que les protéines d’adaptatrices Grb2 et p66Shc jouent un rôle important dans l'activation de ARF1. Alors que Grb2 favorise le recrutement d’ARF1 à l'EGFR ainsi que l'activation de cette petite GTPase, p66Shc inhibe le recrutement du complexe Grb2-ARF1 au récepteur et donc contribue à limiter l’activation d’ARF1. De plus, nous démontrons que ARF1 favorise la résistance aux inhibiteurs des tyrosines kinases dans les cellules de cancer du sein hautement invasif. En effet, une diminution de l’expression de ARF1 a augmenté la sensibilité descellules aux inhibiteurs de l'EGFR. Nous montrons également que de hauts niveaux de ARF1 contribuent à la résistance des cellules à ces médicaments en améliorant la survie et les signaux prolifératifs à travers ERK1/2, Src et AKT, tout en bloquant les voies apoptotiques (p38MAPK et JNK). Enfin, nous mettons en évidence le rôle de la protéine ARF1 dans l’apoptose en réponse aux traitements des inhibiteurs de l’EGFR. Nos résultats indiquent que la dépletion d’ARF1 promeut la mort cellulaire induite par gefitinib, en augmentant l'expression de facteurs pro-apoptotiques (p66shc, Bax), en altérant le potentiel de la membrane mitochondriale et la libération du cytochrome C. Ensemble, nos résultats délimitent un nouveau mécanisme d'activation de ARF1 dans les cellules du cancer du sein hautement invasif et impliquent l’activité d’ARF1 comme un médiateur important de la résistance aux inhibiteurs EGFR.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Oncobiologia: Mecanismos Moleculares do Cancro, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Despite extensive research and introduction of innovative therapy, lung cancer prognosis remains poor, with a five years survival of only 17%. The success of pharmacological treatment is often impaired by drug resistance. Thus, the characterization of response mechanisms to anti-cancer compounds and of the molecular mechanisms supporting lung cancer aggressiveness are crucial for patient’s management. In the first part of this thesis, we characterized the molecular mechanism behind resistance of lung cancer cells to the Inhibitors of the Bromodomain and Extraterminal domain containing Proteins (BETi). Through a CRISPR/Cas9 screening we identified three Hippo Pathway members, LATS2, TAOK1 and NF2 as genes implicated in susceptibility to BETi. These genes confer sensitivity to BETi inhibiting TAZ activity. Conversely, TAZ overexpression increases resistance to BETi. We also displayed that BETi downregulate both YAP, TAZ and TEADs expression in several cancer cell lines, implying a novel BETi-dependent cytotoxic mechanism. In the second part of this work, we attempted to characterize the crosstalk between the TAZ gene and its cognate antisense long-non coding RNA (lncRNA) TAZ-AS202 in lung tumorigenesis. As for TAZ downregulation, TAZ-AS202 silencing impairs NSCLC cells proliferation, migration and invasion, suggesting a pro-tumorigenic function for this lncRNA during lung tumorigenesis. TAZ-AS202 regulates TAZ target genes without altering TAZ expression or localization. This finding implies an uncovered functional cooperation between TAZ and TAZ-AS202. Moreover, we found that the EPH-ephrin signaling receptor EPHB2 is a downstream effector affected by both TAZ and TAZ-AS202 silencing. EPHB2 downregulation significantly attenuates cells proliferation, migration and invasion, suggesting that, at least in part, TAZ-AS202 and TAZ pro-oncogenic activity depends on EPH-ephrin signaling final deregulation. Finally, we started to dissect the mechanism underlying the TAZ-AS202 regulatory activity on EPHB2 in lung cancer, which may involve the existence of an intermediate transcription factor and is the object of our ongoing research.


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IKK epsilon (IKKε) is induced by the activation of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB). Whole-body IKKε knockout mice on a high-fat diet (HFD) were protected from insulin resistance and showed altered energy balance. We demonstrate that IKKε is expressed in neurons and is upregulated in the hypothalamus of obese mice, contributing to insulin and leptin resistance. Blocking IKKε in the hypothalamus of obese mice with CAYMAN10576 or small interfering RNA decreased NF-κB activation in this tissue, relieving the inflammatory environment. Inhibition of IKKε activity, but not TBK1, reduced IRS-1(Ser307) phosphorylation and insulin and leptin resistance by an improvement of the IR/IRS-1/Akt and JAK2/STAT3 pathways in the hypothalamus. These improvements were independent of body weight and food intake. Increased insulin and leptin action/signaling in the hypothalamus may contribute to a decrease in adiposity and hypophagia and an enhancement of energy expenditure accompanied by lower NPY and increased POMC mRNA levels. Improvement of hypothalamic insulin action decreases fasting glycemia, glycemia after pyruvate injection, and PEPCK protein expression in the liver of HFD-fed and db/db mice, suggesting a reduction in hepatic glucose production. We suggest that IKKε may be a key inflammatory mediator in the hypothalamus of obese mice, and its hypothalamic inhibition improves energy and glucose metabolism.


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To evaluate the correlation between neck circumference and insulin resistance and components of metabolic syndrome in adolescents with different adiposity levels and pubertal stages, as well as to determine the usefulness of neck circumference to predict insulin resistance in adolescents. Cross-sectional study with 388 adolescents of both genders from ten to 19 years old. The adolescents underwent anthropometric and body composition assessment, including neck and waist circumferences, and biochemical evaluation. The pubertal stage was obtained by self-assessment, and the blood pressure, by auscultation. Insulin resistance was evaluated by the Homeostasis Model Assessment-Insulin Resistance. The correlation between two variables was evaluated by partial correlation coefficient adjusted for the percentage of body fat and pubertal stage. The performance of neck circumference to identify insulin resistance was tested by Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve. After the adjustment for percentage body fat and pubertal stage, neck circumference correlated with waist circumference, blood pressure, triglycerides and markers of insulin resistance in both genders. The results showed that the neck circumference is a useful tool for the detection of insulin resistance and changes in the indicators of metabolic syndrome in adolescents. The easiness of application and low cost of this measure may allow its use in Public Health services.


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To investigate the effects of a specific protocol of undulatory physical resistance training on maximal strength gains in elderly type 2 diabetics. The study included 48 subjects, aged between 60 and 85 years, of both genders. They were divided into two groups: Untrained Diabetic Elderly (n=19) with those who were not subjected to physical training and Trained Diabetic Elderly (n=29), with those who were subjected to undulatory physical resistance training. The participants were evaluated with several types of resistance training's equipment before and after training protocol, by test of one maximal repetition. The subjects were trained on undulatory resistance three times per week for a period of 16 weeks. The overload used in undulatory resistance training was equivalent to 50% of one maximal repetition and 70% of one maximal repetition, alternating weekly. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences (p<0.05) between pre-test and post-test over a period of 16 weeks. The average gains in strength were 43.20% (knee extension), 65.00% (knee flexion), 27.80% (supine sitting machine), 31.00% (rowing sitting), 43.90% (biceps pulley), and 21.10% (triceps pulley). Undulatory resistance training used with weekly different overloads was effective to provide significant gains in maximum strength in elderly type 2 diabetic individuals.


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The objective of the study was to illustrate the applicability and significance of the novel Lewis urothelial cancer model compared to the classic Fisher 344. Fischer 344 and Lewis females rats, 7 weeks old, were intravesical instilled N-methyl-N-nitrosourea 1.5 mg/kg every other week for a total of four doses. After 15 weeks, animals were sacrificed and bladders analyzed: histopathology (tumor grade and stage), immunohistochemistry (apoptotic and proliferative indices) and blotting (Toll-like receptor 2-TLR2, Uroplakin III-UP III and C-Myc). Control groups received placebo. There were macroscopic neoplastic lesions in 20 % of Lewis strain and 70 % of Fischer 344 strain. Lewis showed hyperplasia in 50 % of animals, normal bladders in 50 %. All Fischer 344 had lesions, 20 % papillary hyperplasia, 30 % dysplasia, 40 % neoplasia and 10 % squamous metaplasia. Proliferative and apoptotic indices were significantly lower in the Lewis strain (p < 0.01). The TLR2 and UP III protein levels were significantly higher in Lewis compared to Fischer 344 strain (70.8 and 46.5 % vs. 49.5 and 16.9 %, respectively). In contrast, C-Myc protein levels were significantly higher in Fischer 344 (22.5 %) compared to Lewis strain (13.7 %). The innovative Lewis carcinogen resistance urothelial model represents a new strategy for translational research. Preservation of TLR2 and UP III defense mechanisms might drive diverse urothelial phenotypes during carcinogenesis in differently susceptible individuals.