988 resultados para Goyeneche y Barreda, Jose Sebasti an de, abp., 1784-1872.
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In this article we present a qualitative study conducted with six indigenous and six mestizos from Intercultural University of Chiapas. The aim of the study is to exemplify the mutual perception between different ethno-linguistic groups, as well as the possible change occurred after the admission to the University. That is, opinions about the other group after and before entering the University. We conclude that a higher education intercultural model can promote mutual understanding and relationship between indigenous and mestizos and thus combat prejudices and stereotypes
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The allelic and haplotype frequencies of 17 Y-STR loci most commonly used in forensic testing were estimated in a sample of 138 unrelated healthy males from Macap, in the northern Amazon region of Brazil. The average gene diversity was 0.6554 0.3315. 134 haplotypes of the 17 loci were observed, 130 of them unique and four present in two individuals each. The haplotype diversity index was 0.9996 + 0.0009, with the most frequent haplogroups being R1b (52.2%), E1b1b (11.6%), J2 (10.1%) and Q (7.2%). Most haplogroups of this population belonged to European male lineages (89.2%), followed by Amerindian (7.2%) and African (3.6%) lineages.
Esta investigacin recoge un cmulo de intereses en torno a un modo de generar arquitectura muy especfico: La produccin de objetos con una forma subyacente no apriorstica. Los conocimientos expuestos se apoyan en condiciones del pensamiento reciente que impulsan la ilusin por alimentar la fuente creativa de la arquitectura con otros campos del saber. Los tiempos del conocimiento animista sensible y el conocimiento objetivo de carcter cientfico son correlativos en la historia pero casi nunca han sido sincrnicos. Representa asimismo un intento por aunar los dos tipos de conocimiento retomando la inercia que ya se presenta a comienzos del siglo XX. Se trata por tanto, de un ensayo sobre la posible anulacin de la contraposicin entre estos dos mundos para pasar a una complementariedad entre ambos en una sola visin conjunta compartida. Como meta final de esta investigacin se presenta el desarrollo de un sistema crtico de anlisis para los objetos arquitectnicos que permita una diferenciacin entre aquellos que responden a los problemas de manera completa y sincera y aquellos otros que esconden, bajo una superficie consensuada, la falta de un mtodo resolutivo de la complejidad en el presente creativo. La Investigacin observa tres grupos de conocimiento diferenciados agrupados en sus captulos correspondientes: El primer captulo versa sobre el Impulso Creador. En l se define la necesidad de crear un marco para el individuo creador, aquel que independientemente de las fuerzas sociales del momento presiente que existe algo ms all que est sin resolver. Denominamos aqu creador rebelde a un tipo de personaje reconocible a lo largo de la Historia como aquel capaz de reconocer los cambios que ese operan en su presente y que utiliza para descubrir lo nuevo y acercarse algo al origen creativo. En el momento actual ese tipo de personaje es el que intuye o ya ha intuido hace tiempo la existencia de una complejidad creciente no obviable en el pensamiento de este tiempo. El segundo captulo desarrolla algunas Propiedades de Sistemas de actuacin creativa. En l se muestra una investigacin que desarrolla un marco de conocimientos cientficos muy especficos de nuestro tiempo que la arquitectura, de momento, no ha absorbido ni refleja de manera directa en su manera de crear. Son temas de presencia casi ya mundana en la sociedad pero que se resisten a ser incluidos en los procesos creativos como parte de la conciencia. La mayora de ellos hablan de precisin, rdenes invisibles, propiedades de la materia o la energa tratados de manera objetiva y apoltica. La meta final supone el acercamiento e incorporacin de estos conceptos y propiedades a nuestro mundo sensible unificndolos indisociablemente bajo un solo punto de vista. El ltimo captulo versa sobre la Complejidad y su capacidad de reduccin a lo esencial. Aqu se muestran, a modo de conclusiones, la introduccin de varios conceptos para el desarrollo de un sistema crtico hacia la arquitectura de nuestro tiempo. Entre ellos, el de Complejidad Esencial, definido como aquella de carcter inevitable a la hora de responder la arquitectura a los problemas y solicitaciones crecientes a los que se enfrenta en el presente. La Tesis mantiene la importancia de informar sobre la imposibilidad en el estado actual de las cosas de responder de manera sincera con soluciones de carcter simplista y la necesidad, por tanto, de soluciones necesarias de carcter complejo. En este sentido se define asimismo el concepto de Forma Subyacente como herramienta crtica para poder evaluar la respuesta de cada arquitectura y poder tener un sistema y visin crtica sobre lo que es un objeto consistente frente a la situacin a la que se enfrenta. Dicha forma subyacente se define como aquella manera de entender conjuntamente y de manera sincrnica aquello que percibimos de manera sensible inseparable de las fuerzas ocultas, creativas, tecnolgicas, materiales y energticas que sustentan la definicin y entendimiento de cualquier objeto construido. ABSTRACT This research includes a cluster of interests around a specific way to generate architecture: The production of objects without an a priori underlying form. The knowledge presented is based on current conditions of thought promoting the illusion to feed the creative source of architecture with other fields of knowledge. The sensible animist knowledge and objective scientific knowledge are correlative in history but have rarely been synchronous. This research is also an attempt to combine both types of knowledge to regain the inertia already sensed in the early twentieth century. It is therefore an essay on the annulment of the opposition between these two worlds to move towards complementarities of both in a single shared vision. The ultimate goal of this research is to present the development of a critical analysis system for architectural objects that allows differentiation between those who respond to the problems sincerely and those who hide under an agreed appearance, the lack of a method for solving the complexity of the creative present. The research observes three distinct groups of knowledge contained in their respective chapters: The first chapter deals with the Creative Impulse. In it is defined the need to create a framework for the creative individual who, regardless of the current social forces, forebodes that there is something hidden beyond which is still unresolved. We define the "rebel creator" as a kind of person existing throughout history who is able to recognize the changes operating in its present and use them to discover something new and get closer to the origin of creation. At present, this type of character is the one who intuits the existence of a non obviable increasing complexity in society and thought. The second chapter presents some systems, and their properties, for creative performance. It describes the development of a framework composed of current scientific knowledge that architecture has not yet absorbed or reflected directly in her procedures. These are issues of common presence in society but are still reluctant to be included in the creative processes even if they already belong to the collective consciousness. Most of them talk about accuracy, invisible orders, properties of matter and energy, always treated from an objective and apolitical perspective. The ultimate goal pursues the approach and incorporation of these concepts and properties to the sensible world, inextricably unifying all under a single point of view. The last chapter deals with complexity and the ability to reduce it to the essentials. Here we show, as a conclusion, the introduction of several concepts to develop a critical approach to analyzing the architecture of our time. Among them, the concept of Essential Complexity, defined as one that inevitably arises when architecture responds to the increasing stresses that faces today. The thesis maintains the importance of reporting, in the present state of things, the impossibility to respond openly with simplistic solutions and, therefore, the need for solutions to complex character. In this sense, the concept of Underlying Form is defined as a critical tool to evaluate the response of each architecture and possess a critical system to clarify what is an consistent object facing a certain situation. The underlying form is then defined as a way to synchronously understand what we perceive sensitively inseparable from the hidden forces of creative, technological, material and energetic character that support the definition and understanding of any constructed object.
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Bibliography: p. [269]-280.
When referring to cinema and its emancipatory potential, realism, like Platos pharmakon, has signified both illness and cure, poison and medicine. On the one hand, realism is regarded as the main feature of so-called classical cinema, inherently conservative and thoroughly ideological, its main raison dtre being to reify and make a particular version of the status quo believable and to pass it out as reality (Burch, 1990; MacCabe, 1974). On the other, realism has also been interpreted as a quest for truth and social justice, as in the positivist ethos that informs documentary (Zavattini, 1953). Even in the latter sense, however, the extent to which realism has served colonizing ends when used to investigate the truth of the Other has also been noted, rendering the form profoundly suspicious (Chow, 2007, p. 150). For realism has been a Western form of representation, one that can be traced back to the invention of perspective in painting and that peaked with the secular worldview brought about by the Enlightenment. And like realism, the nation state too is a product of the Enlightenment, nationalism being, as it were, a secular replacement for the religious - that is enchanted or fantastic - worldview. In this way, realism, cinema and nation are inextricably linked, and equally strained under the current decline of the Enlightenment paradigm. This chapter looks at Y tu Mam Tambin by Alfonso Cuarn (2001), a highly successful road movie with documentary features, to explore the ways in which realism, cinema and nation interact with each other in the present conditions of globalization as experienced in Mexico. The chapter compares and contrasts various interpretations of the role of realism in this film put forward by critics and scholars and other discourses about it circulating in the media with actual ways of audience engagement with it.
Several vertebrae of a sauropterygian specimen have been recovered in Fuencaliente de Medinaceli (Soria Province, Castilla y Len, Spain). The remains come from MiddleUpper Triassic Muschelkalk Facies. This finding represents the first documented evidence of a Triassic tetrapod in Castilla y Len. The vertebrae belong to Nothosaurus, a sauropterygian genus found in Europe, Middle East, North of Africa and China. This genus is poorly-known in the Iberian record. The new remains constitute the first evidence of the species Nothosaurus giganteus, or a related taxon, in the Iberian Peninsula. This study reveals the occurrence of at least two species of the sauropterygian Nothosaurus in the Spanish record.
El camu camu es uno de los frutales nativos con gran potencial econmico para la agroindustria y agro exportacin. Edessa es una de las plagas del camu camu que provoca sequedad en los brotes, y en los frutos una mancha decolorada con crculos concntricos bien marcados y un punto central al alimentarse. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el ciclo biolgico bajo condiciones de laboratorio y la fluctuacin poblacional de Edessa aff. aulacosterna "Chinche del fruto del camu camu" durante enero a noviembre del 2004 en el cultivo de camu camu, en parcelas en desarrollo y produccin ubicadas en reas de restinga inundables en Pucallpa, Ucayali, Per. Se colectaron huevos, ninfas y adultos procedentes del distrito de Yarinacocha, Pucallpa, Ucayali, Per para iniciar la crianza artificial. El tiempo de duracin del huevo al I estadio ninfal fue 5,1 das. Se encontr un 94,6% de eclosin de los huevos, variando entre 12 hasta 14 huevos por postura. El tiempo transcurrido desde el huevo hasta II estado fue de 37,3 das y del III al V estado ninfal fue de 81,9 das. El porcentaje de mortalidad del primer estadio ninfal a adulto fue de 98,1%. Los adultos colectados se localizaron preferentemente sobre las ramas y el tallo de la planta, mientras que las ninfas se encontraron en los brotes tiernos. Con relacin a su fluctuacin poblacional, solo se registr posturas a lo largo del ao en parcelas en produccin. No se encontraron diferencias entre ninfas I a V, y adultos de Edessa aff. aulacosterna, entre plantaciones en produccin y desarrollo de camu camu. Solo se encontr diferencias entre la poca seca y lluviosa en las ninfas de III a V estadio en las plantas de camu camu en desarrollo. Edessa aff. aulacosterna present mayormente una distribucin contagiosa. El adecuado conocimiento de la bioecologa nos permite mejorar la estrategia de control de esta plaga.
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Mode of access: Internet.
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