938 resultados para Electro-reológicos


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The electrooxidative behavior of citalopram (CTL) in aqueous media was studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and square-wave voltammetry (SWV) at a glassy-carbon electrode. The electrochemical behaviour of CTL involves two electrons and two protons in the irreversible and diffusion controlled oxidation of the tertiary amine group. The maximum analytical signal was obtained in a phosphate buffer (pH ¼ 8.2). For analytical purposes, an SWV method and a flow-injection analysis (FIA) system with amperometric detection were developed. The optimised SWV method showed a linear range between 1.10 10 5–1.20 10 4 molL 1, with a limit of detection (LOD) of 9.5 10 6 molL 1. Using the FIA method, a linear range between 2.00 10 6–9.00 10 5 molL 1 and an LODof 1.9 10 6 molL 1 were obtained. The validation of both methods revealed good performance characteristics confirming applicability for the quantification of CTL in several pharmaceutical products.


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This communication presents a novel kind of silicon nanomaterial: freestanding Si nanowire arrays (Si NWAs), which are synthesized facilely by one-step template-free electro-deoxidation of SiO2 in molten CaCl2. The self-assembling growth process of this material is also investigated preliminarily.


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O herbicida bentazona (2,2-dióxido de 3-isopropil (1H) -benzo-2,1,3-triadiazin-4- ona) é um herbicida pós emergente selectivo, com uso recomendado para a cultura do arroz. Apresenta baixa persistência no solo, onde é adsorvido pelos colóides minerais e orgânicos, e um tempo de meia vida inferior a 2 semanas, associado a um elevado potencial de lixiviação e contaminação de águas subterrâneas. Nos estudos efectuados até ao momento, a bentazona não é degradada pelos microrganismos, o que levou à necessidade de procurar outras técnicas de remoção do pesticida. Foi estudada uma técnica inovadora, a electro-remediação, que consiste na aplicação de uma corrente contínua de baixa intensidade à matriz contaminada, funcionando o campo eléctrico formado como “agente de limpeza”. Este campo arrasta os contaminantes pela matriz, por acção de processos de transporte, nomeadamente, electromigração, electroosmose e electroforese. Foram realizados quatro ensaios, num solo colhido num arrozal, onde se procedeu à contaminação forçada do solo com uma solução de bentazona, submetendo-o à acção dum campo eléctrico durante vários dias. Os teores de bentazona no solo, após extracção com solvente por sonicação, e nas soluções de anólito e católito, após extracção por fase sólida, foram determinados por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. Concluiu-se que a bentazona é mobilizada no solo pela acção do campo eléctrico e esta remoção é dependente do pH.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, Perfil Sanitária


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Magneto-electro-elastic structures are built from materials that provide them the ability to convert in an interchangeable way, magnetic, electric and mechanical forms of energy. This characteristic can therefore provide an adaptive behaviour to a general configuration elastic structure, being commonly used in association with any type of composite material in an embedded or surface mounted mode, or by considering the usage of multiphase materials that enable achieving different magneto-electro-elastic properties. In a first stage of this work, a few cases studies will be considered to enable the validation of the model considered and the influence of the coupling characteristics of this type of adaptive structures. After that we consider the application of a recent computational intelligence technique, the differential evolution, in a deflection profile minimization problem. Studies on the influence of optimization parameters associated to the problem considered will be performed as well as the adoption of an adaptive scheme for the perturbation factor. Results are also compared with those obtained using an enhanced particle swarm optimization technique. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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An immunoprecipitation technique, ELIEDA (enzyme-linked-immuno-electro-diffusion assay), was evaluated for the diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection with low worm burden. One hundred of serum samples from patients excreting less than 600 eggs per gram of feces (epg), with unrelated diseases and clinically healthy subjects were studied. In patients with egg counts higher than 200 epg, the sensitivities of IgM and IgG ELIEDA were 1.000 and 0.923, respectively, not differing from other Serologic techniques, such as indirect hemaglutination (IHAT), immunofluorescence (IFT) tests and immuno-electrodiffusion assay (IEDA). However in patients with low egg counts (< 100 epg), the IgG ELIEDA provided better results (0.821) than IgM ELIEDA (0.679), showing sensitivity that did not differ from that of IgG IFT (0.929), but lower than that of IgM IFT (0.964). However, its sensivity was higher than that found with IHAT (0.607) and IEDA (0.536). The specificity of IgG ELIEDA was comparable to that of other techniques. The data indicate that IgG ELIEDA might be useful for the diagnosis of slight S. mansoni infections, and the cellulose acetate membrane strips can be stored for further retrospective studies.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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The growing need to patrol and survey large maritime and terrestrial areas increased the need to integrate external sensors on aircraft in order to accomplish those patrols at increasingly higher altitudes, longer range and not depending upon vehicle type. The main focus of this work is to elaborate a practical, simple, effective and efficient methodology for the aircraft modification procedure resulting from the integration of an Elec-tro-Optical/Infra-Red (EO/IR) turret through a support structure. The importance of the devel-opment of a good methodology relies on the correct management of project variables as time, available resources and project complexity. The key is to deliver a proper tool for a project de-sign team that will be used to create a solution that fulfils all technical, non-technical and certi-fication requirements present in this field of transportation. The created methodology is inde-pendent of two main inputs: sensor model and aircraft model definition, and therefore it is in-tended to deliver the results for different projects besides the one that was presented in this work as a case study. This particular case study presents the development of a structure support for FLIR STAR SAPHIRE III turret integration on the front lower fuselage bulkhead (radome) of the LOCKHEED MARTIN C-130 H. Development of the case study focuses on the study of local structural analysis through the use of Finite Element Method (FEM). Development of this Dissertation resulted in a cooperation between Faculty of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the company OGMA - Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal


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In this work we present semi-analytical solutions for the electro-osmotic annular flow of viscoelastic fluids modeled by the Linear and Exponential PTT models. The viscoelastic fluid flows in the axial direction between two concentric cylinders under the combined influences of electrokinetic and pressure forcings. The analysis invokes the Debye-Hückel approximation and includes the limit case of pure electro-osmotic flow. The solution is valid for both no slip and slip velocity at the walls and the chosen slip boundary condition is the linear Navier slip velocity model. The combined effects of fluid rheology, electro-osmotic and pressure gradient forcings on the fluid velocity distribution are also discussed.


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Los métodos amperométricos aplicados a interfase formadas entre dos electrolitos no miscibles han sido desarrollados a partir de 1979 y desde entonces han adquirido gran importancia debido a sus múltiples aplicaciones en el estudio tanto de las propiedades fisicoquímicas de estas interfases como transporte de iones a través de ellas. Una de las técnicas electroquímicas más utilizadas es voltametría cíclica utilizando sistemas de cuatro electrodos (VCCE). Esta es una importante herramienta analítica ya que permite identificar y cuantificar iones inorgánicos y orgánicos, macrociclos, antibiótico y diferentes moléculas de interés en la química biológica y farmacéutica en muy bajas concentraciones, con la única condición de que el analito tenga carga eléctrica o la pueda adquirir por protonación o por formación de complejos. En este caso, el analito no participa de reacciones de oxidación o reducción: el pasaje del mismo a través de la interfase líquido/líquido produce un pico de corriente voltamétrico cuya magnitud s proporcional a la concentración mientras que el potencial al cual aparece el pico depende de la hidrofobicidad de la sustancia transportadora. Una gran cantidad de especies con actividad farmacéutica ha sido analizada empleando esta técnica. Entre ellas se puede mencionar a antibióticos como monesina, valinomicina, tetraciclina y terramicina, anestésicos locales como procaína, drogas neurotrópicas como benzodiacepinas y neurotransmisores como acetilcolina. (...) Resulta intersante estudiar la factibilidad de aplicar la VCCE al análisis de los enantiómeros de fármacos. L-efedrina es un adrenérgico ampliamente utilizado, cuya eficacia farmacológica depende de la pureza enantiomérica. Por lo tanto, la resolución del par enetiomérico es importante tanto en la producción comercial como en el control de calidad. En términos generales, se intenta aplicar la VCCE al análisis de enantiómeros de ciertos fármacos, en lo que se refiere a la cuantificación y determinación de la actividad fisiológica. Los objetivos específicos son los siguientes: * Estudiar electroquímicamente la formación de complejos de ambos isómeros de efedrina con diferentes ligandos. * Estudiar electroquímicamente la formación de sales de efedrina con un determinado isómero óptico de distintos ácidos. * Analizar la factibilidad de distinguir los enantiómeros de estos fármacos a través de VCCE. * Analizar el pasaje de (D)-Efedrina y (L)-efedrina a través de una monocapa de (L) dibehenoil fosfatidil colina. Establecer diferencias y correlacionar estos hechos con la diferente actividad fisiológica de cada enantiómero.


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Vol. 1


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Vol. 2


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Report for the scientific sojourn at the Department of Micro and Nanotechnology of the Technical University of Denmark from August until December 2006. The research was focused on designing and carrying out a technological process for fabricating high frequency resonators with dielectric solid transducer gaps.