817 resultados para Cross-sectorial professional relationships


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Social media adoption in Australia, which provides the geographic focus for this chapter, has been rapid and substantial (ABC News, 2010) – possibly because of the considerable dispersal of the Australian population across the continent, as well as the significant distance of the country from many of its closest partner nations. Social media can play an important role in strengthening and maintaining interpersonal and professional relationships in spite of such physical distance; in particular, social media services are now well-recognised as important tools for the dissemination of news across many developed nations. Hermida (2010) and Burns (2010) both speak of Twitter as a medium for “ambient news”, for example: always-on, operating as a steady stream in the background and at the edge of users’ conscious perception. Much as ambient music is designed to do, it comes to the fore when notable events (such as major breaking news) lead to an increase in volume and demand a greater level of attention from users.


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In April 2010, Senior lecturer A discovered a new article on strategic entrepreneurship that contained her own words and paragraphs, published under the name of two complete strangers. Over the next eight months, in search of a just outcome, A contacted various people and institutions involved: the journal editor and publisher, and more than 20 academics and academic managers at five universities located in four different countries, including vice chancellors, rectors, and university professors. While nobody disputed the plagiarism (which involved at least three documents and more than 50 pages of text, tables, and figures), most were reluctant to act. Disillusioned by institutional responses, A had to decide whether to continue pursuing a just outcome at the risk of damaging professional relationships (and her future career), or whether to accept the status quo. She wondered what it would take to change the system to genuinely reject plagiarism.


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For most individuals who have the opportunity, paid work is a defining background to achievement in life. Employment has the potential to satisfy economic necessities, educational achievements, professional development, and social and cultural objectives. In many cases, it also assists individuals to define their identity, grow their self esteem, achieve personal ambitions, explore and develop collegial and professional relationships, grow skills and wisdom, and transmit this to the following generations. For many individuals, this process is not now defined and limited by a mandatory retirement date. Individuals are choosing to extend their engagement in the paid workforce and this has its benefits and challenges. This chapter examines these issues in the background of an increasingly ageing population.


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This chapter analyses the obligations insurers and insureds owe each other and the remedies which follow a breach of obligation.


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One could argue that the nature of our housing stock is a key determining factor in the ability of our citizens to manage risk, be resilient to various natural and human events, and to recover from these events. Recent research has been examining current challenges posed by our housing stock and exploring potential solutions from a range of perspectives. The aim of this paper is to discuss key findings from recent built environment research in Australia to initiate cross-sectorial discussion and debate about the implications and opportunities for other sectors such as emergency management and insurance. Three recent building research projects are discussed: - Heat waves The impact of heat waves on houses and occupants, and proposed changes to building regulations, air conditioning standards and building design, to reduce risks associated with heat waves. - Net zero energy homes Exploration of the potential benefits of a strategic optimization of building quality, energy and water efficiency, and household or community level distributed energy and water services for disaster management and recovery. - Building information Mapping of the flow of information about residential buildings, and the potential for national or regional building files (in a similar manner to personal medical records) to assist all parties to make more informed decisions that impact on housing sustainability and community resilience. The paper discusses how sustainability, environmental performance and resilience are inter-related, and can be supported by building files. It concludes with a call for increased cross-sectorial collaboration to explore opportunities for a whole-of-systems approach to our built environment that addresses a range of economic and environmental challenges as well as disaster and emergency management.


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[EU] Gradu amaierako lan honetan, XXI.mendeko Lan Erreforma adierazgarrienak kronologikoki erakusten dira, hauetako bakoitzean, hurrengo lau aldagai hauen analisiaren bitartez, hain zuzen, kontratazioak eta enplegua, langabezia, pentsioak eta negoziazio kolektiboa. Gainera, ELA, LAB, CCOO eta UGT sindikatuei elkarrizketa bat burutu zaie, erreformei buruzko iritzia jaso eta kolektibo bakoitzaren ezinegonak eta parekotasunak ezagutzeko helburuarekin. Era honetan, analisi zehatz honen bidez, XXI.mendean zehar enpleguan eta lan harremanetan emandako aldaketak islatzea da funtsezko xedea.


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Trata-se de um estudo sobre o processo de trabalho dos citotécnicos que atuam em laboratórios de Anatomopatologia e Citopatologia no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, cujo objetivo geral é: analisar a percepção dos citotécnicos sobre as competências necessárias à execução de sua atividade laboral; e específicos: (1) descrever a atividade laboral do citotécnico; (2) identificar o modo de produção da atividade por meio das inter-relações de trabalho; (3) conhecer e compreender as implicações do trabalho do citotécnico nas ações de controle do câncer. A investigação foi de abordagem qualitativa, de natureza descritiva e social, realizada em três laboratórios de Anatomopatologia e Citopatologia no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, com a participação de 33 citotécnicos. Os dados foram obtidos pela técnica de entrevista semiestruturada, aplicação de questionário, e grupo focal, no período de janeiro a agosto de 2014, e analisados com base na Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin, tendo como unidade de registro o tema. Os resultados revelaram: dos 33 citotécnicos, 73% são do sexo feminino; 34% estão distribuídos em igual percentual para as faixas etárias entre 41 a 50 anos e 51 a 60 anos. Com relação à variável do grau de escolaridade, 43% possuem especialização e 24% concluíram o curso superior. Em relação ao cargo exercido, 73% atuam como citotécnicos e 70% são funcionários públicos. O trabalho do citotécnico tem especificidade única desse trabalhador de nível técnico, que é a realização da primeira análise do exame citopatológico, com ações articuladas e complementares de natureza técnica, de gestão, e educativas vinculadas à equipe, com ênfase nos princípios de prevenção e promoção da saúde. Por meio da escala de avaliação do contexto de trabalho, foram avaliadas as condições físicas, materiais e organizacionais do processo de trabalho. O quesito clareza, na definição das tarefas, foi o maior valorado com 4,7% de média, seguido das relações socioprofissionais com média de 4,0%. Os resultados da análise de conteúdo revelaram: na trajetória da atividade laboral, emergiram quatro categorias associadas à motivação e ao ingresso na ocupação por pessoas de referência na formação, acesso ao mercado de trabalho, busca pelo aperfeiçoamento profissional e aprendizagem prática no trabalho; no conceito de modo de produção, emergiram cinco categorias: responsabilidade de salvar vidas, crítica em relação ao próprio trabalho com qualidade, características físicas, atividades distintas do citotécnico e do histotécnico, visão do trabalho com otimismo; nas condições de trabalho, emergiram quatro categorias: trabalho em equipe e responsabilidade individual, ambiguidade em relação à autonomia, precarização do trabalho, esperança no reconhecimento da profissão. O trabalho do citotécnico é uma ocupação fracamente regulamentada, que se caracteriza por ausência de perfil profissional específico compatível com o escopo de prática real observada no trabalho levando a condições de trabalho precário. O reconhecimento ocorre entre os próprios trabalhadores que se valorizam por serem responsáveis pela promoção da saúde tornando seu trabalho socialmente útil.


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Title: Boundary-setting as a core activity in complex public systems
Authors: Joanne Murphy & Mary Lee Rhodes

The definition of the boundary of a system is at the core of any systems approach (Midgley 2000; 2003). By defining boundaries we enable – and delimit – the range of outcomes sought and the actions and resources that can be brought to bear. In complex adaptive systems (CAS) analysis, the conceptualisaion and definition of boundaries is particularly challenging as they are constantly undergoing redefinition through agent action, interaction and entry/exit. (Rhodes et al 2011). The concept of ‘boundaries’ appears regularly in a wide range of literature around public management, administration, geopolitics, regeneration and organisational development. Discussions around boundaries focus on many things from concrete physical manifestations and barriers, to virtual interfaces between one organisational unit and another, or even entirely theoretical demarcations between different schools of thought (Kaboolian, 1998, Levi-Faur, 2004, Agranoff & McGuire, 2004).

However, managing ‘beyond’ such boundaries is a routinely recurring aspiration that transcends sectors and local concerns. Unsurprisingly then, there is an increasing understanding of the need to acknowledge and manage such boundaries (whether they be physical, social or organisational) within public management as a discipline (Currie et al 2007, Fitzsimmons and White, 1997, Murtagh, 2002). This paper explores the impact of boundaries on public management strategic decision-making in the sectors of urban regeneration and healthcare. In particular, it focuses on demarcations to physical space, communal identity and within professional relationships in these sectors.

The first section describes the research that gave rise to the paper and the cases examined. Next we briefly define what we mean by boundaries. We explore issues that have emerged from our analysis of urban regeneration and health care singularly, before looking at how the concept of boundaries is a recurrent concern across the sectors. The main contribution of the paper is an exploration of how a CAS lens can bring a new insight into the concept of boundaries and decision-making in the two sets of case studies. This discussion will concentrate on initial conditions, bifurcation and adaptation as key CAS factors in relation to boundaries. We conclude with a brief discussion on the benefits of a CAS lens to an analysis of boundaries in public management decision-making.

Agranoff, R. and McGuire, M. (2003) Collaborative Public Management: Strategies for Local Government. Washington, DC: Georgetown Univ. Press.

Currie, G., Lockett, A. (2007) “A critique of transformational leadership: moral, professional & contingent dimensions of leadership within public services organizations”. Human Relations 60: 341-370.

Fitzsimmons and White, (1997) "Crossing boundaries: communication between professional groups", Journal of Management in Medicine, Vol. 11 Iss: 2, pp.96 – 101

Kaboolian, L. (1998) “The New Public Management: Challenging the Boundaries of the Management vs. Administration Debate” Public Administration Review Vol. 58, No. 3 pp.189-193

Levi-Faur D. and Vigoda-Gadot Eran (eds) (2004) International Public Policy and Management: Policy Learning Beyond Regional, Cultural and Political Boundaries, Marcel Dekker,
Midgley, G. (ed) (2003) Systems Thinking. London: Sage Publications

Midgley, G. (2000) Systemic Intervention: Philosophy, Methodology and Practice. New York, NY: Kluwer.

Murtagh, B. (2002). The Politics of Territory: Policy and Segregation in Northern Ireland. Basingstoke, Palgrave.

Rhodes, ML, Joanne Murphy, Jenny Muir, John Murray (2011) Public Management & Complexity Theory: Richer Decision Making in Irish Public Services, UK: Routledge


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There is an increasing recognition of the need to improve inter professional relationships within clinical practice (DoH, 2001). Evidence supports the assertion that health care professionals who are able to communicate and work effectively together and who have a mutual respect and understanding for one another’s roles will provide a higher standard of care (McPherson et al, 2001; Begley, 2008). Providing inter professional education within a University setting offers an opportunity for a non-threatening learning environment where students can develop confidence and build collaborative working relationships with one another (Saxell et al, 2009).
An inter-professional education initiative was developed in Queen’s University Belfast within the Schools of Nursing and Midwifery and Medicine and piloted in 2014. The aim of the collaboration was to introduce concepts of normal labour and birth to fourth year medical students prior to their obstetric and gynaecological placement in hospital. The teaching staff felt this would be an excellent opportunity for final year pre-registration midwifery students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding on normality in labour and birth by preparing interactive workshops with the medical students. The midwifery students were provided with an outline agenda in relation to content for the workshop, but then were allowed creative licence with regard to delivery of the workshop. The workshops consisted of approximately 4 midwifery students to 12 medical students. Resources such as birthing balls, birth mannequins, dolls and pelvises were available to the students to increase interactivity. Significant emphasis was placed upon the importance of relationship building with women in labour and the concept of being ‘with woman’ was core to all elements of teaching. Midwifery students undertook acting roles such as the labouring woman, partner or a midwife role and acted out mini scenarios such as contacting for advice about early labour; positions for labour or positions for birth. Medical students were prompted to vocalise about their feelings towards labour and birth and encouraged to think about their role within the birth setting.
Preliminary evaluations of the workshops have been extremely positive from both the midwifery students and the medical students. The midwifery students have commented on the enjoyable aspects of team working for preparing for the workshop and also the confidence gained from teaching the medical students. The medical students have evaluated the teaching by the midwifery students positively and felt that it lowered their anxiety going into the labour setting. A number of midwifery and medical students have subsequently worked with one another within the practice setting which has been recognised as beneficial. Both Schools have recognised the benefits of this form of inter professional education and have subsequently made a commitment to embed it within each curriculum.


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There is recognition of the need to continuously improve inter-professional relationships within clinical practice. Mutual respect, effective communication and working together are factors which will contribute to higher standards of care (Miers et al, 2005; Begley, 2008). An inter-professional education initiative, using low-fidelity simulation has been piloted and subsequently embedded within a pre-registration midwifery curriculum. The aim of the collaboration is to enhance inter-professional learning by providing an opportunity for final year midwifery students and 4th year medical students within a non-threatening environment to interact and communicate prior to obstetric clinical placements. The midwifery students are provided with an outline agenda for the workshop, but are encouraged to use creative license with regard to workshop delivery. Preliminary evaluations have been positive from both midwifery and medical students. The teaching sessions have provided an opportunity to learn about and respect each other’s roles. The midwifery students have commented on the enjoyable aspects of team working during preparation and the confidence gained from teaching medical students. The medical students felt that the sessions lowered their anxiety levels going into the labour setting. This workshop will demonstrate how low-fidelity simulation can effectively enhance the students experience promoting team working and self-confidence.


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A presente investigação, que tem os professores como figura central, constitui um trabalho de problematização sobre o impacto que as políticas educativas dos últimos dez anos têm tido na (re)definição da profissão e do trabalho docente. Num tempo marcado por rápidas e profundas mudanças económicas, políticas, sociais e culturais, os professores defrontam-se com novas situações, novos saberes e novas conceções pedagógicas. Por este motivo, impôs-se a preocupação académica de compreender o modo como os professores encaram a existência de novas exigências e dos desafios constantes com que são confrontados, lidam com eles, definem estratégias e finalidades de ação, enunciando os seus compromissos profissionais, os seus saberes e os modos de ser e de estar na profissão. Assim, a reflexão em torno das políticas educativas e do trabalho docente adquire uma importância inquestionável como uma problemática essencial para se compreender os sentidos da escola, das suas finalidades educativas e da ação dos professores. A investigação permitiu concluir que o Estado, agora avaliador, tende a abandonar o ideal de igualdades de oportunidades para o objetivo de igualdade dos resultados, onde sobressai o desenvolvimento de uma política educativa assente na lógica da eficácia e da competição. Concluiu-se, ainda, que a intensificação e a complexificação das tarefas que incumbem aos professores e o aumento exponencial de dispositivos burocráticos no exercício da profissão configuram a emergência de novas formas de governo e de controlo da profissão, contribuindo também para a sua desqualificação. Neste contexto, as relações profissionais que os docentes estabelecem entre si, o recentrar da escola na aprendizagem dos alunos e o conhecimento profissional dos professores são encarados pela autora como cruciais para a configuração de uma nova profissionalidade docente e para o desenvolvimento de perspetivas educacionais progressistas e emancipatórias. Foi intencional a opção por uma metodologia qualitativa, apoiada num paradigma que valoriza as vozes dos indivíduos que falam, quer o sujeito que, na sua qualidade de investigador, ouve ou lê a fala do narrador e a interpreta num encontro de subjetividades. Elegeu-se como estratégias de recolha de informação as entrevistas semiestruturadas e a aplicação de inquérito por questionário, na tentativa de recolher toda a riqueza subjetiva de quem neles se diz e de ultrapassar a velha aporia entre métodos quantitativos e qualitativos.


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The Nursing and Midwifery Council, the United Kingdom regulator of nursing and midwifery has recently revised its professional code of practice. This paper begins by arguing that a professional code must be capable of sustaining close reading and of action guidance. Using four exemplar clauses it is argued that the new revised code does not met this purpose. First, I show that in setting out requirements for consent and documentation, the meaning of the relevant clause has changed significantly during the editing process so that a literal reading of the final document bears little relation to established professional practice. Second, I argue that the clause concerning the nature of professional relationships has also been altered during the editing process so that it is inconsistent with other professional groups and established accounts of the professional nurse-patient relationship. Third, I argue that the clause concerning disclosure of confidential information, which survived revision and editing with its meaning intact is nevertheless factually incorrect and inconsistent with UK law and authoritative guidance. Finally, fourth, I argue that use of the word ‘inappropriate’ is inappropriate as it amounts to meaningless circularity, discussed in relation to a clause on expressing personal beliefs. Taken together, these examples demonstrate that the Code is seriously flawed and does not fulfil its purpose. One way that simple prescriptive clauses in the Code can be usefully understood is through the provision of detailed guidance. I argue that the NMC has changed its position on its view of the value of guidance and has significantly reduced the amount of written guidance and advice is provides. The paper concludes by arguing that in order to meet its action directing function, further clarifying revision and the provision of detailed guidance is required.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - especialidade Supervisão em Educação