892 resultados para Collective memory construction


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"Prayer, a heritage from generation to generation" The elderly and religion in Finland at the turn of the 21st century The strong demographic changes in Europe mean that research on the elderly is highly needed, and also from the viewpoint of their resources and opportunities. Further, it is important to determine, how the elderly could find a meaningful place as members of the chain of generations in our rapidly changing society. The aim of this study was to find out how the elderly build and perceive their place in the society through religious texts. The study was based on religious texts written by elderly people in the study groups of the Finnish pensioners organization Pension Union (Eläkeliitto). These 943 short prayers, poems, and aphorisms were collected during the Tree of Life (Elämänpuu) project in 1998-1999 and were then analysed applying qualitative content analysis and grounded theory methodology. The social construction of aging and the view of communication as a collective signifying process were used as the mainstays of the research perspective. The themes brought forward by the elderly writers were grouped around three key themes: the self, the world and religion. In this examination religion with its forms of expression appeared to be deeply rooted to each of these themes and thus seems a vital part of the elderly writers' culture. In connection with the theme of the self, the religious forms of expression provided a means of building a coherent and culturally accepted self-image which is further supported by positive views of personal history and current life situation. In relation to the world theme, the elderly writers stressed the importance of close social relationships and at the same time expressed anxiety with regard to the changing world. Concerning the theme of religion, the religious forms of expression were first and foremost used in building and creating a sense of personal safety and a belief in the future. The study suggests that skill in the use of religious language enable the elderly to cope with equivocal life events and cognitive dissonance. At the social level the religious forms of expression seemed to connect the writers to the Finnish linguistic culture and identity, as well as to the collective memory, where religion plays a central part. By using religious language the elderly both exploit and maintain these considerable social resources. The key result of the study is that the elderly were found to have a significant and separate role in the continuity and well-being of society. Bound to the religious tradition, the elderly seem to carry significant information as regards the identity of the Finnish people, information which is essentially passed on to future generations. By sustaining traditions and thus the collective identity, they perform a uniquely productive task and their life experience could be seen as a particular type of capital in the society. This result also raises a grave question: Will the elderly of the future be able to undertake this task that so profoundly requires religious literacy?


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The starting point of this study was to find out how the historical consciousness manifest in conceptions and experiences of Chilean refugees and their descendants. The previous research of historical consciousness has shown that powerful experiences such as the revolution and being a refugee may have an effect on historical consciousness. The purpose of this study is to solve how those experiences in the past have influenced Chilean refugees and their descendant s interpretations of the present and expectations for the future. The research material was collected by interviewing four Chilean refugees that escaped to Finland in years 1973 1976 and four young adults who represent the second generation. All second generation interviewees were born in Finland and their other parent or both parents were Chilean refugees. The two groups were not in a family relation to each other. The empirical part of the research was made by qualitative methods. The research material was collected by the method of focused interview and it was analysed by the qualitative data analysis software Atlas.ti 6.0. Content analysis was the main research tool. The previous theory of historical consciousness and the study questions was used to create the seven categories that manifest historical consciousness. The seven categories were biographical memory, collective memory, experiences of living between two cultures, idea of man, the essence of history and the reason for living, value conceptions and expectations of the future. Content analysis was based on those categories. Subcategories were based on the research material and were created during the analysis. The results of this study were made up of categories. The study revealed that experiences of revolution and of being a refugee has a significant role in the historical consciousness of the Chilean refugees. It became evident in their biographical memory being separated in three parts, in their values and in the belief of possibility of an individual to govern her own life. The second generation was also exposed to their parent s experiences in the past. The collective trauma in their parent s past has been part of their life indirectly and has affected the way they think of themselves, their concepts and their place in the present world. The active and regular retrospection in Finland by Chilean adults and special Gabriela Mistral club activities has played a big part in the construction of their historical consciousness.


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The Master’s thesis examines historical memory of the Polish minority members in Lithuania with regard to how their interpretation of the common Polish-Lithuanian history reiterates or differs from the official Polish and Lithuanian narratives conveyed by the school textbooks. History teaching in high schools carries a crucial state-supported role of “identity building policies” – it maintains a national narrative of memory, which might be exclusive to minorities and their peculiar understanding of history. Lithuanians Poles, in this regard, represent a national minority, which is exposed to two conflicting national narratives of the common past – Polish and Lithuanian. As members of the Polish nation, their understanding of the common Polish-Lithuanian history is conditioned by the Polish historical narrative, acquired as part of the collective memory of the family and/or different minority organizations. On the other hand, they encounter Lithuanian historical narrative of the Polish-Lithuanian past throughout the secondary school history education, where the curriculum, even if taught in Polish, largely represents the Lithuanian point of view. The concept of collective memory is utilized to refer to collective representations of national memory (i.e. publicly articulated narratives and images of collective past in history textbooks) as well as to socially framed individual memories (i.e. historical memory of minority members, where individual remembering is framed by the social context of their identity). The thesis compares the official national historical narratives in Lithuania and Poland, as conveyed by the Polish and Lithuanian history textbooks. The consequent analysis of qualitative interviews with the Polish minority members in Lithuania offers insights into historical memory of Lithuanian Poles and its relation to the official Polish and Lithuanian national narratives of the common past. Qualitative content analysis is applied in both parts of the analysis. The narratives which emerge from the interview data could be broadly grouped into two segments. First, a more pronounced view on the past combines the following elements: i) emphasis on the value of multicultural and diverse past of Lithuania, ii) contestation of “Lithuanocentricity” of the Lithuanian narrative and iii) rejection of the term “occupation”, based on the cultural presuppositions – the dominant position of Polish culture and language in the Vilnius region, symbolic belonging and “Lithuanianness” of the local Poles. While the opposition to the term of “occupation” is in accord with the official Polish narrative conveyed by the textbooks, the former two elements do not neatly adhere to either Polish or Lithuanian textbook narratives. They should rather be considered as an expression of claims for inclusion of plural pasts into Lithuanian collective memory and hence as claims for symbolic enfranchisement into the Lithuanian “imagined community”. The second strand of views, on the other hand, does not exclude assertions about the historically dominant position of Polish culture in Lithuania, but at the same time places more emphasis on the political and historical continuity of the Lithuanian state and highlights a long-standing symbolic connectedness of Vilnius and Lithuania, thus, striking a middle way between the Polish and Lithuanian interpretations of the past.


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Theoretical and computer simulation studies of orientational relaxation in dense molecular liquids are presented. The emphasis of the study is to understand the effects of collective orientational relaxation on the single-particle orientational dynamics. The theoretical analysis is based on a recently developed molecular hydrodynamic theory which allows a self-consistent description of both the collective and the single-particle orientational relaxation. The molecular hydrodynamic theory can be used to derive a relation between the memory function for the collective orientational correlation function and the frequency-dependent dielectric function. A novel feature of the present work is the demonstration that this collective memory function is significantly different from the single-particle rotational friction. However, a microscopic expression for the single-particle rotational friction can be derived from the molecular hydrodynamic theory where the collective memory function can be used to obtain the single-particle orientational friction. This procedure allows, us to calculate the single-particle orientational correlation function near the alpha-beta transition in the supercooled liquid. The calculated correlation function shows an interesting bimodal decay below the bifurcation temperature as the glass transition is approached from above. Brownian dynamics simulations have been carried out to check the validity of the above procedure of translating the memory function from the dielectric relaxation data. We have also investigated the following two issues important in understanding the orientational relaxation in slow liquids. First, we present an analysis of the ''orientational caging'' of translational motion. The value of the translational friction is found to be altered significantly by the orientational caging. Second, we address the question of the rank dependence of the dielectric friction using both simulation and the molecular hydrodynamic theory.


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As narrativas Dois irmãos e Órfãos do Eldorado, de Milton Hatoum, estão cercadas pelo ambiente dos rios, espaço fluido, aquoso, profundo, que representa o limite entre a vida e a morte. O rio, cenário mítico, simbólico para o material ficcional das narrativas, metaforicamente também pode ser entendido como o lugar mais íntimo e profundo do ser, onde os personagens são levados a uma imersão, um voltar-se para si mesmo. Espaço de transcendência, permitida pelo mergulho na memória, que, assim como os rios, é dinâmica, instável, fluida. Temos nos livros de Hatoum narradores em primeira pessoa que se dedicam a recompor os fios dos tempos através de relatos, num processo solitário, por vias da memória. Eles fazem um mergulho no íntimo do homem e descobrem sua condição humana, frágil. Num trabalho de catarse e de autorreflexão, alimentado pela memória, eles se descobrem estranhos a si mesmos, uma vez que, ao reconstruir a própria história, o sujeito está calcado no momento presente. O eixo temporal da narração é, desse modo, presente-passado. Nesse sentido, há importância em compreendermos que a memorização exige estratégias. Os contos, os ritos, os mitos, as fábulas fazem parte desse conjunto de estratégias, que, através de imagens e símbolos, transmitem, de geração em geração, a realidade de um povo, em tempo e espaço diferentes. É verdade que os narradores de Dois irmãos e Órfãos do Eldorado contam histórias particulares, mas eles o fazem se valendo dos elementos de que a memória individual e coletiva dispõem, memórias estas permeadas pelo ambiente em que estão inseridos. Entendemos, portanto, que estudar a memória é estudar a cultura e a história vivida de cada sujeito e de seus grupos. Quando se entende que a memória de um indivíduo é também a de sua região e dos grupos de que faz parte, considera-se o processo memorialístico como uma construção coletiva. Isso significa que a memória individual é parte da memória coletiva. Desse modo, nos textos estudados, é pelo viés da memória que se entrelaçam espaços e tempos num lugar em que o rio se coloca entre os mundos narrados


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Na trilogia crítico-religiosa de José Saramago, constituída pelos romances Memorial do Convento, O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo e Caim, torna-se possível perceber a presença recorrente do pensamento utópico, que, nas três obras em questão, não se revela como percepção idealística de uma realidade imutável, mas, tendo em vista a perspectiva filosófica de Ernst Bloch, revela-se como consciência aguda tanto do processo histórico quanto da práxis libertária. Na dinâmica constitutiva dessa consciência, pode-se delinear o encontro interativo dos tempos: um passado reconstituído criticamente pela ótica contemporânea, um presente permeado por intensa militância ideológica e, principalmente, a consciência de um futuro aberto como possibilidade concreta, o que viabiliza, naqueles romances, aspirações humanas por transformações radicais da ordem vigente. Esse encontro dos tempos, do ponto de vista estético-literário, substancializa-se na trilogia por intermédio essencialmente do recurso paródico: a revisitação crítica dos ícones e temas provenientes do universo judaico-cristão. Seja nas imagens desiderativas que retoma, seja no quadro conceitual que ironiza, seja, ainda, na constituição híbrida do romance, que esfacela o teor totalizante da narrativa tradicional, José Saramago parece extrair dos arquétipos religiosos uma intensidade subversiva que, na tessitura ficcional que elabora, atinge e questiona a construção metafísica erigida por séculos de judaísmo e cristianismo. Nos três romances do escritor lusitano, esse processo de releitura do passado aponta não somente para a impossibilidade, no contexto contemporâneo, de experiência com a cosmovisão totalizante da religião ocidental como também para a reconstituição existencial do mundo moderno, uma vez que, a partir de sonhos frustrados daquele passado, se tornaria possível materializar anseios utópicos latentes, represados na memória coletiva. Assim, o pensamento utópico, na trilogia saramaguiana, converte-se em névoa do tempo: no espaço múltiplo e complexo do romance, desnuda-se a dialética entre passado, presente e futuro, que, na sua dinamicidade constitutiva, abriga e gesta o novum, o ainda não


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In moments of rapid social changes, as has been witnessed in Ireland in the last decade, the conditions through which people engage with their localities though memory, individually and collectively, remains an important cultural issue with key implications for questions of heritage, preservation and civic identity. In recent decades, cultural geographers have argued that landscape is more than just a view or a static text of something symbolic. The emphasis seems to be on landscape as a dynamic cultural process – an ever-evolving process being constructed and re-constructed. Hence, landscape seems to be a highly complex term that carries many different meanings. Material, form, relationships or actions have different meanings in different settings. Drawing upon recent and continuing scholarly debates in cultural landscapes and collective memory, this thesis sets out to examine the generation of collective memory and how it is employed as a cultural tool in the production of memory in the landscape. More specifically, the research considers the relationships between landscape and memory, investigating the ways in which places are produced, appropriated, experienced, sensed, acknowledged, imagined, yearned for, appropriated, re-appropriated, contested and identified with. A polyvocal-bricoleur approach aims to get below the surface of a cultural landscape, inject historical research and temporal depth into cultural landscape studies and instil a genuine sense of inclusivity of a wide variety of voices (role of monuments and rituals and voices of people) from the past and present. The polyvocal-bricoleur approach inspires a mixed method methodology approach to fieldsites through archival research, fieldwork and filmed interviews. Using a mixture of mini-vignettes of place narratives in the River Lee valley in the south of Ireland, the thesis explores a number of questions on the fluid nature of narrative in representing the story and role of the landscape in memory-making. The case studies in the Lee Valley are harnessed to investigate the role of the above questions/ themes/ debates in the act of memory making at sites ranging from an Irish War of Independence memorial to the River Lee’s hydroelectric scheme to the valley’s key religious pilgrimage site. The thesis investigates the idea that that the process of landscape extends not only across space but also across time – that the concept of historical continuity and the individual and collective human engagement and experience of this continuity are central to the processes of remembering on the landscape. In addition the thesis debates the idea that the production of landscape is conditioned by several social frames of memory – that individuals remember according to several social frames that give emphasis to different aspects of the reality of human experience. The thesis also reflects on how the process of landscape is represented by those who re-produce its narratives in various media.


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This paper explores how new media environments represent and create collective memories of trauma; how creative digital practice can be a key methodology for memory studies and the potential of digital interfaces for representing and reconciling collective memories of trauma, particularly in the context of Cyprus. My project MemoryBank will be used as a model to discuss the potential role of creative digital media practice in both community arts and the formal education process in order to enable participants to engage with the process of peace and reconciliation in Cyprus and circumvent and negotiate politically ossified collective memory narratives and chauvinistic histories. [From the Author]


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The influence of collective memory on political identity in Ireland has been well documented. It has particular force in Northern Ireland where there is fundamental disagreement about how and why the conflict erupted and how it should be resolved. This article outlines some of the issues encountered by an ‘insider’ when attempting to record and analyse the conflicting memories of a range of Protestants and Catholics who grew up in Mid-Ulster in the decades preceding the Troubles. In particular, it considers the challenges and opportunities presented by a two-pronged approach to oral history: using testimony as evidence about historical experience in the past and as evidence about historical memory – both collective and individual – in the present.


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Film, History and Memory examines the relationship between film and history, exploring the multiplicity of ways in which films depict, contest, reinforce or subvert historical understanding. This volume broadens the focus from 'history', the study of past events, to 'memory', the processes – individual, generational, collective or state-driven – by which meanings are attached to the past. This approach acknowledges how the significance of the historical film lies less in its empirical qualities than in its powerful capacity to influence public thinking and discourses about the past, whether by shaping collective memory, popular history and social memory, or by retrieving suppressed or marginalized histories. This study aims to contribute to the growing literature on history and film through the breadth of its approach, both in disciplinary and geographical terms. Contributors are drawn not only from the discipline of history but also film studies, film practice, art history, languages and literature, and cultural studies.


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This paper explores the complex relationship between organisational change and historical dialogue in transitional societies. Using the policing reform process in Northern Ireland as an example, the paper does three things: the first is to explore the ways in which policing changes were understood within the policing organisation and ‘community’ itself. The second is to make use of a processual approach, privileging the interactions of context, process and time within the analysis. Thirdly, it considers this perspective through the relatively new lens of ‘historical dialogue’: understood here as a conversation and an oscillation between the past, present and future through reflections on individual and collective memory. Through this analysis, we consider how members’ understandings of a difficult past (and their roles in it) facilitated and/or impeded the organisations change process. Drawing on a range of interviews with previous and current members of the organisation, this paper sheds new light on how institutions deal with and understand the past as they experience organisational change within the a wider societal transition from conflict to non-violence.


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This paper investigates processes and actions of diversifying memories of division in Northern Ireland’s political conflict known as the Troubles. Societal division is manifested in its built fabric and territories that have been adopted by predominant discourses of a fragmented society in Belfast; the unionist east and the nationalist west. The aim of the paper is to explore current approaches in planning contested spaces that have changed over time, leading to success in many cases. The argument is that divided cities, like Belfast, feature spatial images and memories of division that range from physical, clear-cut segregation to manifested actions of violence and have become influential representations in the community’s associative memory. While promoting notions of ‘re-imaging’ by current councils demonstrates a total erasure of the Troubles through cleansing its local collective memory, there yet remains an attempt to communicate a different tale of the city’s socio-economic past, to elaborate its supremacy for shaping future lived memories. Yet, planning Belfast’s contested areas is still suffering from a poor understanding of the context and its complexity against overambitious visions. 


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Tese de doutoramento, Estudos de Literatura e de Cultura (Cultura e Comunicação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2015


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Ma recherche vise, d’une part, à appréhender le phénomène de la publication des correspondances des « poilus » (les soldats français de la Première Guerre mondiale) et d’autre part, à déterminer leur rôle dans la mémoire collective de la Grande Guerre. Précédé d’un bilan historiographique, mon travail se divise en trois chapitres autour de trois thèmes principaux, la correspondance, l’édition et la mémoire. Le premier chapitre met en contexte la production des lettres et identifie les facteurs l’influençant. Le deuxième chapitre se penche sur les buts éditoriaux des publications de correspondances et sur leur transformation au fil des époques. Finalement, le dernier chapitre analyse la place de ces publications dans le cadre de la commémoration de la Grande Guerre. La recherche va au-delà de l’analyse des lettres et s’intéresse davantage aux desseins éditoriaux des recueils. Les sources utilisées sont des ouvrages collectifs publiant des lettres de poilus, édités entre 1922 (La dernière lettre) et 2006 (Paroles de Verdun).


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En 1925, les Kunas (Gunas), autochtones du nord-est du Panama, se soulevèrent en armes afin de contrer les politiques assimilationnistes du gouvernement national. Première étape dans un long processus d’affirmation identitaire et de revendications territoriales, ce soulèvement est aujourd’hui connu sous le nom de Révolution kuna (Revolución Dule). Considéré de nos jours comme un symbole des luttes autochtones pour l’autodétermination et l’autonomie politique, cet épisode historique est grandement célébré dans le territoire de Kuna Yala (Gunayala). À Uggubseni, scène principale du soulèvement de 1925, la commémoration prend la forme d’une reconstitution historique où, pendant plus d’une semaine, les villageois reconstruisent le scénario révolutionnaire. Cette commémoration particulière est l’objet du présent travail de recherche, par lequel nous tentons d’analyser comment est remémorée et interprétée aujourd’hui la Révolution kuna. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes d'abord penchés sur l’événement même de la commémoration. Une analyse de sa forme nous amena à considérer l’ensemble commémoratif comme un nouveau rite au sein de la ritualité kuna. Nous argumentons que par sa forme carnavalesque, la commémoration permet aux villageois de repenser la relation dialectique entre l’État panaméen et l’autonomie kuna, de même qu’elle sert d’exutoire aux tensions internes. Ensuite, nous nous sommes intéressés aux diverses interprétations de cette étape de l’histoire kuna et panaméenne afin de cerner les différents intérêts impliqués dans la commémoration du soulèvement kuna. Enfin, le cœur de ce travail porte sur le rôle de la mémoire collective dans la construction et la réitération d'un discours identitaire, et ce, en analysant comment la mémoire de la révolution est transmise, reçue, interprétée et utilisée aujourd'hui.