42 resultados para [omim]
Tese de doutoramento, Farmcia (Biologia Celular e Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmcia, 2014
Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS; OMIM no. 194050) is a multisystemic neurodevelopmental disorder caused by a hemizygous deletion of 1.55 Mb on chromosome 7q11.23 spanning 28 genes. Haploinsufficiency of the ELN gene was shown to be responsible for supravalvular aortic stenosis and generalized arteriopathy, whereas LIMK1, CLIP2, GTF2IRD1 and GTF2I genes were suggested to be linked to the specific cognitive profile and craniofacial features. These insights for genotype-phenotype correlations came from the molecular and clinical analysis of patients with atypical deletions and mice models. Here we report a patient showing mild WBS physical phenotype and normal IQ, who carries a shorter 1 Mb atypical deletion. This rearrangement does not include the GTF2IRD1 and GTF2I genes and only partially the BAZ1B gene. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that hemizygosity of the GTF2IRD1 and GTF2I genes might be involved in the facial dysmorphisms and in the specific motor and cognitive deficits observed in WBS patients.
Background Geleophysic dysplasia (GD, OMIM 231050) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterised by short stature, small hands and feet, stiff joints, and thick skin. Patients often present with a progressive cardiac valvular disease which can lead to an early death. In a previous study including six GD families, we have mapped the disease gene on chromosome 9q34.2 and identified mutations in the A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase with Thrombospondin repeats-like 2 gene (ADAMTSL2). Methods Following this study, we have collected the samples of 30 additional GD families, including 33 patients and identified ADAMTSL2 mutations in 14/33 patients, comprising 13 novel mutations. The absence of mutation in 19 patients prompted us to compare the two groups of GD patients, namely group 1, patients with ADAMTSL2 mutations (n=20, also including the 6 patients from our previous study), and group 2, patients without ADAMTSL2 mutations (n=19). Results The main discriminating features were facial dysmorphism and tip-toe walking, which were almost constantly observed in group 1. No differences were found concerning heart involvement, skin thickness, recurrent respiratory and ear infections, bronchopulmonary insufficiency, laryngo-tracheal stenosis, deafness, and radiographic features. Conclusions It is concluded that GD is a genetically heterogeneous condition. Ongoing studies will hopefully lead to the identification of another disease gene.
We describe 19 unrelated individuals with submicroscopic deletions involving 10p15.3 characterized by chromosomal microarray (CMA). Interestingly, to our knowledge, only two individuals with isolated, submicroscopic 10p15.3 deletion have been reported to date; however, only limited clinical information is available for these probands and the deleted region has not been molecularly mapped. Comprehensive clinical history was obtained for 12 of the 19 individuals described in this study. Common features among these 12 individuals include: cognitive/behavioral/developmental differences (11/11), speech delay/language disorder (10/10), motor delay (10/10), craniofacial dysmorphism (9/12), hypotonia (7/11), brain anomalies (4/6) and seizures (3/7). Parental studies were performed for nine of the 19 individuals; the 10p15.3 deletion was de novo in seven of the probands, not maternally inherited in one proband and inherited from an apparently affected mother in one proband. Molecular mapping of the 19 individuals reported in this study has identified two genes, ZMYND11 (OMIM 608668) and DIP2C (OMIM 611380; UCSC Genome Browser), mapping within 10p15.3 which are most commonly deleted. Although no single gene has been identified which is deleted in all 19 individuals studied, the deleted region in all but one individual includes ZMYND11 and the deleted region in all but one other individual includes DIP2C. There is not a clearly identifiable phenotypic difference between these two individuals and the size of the deleted region does not generally predict clinical features. Little is currently known about these genes complicating a direct genotype/phenotype correlation at this time. These data however, suggest that ZMYND11 and/or DIP2C haploinsufficiency contributes to the clinical features associated with 10p15 deletions in probands described in this study.
Les ataxies autosomiques rcessives sont un groupe de troubles neurologiques htrognes caractriss par une incoordination brute des mouvements musculaires impliquant le dysfonctionnement nerveux du cervelet qui coordonne le mouvement. Plusieurs formes hrditaires ont t dcrites dont la plus connue : lataxie de Friedriech. Dans cette thse nous rapportons l'identification et la caractrisation dune nouvelle forme dans la population qubcoise. Lataxie rcessive spastique avec leucoencphalopathie (ARSAL; aussi connue comme lataxie autosomique rcessive spastique de type 3 (SPAX3); OMIM 611390) est la deuxime ataxie spastique dcrite dans la population canadienne franaise. En effet, prs de 50 % de nos cas sont originaires de la rgion de Portneuf. En 2006, nous avons dcrit les caractristiques cliniques de cette nouvelle forme dataxie. Un premier criblage du gnome entier, constitu de plus de 500 marqueurs microsatellites, a permis la localisation du locus sur le chromosome 2q33-34. Suite au squenage de plus de 37 gnes candidats et afin de rtrcir cet intervalle candidat, nous avons utilis une micro-puce dADN constitue de marqueurs SNP single nucleotide polymorphism et nous avons identifi un deuxime intervalle candidat de 0.658Mb au locus 2q33 dans lequel se trouvent moins de 9 gnes. Lidentification et la caractrisation de ces mutations a ncessit lutilisation de diverses technologies de pointe. Trois mutations (une dltion et deux rarrangements complexes) dans le gne mitochondrial tRNA-synthetase (MARS2) ont t identifies dans notre cohorte. Nous mettons lhypothse que la nature des mutations complexes est responsable dun drglement de la transcription du gne, ce qui a un impact nfaste sur la fonction mitochondriale et le tissu neuronal.
tude clinique et gntique dune nouvelle forme dataxie spinocrbelleuse pure associe lrythrokratodermie
Nous prsentons ici la description clinique et gntique dun syndrome neurocutan unique. Le laboratoire du Dr Cossette a entrepris la caractrisation clinique et gntique d'une famille canadienne-franaise qui a t identifie par les Drs Giroux et Barbeau en 1972 et qui comprend plus de 100 personnes sur six gnrations. Les membres atteints de cette famille prsentent des lsions typiques d'rythrokratodermie (EK) (OMIM 133190, EKV1 et EKV2), associes une ataxie spinocrbelleuse pure. Dans cette famille, l'ataxie est caractrise par des troubles de la coordination et de la dmarche causs par une dgnrescence du cervelet et de la moelle pinire. Cette ataxie est transmise selon un mode autosomique dominant. Une tude antrieure de cette variante d'EK avec ataxie avait suggr une liaison sur le chromosome 1p34-p35, soit la mme rgion que les formes EKV de type 1 et 2, causes respectivement par des mutations dans les gnes connexin-31 (GJB3; OMIM 603324) et connexin-30.3 (GJB4; OMIM 605425). Cependant, aucune mutation n'a t retrouve dans ces gnes pour la famille canadienne-franaise. Nous avons rcemment recontact la famille et effectu des examens dtaills, incluant une imagerie par rsonance magntique (IRM) et un lectromyogramme (EMG). Les manifestations neurologiques des individus atteints sont compatibles avec une nouvelle forme dataxie crbelleuse pure transmission autosomique dominante (ADCA de type III dans la classification de Harding) que nous avons appele SCA34. Une cartographie complte du gnome nous a permis de localiser le gne SCA34 sur le chromosome 6p12.3-q16.2. galement, en collaboration avec les Drs Alexis Brice (Hpital Piti-La Salptrire, Paris) et Alfredo Brusco (Hpital San Giovanni Battista di Torino, Italie), nous avons confirm que trois autres familles europennes avec SCA inexplique taient galement lies au locus SCA34. Notre laboratoire a rcemment entrepris la recherche des mutations responsables de SCA34. Les rsultats de ce criblage de gnes candidats sont prsents dans le chapitre 3 de cette thse.
La butirilcolinesterasa humana (BChE; EC es una enzima polimrfica sintetizada en el hgado y en el tejido adiposo, ampliamente distribuida en el organismo y encargada de hidrolizar algunos steres de colina como la procana, steres alifticos como el cido acetilsaliclico, frmacos como la metilprednisolona, el mivacurium y la succinilcolina y drogas de uso y/o abuso como la herona y la cocana. Es codificada por el gen BCHE (OMIM 177400), habindose identificado ms de 100 variantes, algunas no estudiadas plenamente, adems de la forma ms frecuente, llamada usual o silvestre. Diferentes polimorfismos del gen BCHE se han relacionado con la sntesis de enzimas con niveles variados de actividad cataltica. Las bases moleculares de algunas de esas variantes genticas han sido reportadas, entre las que se encuentra las variantes Atpica (A), fluoruro-resistente del tipo 1 y 2 (F-1 y F-2), silente (S), Kalow (K), James (J) y Hammersmith (H). En este estudio, en un grupo de pacientes se aplic el instrumento validado Lifetime Severity Index for Cocaine Use Disorder (LSI-C) para evaluar la gravedad del consumo de cocana a lo largo de la vida. Adems, se determinaron Polimorfismos de Nucletido Simple (SNPs) en el gen BCHE conocidos como responsables de reacciones adversas en pacientes consumidores de cocana mediante secuenciacin del gen y se predijo el efecto delos SNPs sobre la funcin y la estructura de la protena, mediante el uso de herramientas bio-informticas. El instrumento LSI-C ofreci resultados en cuatro dimensiones: consumo a lo largo de la vida, consumo reciente, dependencia psicolgica e intento de abandono del consumo. Los estudios de anlisis molecular permitieron observar dos SNPs codificantes (cSNPs) no sinnimos en el 27.3% de la muestra, c.293A>G (p.Asp98Gly) y c.1699G>A (p.Ala567Thr), localizados en los exones 2 y 4, que corresponden, desde el punto de vista funcional, a la variante Atpica (A) [dbSNP: rs1799807] y a la variante Kalow (K) [dbSNP: rs1803274] de la enzima BChE, respectivamente. Los estudios de prediccin In silico establecieron para el SNP p.Asp98Gly un carcter patognico, mientras que para el SNP p.Ala567Thr, mostraron un comportamiento neutro. El anlisis de los resultados permite proponer la existencia de una relacin entre polimorfismos o variantes genticas responsables de una baja actividad cataltica y/o baja concentracin plasmtica de la enzima BChE y algunas de las reacciones adversas ocurridas en pacientes consumidores de cocana.
Introduccin: El sndrome de Mbius y Mbius Like es una entidad poco frecuente caracterizada principalmente por parlisis congnita del VI y VII par craneal. Su etiologa es poco conocida aunque se ha asociado a inductores del aborto. El objetivo de este estudio es describir factores anmalos, txicos o nocivos que hayan estado presentes en el embarazo de las madres de estos pacientes. Metodologa: se realiz una encuesta auto-diligenciable a 15 madres de pacientes con el diagnstico, indagando sobre condiciones anmalas y/o exposicionales del embarazo, el padre y el ambiente. Resultados: Las madres se encontraban entre los 16 y 34 aos al momento de quedar embarazadas, en su mayora eran solteras, estudiantes y sin planes de embarazo. Once en total usaron algn medicamento y/o sustancias durante la gestacin; seis de ellas Misoprostol (40%). Las otras sustancias utilizadas incluyeron: alternativas, cigarrillo, alcohol, ibuprofeno, anticonceptivos, otros. Como anomalas del periodo prenatal se reportaron sangrado activo y/o amenaza de aborto, infeccin, exposicin a qumicos ambientales y enfermedad materna activa. Las condiciones paternas descritas fueron alcoholismo y/o drogadiccin, enfermedad y edad 40 aos en bajo porcentaje. Conclusin: El sndrome de Mbius y Mbius Like es una patologa poco frecuente de la cual an se debe seguir investigando sobre su etiologa, para plantear posibles medidas de prevencin.
ANTECEDENTES:El aislamiento de clulas fetales libres o ADN fetal en sangre materna abre una ventana de posibilidades diagnsticas no invasivas para patologas monognicas y cromosmicas, adems de permitir la identificacin del sexo y del RH fetal. Actualmente existen mltiples estudios que evalan la eficacia de estos mtodos, mostrando resultados costo-efectivos y de menor riesgo que el estndar de oro. Este trabajo describe la evidencia encontrada acerca del diagnstico prenatal no invasivo luego de realizar una revisinsistemtica de la literatura. OBJETIVOS:El objetivo de este estudio fuereunir la evidencia quecumplacon los criterios de bsqueda, en el tema del diagnstico fetal no invasivo por clulas fetales libres en sangre materna para determinar su utilidad diagnstica. MTODOS:Se realiz una revisinsistemtica de la literatura con el fin de determinar siel diagnstico prenatal no invasivo por clulas fetales libres en sangre materna es efectivo como mtodo de diagnstico. RESULTADOS:Se encontraron 5,893 artculos que cumplan con los criterios de bsqueda;67 cumplieron los criterios de inclusin: 49.3% (33/67) correspondieron a estudios de corte transversal, 38,8% (26/67) a estudios de cohortes y el 11.9% (8/67) a estudios casos y controles.Se obtuvieron resultados de sensibilidad, especificidad y tipo de prueba. CONCLUSIN:En la presente revisin sistemtica, se evidencia como el diagnstico prenatal no invasivo es una tcnica feasible, reproducible y sensible para el diagnstico fetal, evitando el riesgo de un diagnstico invasivo.
Oculoauriculovertebral spectrum (OAVS; OMIM 164210) is a complex condition characterized by defects of aural, oral, mandibular and vertebral development. The aetiology of this condition is likely to be heterogeneous; most cases are sporadic, however, familial cases suggesting autosomal recessive end autosomal dominant inheritance have been reported. In this study, we describe the clinical aspects of nine familial cases with evidence of autosomal dominant inheritance and compare them with reports in the literature. Interfamilial and intrafamilial clinical variabilities were observed in this study (reinforcing the necessity of careful examination of familial members). We suggest that oculoauriculovertebral spectrum with autosomal dominant inheritance is characterized mainly by bilateral auricular involvement and rarely presents extracranial anomalies. Clin Dysmorphol 18:67-77 (C) 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6) belongs to a family of nine transcription factors that share a highly conserved helix-turn-helix DNA-binding domain and a less conserved protein-binding domain. Most IRFs regulate the expression of interferon-alpha and -beta after viral infection(1), but the function of IRF6 is unknown. The gene encoding IRF6 is located in the critical region for the Van der Woude syndrome (VWS; OMIM 119300) locus at chromosome 1q32-q41 (refs 2,3). The disorder is an autosomal dominant form of cleft lip and palate with lip pits(4), and is the most common syndromic form of cleft lip or palate. Popliteal pterygium syndrome (PPS; OMIM 119500) is a disorder with a similar orofacial phenotype that also includes skin and genital anomalies(5). Phenotypic overlap(6) and linkage data(7) suggest that these two disorders are allelic. We found a nonsense mutation in IRF6 in the affected twin of a pair of monozygotic twins who were discordant for VWS. Subsequently, we identified mutations in IRF6 in 45 additional unrelated families affected with VWS and distinct mutations in 13 families affected with PPS. Expression analyses showed high levels of Irf6 mRNA along the medial edge of the fusing palate, tooth buds, hair follicles, genitalia and skin. Our observations demonstrate that haploinsufficiency of IRF6 disrupts orofacial development and are consistent with dominant-negative mutations disturbing development of the skin and genitalia.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Abstract Background Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS; OMIM 194050) is caused by a hemizygous contiguous gene microdeletion at 7q11.23. Supravalvular aortic stenosis (SVAS), mental retardation, and overfriendliness comprise typical symptoms of WBS. Although fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is considered the gold standard technique, the microsatellite DNA markers and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) could be used for to confirm the diagnosis of WBS. Results We have evaluated a total cohort of 88 patients with a suspicion clinical diagnosis of WBS using a collection of five markers (D7S1870, D7S489, D7S613, D7S2476, and D7S489_A) and a commercial MLPA kit (P029). The microdeletion was present in 64 (72.7%) patients and absent in 24 (27.3%) patients. The parental origin of deletion was maternal in 36 of 64 patients (56.3%) paternal in 28 of 64 patients (43.7%). The deletion size was 1.55 Mb in 57 of 64 patients (89.1%) and 1.84 Mb in 7 of 64 patients (10.9%). The results were concordant using both techniques, except for four patients whose microsatellite markers were uninformative. There were no clinical differences in relation to either the size or parental origin of the deletion. Conclusion MLPA was considered a faster and more economical method in a single assay, whereas the microsatellite markers could determine both the size and parental origin of the deletion in WBS. The microsatellite marker and MLPA techniques are effective in deletion detection in WBS, and both methods provide a useful diagnostic strategy mainly for developing countries.
L'innovazione delle tecnologie di sequenziamento negli ultimi anni ha reso possibile la catalogazione delle varianti genetiche nei campioni umani, portando nuove scoperte e comprensioni nella ricerca medica, farmaceutica, dell'evoluzione e negli studi sulla popolazione. La quantit di sequenze prodotta molto cospicua, e per giungere all'identificazione delle varianti sono necessari diversi stadi di elaborazione delle informazioni genetiche in cui, ad ogni passo, vengono generate ulteriori informazioni. Insieme a questa immensa accumulazione di dati, nata la necessit da parte della comunit scientifica di organizzare i dati in repository, dapprima solo per condividere i risultati delle ricerche, poi per permettere studi statistici direttamente sui dati genetici. Gli studi su larga scala coinvolgono quantit di dati nell'ordine dei petabyte, il cui mantenimento continua a rappresentare una sfida per le infrastrutture. Per la variet e la quantit di dati prodotti, i database giocano un ruolo di primaria importanza in questa sfida. Modelli e organizzazione dei dati in questo campo possono fare la differenza non soltanto per la scalabilit, ma anche e soprattutto per la predisposizione al data mining. Infatti, la memorizzazione di questi dati in file con formati quasi-standard, la dimensione di questi file, e i requisiti computazionali richiesti, rendono difficile la scrittura di software di analisi efficienti e scoraggiano studi su larga scala e su dati eterogenei. Prima di progettare il database si perci studiata levoluzione, negli ultimi ventanni, dei formati quasi-standard per i flat file biologici, contenenti metadati eterogenei e sequenze nucleotidiche vere e proprie, con record privi di relazioni strutturali. Recentemente questa evoluzione culminata nellutilizzo dello standard XML, ma i flat file delimitati continuano a essere gli standard pi supportati da tools e piattaforme online. seguita poi unanalisi dellorganizzazione interna dei dati per i database biologici pubblici. Queste basi di dati contengono geni, varianti genetiche, strutture proteiche, ontologie fenotipiche, relazioni tra malattie e geni, relazioni tra farmaci e geni. Tra i database pubblici studiati rientrano OMIM, Entrez, KEGG, UniProt, GO. L'obiettivo principale nello studio e nella modellazione del database genetico stato quello di strutturare i dati in modo da integrare insieme i dati eterogenei prodotti e rendere computazionalmente possibili i processi di data mining. La scelta di tecnologia Hadoop/MapReduce risulta in questo caso particolarmente incisiva, per la scalabilit garantita e per lefficienza nelle analisi statistiche pi complesse e parallele, come quelle riguardanti le varianti alleliche multi-locus.
Fgfrl1 (also known as Fgfr5; OMIM 605830) homozygous null mice have thin, amuscular diaphragms and die at birth because of diaphragm hypoplasia. FGFRL1 is located at 4p16.3, and this chromosome region can be deleted in patients with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). We examined FGFRL1 as a candidate gene for the diaphragmatic defects associated with 4p16.3 deletions and re-sequenced this gene in 54 patients with CDH. We confirmed six known coding single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): c.209G > A (p.Pro20Pro), c.977G > A (p.Pro276Pro), c.1040T > C (p.Asp297Asp), c.1234C > A (p.Pro362Gln), c.1420G > T (p.Arg424Leu), and c.1540C > T (p.Pro464Leu), but we did not identify any gene mutations. We genotyped additional CDH patients for four of these six SNPs, including the three non-synonymous SNPs, to make a total of 200 chromosomes, and found that the allele frequency for the four SNPs, did not differ significantly between patients and normal controls (p > or = 0.05). We then used Affymetrix Genechip Mouse Gene 1.0 ST arrays and found eight genes with significantly reduced expression levels in the diaphragms of Fgfrl1 homozygous null mice when compared with wildtype mice-Tpm3, Fgfrl1 (p = 0.004), Myl2, Lrtm1, Myh4, Myl3, Myh7 and Hephl1. Lrtm1 is closely related to Slit3, a protein associated with herniation of the central tendon of the diaphragm in mice. The Slit proteins are known to regulate axon branching and cell migration, and inhibition of Slit3 reduces cell motility and decreases the expression of Rac and Cdc42, two genes that are essential for myoblast fusion. Further studies to determine if Lrtm1 has a similar function to Slit3 and if reduced Fgfrl1 expression can cause diaphragm hypoplasia through a mechanism involving decreased myoblast motility and/or myoblast fusion, seem indicated.