789 resultados para customer satisfaction


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Performance-based maintenance contracts differ significantly from material and method-based contracts that have been traditionally used to maintain roads. Road agencies around the world have moved towards a performance-based contract approach because it offers several advantages like cost saving, better budgeting certainty, better customer satisfaction with better road services and conditions. Payments for the maintenance of road are explicitly linked to the contractor successfully meeting certain clearly defined minimum performance indicators in these contracts. Quantitative evaluation of the cost of performance-based contracts has several difficulties due to the complexity of the pavement deterioration process. Based on a probabilistic analysis of failures of achieving multiple performance criteria over the length of the contract period, an effort has been made to develop a model that is capable of estimating the cost of these performance-based contracts. One of the essential functions of such model is to predict performance of the pavement as accurately as possible. Prediction of future degradation of pavement is done using Markov Chain Process, which requires estimating transition probabilities from previous deterioration rate for similar pavements. Transition probabilities were derived using historical pavement condition rating data, both for predicting pavement deterioration when there is no maintenance, and for predicting pavement improvement when maintenance activities are performed. A methodological framework has been developed to estimate the cost of maintaining road based on multiple performance criteria such as crack, rut and, roughness. The application of the developed model has been demonstrated via a real case study of Miami Dade Expressways (MDX) using pavement condition rating data from Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for a typical performance-based asphalt pavement maintenance contract. Results indicated that the pavement performance model developed could predict the pavement deterioration quite accurately. Sensitivity analysis performed shows that the model is very responsive to even slight changes in pavement deterioration rate and performance constraints. It is expected that the use of this model will assist the highway agencies and contractors in arriving at a fair contract value for executing long term performance-based pavement maintenance works.


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Employee orientation problems for a resort chain were studied and addressed through action research. The implemented solution leveraged experiential learning to foster employee initiative and problem solving to instill a culture of learning, improve customer satisfaction and increase employee retention. Business results were achieved but learner/ management reaction was mixed.


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The authors provide tips for institutions wanting to place a contract for operation of their food service and for companies and/or individuals in the business of managing food service operations for a fee.


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Attempts to improve the level of customer service delivered have resulted in an increased use of technology in the customer service environment. Customer-contact employees are expected to use computers to help them in providing better service encounters for customers. This research study done in a business-to-business environment explored the effects of customer-contact employees' computer self efficacy and positive mood on in-role customer service, extra-role customer service and organization citizenship. It also examined the relationship of customer service to customer satisfaction and customer delight. ^ Research questions were analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequency distributions, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. Results indicated that computer self efficacy had a greater impact on extra-role customer service than it did on in-role customer service. Positive mood had a positive moderating influence on extra-role customer service but not on in-role customer service. ^ There was a significant relationship between in-role customer service and customer satisfaction but not between extra-role customer service and customer satisfaction. There was no significant relationship between in-role customer service and customer delight nor between extra-role customer service and customer delight. There was a statistically greater positive relationship between joy experienced by clients and customer delight than between pleasant surprise and customer delight. ^ This study demonstrated the importance of facilitating customer-contact employee positive mood on the job in order to improve the level of extra-role customer service delivered. It also showed that increasing the level of customer service does not necessarily lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction. ^


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Performance-based maintenance contracts differ significantly from material and method-based contracts that have been traditionally used to maintain roads. Road agencies around the world have moved towards a performance-based contract approach because it offers several advantages like cost saving, better budgeting certainty, better customer satisfaction with better road services and conditions. Payments for the maintenance of road are explicitly linked to the contractor successfully meeting certain clearly defined minimum performance indicators in these contracts. Quantitative evaluation of the cost of performance-based contracts has several difficulties due to the complexity of the pavement deterioration process. Based on a probabilistic analysis of failures of achieving multiple performance criteria over the length of the contract period, an effort has been made to develop a model that is capable of estimating the cost of these performance-based contracts. One of the essential functions of such model is to predict performance of the pavement as accurately as possible. Prediction of future degradation of pavement is done using Markov Chain Process, which requires estimating transition probabilities from previous deterioration rate for similar pavements. Transition probabilities were derived using historical pavement condition rating data, both for predicting pavement deterioration when there is no maintenance, and for predicting pavement improvement when maintenance activities are performed. A methodological framework has been developed to estimate the cost of maintaining road based on multiple performance criteria such as crack, rut and, roughness. The application of the developed model has been demonstrated via a real case study of Miami Dade Expressways (MDX) using pavement condition rating data from Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for a typical performance-based asphalt pavement maintenance contract. Results indicated that the pavement performance model developed could predict the pavement deterioration quite accurately. Sensitivity analysis performed shows that the model is very responsive to even slight changes in pavement deterioration rate and performance constraints. It is expected that the use of this model will assist the highway agencies and contractors in arriving at a fair contract value for executing long term performance-based pavement maintenance works.


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Costs related to inventory are usually a significant amount of the company’s total assets. Despite this, companies in general don’t pay a lot of interest in it, even if the benefits from effective inventory are obvious when it comes to less tied up capital, increased customer satisfaction and better working environment. Permobil AB, Timrå is in an intense period when it comes to revenue and growth. The production unit is aiming for an increased output of 30 % in the next two years. To make this possible the company has to improve their way to distribute and handle material,The purpose of the study is to provide useful information and concrete proposals for action, so that the company can build a strategy for an effective and sustainable solution when it comes to inventory management. Alternative methods for making forecasts are suggested, in order to reach a more nuanced perception of different articles, and how they should be managed. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used in order to give specially selected persons the chance to decide criteria for how the article should be valued. The criteria they agreed about were annual volume value, lead time, frequency rate and purchase price. The other method that was proposed was a two-dimensional model where annual volume value and frequency was the criteria that specified in which class an article should be placed. Both methods resulted in significant changes in comparison to the current solution. For the spare part inventory different forecast methods were tested and compared with the current solution. It turned out that the current forecast method performed worse than both moving average and exponential smoothing with trend. The small sample of ten random articles is not big enough to reject the current solution, but still the result is a reason enough, for the company to control the quality of the forecasts.


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The total traveling with different types of transportation has increased drastically since the 50´s. Despite this increase, the use of the public transportation has decreased in percentage which has its explanation in the overall increased use of cars as transportation. Many researchers believes that better traffic information in the public transport can lead to increased use. Therefore this study aims to investigate how mobile personalized real-time information can increase customer satisfaction in the public transport in order to maintain and attract more travelers. The study addresses the problem through a case study at the Swedish transit agency Tågkompaniet, where customers and staff are studied in order to map the present situation regarding information in the public transport. The case study also sets out to investigate which type of real-time information that is considered to be most important for the travelers. At last the study also investigate which types of technical solutions that is needed, and how the needs of travelers can be considered to be able to offer mobile personalized real-time information. The findings are that there is a dissatisfaction regarding the transit information among both travelers and staff, and that their needs and demands must be met to a greater extent in order to increase the customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the findings are also that information attributes regarding delays and disruptions in the public transport is considered to be most important by travelers. Functions such as subscribe to information, push notifications and information associated with the transit ticket are necessary to be able to provide travelers with mobile personalized real-time information. Lastly the study provides a tool to consider traveler needs in development and evaluation of mobile personalized information systems within the public transport.


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Marketing academics and practitioners generally agree that customer loyalty is vital to business success. There is less agreement on the factors that determine customer loyalty, particularly in service contexts. Research on the determinants of service loyalty has taken three distinct paths: 1) quality/value/satisfaction; 2) relationship quality; and, 3) relational benefits. In this research, the authors coalesce these paths to derive a model that links dimensions of customer loyalty (cognitive, affective, intention, and behavioral) with a system of determinants. The model is tested with data from varied services (airlines, banks, beauty salons, hospitals, hotels, and mobile telephone) and 3,500 customers in China. Results are consistent across contexts and support a multidimensional view of customer loyalty. Key loyalty determinants are customer satisfaction, commitment, service fairness, service quality, trust, and a construct new to service loyalty models—commercial friendship. The research contributes to the literature by providing a more complete, integrated view of customer loyalty and its determinants in services contexts.


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Cada vez mais, nos dias que correm, está presente em todas as organizações a metodologia lean, que assenta numa base de melhoria contínua, de forma a responder às necessidades do mercado e à satisfação do cliente, tendo como principal finalidade a criação de valor para o produto e a eliminação de desperdícios inerente aos processos de produção do mesmo. Um elemento essencial na gestão de qualquer organização com ênfase nos resultados é o uso de indicadores de desempenho no processo de tomada de decisão. Este projeto teve como objetivo principal a identificação e eliminação de desperdícios, melhorando os processos de montagem, através do estudo dos tempos de ciclo dos centros de trabalhos/produtos mais críticos, procedendo a um balanceamento adequado e posterior simulação dos resultados através do software Arena. Posteriormente foram analisados os resultados assim como o impacto que essas mudanças causaram na empresa, com base na implementação de ferramentas de melhoria, nomeadamente ferramentas lean. Essas mudanças tiveram um impacto positivo na produção final das cadeiras e dos porta-bebés, no que diz respeito à diminuição de filas de espera entre postos, diminuição dos tempos de processamento e aumento da produção para alguns dos modelos em estudo.


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O presente projeto tem como objetivo a aplicação de ferramentas do universo Lean Thinking na indústria corticeira de forma a identificar e eliminar fontes de desperdício, criar valor e envolver a organização numa cultura de melhoria contínua focada na satisfação do cliente. A Unidade Industrial de Lamas encontra-se a passar por uma fase de mudança e carece da aplicação de ferramentas 5S, Gestão Visual, Kaizen Diário e Standard Work, contempladas no seu programa de melhoria contínua intitulado de Cork.MAIS. A aplicação das ferramentas comprovam o sucesso em termos de qualidade e eficiência operacional. Os 5S conduzem à eficiência, segurança e organização dos postos de trabalho e quando implementados despoletam de forma natural a necessidade de implementação da ferramenta Gestão Visual que acarreta inúmeros benefícios visto que visa sistemas simples e intuitivos. A ferramenta Kaizen Diário contribuiu para aumentar a comunicação entre os diferentes turnos, alinhar os colaboradores com a estratégia da Unidade Industrial de Lamas e identificar oportunidades de melhoria fomentando o trabalho em equipa. A ferramenta Standard Work contribuiu para a redução dos encravamentos dos equipamentos SVE obtendo-se um aumento de 11% do Overall Equipment Effectiveness. Realizar uma retrospetiva de todos os processos e fluxos de produção tornou-se oportuno e, para tal, recorreu-se à ferramenta Value Stream Mapping. Todo o trabalho em equipa serviria para analisar o estado atual da cadeia de valor da Unidade Industrial de Lamas no que respeita ao planeamento e fluxos de material e informação, metodologia do controlo de produto e processo e eficiência operacional. Todas as oportunidades de melhoria identificadas e implementadas acrescentam valor à cadeia da organização mas dá-se destaque às ações de melhoria implementadas no âmbito do projeto de planeamento e fluxos de informação e material. Todas as novas ferramentas implementadas contempladas no sistema pull da organização conduziram a uma redução de 11% do material em work in process e um aumento de 25% da taxa de satisfação de encomendas.


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Käytettävien ohjelmistojen suunnittelu tuo hyötyjä loppukäyttäjälle sekä muille sidosryhmille. Verkkokaupassa käytettävyys on elintärkeää, koska asiakkaat vaihtavat helposti seuraavalle sivustolle, mikäli he eivät löydä etsimäänsä. Tutkimusten mukaan käytettävyys vaikuttaa ostopäätöksen tekemiseen. Lisäksi käytettävyydellä on merkitystä asiakastyytyväisyyteen, joka taas vaikuttaa asiakasuskollisuuteen. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkittiin, miten käytettävyyttä suunnitellaan käytännössä verrattuna teoreettisiin suosituksiin. Tapaustutkimuksen kohteena oli huonekaluja myyvän kansainvälisen yrityksen verkkokaupan uudistamiseen tähtäävä projekti. Uudistamistarve nousi aikaisemman verkkokauppaversion puutteellisesta käytettävyydestä. Projekti toteutettiin ketterällä Scrum-menetelmällä. Empiirinen aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoitujen haastattelujen avulla. Haastateltavat olivat käyttökokemuksen suunnitteluun osallistuvia henkilöitä. Haastattelujen teemat laadittiin teoreettisen aineiston pohjalta. Teoreettisessa osuudessa tutkittiin käytettävyyden suunnitteluun liittyviä periaatteita, prosessia ja menetelmiä. Aikaisemmasta tutkimuksesta löydettiin 12 periaatetta, jotka tukevat ja luonnehtivat käyttäjäkeskeistä suunnittelua. Käytettävyyttä suunnitellaan käyttäjäkeskeisen prosessin avulla. Eri prosessimallit pitivät keskeisinä asioina käyttökontekstin määrittelyä ja ymmärtämistä, mitattavia käytettävyysvaatimuksia, suunnitteluratkaisujen empiiristä arviointia sekä suunnitteluprosessin iteratiivisuutta. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin, mitä suunnittelumenetelmiä tutkijat ehdottavat käytettävyyden suunnitteluun ja mitä kyselytutkimusten perusteella todellisuudessa käytetään. Verkkokauppaprojektissa käytettävyyden suunnittelu erosi osittain teoreettisista suosituksista. Käyttökontekstitietoa ei ollut kaikilla projektiin osallistuvilla, eikä käytettävyysvaatimuksia ollut asetettu teorian tarkoittamalla tavalla. Yhtäläisyyksiäkin löytyi. Verkkokauppaprojektissa suunnitteluratkaisuja arvioitiin empiirisesti todellisten käyttäjien edustajien avulla. Suunnitteluprosessi oli iteratiivinen eli suunnitteluratkaisuja oltiin valmiita muuttamaan arvioinnin tuloksena. Tutkimuksen perusteella suositellaan, että verkkokauppaprojektissa parannettaisiin kommunikointia, koska käyttökontekstitieto ei saavuttanut kaikkia projektissa työskenteleviä. Teorian tulisi entisestään korostaa kommunikoinnin tärkeyttä. Tutkimuksen perusteella esitetään myös, että teoria ohjaisi paremmin vaatimusmäärittelyjen tekemiseen käytännössä. Avainsanat: Käytettävyys, käyttäjäkeskeinen suunnittelu, käytettävyyden periaatteet, käytettävyyden suunnittelumenetelmät, ketterä ohjelmistokehitys, tapaustutkimus


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão de Instituições Financeiras


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This study is about the comparison of simulation techniques between Discrete Event Simulation (DES) and Agent Based Simulation (ABS). DES is one of the best-known types of simulation techniques in Operational Research. Recently, there has been an emergence of another technique, namely ABS. One of the qualities of ABS is that it helps to gain a better understanding of complex systems that involve the interaction of people with their environment as it allows to model concepts like autonomy and pro-activeness which are important attributes to consider. Although there is a lot of literature relating to DES and ABS, we have found none that focuses on exploring the capability of both in tackling the human behaviour issues which relates to queuing time and customer satisfaction in the retail sector. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify empirically the differences between these simulation techniques by stimulating the potential economic benefits of introducing new policies in a department store. To apply the new strategy, the behaviour of consumers in a retail store will be modelled using the DES and ABS approach and the results will be compared. We aim to understand which simulation technique is better suited to human behaviour modelling by investigating the capability of both techniques in predicting the best solution for an organisation in using management practices. Our main concern is to maximise customer satisfaction, for example by minimising their waiting times for the different services provided.


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Intelligent agents offer a new and exciting way of understanding the world of work. We apply agent-based simulation to investigate a set of problems in a retail context. Specifically, we are working to understand the relationship between human resource management practices and retail productivity. Our multi-disciplinary research team draws upon expertise from work psychologists and computer scientists. Our research so far has led us to conduct case study work with a top ten UK retailer. Based on our case study experience and data we are developing a simulator that can be used to investigate the impact of management practices (e.g. training, empowerment, teamwork) on customer satisfaction and retail productivity.