873 resultados para Woman - Social participation


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This research deals with the use of a participatory design methodology to develop a repository of open educational resources, the Arcaz. Discusses key aspects of neutrality and determinism of technology within the context of Social Studies of Science and Technology and presents some concepts of critical theory of technology related to the democratic construction of technological artifacts. Discusses the philosophical heritage of the movements that led to the emergence of free software, open education and open educational resources and argues that participatory design share similar ideals. It presents concepts of human-computer interaction, interaction design and user centered design, important to enhance the user experience in information systems. It addresses the participatory design as a methodology that allows the democratic participation of users in the technological construction, promoting mutual learning and active voice for the participants. Develops a participatory design methodology adapted to the Arcaz context of use and provides the procedures for the meetings conducted to apply participatory design techniques to the repository and the results obtained. It concludes with a study of some of the interventions suggested in the system and orientations for future applications of participatory practices in the development of the repository and a list of best practices, focusing on ethical principles that should guide the participatory design.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciência Política, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política, 2016.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Planaltina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural, 2016.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Estudos Avançados Multidisciplinares, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Sociedade e Cooperação Internacional, 2016.


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The Sectoral Plan was inserted as an urban instrument in Master Plan of Natal (LC82/07), since then it has been deepened. It is guided to the equitable distribution of the benefits of urbanization, aimed the efetivation of the Right to the City and the Environmental function of property in the context of urban planning. Thereby, the Sectoral Plan was inserted into the perspective of promoting a favorable field for applying articulated of instruments defined in the Master Plan, and them with urban interventions, through the deepening of macrozoning - coming out of dimension of the city and going to a small fraction of the urban by reducing scaling - facilitating democratic management in accordance with the City Statute. However, the absence of regulation and the conceptual and operational fragility of the instrument, approached it of other existent experiences and instruments, limiting its application and evaluation. Considering the innovative nature of the instrument and the intense social participation, we inquire about conceptual and operational elements which could give greater effectiveness to Sector Plan in construction? Guided by that question, this dissertation aim to understand the nature and operational procedures of Sectoral Plan, seeking to do indications about the conceptual and operational aspects of implementing a Sector Plan. The neighborhood of Ponta Negra was selected as empirical universe because it was the first sector defined in the Master Plan. This research adopts reference authors who´s make reflection and insights about the matrix of Urban Reform, whose principles constitute the basis of the trajectory of revision of urban planning in Brazil since the 1980s, highlighting Raquel Rolnik, Nelson Saule Júnior and Orlando Alves dos Santos Júnior. For the local monitoring, we use the authors Alexsandro Ferreira Cardoso Silva, Rosa Maria Pinheiro Oliveira e Marise Costa da Souza Duarte, in order to understand the growth dynamics of Natal, lawfully and urbanistically


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La actual realidad socioeconómica, marcada por la (r)evolución tecnológica de los último años y la explosión demográfica y urbana, conlleva dos grandes problemas. Por un lado el cambio climático derivado de la sobreexplotación de los recursos y energías no-renovables, y por otro, la pérdida de las identidades y procesos culturales específicos provocada por la globalización. Ante ellos, diversos autores plantean sacar partido de las propias tecnologías y la nueva sociedad en red para dar una respuesta acorde al momento actual. Las herramientas computacionales permiten una mayor complejidad de los diseños alcanzando una optimización de recursos y procesos, minimizando su impacto ambiental. Frente a la producción en masa y la pérdida de identidad, el planteamiento informático de problemas globales permite pasar de la producción en masa del siglo pasado a la ‘customización’ en masa al dar respuestas específicas para cada contexto. Por otro lado es necesario que esos procesos computacionales conecten y hagan partícipes del diseño a los diferentes actores sociales implicados. Es por ello que esta investigación se basará en los patrones espaciales de Christopher Alexander y otros modelos algorítmicos de diseño por ordenador puesto que estos describen soluciones paramétricas a conflictos recurrentes de diseño de arquitectura. Su planteamiento permite que cada solución base genere respuestas específicas, a la vez que esta es corregida y optimizada por todos sus utilizadores al poder ser compartida digitalmente. Con ello se busca que el diseño de arquitectura responda a criterios objetivos basados en la experiencia y la crítica participativa y democrática basada en los patrones, de tal modo que los diseños no surjan de un planteamiento top-down impuesto y cerrado, sino que en ellos gane importancia la participación activa de los actores sociales implicados en la definición y uso de los mismos. Por último, esta investigación procura mostrar cómo los patrones pueden jugar un papel determinante en la conceptualización abstracta del diseño, mientras que otros métodos algorítmicos alcanzarán fases del proyecto más concretas. De este modo, los patrones digitales que se pretenden se centran en la customización del diseño, mientras que el uso que le dan otros autores persigue la optimización del mismo. Para ello la investigación recurrirá al análisis de los pabellones de verano de la Serpentine Gallery como casos de estudio en los que comprobar la repercusión de los patrones en el diseño de arquitectura actual y su posible adaptación al diseño paramétrico.


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As dificuldades de aprendizagem são tema de grande relevância no campo da educação, pelas repercussões que têm no desenvolvimento das crianças que as possuem, quer a nível pessoal, familiar, escolar e social. A compreensão das competências sócio-emocionais destas crianças surge como objecto de estudo desta investigação. A amostra é constituída por 74 crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem do 1° Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: o Inventário de Quociente Emocional Bar-On: Versão para crianças (EQ-i:YV; versão portuguesa; Candeias et al., 2008), o Teste de Resolução de Problemas lnterpessoais da Inteligência Social para Crianças (PRPI - 6/11; Candeias et al., 2008), o Teste de Competências Sociais para Crianças (PACS - Socialmente em Acção 6/11, Candeias et al., 2008), o Teste de Percepção de Emoções (Franco & Candeias, 2008) e as Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven (MPCR, Raven, 1965). Estudaram-se as relações entre a inteligência social, inteligência emocional, competência social e variáveis sócio-demográficas como a idade, o nível sócio-económico e a participação social destas crianças. Conclui-se que, quanto mais elevada é a competência emocional destes alunos, menores serão as suas dificuldades em termos de competência social. Estes achados permitem aumentar o conhecimento teórico sobre esta problemática, possibilitando a aplicação prática na intervenção psicológica e psicopedagógica. / ABSTRACT: Learning difficulties are the subject of great relevance in education, the impact they have on the development of children who have, whether for personal, familial, educational and social. Understanding of the socio-emotional skills of these children appears to be the subject of this research study. This study used a sample of 74 children with learning difficulties the first cycle of the cities of Évora and Montemor-o­ Novo. We applied: Emotional Quocient lnventory Bar-On: young version (EQ-i: YV; Candeias et al., 2008); Perception and Recognition Emotions (Franco & Candeias, 2008); Cognitive Test of Social lntelligence for Children (PRPI-6/11; Candeias et al., 2008); Social Competence Test for Children (PACS-6/11; Candeias et al., 2008) and Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM, Raven, 1965). We studied the relationship between social intelligence, emotional intelligence, social competence and socio-demographic variables such as age, socio-economic and social participation of these children. lt was concluded that, the higher the emotional competence of these students, lower their difficulties in terms of social competence. These findings increase the theoretical knowledge on this issue, enabling the practical application in psychological and pedagogic. This study leaves open some suggestions for future work.


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Contemporary studies have shown that the evolution of the heritage concepts is accompanied by an affirmation of the importance of social participation in recognizing heritage values and in managing cultural assets. We used the Brazilian context to emphasize the challenges for democratizing this process. This problematic is discussed based on the cases of Cidade Altaand Ribeira, neighborhoods that date from the formation of Natal-RNand have cultural assets recognized by levels of government. The study builds elements to answer the research question: what meanings and representations does the culturalheritage in the case study have for its users? The research method analyzes the representations and the meanings of the neighborhoods, firstly is based on historiographical studies, memories records of the city and on the process of heritage management. Secondly, it isbased on the field research, it is structured in environmental perception studies (areas of Environmental Psychology, Architecture and Urbanism) and has been applied with users with different bonds with the studied environment (residents, workers and visitors). The data were obtained with the multi-method which included direct observation, questionnaire survey and mentalmaps (that replicate Kevin Lynch). The analysis of result verified the research hypothesis, emphasizing aspects of the relationship between users and cultural heritage relevant to strengthening collective memory, local identity, contributing to heritage management. Among the results, the socio-environmental image obtained which emphasized a "cultural axis" linkingboth studied neighborhoods and confirms the influences of elements rein the memories records of the city and in the area s management. Identified aspects to strengthen the relationship between the users and cultural assets, such as the presence of placeswith affective ties to certain groups, as well as the need to fight off negative images (of degradation and insecurity) associated to the site and also expand the participation of the population, including residents, in policies and cultural activities. After all, recognition of value and the involvement of societycultural assets have the potential of contribute to integrate city development with heritage conservation


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La vulnérabilité est l’attribut fondamental justifiant le passage des frontières du refuge canadien (Rousseau et al., 2002 ; Clément et Bolduc, 2004). Elle est preuve d’insécurité pour la victime requérant l’asile ; elle est aussi porteuse d’espérance de sécurité en terre hospitalière. Elle est pourtant potentiel réactualisé dans l’insécurité d’un statut incertain en terre d’accueil (Agamben, 1997 ; D’Halluin, 2004). Violente immersion. En attendant que les preuves de sa vulnérabilité originelle soient validées, le demandeur d’asile se retrouve dans un entre-deux a-territorial et atemporel (Agier, 2002 ; Le Blanc, 2010) et dans une précarité tout aussi dangereuse (Ouimet et al., 2009). Des besoins émergent en cette terre inconnue, or l’accès aux soins de santé lui est limité par des textes de lois ambigus et leurs interprétations maladroites (Harris et Zuberi, 2015). Ainsi lorsqu’il se heurte à des barrières érigées par une transmission d’informations défectueuse, sa précarité ne fait qu’empirer. Tel un boomerang, ce paradoxe cultive leur vulnérabilité. Alors que les recherches interrogent les divers intervenants en santé (Asgary et Smith, 2013), j’ai choisi de donner la parole aux premiers concernés et de relayer leur vécu par rapport à leur propre personne. Deux objectifs principaux guident la recherche : documenter dans un premier temps leur parcours de quête de soins à partir de la circulation des informations formelles et informelles dans le but de sonder leur avis sur la vulnérabilité qui leur est attribuée ; documenter dans un second temps leur parcours migratoire de quête de soi afin de mettre en lumière les stratégies alternatives d’entrée en contact avec la société d’accueil pour négocier voire rejeter cette identité vulnérable. J’ai rencontré pour cela des demandeurs d’asile lors d’un terrain de huit mois au sein d’un organisme communautaire d’hébergement à Montréal. Dans ce contexte d’accompagnement et de stabilité spatiale, accalmie bienvenue au terme d’un itinéraire semé d’embûches, les ressources informationnelles sont à leur disposition et la reconnaissance sociale est à l’honneur. En parallèle, beaucoup témoignent de la diminution de leurs besoins de soins de santé. En cette communauté thérapeutique (Pocreau, 2005), véritable tremplin vers la société d’accueil en attendant un statut reconnu, ils bénéficient d’une possibilité de participation sociale et d’un sentiment d’appartenance valorisant. Si des conditions précaires peuvent aggraver la vulnérabilité, le bricolage de conditions positives favorise la résilience (Cleveland et al., 2014), créant un environnement revitalisant qui leur permet de rebondir.


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La vulnérabilité est l’attribut fondamental justifiant le passage des frontières du refuge canadien (Rousseau et al., 2002 ; Clément et Bolduc, 2004). Elle est preuve d’insécurité pour la victime requérant l’asile ; elle est aussi porteuse d’espérance de sécurité en terre hospitalière. Elle est pourtant potentiel réactualisé dans l’insécurité d’un statut incertain en terre d’accueil (Agamben, 1997 ; D’Halluin, 2004). Violente immersion. En attendant que les preuves de sa vulnérabilité originelle soient validées, le demandeur d’asile se retrouve dans un entre-deux a-territorial et atemporel (Agier, 2002 ; Le Blanc, 2010) et dans une précarité tout aussi dangereuse (Ouimet et al., 2009). Des besoins émergent en cette terre inconnue, or l’accès aux soins de santé lui est limité par des textes de lois ambigus et leurs interprétations maladroites (Harris et Zuberi, 2015). Ainsi lorsqu’il se heurte à des barrières érigées par une transmission d’informations défectueuse, sa précarité ne fait qu’empirer. Tel un boomerang, ce paradoxe cultive leur vulnérabilité. Alors que les recherches interrogent les divers intervenants en santé (Asgary et Smith, 2013), j’ai choisi de donner la parole aux premiers concernés et de relayer leur vécu par rapport à leur propre personne. Deux objectifs principaux guident la recherche : documenter dans un premier temps leur parcours de quête de soins à partir de la circulation des informations formelles et informelles dans le but de sonder leur avis sur la vulnérabilité qui leur est attribuée ; documenter dans un second temps leur parcours migratoire de quête de soi afin de mettre en lumière les stratégies alternatives d’entrée en contact avec la société d’accueil pour négocier voire rejeter cette identité vulnérable. J’ai rencontré pour cela des demandeurs d’asile lors d’un terrain de huit mois au sein d’un organisme communautaire d’hébergement à Montréal. Dans ce contexte d’accompagnement et de stabilité spatiale, accalmie bienvenue au terme d’un itinéraire semé d’embûches, les ressources informationnelles sont à leur disposition et la reconnaissance sociale est à l’honneur. En parallèle, beaucoup témoignent de la diminution de leurs besoins de soins de santé. En cette communauté thérapeutique (Pocreau, 2005), véritable tremplin vers la société d’accueil en attendant un statut reconnu, ils bénéficient d’une possibilité de participation sociale et d’un sentiment d’appartenance valorisant. Si des conditions précaires peuvent aggraver la vulnérabilité, le bricolage de conditions positives favorise la résilience (Cleveland et al., 2014), créant un environnement revitalisant qui leur permet de rebondir.


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Background: Adolescents with chronic disease (CD) can be more vulnerable to adverse psychosocial outcomes. This study aims: 1) to identify differences in psychosocial variables (health-related quality of life, psychosomatic complaints, resilience, self-regulation and social support) among adolescents who feel that CD affects or does not affect school/peers connectedness (measured by self-reported participation in school and social activities); and 2) to assess the extent to which psychosocial variables are associated with connectedness in school and peer domains. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 135 adolescents with CD (51.9% boys), average age of 14 ± 1. 5 years old (SD = 1.5). Socio-demographic, clinical, and psychosocial variables were assessed, using a self-reported questionnaire, which included the Chronic Conditions Short Questionnaire, KIDSCREEN-10 Index, Symptoms Check-List, Healthy Kids Resilience Assessment Module Scale, Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory, and Satisfaction with Social Support Scale. Descriptive statistics, GLM-Univariate ANCOVA and Logistic Regression were performed using the IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 22.0. The significance level was set at p < 0.05. Results: Thirteen to eighteen percent of the adolescents felt that CD affected participation at school (PSCH) and participation in leisure time with friends (PLTF). These adolescents presented lower results for all psychosocial study variables, when compared with adolescents who did not feel affected in both areas of participation. From the studied psychosocial variables, the most important ones associated with PSCH (after controlling for age, gender, diagnosis, and education level of father/mother) were self-regulation and psychosomatic health. Concerning the PLTF, social support was the sole variable explaining such association. Conclusions: The present study pointed out the association between psychosocial variables; and living with a CD and school/peers connectedness. The need to focus on the assessment of the effects of a CD on adolescents’ lives and contexts is suggested, as well as on the identification of vulnerable adolescents. Such identification could help to facilitate the maximization of social participation of adolescents with CD, and to plan interventions centered on providing support and opportunities for a healthy youth development. For that purpose, a complex and multifactorial approach that includes clinicians, schools, family, and peers may be proposed.


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Thesis (Master, Community Health & Epidemiology) -- Queen's University, 2016-10-02 21:02:07.735


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Current workplace demands newer forms of literacies that go beyond the ability to decode print. These involve not only competence to operate digital tools, but also the ability to create, represent, and share meaning in different modes and formats; ability to interact, collaborate and communicate effectively using digital tools, and engage critically with technology for developing one’s knowledge, skills, and full participation in civic, economic, and personal matters. This essay examines the application of the ecology of resources (EoR) model for delivering language learning outcomes (in this case, English) through blended classroom environments that use contextually available resources. The author proposes the implementation of the EoR model in blended learning environments to create authentic and sustainable learning environments for skilling courses. Applying the EoR model to Indian skilling instruction contexts, the article discusses how English language and technology literacy can be delivered using contextually available resources through a blended classroom environment. This would facilitate not only acquisition of language and digital literacy outcomes, but also consequent content literacy gain to a certain extent. This would ensure satisfactory achievement of not only communication/language literacy and technological literacy, but also active social participation, lifelong learning, and learner autonomy.


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Résumé : Le chant choral serait bénéfique à tout âge : cette étude choisit d’en mesurer les impacts auprès de personnes très âgées. Un devis quantitatif quasi-expérimental à trois groupes fut adopté : la Chorale, l’Hebdo-Bistro (ateliers et conférences, groupe de comparaison), et le groupe Témoin. L’étude longitudinale, intergénérationnelle, comporta trois saisons. La cognition (Mattis, 3MS, Trail Making, empan numérique, fluences formelle, catégorielle), l’humeur (bien-être général, dépression (GDS)), l’autoefficacité (GSES) et l’autonomie (QAF) furent mesurées à trois reprises (pré, post, 2e post). En outre, des mesures hebdomadaires furent administrées concernant la santé physique (consultations médicales, médicaments, chutes) et la participation sociale (activités). L’analyse intergroupe ne rapporta aucune différence significative. Les comparaisons intragroupe montrèrent une amélioration significative pour la Chorale (3MS et activités sociales), et une tendance d’amélioration pour la Chorale et l’Hebdo-Bistro (fluence formelle). Bien que le petit échantillon (n=21) exclue toute généralisation, les résultats demeurent inspirants en contexte de vieillissement populationnel.