973 resultados para Weibull distribution function


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A new approximate solution for the first passage probability of a stationary Gaussian random process is presented which is based on the estimation of the mean clump size. A simple expression for the mean clump size is derived in terms of the cumulative normal distribution function, which avoids the lengthy numerical integrations which are required by similar existing techniques. The method is applied to a linear oscillator and an ideal bandpass process and good agreement with published results is obtained. By making a slight modification to an existing analysis it is shown that a widely used empirical result for the asymptotic form of the first passage probability can be deduced theoretically.


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Matrix anisotropy is important for long term in vivo functionality. However, it is not fully understood how to guide matrix anisotropy in vitro. Experiments suggest actin-mediated cell traction contributes. Although F-actin in 2D displays a stretch-avoidance response, 3D data are lacking. We questioned how cyclic stretch influences F-actin and collagen orientation in 3D. Small-scale cell-populated fibrous tissues were statically constrained and/or cyclically stretched with or without biochemical agents. A rectangular array of silicone posts attached to flexible membranes constrained a mixture of cells, collagen I and matrigel. F-actin orientation was quantified using fiber-tracking software, fitted using a bi-model distribution function. F-actin was biaxially distributed with static constraint. Surprisingly, uniaxial cyclic stretch, only induced a strong stretch-avoidance response (alignment perpendicular to stretching) at tissue surfaces and not in the core. Surface alignment was absent when a ROCK-inhibitor was added, but also when tissues were only statically constrained. Stretch-avoidance was also observed in the tissue core upon MMP1-induced matrix perturbation. Further, a strong stretch-avoidance response was obtained for F-actin and collagen, for immediate cyclic stretching, i.e. stretching before polymerization of the collagen. Results suggest that F-actin stress-fibers avoid cyclic stretch in 3D, unless collagen contact guidance dictates otherwise.


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Matrix anisotropy is important for long term in vivo functionality. However, it is not fully understood how to guide matrix anisotropy in vitro. Experiments suggest actin-mediated cell traction contributes. Although F-actin in 2D displays a stretch-avoidance response, 3D data are lacking. We questioned how cyclic stretch influences F-actin and collagen orientation in 3D. Small-scale cell-populated fibrous tissues were statically constrained and/or cyclically stretched with or without biochemical agents. A rectangular array of silicone posts attached to flexible membranes constrained a mixture of cells, collagen I and matrigel. F-actin orientation was quantified using fiber-tracking software, fitted using a bi-model distribution function. F-actin was biaxially distributed with static constraint. Surprisingly, uniaxial cyclic stretch, only induced a strong stretch-avoidance response (alignment perpendicular to stretching) at tissue surfaces and not in the core. Surface alignment was absent when a ROCK-inhibitor was added, but also when tissues were only statically constrained. Stretch-avoidance was also observed in the tissue core upon MMP1-induced matrix perturbation. Further, a strong stretch-avoidance response was obtained for F-actin and collagen, for immediate cyclic stretching, i.e. stretching before polymerization of the collagen. Results suggest that F-actin stress-fibers avoid cyclic stretch in 3D, unless collagen contact guidance dictates otherwise. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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A four-phase confocal elliptical cylinder model is proposed from which a generalised self-consistent method is developed for predicting the thermal conductivity of coated fibre reinforced composites. The method can account for the influence of the fibre section shape ratio on conductivity, and the physical reasonableness of the model is demonstrated by using the fibre distribution function. An exact solution is obtained for thermal conductivity by applying conformal mapping and Laurent series expansion techniques of the analytic function. The solution to the three-phase confocal elliptical model, which simulates composites with idealised fibre-matrix interfaces, is arrived at as the degenerated case. A comparison with other available micromechanics methods, Hashin and Shtrikman's bounds and experimental data shows that the present method provides convergent and reasonable results for a full range of variations in fibre section shapes and for a complete spectrum of the fibre volume fraction. Numerical results show the dependence of the effective conductivities of composites on the aspect ratio of coated fibres and demonstrate that a coating is effective in enhancing the thermal transport property of a composite. The present solutions are helpful to analysis and design of composites.


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Particle velocity distribution in a blowing sand cloud is a reflection of saltation movement of many particles. Numerical analysis is performed for particle velocity distribution with a discrete particle model. The probability distributions of resultant particle velocity in the impact-entrainment process, particle horizontal and vertical velocities at different heights and the vertical velocity of ascending particles are analyzed. The probability distributions of resultant impact and lift-off velocities of saltating particles can be expressed by a log-normal function, and that of impact angle comply with an exponential function. The probability distribution of particle horizontal and vertical velocities at different heights shows a typical single-peak pattern. In the lower part of saltation layer, the particle horizontal velocity distribution is positively skewed. Further analysis shows that the probability density function of the vertical velocity of ascending particles is similar to the right-hand part of a normal distribution function, and a general equation is acquired for the probability density function of non-dimensional vertical velocity of ascending particles which is independent of diameter of saltating particles, wind strength and height. These distributions in the present numerical analysis are consistent with reported experimental results. The present investigation is important for understanding the saltation state in wind-blown sand movement. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The dinuclear system model has been further developed by introducing the barrier distribution function method in the process of heavy-ion capture and fusion to synthesize superheavy nuclei. The capture of two colliding nuclei, formation and de-excitation process of compound nucleus are decribed by using empirical coupled channel model, solving master equation numerically and statistical evaporation model, respectively. Within the framework of the dinuclear system model, the fusion-evaporation excitation functions of the systems Ca-48(Am-243, 3n-5n) (288-286)115 and Ca-48(Cm-248, 3n-5n)(293-291)116 are calculated, which are used for synthesizing new superheavy nuclei at Dubna in recent years. Isotopic dependence of production cross sections with double magic nucleus Ca-48 bombarding actinide targets U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm to synthesize superheavy nuclei with charged numbers Z=112-116 is analyzed systematically. Based on these analysis, the optimal projectile-target combination and the optimal excitation energy are proposed. It is shown that shell correction energy and neutron separation energy will play an important role on the isotopic dependence of production cross sections of superheavy nuclei.


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The barrier distribution function method is introduced in the dinuclear system model in the calculation of the transmission probability, which is the first stage in the synthesis of superheavy nuclei. Dynamical deformation and averaging collision orientations are considered in the calculation of the fusion probability by solving master equation numerically. Survival probability with respect to xn evaporation channel (x = 1-5) in the de-excitation process of the thermal compound nucleus is calculated, in which the level density of the Fermi-gas model is used. Production cross sections of a series of superheavy nuclei formed in the reactions taken magic and deformed nuclei as target in Ca-48 induced reactions are studied systematically. The calculated results are in good agreement with available experimental data. Isotopic dependence of the production cross sections in the reactions Ca-48 + Pu is analyzed.


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利用中子活化示踪法研究坡面土壤的侵蚀过程 ,发现坡面的相对侵蚀量从坡脚到坡顶随坡长的变化符合 Weibull分布 ,其形状参数主要受降雨量、降雨历时和径流深度的影响 ,尺度参数主要与平均雨强、I3 0 相关。坡面在侵蚀的同时也发生沉积 ,一般来说短历时高强度的降雨沉积量较小 ,而长历时低强度的降雨沉积量较大 ,某一部位侵蚀产沙的沉积量与其距离之间有 y=axb的关系。坡面径流直接影响着坡面的输移比 ,当径流深和径流系数较高时 ,输移比接近于 1,否则输移比降低


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A new approach is proposed to simulate splash erosion on local soil surfaces. Without the effect of wind and other raindrops, the impact of free-falling raindrops was considered as an independent event from the stochastic viewpoint. The erosivity of a single raindrop depending on its kinetic energy was computed by an empirical relationship in which the kinetic energy was expressed as a power function of the equivalent diameter of the raindrop. An empirical linear function combining the kinetic energy and soil shear strength was used to estimate the impacted amount of soil particles by a single raindrop. Considering an ideal local soil surface with size of I m x I m, the expected number of received free-failing raindrops with different diameters per unit time was described by the combination of the raindrop size distribution function and the terminal velocity of raindrops. The total splash amount was seen as the sum of the impact amount by all raindrops in the rainfall event. The total splash amount per unit time was subdivided into three different components, including net splash amount, single impact amount and re-detachment amount. The re-detachment amount was obtained by a spatial geometric probability derived using the Poisson function in which overlapped impacted areas were considered. The net splash amount was defined as the mass of soil particles collected outside the splash dish. It was estimated by another spatial geometric probability in which the average splashed distance related to the median grain size of soil and effects of other impacted soil particles and other free-falling raindrops were considered. Splash experiments in artificial rainfall were carried out to validate the availability and accuracy of the model. Our simulated results suggested that the net splash amount and re-detachment amount were small parts of the total splash amount. Their proportions were 0.15% and 2.6%, respectively. The comparison of simulated data with measured data showed that this model could be applied to simulate the soil-splash process successfully and needed information of the rainfall intensity and original soil properties including initial bulk intensity, water content, median grain size and some empirical constants related to the soil surface shear strength, the raindrop size distribution function and the average splashed distance. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The analysis of the small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data was based upon particle characteristic function, one-dimensional electron-density correlation function and particle distribution function. The microstructure of nylon 66 with different degrees of crystallinity was studied by means of X-ray scattering method. The radius of gyration R-g, the Porod radius R-p, the thickness of crystalline region L-c the thickness of non-crystalline region L-n, the thickness of interphase region d(tr), the long period L, the semiaxises of particles (a, a, b), the distribution of the particle sizes and the scattering invariant were calculated. The results indicate that there was a significant interphase region between the crystalline region and the non-crystalline region. and its content (W-t,W-x) should not be neglected in comparison with that of crystalline region W-c,W-x. The morphology of nylon 66 prepared by isothermal crystallization at a high temperature was mainly a lamellar structure, while the spherical crystals dominated in the quenched sample. The size of the particles in the quenched sample was smaller than that of those in the isothermally crystallized sample. and the distribution of the particle sizes in the isothermally crystallized sample was wider.


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Molecular dynamics is applied to the system of polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate). The simulation shows that for the block copolymer system, a layered structure, which reflects microphase separation, is obtained and this structure is stable. In order to elucidate that the formation of the layered structure is reasonable, some static properties such as the radial distribution function and the dipole moment are analyzed in some detail.


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The structural parameters of the aggregated state of polyamide (PA)-1010 annealed at various temperatures were computed by means of the desmearing intensity from Smalt Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) measurements and by using the concept of the distance distribution function. The results indicated that the structural parameters of the aggregated state were strongly dependent upon heat treatment conditions and the maximum values of the structural parameters were obtained for the samples annealed at T = 175 degrees C. The particle size Z annealed at different temperature was ranged between 8.1-12.8nm, and the values of the distance distribution function P-max(Z) were obtained when Z = 4.0-6.8 nm. Using one dimension electron density correlation function (1D EDCF) method long period (L) and thickness of the lamellar (d(0)) were estimated and were found to increase with the increase of the degree of crystallinity.