891 resultados para Translation into non mother tongues


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Four magnetic carbon nanotube samples (CNTs: undoped, completely N-doped and two selectively N-doped) have been synthesized by chemical vapor deposition. The materials were tested in the catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO) of highly concentrated 4 nitrophenol solutions (4-NP, 5 g L-1). Relatively mild operating conditions were considered (atmospheric pressure, T = 50 ºC, pH = 3), using a catalyst load of 2.5 g L-1 and the stoichiometric amount of H2O2 needed for the complete mineralization of 4-NP. N doping was identified to influence considerably the CWPO performance of the materials. In particular, undoped CNTs, with a moderate hydrophobicity, favor the controllable and efficient decomposition of H2O2 into highly reactive hydroxyl radicals (HO•), thus showing high catalytic activity for 4-NP degradation. On the other hand, the completely N-doped catalyst, fully hydrophilic, favors a quick decomposition of H2O2 into non-reactive O2 and H2O species. The selectively N-doped amphiphilic catalysts, i.e. hybrid structures containing undoped sections followed by N-doped ones, provided intermediate results, namely: a higher N content favored H2O2 decomposition towards non-reactive H2O and O2 species, whilst a lower N content resulted in the formation of HO•, increasing 4-NP mineralization. Catalyst stability and reusability were also investigated by consecutive CWPO runs.


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El presente trabajo está dedicado al análisis de las técnicas para el vidriado de la cerámica que aparecen documentadas en diversos tratados y recetarios de época medieval. Se trata de textos procedentes, en su mayor parte, de la Península Italiana, que incluyen recetas dedicadas al vidriado de la cerámica al plomo y al estaño, con particular referencia a la realización de la loza dorada. El estudio comenta los textos donde dichas recetas se insertan, las técnicas de trabajo que mencionan y concluye con un apéndice documental en el que se incluye la traducción al castellano de las recetas estudiadas.


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En este artÍCulo se analiza la traducción de un texto literario costarricense al húngaro como una instancia de metatexto que utiliza determinados rasgos de la percepción cultural e ideológica del público meta sobre lo latinoamericano, con el fin de lograr el acercamiento o identificación del lector con una cultura muy diferente a la suya. Se argumenta que este rediseño del texto sigue un patrón consecuente y, lejos de ser un irrespeto al autor, constituye la esencia misma de la traducción.In this brief study, the translation into Hungarian of a Costa Rican literary text is analyzed as a metatext that makes use of certain features of the target culture's view of Latin America (both in terms of culture and ideology) to bring the reader nearer to a very different reality. We argue that the translator's decisions fit into a systematic design which by no means should be considered unfaithfulness but rather the very essence of translation.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução, 2016.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução, 2016.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução, 2016.


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Recibido 01 de diciembre de 2010 • Aceptado 09 de marzo de 2011 • Corregido 19 de abril de 2011   Resumen. Esta investigación analiza el desarrollo de la escritura en español de niños indígenas tarahumaras bilingües (del Estado de Chihuahua, México), desde varias perspectivas: la psicogenética, relacionada con el avance en el proceso de construcción del sistema de escritura de los niños investigados; la social, mediante al análisis del contexto familiar, cultural y el entorno del asentamiento de convivencia de los mismos; y la pedagógica, aunque más breve, a través del ambiente áulico dentro de dos escuelas muy diferentes: una regular y otra indígena. El planteamiento central de la investigación giró en torno a la percepción de los múltiples factores que se relacionan con el aprendizaje de la escritura, en un intento de escudriñar analíticamente los elementos posibles de afectación en el proceso referido. La metodología cualitativa utilizada posibilitó, mediante el estudio de casos, la observación, la entrevista, la videograbación y el análisis de los cuadernos de los niños, percibir situaciones y rescatar evidencias que, mediante el estudio transversal de eventos, personas y contextos, dieron como resultado interpretaciones sobre los factores sociales, culturales, cognitivos y pedagógicos que se percibieron asociados al aprendizaje de la escritura de una lengua que no es la materna, en niños indígenas migrantes establecidos en un medio distinto al de sus ancestros. Se atiende principalmente a la hipótesis de que, en las circunstancias de los casos estudiados, es más conveniente que aprendan a escribir primero en su segunda lengua y, posteriormente, en la materna, si así lo requieren.


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Questa tesi è l’edizione critica, con traduzione italiana e note di commento, dell’opera alchemica di un autore bizantino, detto il Filosofo Cristiano. Nella parte introduttiva si esaminano le testimonianze dirette e indirette dell’opera, senza tralasciare l’analisi di alcuni problemi storici concernenti il nome e la datazione del nostro autore. L’edizione critica, con traduzione a fronte in italiano, è il nucleo della tesi. Seguono alcuni capitoli sulle varianti recenziori e le note di commento più estese, concernenti specifici punti dell’opera. Concludono il presente lavoro le appendici e le tabelle riguardanti l’ordinamento dei capitoli del Cristiano e la posizione dell’opera all’interno del corpus alchemico greco, secondo i principali manoscritti.


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An analysis of how illustrations functioned as a distinctive and important aspect of the translation of Latin versions of the story of the rape and suicide of Lucretia into Middle French texts, especially the 'Faits et dits memorables' (a translation-adaptation of Valerius Maximus's 'Facta et dicta memorabilia'). The study focuses on a selection of 14th- and 15th- century illuminations, and proposes also that the early modern 'Lucretia' portrait tradition should be viewed in the context of these images.


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When on 26 May 1662 the founding first stone was laid for a new church on the island Nordstrand at the coast of Schleswig, relics of Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) and of the Dutch Carmelite abbess Maria Margaretha ab Angelis (1605-1658) were inserted. This church was built for Dutch dyke builders who were called to reconstruct the island after its destruction by flood in 1634; coming from a Catholic background and from the Dutch Republic which was at war with Spain at that time, the dyke builders and their families were guaranteed religious freedom in the Lutheran duchy of Holstein. In this paper, the reasons for the choice for the Spanish mystic Teresa of Avila and for the Dutch Carmelite abbess Maria Margaretha are discussed. The latter patroness was never beatified but had died in the smell of holiness; after her death several miracles were ascribed to her. It is understandable that migrants brought relics of their appreciated holy persons who would remind them of their homeland. The paper will first shortly introduce the two patronesses of the church. In the second part, the reasons for this choice will be discussed. Behind this translation of relics not only spiritual reasons played a role. The function of the translation of the saints was first to keep up geographical and political connections with the old country (both Spain and the Netherlands), secondly to perpetuate personal-familial relationships (esp. with Maria Margaretha), thirdly to strengthen the confessional identity in a non-Catholic environment. Fourthly the transfer brought a certain model of Christian life and reform to the new place of living, which in the second part of the 17th century became marked as “Jansenist”. The paper shows the transformation of the island into an enclave of Dutch Catholic culture.


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This paper describes a preprocessing module for improving the performance of a Spanish into Spanish Sign Language (Lengua de Signos Espanola: LSE) translation system when dealing with sparse training data. This preprocessing module replaces Spanish words with associated tags. The list with Spanish words (vocabulary) and associated tags used by this module is computed automatically considering those signs that show the highest probability of being the translation of every Spanish word. This automatic tag extraction has been compared to a manual strategy achieving almost the same improvement. In this analysis, several alternatives for dealing with non-relevant words have been studied. Non-relevant words are Spanish words not assigned to any sign. The preprocessing module has been incorporated into two well-known statistical translation architectures: a phrase-based system and a Statistical Finite State Transducer (SFST). This system has been developed for a specific application domain: the renewal of Identity Documents and Driver's License. In order to evaluate the system a parallel corpus made up of 4080 Spanish sentences and their LSE translation has been used. The evaluation results revealed a significant performance improvement when including this preprocessing module. In the phrase-based system, the proposed module has given rise to an increase in BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy) from 73.8% to 81.0% and an increase in the human evaluation score from 0.64 to 0.83. In the case of SFST, BLEU increased from 70.6% to 78.4% and the human evaluation score from 0.65 to 0.82.


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This paper proposes the use of Factored Translation Models (FTMs) for improving a Speech into Sign Language Translation System. These FTMs allow incorporating syntactic-semantic information during the translation process. This new information permits to reduce significantly the translation error rate. This paper also analyses different alternatives for dealing with the non-relevant words. The speech into sign language translation system has been developed and evaluated in a specific application domain: the renewal of Identity Documents and Driver’s License. The translation system uses a phrase-based translation system (Moses). The evaluation results reveal that the BLEU (BiLingual Evaluation Understudy) has improved from 69.1% to 73.9% and the mSER (multiple references Sign Error Rate) has been reduced from 30.6% to 24.8%.


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This paper describes a categorization module for improving the performance of a Spanish into Spanish Sign Language (LSE) translation system. This categorization module replaces Spanish words with associated tags. When implementing this module, several alternatives for dealing with non-relevant words have been studied. Non-relevant words are Spanish words not relevant in the translation process. The categorization module has been incorporated into a phrase-based system and a Statistical Finite State Transducer (SFST). The evaluation results reveal that the BLEU has increased from 69.11% to 78.79% for the phrase-based system and from 69.84% to 75.59% for the SFST.


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The development of Ribosome Profiling (RiboSeq) has revolutionized functional genomics. RiboSeq is based on capturing and sequencing of the mRNA fragments enclosed within the translating ribosome and it thereby provides a â snapshotâ of ribosome positions at the transcriptome wide level. Although the method is predominantly used for analysis of differential gene expression and discovery of novel translated ORFs, the RiboSeq data can also be a rich source of information about molecular mechanisms of polypeptide synthesis and translational control. This review will focus on how recent findings made with RiboSeq have revealed important details of the molecular mechanisms of translation in eukaryotes. These include mRNA translation sensitivity to drugs affecting translation initiation and elongation, the roles of upstream ORFs in response to stress, the dynamics of elongation and termination as well as details of intrinsic ribosome behavior on the mRNA after translation termination. As the RiboSeq method is still at a relatively early stage we will also discuss the implications of RiboSeq artifacts on data interpretation.