939 resultados para Jovens Brasil


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The high-intensity interval exercise has been described as an option for increasing physical activity and its use also being suggested in the therapeutic management of many conditions such as diabetes mellitus and heart failure. However, the knowledge of its physiological effects and parameters that can assure greater safety for interval exercise prescription; especially its effect on short- and medium-term (24 hours after exercise) exercise recovery, need to be clarified. This study objective was to evaluate the effect of continuous and interval aerobic exercise on the cardiac autonomic control immediate and medium term (24 hours), by assessing heart rate variability (HRV). The present study is a randomized crossover clinical trial in which healthy young individuals with low level of physical activity had the VFC 24 hours measured by a heart rate sensor and portable accelerometer (3D eMotion HRV, Kuopio, Finland) before and after continuous aerobic exercise (60-70% HR max, 21 min.) and interval exercise (cycle 1 min. 80-90% HR max, 2 min. at 50-60% HR max, duration 21 min.). HRV was measured in the time and frequency domain and the sympathovagal balance determined by the ratio LF / HF. Nonlinear evaluation was calculated by Shannon entropy. The data demonstrated delayed heart rate recovery immediate after exercise and lower HR after 24 hours compared to pre intervention values, especially in the interval exercise group. There was a tendency to higher predominance and representatives index values of sympathetic stimulation during the day in interval exercise group; however, without statistical significance. The study results help to clarify the effects of interval exercise on the 24 hours following interval exercise, setting parameters for prescription and for further evaluation of groups with metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.


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Such work aims to analyze aspects of the lives of adolescents, authors of Infraction, after completion of the Socio-Educational Measures in Half Open (Probation - LA and Services to the Community - PSC) in the city of Natal / RN in 2010. Thus, it become necessary to point out and consider the socio-historical determinations that permeate the lives of these young men, estimating the economic, social, political and historical aspects. We understand that these individuals experience numerous expressions of Social Issues, such as lack of opportunities, violence, unemployment, among others. In the reduction context of the State actions for the social, and investments negligible in public policies. Thus, the research aimed to identify such determinations in the lives of adolescents, young people today, and aimed to know these adolescents and analyze the family situation, socio-economic and political these, after completion of educational measures; and to evaluate the inclusion in school life and in the labor market. Therefore, we used as a methodological way the qualiquantitative research, using the procedure of 4 (four) semi-structured interviews, 9 (nine) analysis processes by configuring so documentary research, through the analysis of reports, processes and monitoring documents. The universe of analysis went adolescents who fulfilled socio-educational measures in liberty in the city of Natal / RN. The sample consisted of nine (9) young, that we follow during the mandatory curricular training, in the period of graduation in Social Work at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in 2010. The time frame of the research took place between 2010 - 2014. The results of this study indicate that the solution to problems of violence is not the reduction of criminal majority. It is necessary to take actions in ensuring rights and allow other living conditions to the children and adolescents, because, in fact, in the society there is a tendency to regression of rights. We learn that, despite all the difficulties, as: low education, access to the labor market, low income, among others, young people interviewed understand the Socio-Educational Measures such as a watershed in their lives, because, they do not practice more illicit acts, they seek a better life, they have dreams and plans for the future, and they continue writing their histories.


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Such work aims to analyze aspects of the lives of adolescents, authors of Infraction, after completion of the Socio-Educational Measures in Half Open (Probation - LA and Services to the Community - PSC) in the city of Natal / RN in 2010. Thus, it become necessary to point out and consider the socio-historical determinations that permeate the lives of these young men, estimating the economic, social, political and historical aspects. We understand that these individuals experience numerous expressions of Social Issues, such as lack of opportunities, violence, unemployment, among others. In the reduction context of the State actions for the social, and investments negligible in public policies. Thus, the research aimed to identify such determinations in the lives of adolescents, young people today, and aimed to know these adolescents and analyze the family situation, socio-economic and political these, after completion of educational measures; and to evaluate the inclusion in school life and in the labor market. Therefore, we used as a methodological way the qualiquantitative research, using the procedure of 4 (four) semi-structured interviews, 9 (nine) analysis processes by configuring so documentary research, through the analysis of reports, processes and monitoring documents. The universe of analysis went adolescents who fulfilled socio-educational measures in liberty in the city of Natal / RN. The sample consisted of nine (9) young, that we follow during the mandatory curricular training, in the period of graduation in Social Work at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in 2010. The time frame of the research took place between 2010 - 2014. The results of this study indicate that the solution to problems of violence is not the reduction of criminal majority. It is necessary to take actions in ensuring rights and allow other living conditions to the children and adolescents, because, in fact, in the society there is a tendency to regression of rights. We learn that, despite all the difficulties, as: low education, access to the labor market, low income, among others, young people interviewed understand the Socio-Educational Measures such as a watershed in their lives, because, they do not practice more illicit acts, they seek a better life, they have dreams and plans for the future, and they continue writing their histories.


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The present research sought to comprehend what is the development perspective of a collective work of educational robotics with high school students. The work started from the development activities Mathematics Sub Project of PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciao Docncia, Institutional Program of Initiation to Teaching Scholarship) in a school network from the state of Minas Gerais. The production process of data of this research was done through the follow up of high school students that participated in workshops robotics at the mentioned public school and were selected to continue the project at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Federal University of Uberlndia (UFU). Subsequently, these students were involved in activities related to Robotics championships, elapsed through different spaces in public and private schools of basic education, University and Non-Governmental Organization. The data at the research were registered by photos, videos, field notes, documents produced by the participants and arising from internet like the social media Facebook, questionnaires and, mainly, interviews. At the analysis process of data the followed axes were constituted: Movement Learning Network with Robotics; The Different Roles at the Robotics Events and Experiences in Engineering and Technology. By this axes we understand what is the trajectory of the constitution process of a learning network in educational robotics that we find in expansion and consolidation. In this network the research participants performed different roles which left imprints responsible for their transformation. As a more evident imprint, we detected the robot construction and programming, which as for as they moved their studies forward, they developed the subject autonomy, collaboration, sharing and technological authorship.


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Estudo sobre o Hip Hop como processo comunicacional e sociabilidade entre jovens indgenas de Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, para verificar quais os principais objetivos da prtica do movimento Hip Hop, compreender se serve como comunicao, contribui para o fortalecimento da lngua guarani ou gera novas tenses sociais na reserva. Para tanto, foi analisado aspectos histricos do movimento, passando pelos Estudos Culturais, e como Movimento Social, dando incio discusso de uma voz alternativa por meio do Hip Hop. Do ponto de vista metodolgico, trata-se de um de estudo de caso, com representantes dos grupos de jovens Br Mc's e Jovens Conscientes, das reservas Jaguapir e Boror, das etnias Guarani-Kaiow de Dourados (MS). Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas junto a jovens que participaram das oficinas de hip hop, das lideranas indgenas e professores. A investigao complementada pela pesquisa bibliogrfica, documental e anlises das letras de rap em confrontao com as vises da imprensa, a partir da anlise dos jornais Dirio MS e O Progresso. Os resultados apontam que os jovens se apropriam de uma cultura global para transformar o ambiente local com objetivo de preservar a lngua guarani, uma alternativa para o conhecimento, logo para no seguirem caminhos como o das drogas. Negociando falas sobre sua realidade, dentro e fora da reserva, j que nos meios de comunicao locais h pouco espao para a voz dos indgenas e dentro da reserva ainda h contestao do movimento em um contexto poltico, na tentativa de atingir uma cultura pura, devido preocupao dos mais velhos com a perda de territrio.


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For this study, a research was conducted in order to answer the question "What chemistry teaching has been developed in the Youth and Adult Education (EJA) ?". The research provides an overview of the object to the proposed changes, leading students to live with different realities and investigating the issue of contextualization based on the daily lives of these students related to the subject of chemistry. The methodology focuses ethnographic research of the case study, in which a case is studied in depth using the participant observation. In the survey data a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach was used. The work involved 6 schools that offer adult education high school; 6 directors of these schools; 6 coordinators who work in adult education; 6 Chemistry teachers and 123 students of the EJA, level high school, enrolled in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th periods. The first stage of the research consisted of questionnaires in schools where everyone involved responded closed and open questions applied to each specific group. In the second stage two schools were selected in order to conduct a deeper knowledge of adult education through practical activities of Chemistry and subsequent interview conducted in groups with students. Three teachers were also interviewed to enable a deepening of issues relating to EJA and Chemistry Teaching. The interviews were analyzed by the technique of Discursive Textual Analysis (ATD). The main issues addressed in the questionnaires and interviews were on the school structure, reasons that lead students to drop out or remained in adult education and those who make the stay, the view of those involved of the importance of chemistry discipline for students of EJA and how this should be offered. It is necessary that we need to promote changes in the chemistry class and its activities, respecting the experiences and experience already gained by the student during his life story. Another factor to be highlighted is the need for ongoing training of teachers working in adult education. Note that your continued education is given more by the experience and the ways in which they try to overcome adverse situations. The Chemistry subject taught is not agree with the principles of EJA and practiced curriculum is just an adaptation or content reduction from the regular curriculum. The improvement in chemistry teaching of EJA will take place through a dialogue between those involved in the process, clearer educational policies and willingness to implement change. Thus the teaching of chemistry contribute to the students of the EJA are actually scientifically literate and integrated into society.


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Analisar sobre o processo de cuidar da equipe de enfermagem na viso dos usurios intoxicados por tentativa de suicdio. Metodologia: estudo descritivo exploratrio, de abordagem qualitativa, realizada em um centro de assistncia ao intoxicado da Paraba/Brasil, com nove usurios. Como critrios de incluso, participaram as pessoas que tentaram o suicdio por intoxicao, nos meses de abril e maio de 2010, perodo de coleta de dados do estudo, e que tivessem condies de responder as questes formuladas. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com uso de formulrio, cujos dados foram tratados pela Anlise Temtica. A pesquisa foi aprovada conforme avaliao do Comit de tica em Pesquisa da UEPB e mediante CAAE n 0003.0.349.133-10. Resultados: os participantes concentraram-se na faixa etria de 14 a 26 anos, predominando o gnero feminino e o consumo de agrotxicos na tentativa de suicdio. A anlise dos discursos permitiu identificar que todos os integrantes demonstraram-se satisfeitos com a assistncia de enfermagem, entretanto, apontaram ausncia de comunicao com os profissionais cuidadores e atraso para a realizao dos procedimentos. Concluso: a tica na assistncia de enfermagem supe o estabelecimento da valorizao do humano durante as atribuies profissionais, proporcionando o bem-estar daqueles que no enxergam a ddiva maior, que nesse plano, a vida


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This dissertation shows a comparison between practices related to the body, to identities and to the health of young drug takers of synthetic and manipulated psychoactive substances living in Fortaleza. Through ethnographic accompaniment of parties and two social nets of young people I was able to verify the differences and similarities that make these addicted singular and plural in their notion of ethos and world vision. Notions of being hippie/alternative and being punk are present between these nets. Because their use and circulation are developed in environments usually distinct, it is possible to trace singular aspects between the nets and its actions. In parallel, on the attempt to build a triangulated data, I had information related to youth and drugs in local media and in governmental institutions bound to health mental and city security policies. With this junction of data I present a perspective to questions evolving formal and informal important controls to the conduction of their lives and identities. I present this as a sequel to well developed studies in Brasil about youth in interface to drug use, although still not very explored in the state of Cear.


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Acompanha: A educao de jovens e adultos e o ensino de cincias naturais: contribuies da utilizao dos conceitos unificadores


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Analisar sobre o processo de cuidar da equipe de enfermagem na viso dos usurios intoxicados por tentativa de suicdio. Metodologia: estudo descritivo exploratrio, de abordagem qualitativa, realizada em um centro de assistncia ao intoxicado da Paraba/Brasil, com nove usurios. Como critrios de incluso, participaram as pessoas que tentaram o suicdio por intoxicao, nos meses de abril e maio de 2010, perodo de coleta de dados do estudo, e que tivessem condies de responder as questes formuladas. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com uso de formulrio, cujos dados foram tratados pela Anlise Temtica. A pesquisa foi aprovada conforme avaliao do Comit de tica em Pesquisa da UEPB e mediante CAAE n 0003.0.349.133-10. Resultados: os participantes concentraram-se na faixa etria de 14 a 26 anos, predominando o gnero feminino e o consumo de agrotxicos na tentativa de suicdio. A anlise dos discursos permitiu identificar que todos os integrantes demonstraram-se satisfeitos com a assistncia de enfermagem, entretanto, apontaram ausncia de comunicao com os profissionais cuidadores e atraso para a realizao dos procedimentos. Concluso: a tica na assistncia de enfermagem supe o estabelecimento da valorizao do humano durante as atribuies profissionais, proporcionando o bem-estar daqueles que no enxergam a ddiva maior, que nesse plano, a vida


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Discute polticas pblicas para juventude no contexto informacional de jovens brasileiros e espanhis. Objetiva analisar os modelos de Gesto da Informao e do Conhecimento das polticas pblicas e programas voltados para a juventude desenvolvidos na regio de Aragn da Espanha e do Brasil pelos agentes dos programas com competncia. Estabelece base conceitual para reflexo das questes suscitadas em modelos de gesto da informao (GI) e gesto do conhecimento (GC) adotados como referncias. Utiliza a perspectiva metodolgica de base filosfica ps-estruturalista com tipologia quali-quantitativa, bibliogrfica, documental, descritiva e estudo de casos mltiplos. Resulta nos desenhos organizacionais de GI e GC especficos baseados em modelos de referncia, nos principais focos de GI e GC na perspectiva do compartilhamento em rede cuja finalidade est no conhecimento, informao e formao para a juventude.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo dar continuidade pesquisa desenvolvida em minha especializao em Histria do Rio Grande do Sul, momento em que investiguei sobre as formas de divulgao das leis abolicionistas, Ventre Livre, Sexagenrios e Lei urea atravs da imprensa rio-grandina do sculo XIX representada pelos peridicos Echo do Sul, Artista, Comercial e Dirio do Rio Grande. Dando continuidade investigao, e partindo do pressuposto de que o jornal pode ser utilizado em sala de aula como fonte de pesquisa histrica, busquei verificar como esta fonte pode ser trabalhada com alunos do ensino fundamental de forma a desenvolver sua conscincia histrica. A pesquisa foi pautada em investigaes na rea da Educao Histrica e na teoria da Conscincia Histrica de Jrn Rsen que investiga a caracterizao e os fundamentos do conhecimento histrico e sua relao com a vida prtica, buscando compreender como crianas e jovens aprendem histria. Usei a metodologia de pesquisa-ao privilegiando o trabalho com a interpretao da linguagem dos textos histricos e a construo de narrativas por parte dos aprendizes de uma turma do 8 ano e uma turma de 8 srie do ensino fundamental de uma escola municipal da cidade do Rio Grande, nos dois ltimos meses de 2013. Constatei que possvel a construo do aprendizado de Histria a partir da anlise de matrias jornalsticas, comparando fontes e buscando a compreenso das possibilidades do discurso dos jornais, bem como este trabalho pode ser realizado atravs das tecnologias digitais de forma a torn-lo prazeroso para o estudante. Algumas consideraes podem ser apontadas, entre elas a necessidade do professor de histria oportunizar condies de aprendizagem que propiciem ao aluno sentir-se agente na construo do conhecimento e de um ensino de histria significativo, dando-lhe condies de compreender de forma mais profunda a vida humana, bem como a necessidade da utilizao, por parte dos professores, da narrativa como forma de ensino-aprendizagem. Seria a utilidade prtica da histria.


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This dissertation shows a comparison between practices related to the body, to identities and to the health of young drug takers of synthetic and manipulated psychoactive substances living in Fortaleza. Through ethnographic accompaniment of parties and two social nets of young people I was able to verify the differences and similarities that make these addicted singular and plural in their notion of ethos and world vision. Notions of being hippie/alternative and being punk are present between these nets. Because their use and circulation are developed in environments usually distinct, it is possible to trace singular aspects between the nets and its actions. In parallel, on the attempt to build a triangulated data, I had information related to youth and drugs in local media and in governmental institutions bound to health mental and city security policies. With this junction of data I present a perspective to questions evolving formal and informal important controls to the conduction of their lives and identities. I present this as a sequel to well developed studies in Brasil about youth in interface to drug use, although still not very explored in the state of Cear.


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O presente artigo, de cunho bibliogrfico e documental, apresenta a possibilidade de utilizao do Materialismo Histrico-Dialtico (MHD) na pesquisa em Educao de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) na Penitenciria Feminina do Distrito Federal (PFDF). O MHD figura-se como uma das principais epistemologias das teorias crticas sociais, tratando-se de descobrir as leis fundamentais que definem os modos de organizao das pessoas em sociedade mediante a histria. Grosso modo, as mulheres, na cultura latina, em cumprimento de pena restritiva de liberdade, afastam-se do esteretipo tpico e rompem com o padro esperado em relao ao comportamento social do gnero. O ensino nas prises no est contemplado na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educao Nacional (Lei n 9.394/96) como modalidade especfica, mas como corolrio da Educao de Jovens e Adultos. Diante do exposto, este artigo, analisa as relaes histricas entre sociedade, sistema carcerrio feminino brasileiro e educao, situando-as no contexto do MHD.


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Tese (doutorado)Universidade de Braslia, Faculdade de Educao, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Educao, 2016.