949 resultados para Transient Absorption Spectroscopy


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National High Technology Research and Development Program of China 2007AA03Z112;Program of Ministry of Education of China 20060183030;Program of Jilin Provincial Science and Technology Department of China 20070709;Program of Bureau of Science and Technology of Changchun City 2007107


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Hydrogenated silicon (Si:H) films near the threshold of crystallinity were prepared by very high-frequency plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (VHF-PECVD) using a wide range of hydrogen dilution R-H = [H-2]/[SiH4] values of 2-100. The effects of H dilution R-H on the structural properties of the films were investigated using micro-Raman scattering and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) absorption spectroscopy. The obtained Raman spectra show that the H dilution leads to improvements in the short-range order and the medium-range order of the amorphous network and then to the morphological transition from amorphous to crystalline states. The onset of this transition locates between R-H = 30 and 40 in our case, and with further increasing R-H from 40 to 100, the nanocrystalline volume fraction increases from similar to23% to 43%, and correspondingly the crystallite size enlarges from similar to2.8 to 4.4 nm. The FTIR spectra exhibit that with R-H increasing, the relative intensities of both the SiH stretching mode component at 2100 cm(-1) and wagging mode component at 620 cm(-1) increase in the same manner. We assert that these variations in IR spectra should be associated with the formation of paracrystalline structures in the low H dilution films and nanocrystalline structures in the high H dilution films. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Isochronal thermal-annealing behavior of NTD floating-zone silicon grown in hydrogen ambient (called NTD FZ(H) Si) is presented. The dependencies of resistivity and carrier mobility on annealing temperature are determined by room-temperature Hall electrical measurements. Using infrared absorption spectroscopy, hydrogen-related infrared absorption bands evolution for NTD FZ(H) Si were measured in detail. It is demonstrated that compared with NTD FZ(Ar) Si, NTD FZ(H) Si exhibits the striking features upon isochronal annealing in temperature range of 150 similar to 650 degreesC: there appears the formation of an excessive shallow donor at annealing temperature of 500 degreesC. It is shown that the annealing behavior is directly related to the reaction of hydrogen and irradiation-induced defects. The evolution of infrared absorption bands upon temperature reflects a series of complex reaction process: irradiation-induced defects decomposition, breaking of Si-H bonds, migration and aggregation of atomic hydrogen, and formation of the secondary defects. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Optical and electrical characterization of the ZnS self-organized quantum dots (QDs) embedded in ZnS by molecular beam epitaxy have been investigated using photoluminescence (PL), capacitance-voltage (C-V), and deep level transient Fourier spectroscopy (DLTFS) techniques. The temperature dependence of the free exciton emission was employed to clarify the mechanism of the PL thermal quenching processes in the ZnSe QDs. The PL experimental data are well explained by a two-step quenching process. The C-V and DLTFS techniques were used to obtain the quantitative information on the electron thermal emission from the ZnSe QDs. The correlation between the measured electron emission from the ZnSe QDs in the DLTFS and the observed electron accumulation in the C-V measurements was clearly demonstrated. The emission energy for the ground state of the ZnSe QDs was determined to be at about 120 meV below the conduction band edge of the ZnS barrier, which is in good agreement with the thermal activation energy, 130 meV, obtained by fitting the thermal quenching process of the free exciton PL peak. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Deep levels in semi-insulating (SI) InP obtained by annealing in iron phosphide (IP) ambiance have been characterized by optical transient current spectroscopy (OTCS). Compared with the OTCS result of the SI InP prepared by annealing in pure phosphorus (PP) ambiance, the IP SI InP presents only two traps with activation energies of 0.20 and 0.63 eV, respectively. The results suggest that the diffusion of Fe-atoms suppresses the formation of a few defects in the IP SI InP. The nature of deep levels in the IP and PP SI InP has been discussed on the basis of these results. The relation between material property and defects in those SI InP has also been revealed. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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We have investigated the photoluminescence mapping characteristics of semi-insulating (SI) InP wafers obtained by annealing in iron phosphide ambience (FeP2-annealed). Compared with as-grown Fe-doped and undoped SI InP wafers prepared by annealing in pure phosphorus vapour (P-annealed), the FeP2-annealed ST InP wafer has been found to exhibit a better photoluminescence uniformity. Radial Hall measurements also show that there is a better resistivity uniformity on the FeP2-annealed Sl InP wafer. When comparing the distribution of deep levels between the annealed wafers measured by optical transient Current spectroscopy, we find that the incorporation of iron atoms into the Sl InP Suppresses the formation of a few defects. The correlation observed in this study implies that annealing in iron phosphorus ambience makes Fe atoms diffuse uniformly and occupy the indium site in the Sl InP lattice. As it stands, we believe that annealing undoped conductive InP in iron phosphide vapour is an effective means to obtain semi-insulating InP wafers with superior uniformity.


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Behaviors of the photoluminescence blue-band and near-bandgap peak and the relevant thermal ionization energies of the shallow and deep Mg-related acceptors have been studied, respectively. The 2.989 eV blue-band is attributed to the deep donor-acceptor-pair transitions involving a deep Mg-related acceptor at E-v+0.427 eV. The blueshift with increasing excitation power is explained by variation in the contribution of close and distant donor-acceptor-pairs to the luminescence. The redshift with increasing temperature results from thermal release of carriers from close donor-acceptor-pairs. The 3.26 eV near-bandgap peak is attributed to the shallow donor-acceptor-pair transitions involving a shallow Mg-related acceptor at E-v+0.223 eV. The relevant thermal ionization energies of the shallow and deep Mg-related acceptors, being about E-v+0.16 and E-v+0.50eV, are determined from deep-level transient Fourier spectroscopy measurements.


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Optical and electrical properties of ZnSe self-organized quantum dots were investigated using photoluminescence, capacitance-voltage, and deep level transient Fourier spectroscopy techniques. The temperature dependence of photoluminescence was employed to clarify the mechanism of photoluminescence thermal quenching processes in ZnSe quantum dots. A theoretic fit on considering a two-step quenching processes well explained the experimental data. The apparent carrier concentration profile obtained from capacitance-voltage measurements exhibits an accumulation peak at the depth of about 100nm below the sample surface, which is in good agreement with the location of the quantum dot layer. The electronic ground state of ZnSe quantum dots is determined to be about 0.11 eV below the conduction band of ZnS, which is similar to that obtained by simulating the thermal quenching of ZnSe photoluminescence.


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Gallium nitride (GaN)-based Schottky junctions were fabricated by RF-plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The GaN epitaxial layers were deposited on novel double buffer layers that consist of a conventional low-temperature buffer layer (LTBL) grown at 500 degreesC and an intermediate-temperature buffer layer (ITBL) deposited at 690 degreesC. Low-frequency excess noise and deep level transient Fourier spectroscopy (DLTFS) were measured from the devices. The results demonstrate a significant reduction in the density of deep levels in the devices fabricated with the GaN films grown with an ITBL. Compared to the control sample, which was grown with just a conventional LTBL, a three-order-of-magnitude reduction in the deep levels 0.4 eV below the conduction band minimum (Ec) is observed in the bulk of the thin films using DLTFS measurements.


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The microstructure and its annealing behaviours of a-Si:O:H film prepared by PECVD are investigated in detail using micro-Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Infrared absorption spectroscopy. The results indicate that the as-deposited a-Si:O:H film is structural inhomogeneous, with Si-riched phases surrounded by O-riched phases. The Si-riched phases are found to be nonhydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si) clusters, and the O-riched phases SiOx:H (x approximate to 1. 35) are formed by random bonding of Si, O and H atoms. By high-temperature annealing at 1150 degreesC, the SiOx:H (x approximate to 1.35) matrix is shown to be transformed into SiO2 and SiOx ( x approximate to 0.64), during which all of the hydrogen atoms in the film escape and some of silicon atoms are separated from the SiOx:H ( x approximate to 1.35) matrix; The separated silicon atoms are found to be participated in the nucleation and growth processes of solid-phase crystallization of the a-Si clusters, nano-crystalline silicon (ne-Si) is then formed. The microstructure of the annealed film is thereby described with a multi-shell model, in which the ne-Si clusters are embedded in SiOx (x = 0.64) and SiO2. The former is located at the boundaries of the nc-Si clusters, with a thickness comparable with the scale of nc-Si clusters, and forms the transition oxide layer between the ne-Si and the SiO2 matrix.


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A detailed characterisation study of GaN thin films grown by rf-plasma molecular beam epitaxy on intermediate-temperature buffer layers (ITBL) was carried out with Hall, photoluminescence (PL) and deep-level transient Fourier spectroscopy (DLTFS) techniques. The unique feature of our GaN thin films is that the GaN epitaxial layers are grown on top of a double layer that consists of an ITBL, which is grown at 690 degreesC, and a conventional low-temperature buffer layer deposited at 500 degreesC. It is observed that the electron mobility increases steadily with the thickness of the ITBL, which peaks at 377 cm(2)V(-1)S(-1) for an ITBL thickness of 800 nm. The PL also demonstrated systematic improvements with the thickness of the ITBL. The DLTFS results suggest a three-order-of-magnitude reduction in the deep level at E-c-0.40 eV in the device fabricated with the GaN films grown on an ITBL thickness of 1.25 mum in comparison with the control device without an ITBL. Our analyses indicate that the utilization of an ITBL in addition to the conventional low-temperature buffer layer leads to the relaxation of residual strain within the material, resulting in an improvement in the optoelectronic properties of the films. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science BN. All rights reserved.


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Optical transient current spectroscopy (OTCS), photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy and excitonic electroabsorption spectroscopy have been used to investigate the evolution of defects in the low-temperature grown GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum well structures during the postgrowth rapid thermal annealing. The sample was grown at 350 degrees C by molecular beam epitaxy on miscut (3.4 degrees off (001) towards (111)A) (001) GaAs substrate. After growth, the sample was subjected to 30s rapid thermal annealing in the range of 500-800 degrees C. It is found that the integrated PL intensity first decreases with the annealing temperature, then gets a minimum at 600 degrees C and finally recovers at higher temperatures. OTCS measurement shows that besides As,, antisites and arsenic clusters, there are several relatively shallower deep levels with excitation energies less than 0.3 eV in the as-grown and 500 degrees C-annealed samples. Above 600 degrees C, OTCS signals from As,, antisites and shallower deep levels become weaker, indicating the decrease of these defects. It is argued that the excess arsenic atoms group together to form arsenic clusters during annealing. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report experiments on high de current stressing in commercial III-V nitride based heterojunction light-emitting diodes. Stressing currents ranging from 100 mA to 200 mA were used. Degradations in the device properties were investigated through detailed studies of the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics, electroluminescence, deep-level transient Fourier spectroscopy and flicker noise. Our experimental data demonstrated significant distortions in the I-V characteristics subsequent to electrical stressing. The room temperature electro-luminescence of the devices exhibited a 25% decrement in the peak emission intensity. Concentration of the deep-levels was examined by deep-level transient Fourier spectroscopy, which indicated an increase in the density of deep-traps from 2.7 x 10(13) cm(-3) to 4.2 x 10(13) cm(-3) at E-1 = E-C - 1.1 eV. The result is consistent with our study of 1/f noise, which exhibited up to three orders of magnitude increase in the voltage noise power spectra. These traps are typically located at energy levels beyond the range that can be characterized by conventional techniques including DLTS. The two experiments, therefore, provide a more complete picture of trap generation due to high dc current stressing.


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The concentration of hydroen-indium vacancy complex VInH4 in liquid encapsulated Czochralski undoped and Fe-doped n-type InP has been studied by low-temperature infrared absorption spectroscopy. The VInH4 complex is found to be a dominant intrinsic shallow donor defect with concentrations up to similar to 10(16) cm(-3) in as-grown liquid encapsulated Czochralski InP. The concentration of the VInH4 complex is found to increase with the compensation ratio in good agreement with the proposed defect formation model of Walukiewicz [W. Walukiewicz, Phys. Rev. B 37, 4760 (1998); Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 2094 (1989)], which predicts a Fermi-level-dependent concentration of amphoteric defects. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics, [S0003-6951(98)04435-0].


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At a medium substrate temperature of 400 degrees C and a lower As flux, we have grown an ultrafast AlGaAs/GaAs photorefractive multiple quantum well (MQW) structure by molecular beam epitaxy. The as-grown sample exhibits strong photorefractive effect under the transverse Frantz-Keldysh geometry. A peak electroabsorption of 2100 cm(-1) is measured in the as-grown sample in an 11 kV/cm dc electric field, and the peak photorefractive diffraction efficiency can be 1.2%. After postgrowth annealing, the photorefractive effect becomes weak and disappears in samples annealed above 700 degrees C. Using optical transient current spectroscopy, deep levels are measured in these samples. It is found that deep levels are stable against annealing until 700 degrees C. Using a pump-probe technique, carrier lifetimes are measured at room temperature. We find that the as-grown sample has a lifetime of 20 ps, while the 700 degrees C annealed sample has a lifetime of more than 200 ps. The ultrafast lifetime in the as-grown sample is caused by point defects, not by As clusters. Our result show that AlGaAs/GaAs MQW structure grown around 400 degrees C has better performance of the photorefractive effect. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)04036-X].