806 resultados para Social transformation
Atualmente o tabagismo é considerado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) como um fator de risco à vida a ser combatido com alta prioridade. No entanto, um processo maciço de propaganda e marketing parece ter sido historicamente decisivo para dar à prática de fumar uma representação positiva, através de uma associação sistemática entre o consumo de derivados do tabaco e o ideal de auto-imagem, como beleza, sucesso, saúde e liberdade. Essa transformação da imagem do cigarro de símbolo de status e saúde para uma séria doença a ser combatida evidencia a importância de analisar o tabagismo como um fenômeno psicossocial. O objetivo geral desta investigação consiste, portanto, em analisar comparativamente as representações sociais acerca do tabagismo construídas por grupos de indivíduos que se incluam diferencialmente nas condições de fumantes, ex-fumantes e não-fumantes. A pesquisa foi realizada com uma amostra de 500 (quinhentos) participantes residentes no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, de ambos os sexos, podendo pertencer às categorias de fumantes, ex-fumantes e não-fumantes. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio eletrônico, através da aplicação de um questionário, que em parte focaliza os dados sóciodemográficos dos participantes e, em outra, apresenta questões abertas e fechadas, incorporando ainda uma tarefa de evocação livre ante o termo indutor tabagismo ou prática de fumar. Os resultados da análise estrutural da representação social do tabagismo possibilitou verificar uma unanimidade quanto à significação controversa que é atribuída a ele. De um lado, verificam-se dimensões negativas desta prática, que são objetivadas pelas implicações e repercussões na saúde dos fumantes ativos e passivos e, por outro lado, existem as dimensões positivas, que representam as funções sociais do tabagismo, e as sensações prazerosas que ele provoca nos fumantes. Observa-se o processo de construção de uma nova representação social do tabagismo, onde é estabelecida uma conexão entre uma velha representação do tabagismo enquanto hábito de vida, estilo de vida, com uma nova representação, o tabagismo como vício/dependência, criando novos significados e imagens do objeto. Para concluir, vale ressaltar que as representações sociais dos ex-fumantes e dos não-fumantes mostraram-se bastantes próximas, ressaltando essencialmente os aspectos negativos do tabagismo, enquanto que a dos fumantes diferenciam-se um pouco ao apresentar elementos como prazer. Mas de modo geral, as representações não mostraram-se tão distintas, revelando que os próprios fumantes vivenciam uma relação muito antagônica com o tabagismo, manifestando em diversos momentos vontade de tornarem-se ex-fumantes. Parece que a representação do tabagismo como um hábito glamoroso não mais existe e que de fato a política de controle a ele vem obtendo êxito com suas medidas restritivas o que é algo extremamente positivo para nossa sociedade do ponto de vista da saúde pública. No entanto, na esfera social, parece necessário que essa atmosfera de temor e asco envolta no tabagismo seja pensada e refletida, para que não resulte em discriminação social com os tabagistas, tornando-os novamente vítima, mas de uma nova situação social
Esta Tese aborda a questão do Estado e dos direitos de cidadania, particularmente dos direitos sociais e políticas a eles correspondentes, que constituem o que se convencionou tratar por Estado do bem-estar social, ou welfare state. Nela é analisado o processo recente de contradição entre as idéias e políticas neoliberais e o sistemas de welfare state, procurando verificar o impacto daquelas políticas sobre os sistemas. O objetivo central é mostrar que a ofensiva neoliberal vem sendo mal sucedida em sua tentativa de desarticular as instituições dos direitos e políticas sociais no que diz respeito às sociedades mais complexas e desenvolvidas. A principal razão disto deriva da própria história do welfare state, que corresponde a um longo processo de transformação da relação política entre Estado e sociedade. O estudo do impacto efetivo das políticas neoliberais sobre os sistemas de bem-estar ou proteção social, a que se convencionou tratar por welfare state está centrada no que vem ocorrendo nos países desenvolvidos, fazendo um contraponto com o que se passa no Brasil. Este tema tem sido objeto de preocupação de um grande número de analistas no exterior e no Brasil em função tanto do conteúdo das propostas neoliberais em relação às políticas sociais fortalecimento das soluções de mercado, restrição e das políticas públicas de proteção social nos grupos mais pobres da população quanto do sucesso avassalador que o neoliberalismo alcançou nos campos da economia e do trabalho. A Tese defende a idéia de que a sociedade brasileira e seu welfare state chegaram a um nível tal de complexidade, que não pode mais ser compreendida com base num ferramental analítico que tende a reduzir suas singularidades à configurações muito amplas ora denominadas por periferia do sistema capitalista, ora por realidade latino-americana, as contribuem para simplificar a análise e dificultar o aprofundamento da discussão em relação ao conteúdo, ao rumo e ao alcance do processo político e das políticas sociais.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a prática do assistente social no Sistema Penitenciário do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a partir dos pressupostos estabelecidos pelo Projeto Ético Político da Profissão. A relevância deste estudo consiste em colocar no centro do debate o desafio que representa para a categoria, com um direcionamento profissional ético e político comprometido com os interesses da classe trabalhadora e com a efetivação dos direitos da mesma, efetivar estes pressupostos num campo de atuação marcado pelo controle e repressão dos indivíduos pertencentes a esta classe. A prisão é uma instituição total, punitiva, vingativa, onde observamos a face mais dura do Estado, onde, muitas vezes, o assistente social se vê sozinho na defesa e efetivação dos direitos do preso. Constitui-se como objetivo central deste estudo analisar se dentro desta instituição, o assistente social consegue efetivar os valores defendidos e consagrados pelo projeto profissional. Para realização do estudo nos debruçamos sobre a produção teórica e a história do sistema penitenciário; sobre a legislação específica da área (Lei de Execução Penal e Regulamento Penitenciário do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) e sobre documentos, relatórios, manuais, etc., elaborados pela Coordenação de Serviço Social da Secretaria de Estado de Administração Penitenciária (SEAP). Devido às limitações impostas pela instituição, os sujeitos de nosso estudo foram os gestores e ex-gestores que aturam na Coordenação de Serviço Social e na antiga Divisão de Serviço Social da SEAP. Procuramos resgatar a trajetória histórica do Serviço Social dentro do Sistema Prisional fluminense, destacando as batalhas e conquistas alcançadas pela categoria, ao longo dos quase sessenta anos de inserção nas unidades prisionais do Rio de Janeiro. Observamos ao longo do estudo que a inserção do assistente social no Sistema Penitenciário encontra-se devidamente institucionalizada, regulamentada e organizada, o que demonstra a relevância do trabalho deste profissional, que muitas vezes ainda é visto como benfeitor do preso. Hoje, a execução penal pode ser considerada uma área consolidada para a atuação profissional dos assistentes sociais, embora apresente uma série de inconsistências e discrepâncias, tais como péssimas condições de trabalho, violação de direitos, entre outras. Procuramos mostrar neste estudo como o profissional de Serviço Social enfrenta essa realidade e contribui para a sua transformação, a partir dos ideais defendidos pelo Projeto Ético Político da profissão.
The fisheries of Lake Victoria have undergonea dramatic transformation during the last two decades. From being a locally based fishery with little intervention and capital investment from outside,the present fishery is dominated by national and international capital penetrating the industry. It is explosion in the growth of nile perch and the strong demand devloped for this fishin the global markets, which have transformed the fisheries of the Lake victoria. This report presents the results of a survey carried out between October 2001 and February 2002 about the fishery distribution patterns and their impacts on fisher communities of Lake Victoria. The fisheries distribution pattern of the lake is described as well as the flows and benefits from the fisheries resource and the resource constraints and sustainability options. A major part of the paper discusses some of the socio-economic impacts of the rapid changes that are responsible for the present fisheries. It particularly focuses on the effect of the Nile perch boom, its globalization and the development of the fish industry in Uganda, on food security and employment for the local population.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicopedagogia Perceptiva.
Aims and objectives: This study represents the first sustained quantitative and qualitative attempt to involve both Republicans and Loyalists in an investigation of the impact of imprisonment and the role of politically motivated former prisoners in the process of conflict transformation in Northern Ireland. The overall aim of the project is to examine the ways in which groups of former prisoners are involved in peace-building and conflict transformation work and to evaluate the constraints and impediments placed upon their activities by the effects of the imprisonment process, politically motivated release and residual criminalisation. In pursuing the evaluation of the role of politically motivated former prisoners working within and without their own communities, the research has six specific objectives: To trace the evolution and development of former prisoner groups; To evaluate the impacts of imprisonment and release on the personal lives of former prisoners; To assess the constraints imposed on former prisoners as agents of change by the residual criminalisation arising from their status; To determine the potential of the former prisoner community in challenging intra-community tensions and evaluate their potential and actual contribution to conflict transformation at the inter-community level; To compare and contrast the effectiveness of Loyalist and Republican former prisoners as agents of change within their own communities; To explore the notion of former prisoners as agents of social and communal transformation within broader political processes through grounding the knowledge and practical experience of the former prisoner community within the broader conceptual context of conflict transformation.
Ireland experienced two critical junctures when its economic survival was threatened: 1958/9 and 1986/7. Common to both crises was the supplanting of long established practices, that had become an integral part of the political culture of the state, by new ideas that ensured eventual economic recovery. In their adoption and implementation these ideas also fundamentally changed the institutions of state – how politics was done, how it was organised and regulated. The end result was the transformation of the Irish state. The main hypothesis of this thesis is that at those critical junctures the political and administrative elites who enabled economic recovery were not just making pragmatic decisions, their actions were influenced by ideas. Systematic content analysis of the published works of the main ideational actors, together with primary interviews with those actors still alive, reveals how their ideas were formed, what influenced them, and how they set about implementing their ideas. As the hypothesis assumes institutional change over time historical institutionalism serves as the theoretical framework. Central to this theory is the idea that choices made when a policy is being initiated or an institution formed will have a continuing influence long into the future. Institutions of state become ‘path dependent’ and impervious to change – the forces of inertia take over. That path dependency is broken at critical junctures. At those moments ideas play a major role as they offer a set of ready-made solutions. Historical institutionalism serves as a robust framework for proving that in the transformation of Ireland the role of ideas in punctuating institutional path dependency at critical junctures was central.
The objective of my Portfolio is to explore the working hypothesis that the organic growth of a firm is governed by the perspectives of individuals and such perspectives are governed by their meaning-making. The Portfolio presents explorations of the transformation of my meaning making and in adopting new practices to support the organic growth of a firm. I use the work of other theorists to transition my understanding of how the world works. This transition process is an essential tool to engage with and understand the perspectives of others and develop a mental capacity to “train one’s imagination to go visiting” (Arendt, 1982; p.43). The Portfolio, therefore, is primarily located in reflective research. Using Kegan’s (1994) approach to Adult Mental Development, and Sowell’s (2007) understanding of the visions which silently shape our thoughts I organise the developments of my meaning making around three transformation pillars of change. In pillar one I seek to transform an unthinking respect for authority and break down a blind pervasiveness of thought within my reasoning process arising from an instinct for attachment and support from others whom I trust. In pillar two I seek to discontinue using autocratic leadership and learn to use the thoughts and contributions of a wider team to make improved choices about uncertain future events. In pillar three I explore the use of a more reflective thinking framework to test the accuracy of my perceptions and apply a high level of integrity in my reasoning process. The transformation of my meaning making has changed my perspectives and in turn my preferred practices to support the organic growth of a firm. I identify from practice that a transformative form of leadership is far more effective that a transactional form of leadership to stimulate the trust and teamwork required to sustain the growth a firm. Creating an environment where one feels free to share thoughts and feelings with others is an essential tool to build a team to critique the thoughts of one other. Furthermore, the entrepreneurial wisdom to grow a firm must come from a wider team, located both inside and outside the boundaries of a firm. No individual or small team has the mental capacity to provide the entrepreneurship required to drive the organic growth of a firm. I address my Portfolio to leaders in organisations who have no considered framework on the best practices required to lead a social organisation. These individuals may have no sense of what they implicitly believe drives social causation and they may have no understanding if their meaning making supports or curtails the practices required to grow a firm. They may have a very limited capacity to think in a logical manner, with the result they are using guesses from their ‘gut’ to make poor judgements in the management of a firm.
Social networks have increasingly become a showcase where the media can be promoted. Like many other media, radio stations have made use of social networks to promote themselves in a better way and, sometimes, to keep more feedback with their listeners. But not all programs make the same use and not all of them have managed to reach in the same way his followers. This article discusses the consolidation in the social networks of the major radio sports programs in Spain. Through a comparative analysis between 2010 and 2015, throughout the text, the authors have tried to observe the evolution of the programs and, at the same time, to establish comparisons between the followers that these programs have on social networks and the number of listeners as EGM.
There is a collective worldview on social policies that is expressed and understood by university professionals. However, it takes students time to construct this knowledge. Here, we provide fundamental ideas and a dynamic to facilitate learning of social policies. The preparation of a brief dictionary of significant terms is to be constructed as a group, alongside the maieutic work to be carried out by the teacher. The goal is to discover keys to understand the meaning of social policies and the underlying values that sustain a social and democratic rule-of-law state such as the one proposed in the Spanish Constitution of 1978. Attention is focused on the structure of the mixed welfare state. This is an integral proposal and comprises three dimensions. First, it considers the state and its possible welfare agents: business, market, the Church and civil society. The attitudes with which universal and inclusive social action is promoted, breaking radically with the aid-based meaning contained in other systems, are then addressed. Finally, we examine human dignity as a principle and aim of intervention, a basis for understanding other concepts such as human, social, labour and political rights. It is to be hoped that these pages prove useful for both teaching staff and students.
This paper presents a program centred on arts and education as tools in social work for the inclusion of people with earlyonset dementia and Alzheimer’s. The objective of the programme is to eradicate the stigma and myths associated with the disease.The program is part of the Junta de Castilla y León and the European Social Fund’s ARS Project (Arte y Salud Alzheimer; Alzheimer’s Art & Health). The programme presents a series of evaluated artistic and educational activities that can be undertaken by people in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease and that can also be used by caregivers and family when working with this group of people, with the aim of improving their wellbeing, self-esteem and quality of life.
Theatre is a cultural and artistic form that involves a process of communication between creators and is received in a space and time located in the public sphere, which has meant that, over the centuries, it has acted as a space for expression, exchange and debate regarding all manner of ideas, causes and struggles. Implicit within this process are processes of expression, creation and reception, by way of which people demonstrate, analyse and question ways of seeing and understanding life, and ways of being and existing in the world. This gives rise to educational, cultural, social and political potential, which has been endorsed in numerous studies and investigations. In this work, in which theoretical orientation is established through a review of the relevant literature, we consider different intersections that occur between theatre and social work in order to also show that dramatic and theatrical expression offers substantive methodologies for achieving some objectives of social work, particularly in areas such as critical literacy, reflexivity and recognition, awareness raising, social participation, personal and/or community development, ownership of cultural capital and access to personal and social wellbeing.
After considering museums as cultural institutions responsible for preserving cultural memory and its evolution over time, this article describes the cultural practices within our society that are aimed at disseminating art and at reproducing and transmitting culture, history and identity. Further, it considers the key role that older people are steadily assuming in Spain’s ageing society. New social-empowerment activities based on volunteering by the elderly are linked to generativity because the individual and social groups acquire new skills through those activities, thereby strengthening a society for all ages. Never in the history of social work have so many older people been prepared to participate actively at the community level, and never has a social movement with these features gone so unnoticed by so many social agents.
Three different worlds, sometimes concentric and often intersecting —society, theatre and the art of performance— and social work. Diverse worlds that live, reflect and self-reflect and interact, and can also afford an opportunity for meeting, misunderstanding and confrontation, and above all offer the possibility of profound change.This article considers the experience of a theatre company that has spent more than three years moving at the limits of these three universes. To these three worlds can be added an infinite number of words that fill them with meaning and significance: territory, meeting, diversity and search. An artistic experience that has chosen to focus on creating scenarios for debate and to examine the difficulties, the human contradictions and the constant and inexhaustible confrontation with human experience. At the heart of this theatrical activity is all of this, seeking the balance between narration, meeting, investigation and the artistic dimension. This meeting between society, theatre and social work also contains the search for sustainability of this cultural business, in an Italy that has been destroyed by a crisis that is not merely economic, but also of values and, above all, of role models. The guiding theme, though not always made explicit, is always present and essential: the search for beauty.
This article has been written with the intention of being able to analyse the contributions of art —theatre, in this case— to the practice of social work. For this purpose, we have chosen to read the social reality in which we intervene through the lens of social constructionism. This helps us to rescue the social and subjective side of art, and, moreover, to recover the depathologization of the subject in professional intervention. Thus, using a practical case taken from work with adolescents in the German FSJ programme, hand-in-hand with a young girl called Anja we trace the developmental and sociological aspects of adolescence in order to later address certain common points of art and psychosocial work. Art will hence be redefined as a transitional object allowing questions to be addressed relating to (self-) perception, attachment, communication and changes in conduct as the ultimate goal of professional action. Lastly, we note the limitations and risks of art-based intervention, in order to conclude with a final synopsis.