998 resultados para Questão Acreana


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O artigo apresenta os principais elementos que compõem a questão ambiental na sociedade global, através de sua relação entre economia, meio ambiente e política internacional. A primeira parte expõe o debate ambiental no contexto internacional, enfocando-o a partir dos anos 1960, período em que os problemas ambientais surgem com mais intensidade e com eles os protestos sociais nos países centrais. Os encontros sobre política ambiental internacional foram realizados com mais frequência nos anos setenta como a conferência internacional sobre meio ambiente, a primeira chancelada pela ONU em Estocolmo, 1972. Nas décadas de 1970/1980 as autoridades governamentais reconheceram a urgência na resolução da crise ambiental e passaram a traçar estratégias para a mitigação e contenção da crise. A década de 1990 é marcada pela Conferência Rio 1992, que lançou o desenvolvimento sustentável, o qual recomenda que as gerações presentes devem se reproduzir sem comprometer a capacidade de reprodução das gerações futuras. Os encaminhamentos da terceira conferência internacional sobre meio ambiente (Johanesburgo, 2002) condicionaram a questão ambiental à necessidade da formulação de leis ambientais por parte dos Estados Nacionais e instrumentos económicos de gestão ambiental. Na Rio + 20, o tema central foi a economia verde, que surge como alternativa ao desenvolvimento sustentável e se relaciona a mitigação das mudanças climáticas, produção de baixo carbono, eficiência energética, energia renovável etc. O texto se encerra explanando sobre a questão ambiental internacional na sociedade global.


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Recognizing the need to preserve a national ethnic minority, the Constitution, inspired by the pluralistic values of the Constitutional Law State, stipulated a series of rights and guarantees for the conservation of indigenous cultural singularity, disciplining in article 231 the Indians right to maintain their social organization, customs, languages, beliefs and traditions, as well as safeguarding the rights to the lands they traditionally occupy, and the exclusive use of the wealth existing in them, premise of ensuring their physical and cultural continuity, breaking decisively with the paradigm the assimilation of the Indian national civilization. However, despite the Indian policy of ethnic and cultural preservation, the Constitution allowed the exploitation of minerals in aboriginal territory, incorporated herein hydrocarbons, provided they meet certain predetermined requirements, leaving it to the legislature the discipline of ordinary matter. However, this law has not yet been published, with some projects in the National Congress, leaving thus precluding the indigenous subsurface oil exploration until the enactment of enabling legislation. Meanwhile, this paper carries out an integrated analysis of the constitutional protection of ethnic and cultural uniqueness of indigenous peoples, Convention Nº 169 of the International Labour Organization and the bill presented by Deputy Eduardo Valverde, in an attempt to consolidate sustainable development practices in the sector, through developing a system of social and environmental responsible oil exploration, aligning with national energy needs to maintain a balanced environment and preservation of socio-cultural organization of a minority so weakened and beaten over five centuries of domination


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This work presents an analysis about the legitimation of independent regulatory commission`s rulemaking power by participation procedure. It is observed that political and administrative decentralization and fragmentation of State, with the purpose of approaching citizens and provide, more efficiently, the functions acquired by the passage of the Welfare State, leads to a deficit of legitimacy (democratic crisis), which is noticeable in the making of legal norms by directors of independent regulatory commission to regulate specific economic sector. However, we understand that this crisis stems from the observation of the contemporary world from dogmas and legal institutions of the eighteenth century, without their evolution and adaptation to the modern world. The legitimacy must be perceived as the justification of power, relation command /obedience, which, from the Modern State, has the democracy as standard. Therefore, just as the world has evolved and demanded political and administrative decentralization to accompany him, it is necessary to the development of the idea of representative democracy (formal legitimacy) to participatory democracy (legitimacy stuff). Legitimacy is not confused with the legality: as the legality is on observance to internal legal system, the "rules of play"; legitimacy, as inputs to be fed into this system, the selection of the different expectations in the environment. Nevertheless, the legitimacy will take place by legality, through introduction of rational and communicative procedures: procedures get fundamental importance because these will be the means to select the expectations to be introduced in the legal system in order to make decisions more fair, rational and qualified towards society. Thus, it is necessary to its opening to the environment for dialogue with the government. In this context, we try to make an analysis of constitutional norms based on systematic and teleological interpretation of these norms to build these arguments. According to the Constitution of 1988, participatory democracy is a result of the democratic principle (sole paragraph of art. 1 of the Constitution), and it is an expression of citizenship and political pluralism, both foundations of Republic (respectively Art. 1st, inc . V and II of the Constitution), as well as the national consciousness. From another point of view, that principle consists of an evolution in the management public affairs (principle of Republic). The right of interested participate in the rulemaking process derives both the principle of popular participation (part of the democratic principle) and the republican principle as the due process constitutional (art. 5, LIV and LV, CF/88) and the right to petition (Art . 5 °, inc. XXXIV, "a", CF/88), and it is the duty of the State not only be open to participation and encourage it. Ignoring stakeholder involvement in procedures and / or expressions compiled can be causes of invalidation of the rule of law produced by addiction of procedure, motive, motivation and/or because of the administrative act. Finally, we conclude that the involvement of stakeholders in the process of making rules within the independent regulatory commission is the legitimacy and the validity of rules; and that, despite of the expressions do not bind the decision making, they will enter the system as juridical fact, balancing the field of technical discretionary of agencies


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O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa cujo objetivo foi identificar as percepções dos professores de Biologia do município de Piracicaba, SP, e dos alunos concluintes de um curso de licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas em relação à presença da Educação Ambiental em sua formação inicial, a fim de discutir a inserção da temática na universidade em geral e, especificamente, na licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas. Os resultados indicam que o professor de Biologia ainda necessita de uma formação mais crítica em relação à educação ambiental e que, numa perspectiva complexa, essa formação necessita ser tratada de forma mais rigorosa na universidade e nas licenciaturas em Ciências Biológicas para que os profissionais formados possam atuar, efetivamente, na formação cidadã para uma sociedade mais sustentável.


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You can see nowadays a more constant questioning about the validity and effectiveness of the practices of teaching reading currently introduced in elementary school. The intelligibilities generated from many voices, and built on the border between many consciences, it can contribute to understand and to some extent, alleviate skewed or outdated understandings about the teaching of reading and its goals in the school environment. By understanding the dynamics of these practices, which always need to be modified because of new social demands, we recognize the validity of working with the prospect of reading in its historical, social and dialogic dimension (Bakhtin, 1981, 2003). The Portuguese language textbook (LDP), in turn, being one of the fundamental bases of reading in school, makes a justified and necessary active production of knowledge about the theoretical and methodological conceptions that underlie the work with reading and on how that work is effectively routed. Our aim in this essay is precisely analyze reading activities in four Portuguese textbooks (Teacher s Manuals) for the 6th grade of elementary school, focusing on the proposed activities from a specific discursive genre, in this case, the comic strip. Through this research, we retrieve and list the goals that guide the development of reading activities in the LDP, and then verify a compliance or not of these objectives in directing the activities. Finally, we describe how the reading practices that involve the strip in the textbook can legitimize or reject the reading as an area of construction and circulation of meanings between socio-historically located subjects. We take account of studies on the nature and constitution of language (BAKHTIN, 1981, 2003, 2010; BAKHTIN/ VOLOSHINOV, 2006; SOUZA, 2002; GERALDI, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2006; ROJO, 2008a, 2008b, among others), as well especific studies about the activities in Portuguese textbooks (MARCUSCHI, 2010; BELMIRO, 2006; MENDONÇA, 2006, among others)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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How do the identities of a people build themselves? How do the geographic clippings influence the representations of some social groups, when they define themselves or when they are defined, for example, as people from Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraíba, Rio de Janeiro, Ceará, Bahia? What symbolic elements, contests and benefits are involved in these processes of identity construction? By taking the discussions about potiguar people as the theme of this research, we intend to discuss about the displacements, the impasses in their representations that usually represent him as a being who he is not, constantly seduced by the enchantments of the other, by the values that come from outside. Thus, from the Rio Grande do Norte space, we investigated, in various contexts, since the last three decades of the nineteenth century to the current days, how the space identities have been used as strategy, by various characters, in attempt to build and/or to define representations that characterize and single potiguares out, in the face of other beings of the nation


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This study s main goal is to analyze the way the limits between Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte states, the so called Grossos matter, has been associated to the norte-rio-grandense spacial and identity formation during the first republic period. Thus, a consistet number of sources: RN and CE old newspapers, as well as a república from Natal and Fortaleza and o mossoroense ; historical drafts from the historical and geographical institute associated and historical, gographical and anthropological institute of Ceará; the Ação Cível Originária de nº 6 from the supreme federal tribunal and many other cartographies. The documents haven t been hierarchized, neither accepted as proof effects, but understood as the base matter for this text composition by the deconstruction of the analyzed discusses. In order to do that the ablação or bricolagem method, without quotations marks or long quotations themselves, has been used. Along the three analyzed charpters: the two phases the litigious was found, since its beginning yet in the XVIII century until 1888 and its return within the republic proclamation, in the 1920 resolution; the development of the documental, historical and identity dispute between IHGA-CE and IHG-RN; and, at last, the political game existing between the Albuquerque Maranhão oligarchy , Manuel Pereira Reis and Rui Barbosa, explaining the intentions, silent and miths built along the time by these intellectual participations


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Este artigo pretende fazer um levantamento bibliográfico sobre a neurose profissional, cujos sintomas são entendidos como a expressão simbólica de um conflito psíquico que se desenvolve a partir de uma situação organizacional ou profissional determinada. O diagnóstico é formado a partir das queixas mencionadas, da história de trabalho e da análise da situação de trabalho atual. Entende-se que condições estressantes de trabalho, associadas ao contexto social de desemprego e competitividade, contribuem para o aparecimento de doenças mentais como a neurose profissional. As formas de tratamento para essa doença, além da psicoterapia individual, envolvem a ação integrada de uma equipe multiprofissional capacitada para lidar com o sofrimento psíquico do trabalhador e com os aspectos sociais e de intervenção nos ambientes de trabalho. Ressalta-se a carência de literatura sobre o tema estudado e a importância de se ampliar a discussão sobre os fatores de risco no trabalho, os determinantes psíquicos para o desenvolvimento da neurose profissional e o papel do psicólogo no contexto de prevenção e promoção da saúde mental.