1000 resultados para Garantia (Direito)
This study analyses the principle of presumption of innocence in the preliminary stages of the Portuguese criminal process, its procedural aspect related with the principle of in dubio pro reo and its material aspect concerning the treatment of the defendant during the proceedings. The consequences and manifestations of the principle of presumption of innocence are analysed in the decisions of the closing stages of the preliminary criminal procedure and the application of the principle of in dubio pro reo is analysed in the judgement of sufficiency of evidence for the procedure to continue. It addresses the question of circumstantial evidence, its particular relevance in economic and financial crime, highly organized crime, the grounds for the indictment in general and when the sufficiency of evidence criteria is based on that evidence. It analyses the scope of the principle of presumption of innocence in the application of coercive measures, with reference to the arrest, first interrogation of the accused under detention and reasons for the subsequent dispatch about the measures. The asset assurance measures of preventive seizure and the preventive seizure to ensure confiscation are analysed and principle of presumption of innocence is considered non applicable to those measures.
In this thesis, we will treat the discrimination based on age, more specifically of older workers. In recent years, there was an increasing interest on the part of doctrine and jurisprudence on this subject. In fact, in a world in which you live a real economic crisis, older workers tend to have difficulties finding jobs or are targets of the discrimination based on age, at the time of hiring or during the contract. Thus, we will focus on discrimination. We will examine, first, the difference between direct and indirect discrimination, taking into account the importance of the burden of proof, then we will study the figures of positive action measures. Then, treat the legislative framework of the discrimination based on age, that is, in relation to the Labor Code and the Directive 2000/78/EC of November 27, 2000. Eventually, we will determine the cases in which they may accept the discrimination based on age. In fact, these differences in treatment based on age are justified, but must be aimed at a legitimate objective with appropriate and necessary means.
Portugal is one of the countries that has a constitutional regime of immunity. This protects certain individuals in political positions from prosecution under the law. These individuals are said to have a privileged status when compared to ordinary citizens. The purpose of this study is to examine the immunities enjoyed by President, the members of Parliament and the government ministers. The regime of immunities can be found to generate a certain sense of injustice and feelings of mistrust since the individual can not, albeit temporarily, be held criminally responsible for criminal conduct. It is urgent, therefore, to find a consistent justification with the principles and values of the Criminal Law. The Parliament is the place of the exercise of democratic power and, therefore, a member of Parliament assumes a central position in parliamentary activity. For this reason, it will be necessary to determine analysis to determine the meaning the prerogative of criminal irresponsibility. One question that must be asked is to know how the dogmatic plan that the immunities of the political organs of sovereignty must be seen.
This dissertation analyzes how the current Constitution and the Brazilian law establish consumer protection, arbitration and access to justice. Following we try to demonstrate why arbitration is a method rarely used in the resolution of consumer disputes in Brazil. It also examines the doctrinal and jurisprudential aspects of the conflict between the Brazilian Arbitration Law (Law nº. 9.307/96), which allows the arbitration clause in contracts of adhesion, and the Consumer Protection Code (Law nº 8.078/90) that in article 51, VII, considers as abusive the arbitration clause. Furthermore, analyzes new proposed bills under scrutiny by the National Congress on the issue and identifies the causes, in the Brazilian legal system, hampering the use of arbitration in consumer relations. Concludes that there are no principle obstacles preventing consumer litigations to be settled by arbitration. High costs, mistrust, oppression, misinformation of consumers and non-participation of the State, being a totally private institute, are factors that generate distrust, suspicion, and have prevented the development of arbitration in consumer relations in Brazil.
This study specifically addresses the situation of minority shareholders after the transfer of control in an listed company. The various underlying interests and reasons that shareholders have for investing in a company can demonstrate shareholders’ reasoning for taking radically different positions on issues relating to the transfer of control of the referred company. This study analyses the current legal system in Portugal and in the European Union in order to assess whether, in the event of a takeover bid of a listed company where there is a transfer of control, minority shareholders have the same appraisal rights as other shareholders to sell their shares and leave the company. The study then examines the European Court of Justice decision on whether a general principle of equal treatment of minority shareholders exists upon a transfer of control (Audiolux) and the Portuguese Securities Market Commission decision regarding the delisting of Brisa - Autoestradas de Portugal, S.A. based on the principle of investor protection. The study concludes that although the principle of equality amongst shareholders has made progress in the European legal system e.g. it is laid down in Directive 2004/25/EC of 21 April 2004 on takeover bids and the Portuguese Securities Market Code, there is also a need for further improvement, which can be accomplished by allowing minority shareholders to exercise an appraisal right in similar unregulated situations.
Esta tese se concentra na participação das crianças no jornalismo feito para elas. Buckingham (2009) entende que as crianças devem exercer os seus direitos de participação, estabelecidos na Convenção sobre os Direitos da Criança (1989), também na área da produção midiática. Isto significa que as crianças devem dizer, para os produtores e legisladores de mídia, os seus desejos e sugestões, críticas e concordâncias, além de produzir conteúdos próprios. Para o investigador britânico, isso está relacionado ao que ele chama de “direito das crianças à representação”, garantia que não está abarcada pela Convenção. O objetivo desse novo direito seria o de que as crianças não só sejam ouvidas mas também criem e defendam melhores formas de representação das infâncias contemporâneas, através da participação nos canais de mídia. Além disso, as representações das crianças apresentadas no discurso jornalístico são parte do quadro social e cultural que forma o que entendemos por infância contemporânea (e que a distingue do que é “ser adulto”). A imprensa voltada especificamente para as crianças pode entender melhor o cotidiano dos meninos e meninas e, através de representações da(s) infância(s) mais complexas, pode lembrar à sociedade que as crianças também estão envolvidas em questões gerais, como a organização cultural e socioeconômica de suas cidades, de seus países ou do mundo — expandindo o conceito de infância aceito atualmente. Os canais de participação oferecidos pelos meios de comunicação e as novas formas de comunicação que as crianças têm à sua disposição, através da internet, são possíveis formas de assegurar o direito defendido por Buckingham. Mas as crianças têm vindo a utilizar as novas formas digitais de participação para se comunicar com os jornalistas que escrevem para elas? Existe um interesse voluntário das crianças neste tipo de participação? São comentários enviados diretamente por elas ou por seus responsáveis, preocupados com os conteúdos dos veículos que oferecem aos seus filhos, netos e alunos? Para responder a essas questões, analisamos 515 cartas e e-mails enviados para duas revistas feitas para crianças, no Brasil (“Ciência Hoje das Crianças”) e em Portugal (“Visão Júnior”), em 2013-14. Entrevistamos ainda crianças de nove a 16 anos de idade em ambos os países. Analisando a amostra de mensagens, vimos que os leitores (a maioria crianças, e não adultos responsáveis por elas) escrevem intensamente para ambas as revistas e que eles estão usando mais o e-mail para esta atividade — embora no Brasil não tenham abandonado completamente o papel quando a comunicação é gerada na escola. Nesse país, o uso da internet por crianças nas escolas é menor do que em Portugal. Como conclusões, entendemos que a integração digital não tende a aumentar a comunicação on-line com essas revistas de papel, porém ela expande as fontes de informação acessadas pelas crianças — ainda que elas nem sempre consigam diferenciar entretenimento de informação jornalística. Esses meninos e meninas, voluntariamente ou incentivados pelos professores (aparentemente não por pais ou colegas), veem o espaço para publicação de cartas do leitor nas revistas como uma plataforma por meio da qual podem intervir na oferta editorial. Mas isso acontece de forma “reforçadora”, ou seja, pedindo mais do que eles já veem e apreciam. Acreditamos ser necessário investimento em literacia midiária, através da mediação dos pais e da escola, para estimular as crianças a pedirem um jornalismo melhor, de uma forma que elas ainda nem sabem ser possível. //
The United Nations is an international organization that was created after World War II, whose main objective is to promote cooperation, social and economic development, as well as to ensure international peace and security. The Member States are key actors in the international political system. For that reason they have strategic interests in what regards taking part in the international organizations. They see it as an opportunity to achieve those goals. The United Nations Security Council has a very important role in preserving international peace and security. It is the organ of the United Nations in which fifteen member states are represented: five permanently and ten non-permanently, being that the latter are elected for two years. Participating in the Security Council is a unique opportunity for middle powers like Portugal to promote their national interests and to increase their international visibility. In addition, they can contribute to the world’s destiny during their mandate period. Portugal has exercised his third term as a non-permanent member of the Security Council in 2011-2012 biennium, defeating Canada after a successful campaign carried out by the Portuguese diplomacy. This study analyses the participation of Portugal in the Security Council´s 2011-2012 biennium. It will focus the application process and election and the role of Portugal in the Security Council, especially in its the presidency and its intervention in the presidency of the Sanctions Committee on Libya. Its aim is to show the impact of Portuguese participation in the Security Council for international peace and security, as well as the geopolitical importance for the country of being part of the Security Council.
The international conventions and agreements on civil liability emerged with the purpose of regulating the liability of the air carrier, bearing in mind two essential factors: i) the need to protect passengers interests, and ii) to ensure the continuous development of an incipient activity by limiting the compensation amounts. This research will focus on the analysis of the nature of the contract of air carriage, as well as the air carrier's liability regime regarding damages endured by passengers that may result from the non-performance of the contract.
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito da Criança, Família, Órfãos e Sucessões
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito da União Europeia