863 resultados para information security policy


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El presente estudio de caso tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia de la gobernación de Tokio en la formulación de la política exterior de Japón durante la disputa territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu. Para ello, se identifican los puntos más relevantes de la política exterior de seguridad de Japón después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Se hace un énfasis en la política bilateral de seguridad sino-japonesa, con el fin de ubicar el conflicto territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu como un punto importante en la agenda internacional de seguridad de ambos países. Se estudia y analiza el concepto de paradiplomacia; articulado, a su vez, por los conceptos de identidad y rol en política exterior de la perspectiva teórica del Constructivismo de las Relaciones Internacionales, para así analizar la influencia de Tokio en el manejo de la política exterior de Japón en el marco del conflicto territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu.


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Nowadays, information security is a very important topic. In particular, wireless networks are experiencing an ongoing widespread diffusion, also thanks the increasing number of Internet Of Things devices, which generate and transmit a lot of data: protecting wireless communications is of fundamental importance, possibly through an easy but secure method. Physical Layer Security is an umbrella of techniques that leverages the characteristic of the wireless channel to generate security for the transmission. In particular, the Physical Layer based-Key generation aims at allowing two users to generate a random symmetric keys in an autonomous way, hence without the aid of a trusted third entity. Physical Layer based-Key generation relies on observations of the wireless channel, from which harvesting entropy: however, an attacker might possesses a channel simulator, for example a Ray Tracing simulator, to replicate the channel between the legitimate users, in order to guess the secret key and break the security of the communication. This thesis work is focused on the possibility to carry out a so called Ray Tracing attack: the method utilized for the assessment consist of a set of channel measurements, in different channel conditions, that are then compared with the simulated channel from the ray tracing, to compute the mutual information between the measurements and simulations. Furthermore, it is also presented the possibility of using the Ray Tracing as a tool to evaluate the impact of channel parameters (e.g. the bandwidth or the directivity of the antenna) on the Physical Layer based-Key generation. The measurements have been carried out at the Barkhausen Institut gGmbH in Dresden (GE), in the framework of the existing cooperation agreement between BI and the Dept. of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering "G. Marconi" (DEI) at the University of Bologna.


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The increasing adoption of information systems in healthcare has led to a scenario where patient information security is more and more being regarded as a critical issue. Allowing patient information to be in jeopardy may lead to irreparable damage, physically, morally, and socially to the patient, potentially shaking the credibility of the healthcare institution. Medical images play a crucial role in such context, given their importance in diagnosis, treatment, and research. Therefore, it is vital to take measures in order to prevent tampering and determine their provenance. This demands adoption of security mechanisms to assure information integrity and authenticity. There are a number of works done in this field, based on two major approaches: use of metadata and use of watermarking. However, there still are limitations for both approaches that must be properly addressed. This paper presents a new method using cryptographic means to improve trustworthiness of medical images, providing a stronger link between the image and the information on its integrity and authenticity, without compromising image quality to the end user. Use of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine structures is also an advantage for ease of development and deployment.


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Valuation of projects for the preservation of water resources provides important information to policy makers and funding institutions. Standard contingent valuation models rely on distributional assumptions to provide welfare measures. Deviations from assumed and actual distribution of benefits are important when designing policies in developing countries, where inequality is a concern. This article applies semiparametric methods to obtain estimates of the benefit from a project for the preservation of an important Brazilian river basin. These estimates lead to significant differences from those obtained using the standard parametric approach.


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Science communication. including extension services. plays a key role in achieving sustainable native vegetation management. One of the pivotal aspects of the debate on sustainable vegetation management is the scientific information underpinning policy-making. In recent years. extension services have Shifted their focus from top-down technology transfer to bottom-up participation and empowerment. I here has also been a broadening of communication strategies to recognise the range of stakeholders involved in native vegetation management and to encompass environmental concerns. This paper examines the differences between government approaches to extension services to deliver policy and the need for effective communication to address broader science issues that underpin native vegetation management. The importance of knowing the learning styles of the stakeholders involved in native vegetation management is discussed at a time of increasing reliance on mass communication for information exchange and the importance of personal communication to achieve on-ground sustainable management. Critical factors for effective science-management communication are identified Such as: (i) undertaking scientific studies (research) with community involvement, acceptance and agreed understanding of project objectives (ii) realistic community consultation periods: (iii) matching communication channels with stakeholder needs; (iv) combining scientific with local knowledge in in holistic (biophysical and social) approach to understanding in issued and (v) regional partnerships. These communication factors are considered to be essential to implementing on-ground natural resource management strategics and actions, including those concerned with native vegetation management.


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Este artigo analisa a pol??tica de seguridade social brasileira na perspectiva de sua formula????o legal na Carta Constitucional de 1988, com o objetivo de discutir tr??s enfoques relativos a esta pol??tica: os grupos de interesse implicados no projeto da seguridade social na Assembleia Nacional Constituinte de 1987/88; os princ??pios pol??tico-ideol??gicos que nortearam a defini????o deste modelo protetor; e os obst??culos surgidos na elabora????o e operacionaliza????o desta proposta. Passados nove anos da promulga????o da ???Constitui????o Democr??tica???, os princ??pios norteadores da Seguridade Social ainda n??o foram implementados, e os tr??s setores nela inseridos ??? sa??de, assist??ncia e previd??ncia social ??? deram prosseguimento ?? elabora????o de pol??ticas setorializadas e independentes. Este artigo discute, assim, as perspectivas da pol??tica protetora brasileira, utilizando como refer??ncia o debate hist??rico de formula????o desta pol??tica e apresentando os principais impasses no desenvolvimento da pol??tica protetora.


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Nos ??ltimos anos, diversos pa??ses t??m feito grandes modifica????es em suas legisla????es, na tentativa de proteger o direito de acesso ?? informa????o e adequar sua legisla????o interna ??s exig??ncias impostas por tratados internacionais. A Lei de Acesso ?? Informa????o brasileira (Lei n?? 12.527, de 2011) foi constru??da a partir dos par??metros internacionalmente reconhecidos. Esses par??metros incorporam novos conceitos que ampliam o entendimento comum sobre o princ??pio da publicidade e recomendam a ado????o do princ??pio da m??xima transpar??ncia. A nova lei ?? essencial para melhorar as condi????es de acesso ??s informa????es governamentais no Brasil, como ser?? mostrado na an??lise feita da experi??ncia dos Estados Unidos da Am??rica e do M??xico. Contudo, devido a dificuldades relacionadas especialmente ?? burocracia administrativa, o direito de acesso ?? informa????o tender?? a permanecer incompleto, enquanto n??o for incorporado a uma pol??tica p??blica capaz de traduzir esse direito em um conjunto de a????es governamentais que garantam sua efetividade.


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O objeto de estudo dessa pesquisa é a política de segurança pública brasileira visando compreender o seu percurso ideológico e político no contexto de retomada e da consolidação da democracia no Brasil, após 21 anos de ditadura militar. Considerando o contexto no qual se verifica a existência de disputa política em torno da concepção de segurança pública, o objetivo geral deste trabalho é compreender a matriz estruturante da política de segurança pública no Brasil contemporâneo. Seu intuito visa responder à pergunta inicial e condutora do interesse que estrutura este trabalho, aqui apresentada nos seguintes termos: a política de segurança pública no Brasil após o restabelecimento das eleições diretas para a Presidência da República está em vias de transição, tendendo a assumir caráter democrático ou a força da tradição autoritária na cultura política brasileira tem-se garantido a sua continuidade neste campo da intervenção estatal? Ancoramos a nossa reflexão nas categorias teóricas de dominação, coerção e consenso no pensamento clássico de Hobbes, Marx, Weber e Gramsci, extraindo deles os elementos que nos auxiliam no entendimento da política de segurança pública brasileira. Para o estudo dessa política foi fundamental operarmos uma profunda revisão bibliográfica, especialmente para entender como a manutenção da ordem foi se desenhando no contexto brasileiro e como historicamente tem prevalecido um modelo de segurança pública marcado pelo autoritarismo. Entretanto, a partir da redemocratização brasileira há a emergência de outro paradigma para a política de segurança pública, a segurança cidadã, propondo, entre outras coisas, a reforma das instituições de segurança pública e a formação em direitos humanos nas instituições policiais. Para a análise do paradigma emergente de segurança, buscamos apoio no Programa Nacional dos Direitos Humanos e no Plano Nacional de Segurança Pública, documentos federais que representam a construção de uma nova intencionalidade para a segurança pública no Brasil. Finalmente, reconhecemos que, embora haja significativas reformas na segurança pública, tal política, diante da prevalência de um paradigma de segurança tradicional com fortes componentes autoritários, se encontra entre a segurança cidadã e a continuidade autoritária.


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Management systems standards (MSSs) have developed in an unprecedented manner in the last few years. These MSS cover a wide array of different disciplines, aims and activities of organisations. Also, organisations are populated with an enormous diversity of independent management systems (MSs). An integrated management system (IMS) tends to integrate some or all components of the business. Maximising their integration in one coherent and efficient MS is increasingly a strategic priority and constitutes an opportunity for businesses to be more competitive and consequently, promote its sustainable success. Those organisations that are quicker and more efficient in their integration and continuous improvement will have a competitive advantage in obtaining sustainable value in our global and competitive business world. Several scholars have proposed various theoretical approaches regarding the integration of management sub-systems, leading to the conclusion that there is no common practice for all organisations as they encompass different characteristics. One other author shows that several tangible and intangible gains for organisations, as well as to their internal and external stakeholders, are achieved with the integration of the individual standardised MSs. The purpose of this work was to conceive a model, Flexible, Integrator and Lean for IMSs, according to ISO 9001 for quality; ISO 14001 for environment and OHSAS 18001 for occupational health and safety (IMS–QES), that can be adapted and progressively assimilate other MSs, such as, SA 8000/ISO 26000 for social accountability, ISO 31000 for risk management and ISO/IEC 27001 for information security management, among others. The IMS–QES model was designed in the real environment of an industrial Portuguese small and medium enterprise, that over the years has been adopting, gradually, in whole or in part, individual MSSs. The developed model is based on a preliminary investigation conducted through a questionnaire. The strategy and research methods have taken into consideration the case study. Among the main findings of the survey we highlight: the creation of added value for the business through the elimination of several organisational wastes; the integrated management of the sustainability components; the elimination of conflicts between independent MS; dialogue with the main stakeholders and commitment to their ongoing satisfaction and increased contribution to the company’s competitiveness; and greater valorisation and motivation of employees as a result of the expansion of their skill base, actions and responsibilities, with their consequent empowerment. A set of key performance indicators (KPIs) constitute the support, in a perspective of business excellence, to the follow up of the organisation’s progress towards the vision and achievement of the defined objectives in the context of each component of the IMS model. The conceived model had many phases and the one presented in this work is the last required for the integration of quality, environment, safety and others individual standardised MSs. Globally, the investigation results, by themselves, justified and prioritised the conception of an IMS–QES model, to be implemented at the company where the investigation was conducted, but also a generic model of an IMS, which may be more flexible, integrator and lean as possible, potentiating the efficiency, added value both in the present and, fundamentally, for future.


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Although it is always weak between RFID Tag and Terminal in focus of the security, there are no security skills in RFID Tag. Recently there are a lot of studying in order to protect it, but because it has some physical limitation of RFID, that is it should be low electric power and high speed, it is impossible to protect with the skills. At present, the methods of RFID security are using a security server, a security policy and security. One of them the most famous skill is the security module, then they has an authentication skill and an encryption skill. In this paper, we designed and implemented after modification original SEED into 8 Round and 64 bits for Tag.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção de grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob a orientação de Luís Silva Rodrigues


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Mestrado em Engenharia Informática - Área de Especialização em Arquitecturas, Sistemas e Redes


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The European Union has taken in recent years an increasingly important role in ensuring peace and stability in the international community, and the security and defence policy of the Union has become synonymous with crisis management. The Union has addressed the issue of crisis management through two sources: the military side and the civilian side, which consists in carrying out numerous crisis management operations and missions. This study discusses the role of the European Union in conducting crisis management operations and missions and how the gendarmerie forces contribute to the success of the same. It will discuss the evolution of the European Union's security policy and the concept of crisis management, and seek to demonstrate the added value of the commitment of gendarmerie forces in operations and missions of crisis management, particularly with regard to employment of the European Gendarmerie Force. On the other hand, it will study the planning process for crisis management of the European Union, featuring the entities and agencies involved in it, and presenting the products that result from this same process. The use of Gendarmerie forces in crisis management operations and missions has significant advantages. Its use is recommended to post - conflict scenarios, in complementarity with the armed forces, in order to overcome the "security gap" that mediates the transition from the state of conflict for the period of peace and reconstruction. Gendarmerie forces can also be engaged both in military crisis management operations and civilian crisis management missions.


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Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de um modelo de gestão contendo requisitos relacionados com a confiabilidade dos sistemas no ambiente de Computação em Nuvem (CN). A proposta teve como base uma revisão da literatura sobre os problemas, desafios e estudos que estão em curso relacionados com a segurança e confiabilidade de aplicações e Sistemas de Informações (SI) neste ambiente tecnológico. Nesta revisão bibliográfica são abordados os entraves e desafios atualmente existentes na visão de conceituados autores sobre o tema. Estas questões foram abordadas e estruturadas na forma de um modelo, denominado de “Modelo de Confiança para o ambiente de Computação em Nuvem”. Trata-se de uma proposta proativa que tem por objetivo organizar e discutir soluções de gestão para o ambiente de CN com uma maior confiabilidade para a operacionalização das aplicações de SI, tanto por parte dos provedores como também dos seus clientes.