359 resultados para cybernetics


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Adaptive autoregressive (AAR) modeling of the EEG time series and the AAR parameters has been widely used in Brain computer interface (BCI) systems as input features for the classification stage. Multivariate adaptive autoregressive modeling (MVAAR) also has been used in literature. This paper revisits the use of MVAAR models and propose the use of adaptive Kalman filter (AKF) for estimating the MVAAR parameters as features in a motor imagery BCI application. The AKF approach is compared to the alternative short time moving window (STMW) MVAAR parameter estimation approach. Though the two MVAAR methods show a nearly equal classification accuracy, the AKF possess the advantage of higher estimation update rates making it easily adoptable for on-line BCI systems.


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Driving phenomenon is a repetitive process, that permits sequential learning under identifying the proper change periods. Sequential filtering is widely used for tracking and prediction of state dynamics. However, it suffers at abrupt changes, which cause sudden incremental prediction error. We provide a sequential filtering approach using online Bayesian detection of change points to decrease prediction error generally, and specifically at abrupt changes. The approach learns from optimally detected segments for identifying driving behaviour. Change points detection is done by the Pruned Exact Linear Time algorithm. Computational cost of our approach is bounded by the cost of the implemented sequential filter. This computational performance is suitable to the online nature of motion simulator's delay reduction. The approach was tested on a simulated driving scenario using Vortex by CM Labs. The state dimensions are simulated 2D space coordinates, and velocity. Particle filter was used for online sequential filtering. Prediction results show that change-point detection improves the quality of state estimation compared to traditional sequential filters, and is more suitable for predicting behavioural activities.


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The Brazilian public administration must act with efficiency, developing its activities with readiness and minimizing the use of resources. However, it has not been being able to work with increasing demand in solve complex problems. Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (TCERJ) is the entity responsible for the operational audit of the public institutions of Rio de Janeiro State and its Municipals districts, except for the Capital. It has detected itself that the society demand is superior to its operational capacity of assistance. This dissertation tries to know if the public works audits system adopted by TCERJ could be considered a viable system. Considering that the systems approaches represents the key to work with a reality more and more complex, the Viable System Modelo (VSM) was adopted as reference, having been developed by Stafford Beer with cybernetics basis. Finally, taking VSM as reference in the normative level, it could be affirmed that the studied system is not a viable system to verify that, the studied system is not a viable system yet.


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A introdução dos computadores pessoais no ambiente de trabalho provocou uma verdadeira revolução. Como tal, os rumos a serem tomados pelas organizações, tanto na administração de seus negócios, quanto no gerenciamento de seus recursos, nem sempre se mostraram claros. O presente trabalho contempla duas vertentes: a primei~a, prende-se à preocupação com os fundamentos teóricos da Informática, razão pela qual a Cibernética e a Tecnologia da Informação foram estudadas, como forma de se garantir os efeitos desejados da nova tecnologia; a segunda, a preocupação com o elemento humano e suas relações com as tarefas, com o computador, com o mercado de trabalho e suas expectativas. Os dados revelados pela pesquisa de campo realizada pode e deve abrir outras perspectivas de investigação, com o intuito de se maximizar a utilização dos computadores em prol de um aumento da qualidade gerencial das organizações.


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No presente trabalho foram colhidas amostras da aponeurose da linha alba abdominal de 26 pacientes com idades entre 26 e 75 anos, portadores de hérnias da parede abdominal anterior, para avaliação qualitativa e quantitativa do colágeno total, tipo I e III. Oito desses pacientes foram operados no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), quatro no Hospital Pompéia de Caxias do Sul (HP) e 14 na Clínica Particular do autor (CPA) em Caxias do Sul. Todos os pacientes eram portadores de hérnias da parede abdominal anterior, sendo seis casos de hérnias incisionais, 11 casos de hérnias umbilicais e sete casos de hérnias epigástricas, um caso com duas hérnias: incisional e epigástrica e um outro caso também com duas hérnias, sendo uma epigástrica e outra umbilical. As amostras foram retiradas na linha média da linha alba, três centímetros acima da cicatriz umbilical e outra a dois centímetros abaixo dessa cicatriz. Uma vez no laboratório, as amostras foram subdivididas em duas. Em uma delas realizou-se a avaliação quantitativa do colágeno total e na outra a avaliação qualitativa dos colágenos tipo I e III. A avaliação quantitativa foi realizada por meio da coloração com picrosirius e contagem das fibras colágenas em microscópio de luz polarizada e análise digital por birrefringência, tendo sido utilizado o aplicativo Image Pro Plus (Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, USA). A avaliação qualitativa foi feita por meio da imuno-histoquímica, com a utilização de anticorpos monoclonais anticolágeno tipo I e III. Os achados obtidos nesses pacientes foram comparados com os achados obtidos em um grupo-controle de cadáveres não formolizados do Instituto Médico Legal de Caxias do Sul. No grupo-controle de cadáveres sem hérnias, foram realizados os mesmos estudos dos pacientes cirúrgicos portadores de hérnias, para avaliar as diferenças das quantidades de colágeno total, tipo I e III entre os dois grupos. Os resultados mostraram que as quantidades de colágeno total eram 18,05% menores nos pacientes com hérnias da parede anterior do abdome, quando comparados com o grupo-controle de cadáveres sem hérnias (p  0,05). Já as quantidades do colágeno tipo I foram 20,50% menores nos pacientes (p  0,05). O mesmo ocorreu com o colágeno tipo III que apresentou uma percentagem 7,3% menor nesses mesmos pacientes (p = 0,383).


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PURPOSE: The infection is one of the main factors that affect the physiological evolution of the surgical wounds. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effects of fibroblast growth factor (FGFâ) and anti-FGFâ in the healing, synthesis and maturation of collagen when topically used on infected skin wounds of rats. METHODS: An experimental study was perfomed in 60 male Wistar rats. All animals were divided in two groups (A and B). Each group was divided in three subgroups A1, B1; A2, B2 and A3, B3. After anesthesia with pentobarbital, two open squared wounds (1cm2), 4cm distant to each other, were done in the dorsal skin of all the rats. In group A (n=30) the wounds were contaminated with multibacterial standard solution, and in group B(n=30) the wounds were maintained sterile. These wounds were named F1 (for inflammation analysis) and F2 (for collagen study). The open wounds of A1 and B1 rats were topically treated with saline solution, A2 and B2 were treated with FGFâ and subgroups A3 and B3 were treated with FGFâ and anti-FGFâ. The rats were observed until complete epitelization of F2 wounds for determination of healing time and the expression of types I and III collagen, using Picro Sirius Red staining. Inflammatory reaction in F1 wounds was studied using hematoxilineosin staining. The three variable was measured by the Image Pro-Plus Média Cybernetics software. The statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA and Tukey test, considering p<0.05 as significant. RESULTS: It was observed that infection retarded significantly (p<0.05) the time of wound scarring and the topical application of FCFb reverted the inhibition of healing caused by bacteria. The inflammatory reaction was greater in the subgroup B2 than in B1 and A3, and the difference was significant (p<0.05). It was observed greater expression of type I collagen in all the subgroups treated with FCFb, when compared with the untreated subgroups. Type III collagen was significantly decreased in wounds of B3 rats, comparing to the other subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: The FCFb accelerated the healing of open infected wounds and contributed with maturation of collagen, enhancing the type I collagen density. The anti-FCFb antibody was able to attenuate the production of both type I and III collagen


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The present work is an exercise of analysis from the cultural exercises related to movie high one of its raised status more with the deity, the human being surrenders it Religion leaving puzzleds the prophets of its end. The purpose of this work is to show that the religious phenomenon is one of the essential components of the socialization human being. The religious dimension, although to have been kept out of society in modernity - it was cybernetics, is an indispensable compassing to guide the human being in the discovery of its true existencial direction. For this, to attenuate the legacy without appropriate title, overwhelming and despairing of the producing and consumer goods society, it is indispensable to add as basic part to the practical one of the religion. And this practice is specify at the acquirement as of commodities objects , than it is to they are consecrate, exercising um magical power under the assistants from the religion. The fair religious Expo Religious, like the Expo Crest (fair as of commodities and service of the Evangelist) and the one Expo Catholic (fair as of commodities and service of the Catholics), appears at the I initiate from the century 21 at the association Brazilian about to cater the litigation of the market religious at every their segments. The and objective of this research is bring forward those two fairs in the format as of Expo and your contribution at the dynamic from the religion crest at the association he acts


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The paper describes a novel neural model to electrical load forecasting in transformers. The network acts as identifier of structural features to forecast process. So that output parameters can be estimated and generalized from an input parameter set. The model was trained and assessed through load data extracted from a Brazilian Electric Utility taking into account time, current, tension, active power in the three phases of the system. The results obtained in the simulations show that the developed technique can be used as an alternative tool to become more appropriate for planning of electric power systems.


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The ability of neural networks to realize some complex nonlinear function makes them attractive for system identification. This paper describes a novel method using artificial neural networks to solve robust parameter estimation problems for nonlinear models with unknown-but-bounded errors and uncertainties. More specifically, a modified Hopfield network is developed and its internal parameters are computed using the valid-subspace technique. These parameters guarantee the network convergence to the equilibrium points. A solution for the robust estimation problem with unknown-but-bounded error corresponds to an equilibrium point of the network. Simulation results are presented as an illustration of the proposed approach.


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Presents the dynamic modelling of a flexible robotic manipulator with two flexible links and two revolute joints, which rotates in the horizontal plane. The dynamic equations are derived using the Newton-Euler formulation and the finite element method, based on elementary beam theory, which is used to discretize the displacements such that the small motion is represented in terms of nodal displacements. Computer simulation results are presented to illustrate this study. The dynamic model becomes necessary for use in future design and control applications.


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This work presents the design of a fuzzy controller with simplified architecture that use an artificial neural network working as the aggregation operator for several active fuzzy rules. The simplified architecture of the fuzzy controller is used to minimize the time processing used in the closed loop system operation, the basic procedures of fuzzification are simplified to maximum while all the inference procedures are computed in a private way. As consequence, this simplified architecture allows a fast and easy configuration of the simplified fuzzy controller. The structuring of the fuzzy rules that define the control actions is previously computed using an artificial neural network based on CMAC Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller. The operational limits are standardized and all the control actions are previously calculated and stored in memory. For applications, results and conclusions several configurations of this fuzzy controller are considered.


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This paper presents an approach to integrate an artificial intelligence (AI) technique, concretely rule-based processing, into mobile agents. In particular, it focuses on the aspects of designing and implementing an appropriate inference engine of small size to reduce migration costs. The main goal is combine two lines of agent research, First, the engineering oriented approach on mobile agent architectures, and, second, the AI related approach on inference engines driven by rules expressed in a restricted subset of first-order predicate logic (FOPL). In addition to size reduction, the main functions of this type of engine were isolated, generalized and implemented as dynamic components, making possible not only their migration with the agent, but also their dynamic migration and loading on demand. A set of classes for representing and exchanging knowledge between rule-based systems was also proposed.


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This work presents a new approach for rainfall measurements making use of weather radar data for real time application to the radar systems operated by institute of Meteorological Research (IPMET) - UNESP - Bauru - SP-Brazil. Several real time adjustment techniques has been presented being most of them based on surface rain-gauge network. However, some of these methods do not regard the effect of the integration area, time integration and distance rainfall-radar. In this paper, artificial neural networks have been applied for generate a radar reflectivity-rain relationships which regard all effects described above. To evaluate prediction procedure, cross validation was performed using data from IPMET weather Doppler radar and rain-gauge network under the radar umbrella. The preliminary results were acceptable for rainfalls prediction. The small errors observed result from the spatial density and the time resolution of the rain-gauges networks used to calibrate the radar.


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It can be observed that the number and the complexity of the application's domains, where the Paraconsistent Annotated Logic has been used, have grown a lot in the last decade. This increase in the complexity of the application's domain is an extra challenge for the designers of such systems, once there are not suitable computer hardware to run paraconsistent systems. This work proposes a new hardware architecture for the building Paraconsistent system.