988 resultados para Teologia dogmàtica


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Tämän tutkimuksen tehtävänä oli selvittää, ovatko sosiaaliset järjestykset Martti Lutherin (1483-1546) mukaan Jumalan erityisesti asettamia. Johdannossa luotiin katsaus moderniin Luther-tutkimukseen. Aikaisemmassa tutkimuksessa havaittiin vallitsevan erimielisyyttä siitä, ovatko sosiaaliset järjestykset Jumalan erityisesti asettamia luomisjärjestyksiä (Schöpfungsordnungen), vai ovatko ne Jumalasta vain välillisesti riippuvaisia, järjen vapaasti muutettavissa olevia sosiaalisen elämän muotoja. Lutherin mukaan ihmisen elämälle on luonteenomaista osallisuus kolmesta sosiaalisesta järjestyksestä. Liittyen keskiaikaiseen käsitykseen Luther puhuu kirkon (ecclesia), perheen (oeconomia) ja yhteiskunnan (politia) järjestyksistä, joista kaksi edellistä olivat olemassa jo alkutilassa. Yhteiskunta sai alkunsa vasta syntiinlankeemuksen jälkeen. Tässä tutkimuksessa ihmisen sosiaalisen elämän tarkastelu rajattiin koskemaan alkutilan sosiaalisia järjestyksiä. Tutkimus suoritettiin kaksiosaisesti. Ensimmäisessä pääjaksossa selvitettiin, minkälainen ontologinen luonne ihmisen sosiaalisella elämällä on. Luther ymmärtää teologian tehtävän kaksiosaisesti Jumalan ja ihmisen tuntemiseksi (cognitio Dei et hominis). Teologia ja erityisesti Raamattu sisältävät Lutherin mukaan luonnon kaikkia aspekteja koskevaa tietoa. Tästä syystä immanenttiin todellisuuteen kuuluvien sosiaalisten järjestysten rajaaminen teologisen tiedon ulkopuolelle ei ole perusteltua. Karl Hollin Luther-tulkinnan tavoin tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että ihmisen ja Jumalan suhde perustuu tahdonyhteyteen, josta seuraa ihmisessä Jumalan sana vaikutuksesta syntyvä usko. Tahdonyhteyden johdosta ihminen tulee osalliseksi Jumalan persoonallisista ominaisuuksista siten, että Jumalan mielenliikkeet heijastuvat ihmisen psyykkisiin ominaisuuksiin. Erityisesti tahdon ja järjen alueilla tapahtuvaa partisipaatiota jumalalliseen luontoon voidaan luonnehtia persoonallis-onttiseksi. Persoonallis-onttinen partisipaatio vaikuttaa sekä ihmisen yksilölliseen elämäntodellisuuteen Jumalan kuvana (imago Dei) että yhteisölliseen elämäntodellisuuteen sosiaalisissa järjestyksissä. Toisessa pääjaksossa havaittiin, että kirkko ja perhe ovat Jumalan erityisillä asetussanoilla perustamia sosiaalisia järjestyksiä, joita voidaan kutsua luomisjärjestyksiksi. Sosiaalisina järjestyksinä kirkko ja perhe eivät kuulu Jumalan inhimilliselle järjelle antaman valtuutuksen (mandatum Dei) piiriin. Saman luonteiseen Jumalan käskyyn (mandatum) perustuva kirkko on järjestys (institutio), joka antaa Jumalan sanan voimalla ihmisen "juopuneelle" mielelle muodon (forma). Kirkko ylläpitää ihmisen persoonallis-onttista partisipaatiota sakramentin ja saarnan välityksellä. Jumalanpalveluksesta Jumala puhuttelee ihmistä inhimillisellä kielellä, antaen muodon sekä ihmisen uskolle että immanentit elämänalueet käsittävälle ulkoiselle kuuliaisuudelle. Sosiaaliset normit syntyvät, kun Jumala puhuttelee ihmistä kirkossa. Perheen havaittiin olevan Jumalan asettama sosiaalinen järjestys (institutio), jonka piiriin kuuluvat miehen ja naisen välisen avioliiton lisäksi taloudellinen toiminta ja kasvatus. Avioliitto on luonteeltaan pyhä ja Jumalan käskyyn perustuva. Perhe mahdollistaa ihmisen lisääntymisen, antaen ulkoiselle työlle ja lasten kasvatukselle sosiaalisen struktuurin. Perheen piiriin kuuluva elämä on riippuvainen kirkosta, sillä jumalanpalveluksen ja saarnaviran välittämä Jumalan sana antaa perheessä tapahtuvalle ulkoiselle kuuliaisuudelle muodon. Perhe on riippuvainen persoonallis-onttisesta partisipaatiosta. Tämä ilmenee myös siten, että langenneessa tilassa perhettä koskeva tieto on riippuvainen teologiasta.


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The relationship between the Orthodox Churches and the World Council of Churches (WCC) became a crisis just before the 8th Assembly of the WCC in Harare, Zimbabwe in 1998. The Special Commission on Orthodox Participation in the WCC (SC), inaugurated in Harare, worked during the period 1999 2002 to solve the crisis and to secure the Orthodox participation in the WCC. The purpose of this study is: 1) to clarify the theological motives for the inauguration of the SC and the theological argumentation of the Orthodox criticism; 2) to write a reliable history and analysis of the SC; 3) to outline the theological argumentation, which structures the debate, and 4) to investigate the ecclesiological questions that arise from the SC material. The study spans the years 1998 to 2006, from the WCC Harare Assembly to the Porto Alegre Assembly. Hence, the initiation and immediate reception of the Special Commission are included in the study. The sources of this study are all the material produced by and for the SC. The method employed is systematic analysis. The focus of the study is on theological argumentation; the historical context and political motives that played a part in the Orthodox-WCC relations are not discussed in detail. The study shows how the initial, specific and individual Orthodox concerns developed into a profound ecclesiological discussion and also led to concrete changes in WCC practices, the best known of which is the change to decision-making by consensus. The Final Report of the SC contains five main themes, namely, ecclesiology, decision-making, worship/common prayer, membership and representation, and social and ethical issues. The main achievement of the SC was that it secured the Orthodox membership in the WCC. The ecclesiological conclusions made in the Final Report are twofold. On the one hand, it confirms that the very act of belonging to the WCC means the commitment to discuss the relationship between a church and churches. The SC recommended that baptism should be added as a criterion for membership in the WCC, and the member churches should continue to work towards the mutual recognition of each other s baptism. These elements strengthen the ecclesiological character of the WCC. On the other hand, when the Final Report discusses common prayer, the ecclesiological conclusions are much more cautious, and the ecclesiological neutrality of the WCC is emphasized several times. The SC repeatedly emphasized that the WCC is a fellowship of churches. The concept of koinonia, which has otherwise been important in recent ecclesiological questions, was not much applied by the SC. The comparison of the results of the SC to parallel ecclesiological documents of the WCC (Nature and Mission of the Church, Called to Be the One Church) shows that they all acknowledge the different ecclesiological starting points of the member churches, and, following that, a variety of legitimate views on the relation of the Church to the churches. Despite the change from preserving the koinonia to promises of eschatological koinonia, all the documents affirm that the goal of the ecumenical movement is still full, visible unity.


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Financial Help Alone? Financial help as an exponent of professional diaconal work One essential form of helping people in the Evangelical Lutheran Church s diaconal work is providing economic aid. It can be seen as work which is in accordance with the spirit of the Church Order (4:3). One of the tasks of diaconal work, determined by the Church Order, is to help those whose distress is the greatest and who have no other source of help. This financial support has become a permanent and essential working method, which has also created tension of various kinds. Financial support has been criticized, especially when the support has been used to fill a gap in the social services provided by the government. It has been argued that diaconal work has been forced to take on responsibility for tasks that belong to the welfare state. The tensions involved in the financial support of diaconal work do not only concern the patching up and supplementing of the deficiencies in the welfare state s services but also the question of diaconal workers self-understanding of financial support and how it relates to their professionalism. In this thesis, I examine the experiences and visions diaconal workers have concerning financial support in their work with clients. The viewpoint of my work is the diaconal workers own experiences and interpretations of the meaning of financial support in customer service. In the articles of my thesis, I examined the meanings that diaconal workers gave to financial support in the aspects of work motivation, empowerment, expertise and tensions. The research material of my articles consists of three different data, which are theme interviews from diaconal workers, a survey from diaconal workers of Espoo and a diaconal barometer of 2009. I have analysed the theme interviews and the survey using qualitative content analysis. The results of my articles showed that diaconal workers motivation in tasks concerning economic aid was sustained by the nature and spiritual aspects of support activities. Work that supported empowerment through financial assistance meant influencing the client s personal life, community and local ties and structural circumstances of the surrounding society. Diaconal workers expertise in financial support work can be characterised as horizontal, which means that the expertise was built on acknowledging the client s dignity, the uniqueness of the client s life situation and listening to the client s own voice. Diaconal workers were also experts in community and area-based work. The tensions in financial support work are linked to its unofficial and undefined role in the field of social welfare and the inability of other aiding parties to respond to their duties. The results of my thesis on the experiences and visions of financial support reveal that it is multilateral and multidimensional. Diaconal workers used financial support to help the clients, taking into account their individual, communal, social and spiritual context. The professionalism of this financial support is reflectively related to the client s need of help and the spontaneity and unexpectedness of the situation. Support work was deeply bound to diaconal workers experiences of spirituality as the basic value in their work, the foundation of their idea of humanity and their method of helping others. In different tasks of financial support diaconal workers balanced between traditional, individual client work based on caritas and working methods which are based on supporting the individual s empowerment and active citizenship, as in postmodern social work. Diaconal workers experiences of financial support illustrated the transition or turning point in the professionalism of diaconal work, which involves finding one s own, stronger and clearer professional identity than earlier with respect to other helpers in society. Creating a unique identity is part of the empowerment process of diaconal work, in which it must define its professional role by itself. In postmodern pluralism and the fragmented context of diaconal activities, the question arose as to whether the spiritual traditions and traditional values of diaconal work support the modifications and adaptations needed in new, unpredictable situations. Diaconal work is said to be fast to react, able to predict changes and adapt to those changes. To preserve its sensitive reactive ability, also in the complex postmodern world, it must retain its own views and orientations. Otherwise, the distinctive values and traditions of diaconal work might sustain static diaconal work, employee-centeredness and a smug attitude when defining beneficiaries and needs, which highlights the paternalism of diaconal work. Such paternalism may complicate the progress of working methods which are based on empowerment and citizenship.


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The main purpose of this study was to provide a full account of the Christian social work carried out at the Tampere City Mission (TCM) as well as the Missions sphere of operations from the Second World War to the early 1970s, comprising a period of significant change. The study consists of charting the processes of change and connections within the activities of the TCM and how examining these were linked to the general tendencies of the period, in lay work, social work, professionalization and the representation of gender. The positioning of the activities is described on the basis of these tendencies. The main sources for the study were the archives of the Mission, for example the minutes of meetings, correspondences as well as annual reports, and the archives of its partners, such as the City of Tampere, the Evangelical Lutheran parishes of Tampere and the State Welfare Administration. The archives of the Helsinki, Turku and Stockholm Missions supplied comparison reference and other material. In particular, social welfare and Christian social work technical journals of were used as printed sources. The principal method used was the genetic method of historiology. The research subject was also evaluated from the point of view of third sector research in addition to that of professionalization studies and gender studies. By the beginning of the research period, the TCM had turned more and more dedicatedly into a multipurpose social service organization maintaining social services such as old people s homes and children´s homes. This development continued, even though new areas of activity emerged and older ones fell into disuse. Social innovations sprang up, marriage counseling being one of them. On the national level, the TCM pioneered the provision of sheltered industrial work for intellectually disabled persons as well as housing services for them. As new activities were initiated, they overlapped with the established ones, and the TCM handed some of its child protection functions over to the municipality, in accordance with the current adaptation theory. The use of its own property to produce ever-changing social services may be the reason why the association s work continued on with vitality. Functional networks and political aid in the field of social services also bolstered the association. As in other Nordic countries, nonprofit organizations served as partners rather than competitors, with the State establishing institutional welfare arrangements. In the 1960s the municipal takeover of social services impacted the TCM activities. Rules for government subsidies and municipal allowances were not well established; hence these funds were not easily available, making improvements difficult. The TCM was a community in which women had a relatively strong position and an opportunity to make a difference. Female staff were reasonably equal to men, and women worked as heads of a several institutions. Care work employed a number of men, which went against the traditional segregation of labour between the sexes. The TCM s operations were from early on very professionalized, and were developed with particular care. Keywords: Christian social work, third sector, professionalization, gender


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Introducción: En las obras de Adolphe Gesché (1928-2003) aparecen temáticas que echan sus raíces en la teología dogmática y en la fundamental. Realiza su camino académico de licenciatura en filosofía y letras en la Universidad Católica de Lovaina, donde también, posteriormente, se licencia y doctora en teología. Más tarde realiza su magíster con una tesis sobre patrología. Si bien nunca faltarán en su madurez bibliográfica estos recursos de la primera hora, enfocará sus investigaciones y desarrollos hacia horizontes más dogmáticos. Estos últimos serán tratados desde abordajes múltiples, como la moral, la antropología, la psicología, filosofía y estética, la literatura y la teología comparada. Es precisamente en esta nota o personalidad de su “teologizar desde el encuentro” donde radicará la disertación presente, subrayando la riqueza de variados afluentes y detectando esas pistas de enlaces o convergencias que abren la posibilidad de la aplicación interdisciplinaria y del diálogo entre esos campos. Cabe destacar en Gesché el sustrato de diálogo con otras áreas humanísticas debido a sus estudios en humanidades y en filosofía y letras realizados en la Facultad de Saint Louis, Bruselas, previos a su ordenación sacerdotal. Gesché se esfuerza en sus obras por proveerse de un método interno y, al mismo tiempo, de una propuesta metodológica para futuras investigaciones. Lo confirmará el teólogo mismo al decir que “este recorrido constituye una experiencia que deseo realizar, tanto más que, a mi juicio, resulta decisiva para nuestra postmodernidad”. Se utilizará como material fuente su obra teológica magna sistematizada en siete tomos que llevan por título “Dios para pensar”, pero esto no impedirá recurrir a textos de algunas otras obras de su autoría y a su Fichero temático personal. La disertación apuntará al estudio de la importancia que Gesché confiere a la dimensión narrada del evangelio como principal fuente de luz sobre la persona e identidad de Jesucristo, constituyéndose en un modelo de relato que configura la identidad de aquel que narra, ejerciendo, también, una eficacia para aquel que lo lee. Texto, sujeto y lector serán, entonces, los ejes de su estudio y, también, la estructura de la disertación. Es el evangelio, en su esencia “narrado”, el que confiere identidad a la persona de Jesucristo. Esta dimensión narrativa del texto evangélico supera dos polos generados en la tradición teológica apoyados uno en la historia y el otro en el dogma. Ésta será la principal tesis sostenida por el teólogo y planteará el advenimiento de un tercero para resolver el ahogo de los encierros narcisistas...


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La Comunión de vida con Dios en la Iglesia (Capítulos V, VII y VIII) / Rafael A. Tello -- La Jerarquía: una potestad al servicio de la Iglesia (Capítulo III) / Carmelo J. Giaquinta -- El Laicado en la Iglesia (capítulo IV) / Pedro Geltman -- La vida religiosa en la Constitución “Lumen Gentium” (Capítulo VI) / Domingo Basso -- Crónica de la Facultad (enero-marzo 1966) -- Bibliografía


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Contenido: El aristotelismo y el tomismo frente al egoísmo psicológico / María L. Lukac de Stier – El deseo natural de ver a Dios en la Summa contra Gentiles / Guillermo Jorge Cambiasso – La creación como encuentro del ser y de la nada en la teología del maestro Eckhart de Hochheim O.P. (1260-1327) / Brian J. Farrelly – Malebranche y el libertinage érudit / Francisco Leocata – The problem of person and Jean Mouroux / John M. McDermott ; Glenn J. Comandini – Los fundamentos de la Bioética de H. Tristram Engelhardt / Jorge Martínez Barrera – Cuando las contradictorias son verdaderas / Marisa Villalba de Tablón – Examen del escepticismo moral y del relativismo moral / Camilo Tale – Saint Thomas et le mystère de la création : une réponse aux interrogations de l’homme d’aujourd’hui / Marie-Dominique Philippe – La finalidad de la naturaleza humana : alcance y actualidad de la cuestión / Beatriz Eugenia Reyes Oribe – La providencia y el gobierno del mundo / Alberto Caturelli – Saint Thomas et le problème de la possibilité d’un univers créé éternel / Alain-Marie de Lassus – La causalidad material de los elementos en la generación de los cuerpos mixtos / Mario Enrique Sacchi -- Bibliografía


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Resumen: El descubrimiento de la verdadera naturaleza evolutiva y mutable de este universo en que vivimos ha dado origen a la moderna cosmología científica, que con sus modelos del nacimiento y evolución del cosmos plantea estimulantes cuestiones teológicas como la relación entre creación e inicio del universo, la acción divina en el mundo o la teleología y finalidad última de la Creación.


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Contenido: Contemplación y acción / Octavio N. Derisi – El humanismo de Heidegger / José Ignacio Alcorta – Cultura o humanismo cristiano / Octavio N. Derisi – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Contenido: El hecho y la norma / Octavio N. Derisi – El Nuevo Mundo en la filosofía de la historia de Vico / Alberto Caturelli – Los comentarios de Santo Tomás y de Roberto Grosseteste a la “Física” de Aristóteles / Celina A. Lértora Mendoza – Descartes : cuestiones gnoseológicas / Augusto Furlán – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Contenido: Existencialismo y política / La Dirección – La crítica de Kierkegaard al ochocientos / Cornelio Fabro – El problema de la verdad en Heidegger / Ramón Ceñal – El existencialismo de Gabriel Marcel / Octavio Nicolás Derisi – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Contenido: Ser o no ser : el dilema de la filosofía y cultura actual / La Dirección – Los primeros principios y el tercer grado de abstracción / Reginaldo Garrigou Lagrange – Existencialismo e historia / Juan R. Sepich – F. H. Jacobi y la filosofía : un ejemplo de filosofía del sentimiento / Raymundo Paniker – Ontología de la existencia / Alberto García Vieyra – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Resumen: La pregunta que guía este trabajo está referida a la posibilidad de extraer algunas perspectivas epistemológicas de la producción de un espacio memorial. Su tema está relacionado con los modos de reelaboración del trauma social. El tiempo histórico al que se refiere es el de la última dictadura cívico-militar (marzo 1976-diciembre 1983). El recorrido de este aporte tiene tres partes. En la primera, se consideran las nociones de cuerpo y narración; la segunda presenta esbozos de respuestas a la pregunta planteada y la tercera, está referida brevemente a dos mujeres europeas y cristianas: Alice Domon (Francia, 1937- Argentina, 1977) y Elisabeth Käsemann (Alemania, 1947- Argentina 1977). Ambas vivieron en América Latina y pueden ser consideradas verdaderos espacios humanitarios de paz.