257 resultados para Passions’s enunciation
A ciência, alicerçada por seu método, suas técnicas, suas demonstrações e suas descobertas, desde sua emergência no século XVII, tem estado em pauta nas discussões sobre a produção do conhecimento. Por suas características – dogmática, quantificável, experimental e determinista –, a ciência constitui o campo de conhecimento que foi o grande regime de verdade na episteme da modernidade. Diferentes formas de conceber a ciência foram produzidas por estudiosos, filósofos e cientistas, como René Descartes, Francis Bacon, Paul Feyerabend, entre outros. Como campo teórico utilizamos os estudos de Michel Foucault. Partindo desses entendimentos, essa tese tem como objetivo investigar e problematizar o discurso de ciência produzido por seis grupos de cinco universidades do Rio Grande do Sul pertencentes à Rede Nacional de Educação e Ciência: Novos Talentos da Rede Pública (RNEC/NT). Essa Rede existe há quase 20 anos e é composta por grupos de pesquisadores de diferentes universidades, instituições de pesquisa e institutos federais do país e visa a melhoria das condições de ensino de ciências a jovens carentes de todo o país, desenvolvendo metodologias que facilitam o aprendizado e desmistifiquem a ciência. Os grupos dessa Rede desenvolvem atividades como cursos para professores e estudantes da Educação Básica e estágios em laboratórios de pesquisa para o mesmo público alvo. Para a produção dos dados, foram realizadas visitas aos seis grupos analisados, nas quais foram feitas entrevistas com coordenadores e monitores dos grupos e foi feito o acompanhamento de um curso para professores e/ou estudantes de Educação Básica de cada grupo. Essas entrevistas e o curso observado foram gravados em vídeo e transcritos na forma de texto. Como metodologia de análise utilizamos conceitos da análise de discurso foucaultiano como discurso, enunciado e enunciação. Verificamos que há um discurso inicial de ciência na emergência da RNEC/NT pautado em três enunciados: fazer ciência envolve um caminho e a geração de produtos “novos” publicáveis; a formação do cientista na díade inatismo e empirismo; formação de cientistas pela inclusão social. Esse discurso inicial é atualizado nos grupos pesquisados por meio de diferentes enunciações que enfocam tanto um entendimento de ciência pelo uso do método científico, do empirismo e da razão, quanto um afrouxamento no entendimento de ciência ao vinculá-la à educação e ao questionamento do que é dado como naturalizado e verdadeiro, o que parece ter afinidade com as configurações ditas líquidas da contemporaneidade. Em relação aos cursos, para a maioria dos grupos, o discurso científico é vinculado aquele produzido no espaço do laboratório com suas técnicas e padrões, típico do entendimento moderno. Nesses cursos vemos ainda aparecer um modo de trabalhar, ensinar e apresentar essa ciência para os professores ou estudantes participantes, mostrando a presença de um discurso pedagógico atrelado ao científico. Como resultado, defendemos a tese de que há uma diversidade discursiva sobre a ciência nos grupos do sul da RNEC/NT que, ao ser atualizada e colocada em operação, é interpelada por elementos de um discurso pedagógico.
Com a presente dissertação pretendemos demonstrar que a abordagem da negação, enquanto processo linguístico, deverá contemplar a amplitude das suas realizações sintáticas, morfológicas, lexicais e enunciativas. Pela sua preponderância na interação discursiva, consideramos fundamental sistematizar os mecanismos através dos quais este sistema se realiza na norma do português europeu e demonstrar a sua ocorrência num corpus amplo, autêntico e facilmente reconhecido pela maioria dos falantes do português. Entendendo os provérbios portugueses como documentos de elevado interesse cultural e linguístico, examinamos os diversos processos que, num conjunto selecionado de textos, permitem marcar os valores negativos. Neste estudo, é possível observar que as construções que compõem os textos proverbiais portugueses possuem um enorme potencial enunciativo que se manifesta, sobretudo, ao nível da interpretação, da inferência e da argumentação. Seguidamente, com o intuito de ajudar a promover as competências comunicativas dos alunos, perspetivamos uma abordagem destas temáticas ao longo da escolaridade obrigatória, assente nas orientações que emanam do Programa e das Metas Curriculares de Português, atualmente, em vigor. Os exercícios propostos e aplicados são meramente ilustrativos, todavia as conclusões decorrentes podem ser um indicador válido para futuras atuações.
RESUMO: A cidade de Lisboa acolheu vários conventos e mosteiros que, apesar de actualmente albergarem diversas funções que não a religiosa, persistem na malha urbana da cidade. As antigas cercas conventuais e monásticas que perduraram conservam-se como lugares verdes da cidade. Estas áreas na sua maioria, jardins privados. Contudo, na zona ocidente de Lisboa, duas cercas conventuais são hoje exemplos notáveis de jardins públicos. São os casos da cerca do Convento de Nossa Senhora das Necessidades - hoje o Jardim da Tapada das Necessidades -, e da cerca do Mosteiro de Nossa Senhora da Estrela - hoje o Jardim da Estrela. Este trabalho, com base no estudo do Jardim da Tapada das Necessidades e do Jardim da Estrela, e na essência do jardim português procura estabelecer uma hipótese de intervenção nas cercas de Lisboa. Assim, é proposta a recuperação da cerca conventual do Beato António como espaço de jardim público. Desta forma, este trabalho não só contribui para o conhecimento sobre as cercas conventuais e monásticas de Lisboa, como para a enunciação de uma possível metodologia de intervenção nestes conjuntos; ABSTRACT: The city of Lisbon hosted several convents and monasteries that although currently harboring various functions other than religious, persist in the city. The old convent and monastic fences that lasted are preserved as green places in town. These areas are mostly private gardens. However, in the western part of Lisbon, two conventual fences are outstanding examples of public gardens. This is the case of the Nossa Senhora das Necessidades Convent - now the Jardim das Necessidades - and of the Monastery of Nossa Senhora da Estrela - now the Jardim da Estrela. This paper, based on the study of the Jardim das Necessidades and the Jardim da Estrela, and on the essence of Portuguese gardens, seeks to establish a hypothesis of intervention on the fences of Lisbon. It is therefore proposed to recover the conventual fence of Beato Antonio as a public garden space. Thus, this thesis not only contributes to the knowledge of the Lisbon's conventual and monastic fences, as to the enunciation of a possible intervention methodology in these sets.
La irrupción política de Podemos en el panorama mediático y electoral español ha supuesto no sólo una revolución política sino también comunicativa. El 15M significó la crisis definitiva de la hegemonía indiscutible del Modelo Difusión en política, como ya se había verificado en otros espacios de comunicación social. Con su “no nos representan”, el 15M fue ante todo un proceso de disolución enunciativa. Tras él Podemos es el único caso de un experimento de hibridación integral del Modelo Difusión y el Modelo Reticular, intentando propiciar su sinergia. El desembarco de Pablo Iglesias en la televisión resulta crucial, pues se trata de un intento de abrochar la enunciación mediático-electoral con la enunciación popular-reticular.
Prenant appui sur l’occultation de la mémoire verbale par la théorie théâtrale actuelle, le présent mémoire questionne l’exercice mémoriel des acteurs contemporains à partir de la dialectique mémoire/oubli dans les théories et pratiques de l’énonciation de Larry Tremblay, de Daniel Danis et de Christian Lapointe. Le premier chapitre s’intéresse aux fondements de l’énonciation privilégiés par les praticiens dans leurs discours théoriques – Le crâne des théâtres (Tremblay), « La mémoire intime au théâtre » (Danis), « Petit guide de l’apparition à l’usage de ceux qu’on ne voit pas » (Lapointe) –, plus précisément à la valeur accordée à la mémorisation verbale. Le deuxième s’attache à montrer que les textes dramatiques des auteurs-metteurs en scène – The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi (Tremblay), Mille anonymes (Danis), Sepsis (Lapointe) – engagent aussi un rapport oblique à l’apprentissage par cœur. Enfin, le troisième cherche à définir la notion de mémoire oublieuse à la lumière de laquelle les théories et les pratiques de Tremblay, de Danis et de Lapointe peuvent être analysées ainsi qu’à en identifier certaines conséquences dans leurs mises en scène.
Prenant appui sur l’occultation de la mémoire verbale par la théorie théâtrale actuelle, le présent mémoire questionne l’exercice mémoriel des acteurs contemporains à partir de la dialectique mémoire/oubli dans les théories et pratiques de l’énonciation de Larry Tremblay, de Daniel Danis et de Christian Lapointe. Le premier chapitre s’intéresse aux fondements de l’énonciation privilégiés par les praticiens dans leurs discours théoriques – Le crâne des théâtres (Tremblay), « La mémoire intime au théâtre » (Danis), « Petit guide de l’apparition à l’usage de ceux qu’on ne voit pas » (Lapointe) –, plus précisément à la valeur accordée à la mémorisation verbale. Le deuxième s’attache à montrer que les textes dramatiques des auteurs-metteurs en scène – The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi (Tremblay), Mille anonymes (Danis), Sepsis (Lapointe) – engagent aussi un rapport oblique à l’apprentissage par cœur. Enfin, le troisième cherche à définir la notion de mémoire oublieuse à la lumière de laquelle les théories et les pratiques de Tremblay, de Danis et de Lapointe peuvent être analysées ainsi qu’à en identifier certaines conséquences dans leurs mises en scène.
This work has as its main purpose to address the literary narrative Silvino Jacques: O último dos bandoleiros by Brígido Ibanhes, which shuffles literary genres, as a mixture of historical account and poetic and / or fictional prose. The approach consists of the analysis of the stated and enunciation plans of the composition, understanding, therefore, the textual tessitura and the consequent reading of the theme according to protagonist narrator plot, Silvino Jacques, who is seen as a hero / anti-hero character of the Romanesque saga. For both, the methodological perspective seeks to elaborate a reflection subsidized in the field of comparative literature, particularly in theoretical and critical texts of historiography and literary, since search thus retrieve the literary and cultural trajectory of a subject with wide projection in Western literature, articulated to the regional interculturality of Brazil vs. Paraguay border in highlighted dialogue with different cultural places. It is, ultimately, a construction of reading bolstered by the practice of Intertextuality, as the own corpus of analysis, comes from the dialogue with a previous text, Décimas Gaúchas, assigned to the "brigand" Silvino Jacques, and linked to the popular Songbook.
This article aims to undertake a discursive analysis of the label and advertising material of three beers sold in Brazil: the Cafuza beer, the Mulata beer and Devassa Negra beer. Starting from the regularity that binds and weaves the statements in question - the reference to the African-Brazilian woman - the objective is to present an analysis that considers the semiotic nature of these statements, and bring out their enunciation margins and its historical dimension. The purpose is to analyze the discursive thread that provides conditions of emergence, providing visibility to the scenario of enslavement still perdurable here as historical a priori, in a game of memories that echo through time. What we will see is the body of the black woman (also mulatto and black-indian woman) caught by a discourse that comes from the image of the female sexual slavery and reaches today its exacerbation, especially if we think of the (con)fusion established between the brand names of those beers and the women printed on their labels: products to be consumed? As a theoretical and methodological framework, this article will have as a starting point the discussions made within the French Discourse Analysis in the course of the 1980s. We will bring forward a discussion, although in general, on how emerges, in that decade, the concerns about a semiotic materiality of discourse, beyond the linguistic materiality. Anchored by this panorama, our goal is to work out new perspectives through its analytical application. It is the attempt to take the statement considering the different languages that comprise it, as well as to provide it with the historical density intrinsic to it, making it appear, in the light of the day, what was not visible immediately.
In this paper, aims to verify how to happen the argumentative and polyphonic function of the narrative text, from the analysis of the tale A moça tecelã (The weaver girl) from Marina Colasanti. Therefore, the article is based in presuppositions of the Semantic Theory of the Blocks and in concepts taken from the Enunciation Polyphonic Theory, proposed by Ducrot (1984a, 1988). We defend the hypotheses: a) the narrative of the tale A moça tecelã is determined by meanings of “time”, while element responsible to bring and take away events; b) the narrative texts are crossed by the argumentation constituent of the viewpoint expressed by the enunciator, put in scene by the speaker; c) the argumentative function of the tale mobilizes two discourses about marriage. As a result, it was noted that in the narrative texts are found argumentative discourses, that were formalized in utterances produced from the semantic analysis of the tale A moça tecelã and by which function in this tale two concepts of time e two discourses about marriage.
The advertisements are a discursive genre that are meant to promote a brand, product or service attracting investors and / or customers. Its constitution strategies are varied: ranging from humor to the controversy. This feature allows each advertisement reaches the public in a different way, generating empathy, moving reviews, discussions etc. Because of this social relevance, this study aims to analyze two advertisements of Havaianas sandals, aired on television and the internet, in the months of August and September 2009. These pieces had as main character an elderly: (i) in the first interaction situation with his granddaughter; and (ii) the second to the viewer. In the latter, referred to the answer given by the public on the contents of the first piece. The interest in these parts is related to the controversy generated about the old character and his speech. From the interactionist perspective, based on the conceptual framework of Bakhtin and his Circle, proposes to examine the discursive process initiated by the enunciation of these parts in order to describe elements rooted in shared social knowledge about the elderly. Thus, we mobilized the concepts of dialogism, interaction and axiological concepts of discourse. The analysis of the specimens shows that the representation of the elderly as a partner responsible for a more liberal discourse on emotional and sexual life is not yet part of the social horizon of the Brazilian public. His appearance generates dialogue with the public (albeit to receive criticism) that concerns this brand interactions.
: The present work has as its theme the continuing education of teachers and their close relationship with the Development Index of Basic Education (IDEB) in the early years. Its main objective is to offer to this level of education professionals and other interested parties, a discussion of ways to a more consistent performance in the classroom. To this end, we have made consideration of the municipal public policies for continuing education of teachers of Portuguese in order to reflect on the importance of planning of actions aimed at continuing education in the municipalities and their reflections in IDEB. The discussion will be subsidized by the propositions of Linguistics of Enunciation based on Bakhtin (1992, 2003) among others. Thus, to sustain the discussion, we selected a town in western Paraná, for which we will launch our eye on the public policy of continuing education and its impact on the teaching of Portuguese. These reflections are connected with the Center for Research Project organized by the Continuing Education for teachers of basic education in the early years: actions for literacy in cities with low IDEB the western Paraná, linked to the Post-graduate studies in Literature and Monitoring Program of Education - CAPES / INEP / SECAD.
This article has as main objective to reflect on the Dubsmash self-dubbing mobile app, from the centrality of the studies of Dialogic Discourse Analysis, especially with a focus on verbal-visual perspective. The paper features through the virtual sphere notion, the relationship between an mobile app in which the subject can dub scenes, music or viral Internet and the concrete enunciation as concrete possibility of saying, in words and images of the subject and his other. The text is interested specifically for videos compounds based on a textual fragment of a Babylon scene, a Brazilian soap opera. The results point to a desire to performance art on the Internet, permeated by Bakhtinian notions like finish, completeness, externality and authorship. The work also shows that it is urgent the university look into the virtual sphere and their innovations while discursive projects and language movements, constitutive of different interaction fields to be analyzed.
This paper, linked to the Research Project “Linguistic Analysis Contextualized to Practices of Reading and Production of Texts” (UEL), seeks to disseminate a proposal of approaching the speech genre poem, in terms of scientific domain, in the light of bakhtinian concepts, involving vision of ideological sign, aesthetic communication, and speech genres and its dimensions: theme content – object of sense, evaluatively built; compositional structure – elements of structure and meaning; and style – manifestation of linguistic and expressive resources relatively stable of a genre, among others, mobilized by the enunciator (linguistic and enunciation marks). It considers all characteristics are indissolubly related to the context of production. Such a context stabilizes the use of the genre and holds it collectively as long as necessary, ie, society and discourse are organized in genres that, ultimately, are the realization of the living and can be materialized. More specifically, the paper analyzes, in the aspects above mentioned, the poema “O menino que carregava água na peneira”, by Manoel de Barros, in which the author-creator of the poem brings a very particular universe which marks the literary work: childhood, in a kind of craft with the word-image. The poet feels the child’s universe pulsing in his bowels and represents it. In this sense, the study discusses, in pedagogical field, the spread of such a speech genre. It evaluates, as a result, the getting through of the poem in the school sphere – mainly via textbook. Finally, it points to the possibility of a new attitude regarding the teaching-learning process of the genre.
This text presents the interlocution that literacy teachers maintain with didactic textbook and traditional/normative grammar, and how these books become constitutive elements – the Others – of these teachers and theirs mother tongue teaching practices. The analysis focuses on teachers statements/enunciation and is based on Bakhtin's circle concepts, especially in the categories of statement/enunciation, dialogism and otherness. The cited elements appears updated in teachers enunciations and signalize a permanent tom in their practices, as a result of the cultural tradition in grammar teaching and the legitimate use of the didactic textbook
The internet has been an increasingly important support for advertising various products. We witness the proliferation of educational advertisements on youtube, aiming for membership of an audience that craves attend university. Thus, the advertising discourse uses linguistic and imagistic strategies increasingly effective. The image constructed in discourse this is a strategy. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to analyze the emerging ethos of sceneries built in educational advertising on youtube. Therefore, we analyzed five videos aimed at pre-university students, adopting as theoretical presuppositions of discourse analysis (AD) French oriented, based on Maingueneau research on the scenes of enunciation. The analysis revealed the variation of topographies and cronografias featuring sceneries, linked to the scenic framework of educational advertising discourse on youtube. Therefore, based on scenes of enunciation, we see the construction of a bold ethos, brave, challenging, among others.