860 resultados para Muslims in Russia
Jac. Ahrenberg and Patrimony Restoration Plans for Viipuri and Turku Castles at the End of the 19th Century This dissertation examines the unrealized restoration plans for two castles in the Grand Duchy of Finland one located at Viipuri (Vyborg, nowadays in Russia), the other at Turku (in Swedish, Åbo) during the last decades of the 19th century. Both castles were used as prisons, barracks and warehouses. From the middle of the 19th century on, their restoration and transformation into museums and "national monuments" were demanded in the newspapers. The prison reform in the 1860s stimulated the documentation and debate concerning their future, but it was only at the beginning of the 1880s when their restoration became an official state-run project. The undertaking was carried out by Johan Jacob (Jac.) Ahrenberg (1847 1914), architect of the National Board of Public Buildings. By combining written sources with drawings and photographs, this dissertation examines the restoration projects, the two castles' significance and the ways in which they were investigated by scholars. The plans are analyzed in connection with restoration practices in France and Sweden and in the context of contemporary discussions concerning national art and patrimony. The thesis argues that these former castles of the Swedish crown were used to manifest the western roots of Finnish law and order, the lineage of power and the capacity of the nation to defend itself. However, because of their symbolism, their restoration became a politically delicate question concerning the role of the Swedish heritage in Finland's nation-building process. According to Jac. Ahrenberg's plans, the two castles were to be restored to their assumed appearance at the time of the Vasa dynasty. Consequently, the structures would have resembled castles in Sweden. It is suggested that one aim of the restoration plans was to transform the two buildings into monuments testifying to the common history of Sweden and Finland. They were meant to consolidate the Swedish basis of Finnish culture and autonomy and thus to secure them against the threatening implications of Russian imperialism. It seems that along with the changing ideals of architectural restoration and the need for an original Finnish architectural heritage, the political connotations associated with the castles were one reason why Jac. Ahrenberg's restoration plans were never realized.
The topic of this dissertation is Rodnoverie, a religion that revives pre-Christian Slavic spirituality. Rodnoverie has been noted to be one of the fastest growing new religions in Russia and the aim of the study is to analyse why and how the movement has attained its popularity. First, the analysis asks how Rodnovers themselves explain the revival of ancient Paganism at this particular historical moment. Secondly, these interpretations are reflected in the framework of sociological discussions about contemporary religiosity. The analysis discusses how the Rodnoverie movement corresponds to some tendencies that are considered to characterise late modern religiosity. The primary material of the research is Rodnoverie texts: books, newspapers and electronic articles. The published literature is supplemented by fieldwork material which includes interviews with some Rodnoverie leaders and the author s participant observation of rituals and gatherings. Methodologically, the study draws on a sociological narrative approach that is focused on examining how individuals and groups use narratives to construct their identities and to challenge mainstream discussions and interpretations. The analysis discerns three narratives. The first one of these portrays Rodnoverie as a revival of the native Russian or Slavic religion. The narrative provides a new version of the old Slavophile idea, according to which imitation of the West has misguided Russia and, therefore, Russians should turn to their own tradition. In the second narrative, Rodnoverie is presented as a nature religion that features tolerance and pluralistic values. According to these perceptions, the emergence of Rodnoverie marks the dead-end of the earlier hegemonic universalistic world-views, the mono-ideologies . While the nationalist narrative focuses on Russia s national heritage, the third narrative interprets the tradition in more universal terms as an alternative to modern values and way of life. The main argument of this narrative is that contemporary people have become alienated from nature, their roots and their community. The themes that are discussed in the theoretical literature on late modern religiosity often configure in Rodnovers interpretations either directly or when looked at through an analytical framework. Of the various themes that are addressed in a sociological study of religion the ones that have most relevance for Rodnoverie are the discussions on individualisation, globalisation and secularisation. Rodnoverie reflects such tendencies as the subjectivisation of religion and the modern crisis of authority. The movement also both exemplifies and actively promotes religious pluralisation in Russia.
Resumen: Este trabajo explora los diferentes modos en los cuales la figura y la obra de Franz Liszt fueron recepcionadas en la Rusia del siglo XIX por teóricos y compositores. A partir de las visitas que el compositor húngaro realizó a Rusia durante la década de 1840, su figura fue utilizada por el crítico Vladimir Stasov para caracterizar y legitimizar a través de un relato cargado de mitos la tradición musical que recién nacía en Rusia. Esta imagen condicionó y limitó durante casi todo el siglo XX el acercamiento al estudio de la música de ese país. La obra de los compositores modernistas en Rusia, sin embargo, demuestra que la recepción de Liszt, y así el devenir de la música rusa del siglo XIX, estuvo bastante lejos de la caracterización canónica propuesta por Stasov.
Resumen: El trabajo que presentamos a continuación tiene como objetivo abordar distintos aspectos sobre la construcción de las imágenes y de las prácticas discursivas que se proyectaron sobre el Islam y los musulmanes en la Castilla medieval. En este sentido, daremos cuenta del contexto mediterráneo y peninsular en la tensión Cristianismo-Islam, así como también de algunas medidas que desde la Iglesia romana se proyectaban sobre los moros. Recogeremos los antecedentes de las polémicas antiislámicas para luego adentrarnos en el universo castellano y ejemplificar estas disputas con algunos escritores cristianos para analizar sus posturas respecto del Islam y la veracidad de su religión.
As one part of an on-going programme concerned with environmental protection as provided for under the terms of a UK/USSR Joint Environmental Protection Agreement signed in London, 21 May 1974, a seminar — ”The elaboration of the scientific basis for monitoring the quality of surface water by hydrobiological indices” was held at Valdai in Russia 12—14 July, 1976. As a continuation of this theme it was agreed that delegations of hydrobiologists from each side should carry out reciprocal visits to carry out comparative field tests on selected systems of biological surveillance in use in the respective countries. In May 1978 a team of British hydrobiologists visited the USSR, under the auspices of the Department of Environment, to carry out joint exercises on the River Dnieper and some tributaries. This paper reports the results of selected methods used by the British side when applied to the conditions found in the River Dnieper.
Esta tese tem como propósito analisar as relações político-diplomáticas entre Portugal e a Santa Sé na primeira metade do século XVIII, tendo como principal problemática o corte das relações diplomáticas entre as duas cortes -, ocorrido entre 1728-1731. O episódio resultou, no nível mais imediato, da recusa de Roma em conceder paridade a Portugal diante das outras cortes europeias, negando a ascensão do núncio apostólico Vicente Bichi, ao título de cardeal. Tal política inseria-se em uma linguagem diplomática tradicional, para a qual Roma permanecia o centro da cristandade e distribuidora de privilégios. A opção de D. João V em manter-se fiel a uma linguagem tradicional não o impediu de se apropriar e de utilizar uma linguagem moderna, expressão compartilhada pelos loci de poder setecentistas, representados pelas monarquias que se consolidavam na França, na Inglaterra, na Áustria, na Prússia e até na Rússia, operando a partir de uma razão de Estado, a linguagem diplomática moderna, que configurou o tabuleiro político europeu entre os congressos de Utrecht e de Viena. Linguagem esta que fora traduzida pelos embaixadores ou chefes de missão portugueses, o que permitiu a participação de Portugal nas grandes decisões do período e consolidou a política de privilégio de D. João V, consagrando o monarca Fidelíssimo e, consequentemente, o reino português numa Europa em transformação.
The ability of the Evpatoria RT-70 radar complex to perform research on space debris was investigated in four trial experiments during 2001-2003. The echo-signals of 25 objects at geostationary, highly elliptical and medium-altitude orbits were recorded on magnetic tapes at radio telescopes in Russia, Italy, China and Poland. The multi-antenna system configuration gives potential to supplement the classic radar data with precise angular observations using the technique of Very Long Baseline Interferometry. The first stage of such processing was fulfilled by the correlator in N. Novgorod, Russia. The cross-correlation of transmitted and received signals was obtained for the 11 objects on the Evpatoria-Bear Lakes, Evpatoria-Urumqi and Evpatoria-Noto baselines. This activity also promoted developing the optical observations of geostationary objects, conducted for the improvement of the radar target ephemerides. (C) 2004 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Recent research has demonstrated that imagining intergroup contact can be sufficient to reduce explicit prejudice directed towards out-groups. In this research, we examined the impact of contact-related mental imagery on implicit prejudice as measured by the implicit association test. We found that, relative to a control condition, young participants who imagined talking to an elderly stranger subsequently showed more positive implicit attitudes towards elderly people in general. In a second study, we demonstrated that, relative to a control condition, non-Muslim participants who imagined talking to a Muslim stranger subsequently showed more positive implicit attitudes towards Muslims in general. We discuss the implications of these findings for furthering the application of indirect contact strategies aimed at improving intergroup relations.
A study of Wagner's impact on Czech music in the later nineteenth century and Dvorak in particular
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, sob orientação de Doutora Maria Helena da Costa Alves Guimarães Ustimenko e Doutora Maria Manuela Ribeiro Veloso.
Depuis les dernières décennies, la composition de la population québécoise, en lien avec l’immigration, est amenée à se modifier de plus en plus. Les politiques de régionalisation mises sur pied par l’État québécois ainsi que la présence de l’Université du Québec à Chicoutimi encouragent vivement l’essor d’une nouvelle diversité au sein de la population du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. La présence musulmane, même si elle représente une faible proportion de l’immigration totale, constitue une nouvelle réalité pour une région éloignée des grands centres. L’exploration de l'établissement d'immigrants de confession musulmane en région s’insère donc dans un contexte politique (régionalisation de l’immigration) et social particulier (populations minoritaires) et où les questions soulevées demandent une plus grande attention de la part des chercheurs. Comment se vit l'islam et quelle forme prend cette religion en contexte migratoire? De quelle manière ces populations vivant désormais en situation minoritaire composent-elles avec cette nouvelle réalité? À quelles stratégies les musulmans ont-ils recours pour vivre leur croyance et les pratiques qui en découlent? La mosquée joue-t-elle un rôle particulier dans le parcours d’établissement des personnes qui la fréquentent? Quels rapports les musulmans à Saguenay entretiennent-ils vis-à-vis de leur nouvelle société de résidence? Cette recherche nous aidera à mieux cerner comment l'établissement d’immigrants de confession musulmane évolue au sein d’une société historiquement et culturellement non musulmane.
Cette thèse a été effectuée en cotutelle entre l'Université Paris-Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense et l'Université de Montréal. Elle a été réalisée avec le logiciel LateX.
Cette thèse de doctorat est une biographie politique de Paul Levi, militant marxiste qui a fait carrière en Allemagne durant la période de l’entre-deux-guerres. Dès 1914, Levi incarne un courant radical à l’intérieur du Parti social-démocrate d’Allemagne (SPD). Il dénonce, entre autres, aux côtés de Rosa Luxemburg l’appui du parti à l’effort militaire national. Levi s’inspire également de Lénine qu’il rencontre pour la première fois en Suisse en 1916-1917. Lorsqu’il prend les commandes du Parti communiste d’Allemagne (KPD) en 1919, Levi dirige celui-ci d’une main de fer, selon le concept du « centralisme démocratique ». Il fait également tout en son pouvoir pour faire éclater la révolution ouvrière en Allemagne afin d’installer une dictature du prolétariat qui exclurait toutes les classes non ouvrières du pouvoir. En ce sens, Levi imagine un État socialiste semblable à celui fondé par Lénine en Russie en 1917. Contrairement à l’historiographie traditionnelle, notre thèse montre conséquemment que Levi n’était guère un « socialiste démocrate ». Il était plutôt un militant marxiste qui, par son radicalisme, a contribué à diviser le mouvement ouvrier allemand ce qui, en revanche, a fragilisé la république de Weimar. Cette thèse fait également ressortir le caractère résolument rebelle de Paul Levi. Partout où il passe, Levi dénonce les politiques bourgeoises des partis non-ouvriers, mais aussi celles de la majorité des organisations dont il fait partie, c’est-à-dire les partis ouvriers de la république de Weimar et le Reichstag. Son tempérament impulsif fait de lui un homme politique isolé qui, d’ailleurs, se fait de nombreux ennemis. En 1921, à titre d’exemple, il se brouille avec d’importants bolcheviques, ce qui met fin à sa carrière au sein du KPD. Les communistes voient désormais en lui un ennemi de la classe ouvrière et mènent contre lui de nombreuses campagnes diffamatoires. Levi, de son côté, dénonce ouvertement la terreur stalinienne qui, selon lui, est en train de contaminer le mouvement communiste européen. Notre travail montre également que Levi, cette fois en tant qu’avocat juif, lutte corps et âme contre les nazis. En 1926, dans le cadre d’une commission d’enquête publique du Reichstag chargée de faire la lumière sur des meurtres politiques commis en Bavière, il tente par tous les moyens d’inculper certains criminels nazis. Levi est conséquemment la cible de la presse antisémite allemande. Il refuse toutefois de céder à l’intimidation et choisit plutôt de poursuivre en justice quelques-uns des plus importants membres du Parti nazi, dont Alfred Rosenberg et Hitler lui-même, en plus de forcer de nombreux autres nazis à comparaître devant la commission d’enquête du Reichstag. Bref, si ce travail se veut critique envers la pensée révolutionnaire de Levi, il souligne aussi l’intégrité politique de cet homme dont les convictions sont demeurées inébranlables face aux dérives criminelles des extrêmes idéologiques de son époque.