936 resultados para International standards


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A implementação de um Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade segundo as normas internacionais implica o cumprimento de vários requisitos. As características específicas de cada empresa requerem o estudo prévio das medidas a implementar. O presente trabalho diz respeito a um relatório de estágio desenvolvido por cinco meses na empresa Sistemas e Técnicas Industriais, Lda., uma fábrica metalomecânica de equipamentos para estações de tratamento de águas residuais, com o intuito de desenvolver um Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ) segundo a NP EN ISO 9001:2008, Numa primeira fase foi analisada e interpretada as atividades da empresa, assim como os processos inerentes à mesma. Procedeu-se ao estudo dos requisitos da norma, a análise da documentação do SGQ existente. Como resultado do trabalho, foi possível identificar e classificar os processos, reestruturar a Política e o Manual da Qualidade assim como desenvolver modelos e recomendações necessárias para cumprimento da Norma. Concluiu-se com este trabalho que a empresa possui a maior parte dos documentos exigidos pela norma, no entanto, a maioria dos procedimentos, instruções de trabalho e modelos não estão implementados no cotidiano da empresa.


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An effective hygiene and sanitation inspection of meat and meat products is essential for its production and commercialization. For this reason, the national and international standards responsible for these products quality control employs microbiological analyses methods as quality control tools. In December of 2012, it was included in the Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) website, a Microbiological Scope of food and water, which presents the replacement of some methods proposed by the Normative Instruction 62. Some of these methodologies are considered rapid, practical and convenient. However, other methodologies were still replaced by conventional ones, which presents disadvantages as incorrect interpretations of the microorganism phenotypical and biochemical characteristics, leading to the misinterpretation of test results. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop a comprehensive, practical and illustrative guidebook of microbiological analysis for in natura poultry cuts. The methods addressed in this guide are the official standards analysis required by the poultry cuts legislation, which are the Escherichia coli count, the thermotolerant coliforms count, the aerobic plate count and the detection of Salmonella spp. The approached methodologies for these analysis will be the AOAC 998.08, the Normative Instruction 62 and the ISO 4833-1:2013 and ISO 6579:2002, respectively. In these events, it is expected to obtain an enlightening and approved guidebook evaluated by laboratory technicians, which will help reduce the analytical subjectivity leading to a more reliable interpretation of the test results.


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Mestrado em Auditoria


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Le travail domestique est une des formes d’emploi les plus anciennes au monde. Au Brésil, ce type de service tire son origine de l’esclavage, technique d’exploitation économique qui a marqué l’histoire du pays durant environ 400 (quatre cents) ans. Encore au XXIème siècle, le travail domestique est sous-évalué et peine à être reconnu comme un vrai travail. La législation nationale a progressé au point de reconnaitre aux employés de maison les mêmes droits dont jouissent les autres salariés (amendement constitutionnel, 2013). Le droit international du travail joue un rôle crucial dans l’encadrement de la situation des travailleuses domestiques au monde. La Convention concernant le travail décent pour les travailleurs et travailleuses domestiques (n° 189) et la Recommandation n° 201 l’accompagnant de l’Organisation internationale du travail (OIT) occupent une place importante dans la promotion du travail décent aux travailleurs domestiques. Malgré l’existence de normes – nationales et internationales – importantes, la problématique de la condition de travail et de vie des travailleuses domestiques au Brésil va au-delà de la législation, impliquant la notion culturelle de dévalorisation du travail domestique, cette même conception qui associe le travail à domicile à l’esclavage.


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There are various tools for monitoring the concentration of pollutants on aquatic ecosystems. Today these studies are based on biological monitoring and biomarkers. The aim of this study was to measure the concentration of the acetylcholinesterase (AChE), glutathione S-transferase and catalase as biomarkers of heavy metal contamination in pearl oyster Pinctada radiata and their mechanism in aquatic ecosystems. Heavy metals lead, cadmium and nickel were measured in soft tissue and studied stations in four seasons. Samples were collected seasonally in Lavan stations, Hendurabi and Nakhilo (in the northern Persian Gulf) from spring 2013 to winter of that year by scuba diving. Pearl oysters are divided according to their shells size; shells separated from soft tissues and were transferred to the laboratory for analysis of heavy metals and enzymes. Moopam standard method for were used for measuring the concentration of heavy metals and for analyzing tissue concentrations of glutathione S-transferase in Clam the method recommended by Habig et al in 1974 were used. For measuring acetylcholinesterase Ellman method were used. Catalase contamination in pearl oyster in the supernatant obtained from the study based on the method homogeate soft tissue of mussels (Abei, 1974) was evaluated. The results showed that the concentration of lead has significant difference in sediments station, the concentration of lead in Lavan is significantly higher than the other two stations, This could be due to the movement of tanker, boats and floating refueling and with a considerable amount of wastewater containing oil and Petroleum into the water, and also due to precipitation and industrial discharges the lead in the region is increasing, land-disposed sewage sludge, has large concentrations of lead. Compare the results of this study with standards related and other similar studies at the regional and international level showed that pollutant concentration of heavy metals in all cases significantly less than all the standards and guide values associated. And also compared to other world research results have been far less than others, Being Less of the conclusion given in this research according that nickel is one of the indicators of oil pollution in the study area and emissions have been relatively low of oil. The concentration of acetylcholinesterase at several stations, in large and small sizes and in the seasons had no significant difference. Variations of catalase, and glutathione S-transferase were almost similar to each other and parameters, station and seasons were significantly different in the concentrations of these enzymes. The effects and interaction between various parameters indicate that following parameters has impact on the concentration of catalase and glutathione S-transferase. Stations; Seasonal changes in antioxidant enzymes related to (assuming a constant in salinity and oxygen) to age, reproductive cycle, availability of food and water temperature. With increasing temperature at warm season, antioxidant enzymes were increase, with increasing temperature and abundance of food in the environment the amount of antioxidant enzymes may increase. The presence of the enzyme concentration may indicate that the higher levels of the enzyme to eliminate ROS activities to be any healthier situation. At the time of gonads maturation and spawning season catalase activity increases. This study also indicates that catalase was significantly higher in the warm season. Due to low pollutants of heavy metals in the study area, a lower level of contaminants were observed in shellfish tissue incidents of international standards and strong correlation between the amount of heavy metal contamination in pearl oyster tissue and enzymes was not observed. Therefore, we can say that the pearl oyster remains in a healthy condition and the amount of enzyme is normal.


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ISO 9000 is a family of international standards for quality management, applicable to all sizes of company, whether public or private.Management Systems ISO 9000 quality make up the human side, administrative and operating companies. By integrating these three aspects, the organization takes full advantage of all its resources, making results more efficiently, reducing administrative and operating expenses.With globalization and opening markets this has become a competitive advantage by providing further confidence and evidence to all customers, subcontractors, personnel and other stakeholders that the organization is committed to establishing, maintaining and improving levels acceptable quality products and services.Another advantage of quality systems is the clear definition of policies and functions, the staff is utilized according to their ability and focus on real customer needs.It should be mentioned that to achieve these benefits, it is necessary that management of the organization, is committed to the development of its quality system and to allocate financial and human resources to do so. These resources are minimal compared with the benefits you can achieve.


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En este escrito se hace un repaso sobre cómo ha sido la legislación para la Educa­ción Superior en Colombia (con la Ley 30 de 1992 como documento rector, en conjunto con las leyes: 115 de 1994 y 1128 de 2008, y el Decreto 1295 de 2010) y cuáles han sido los parámetros de calidad impuestos sobre la Educación Superior colombiana. Asimis­mo, se indica cuáles serían los nuevos linea­mientos de la educación, la actualidad del debate por la educación para la Colombia del “posconflicto”, y datos sobre la compe­titividad de la Educación Superior nacional con respecto a los estándares internacio­nales, presentando un comparativo entre estas políticas y estándares nacionales con respecto a teorías de calidad de diversas organizaciones internacionales.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronegócios, 2016.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar las características morfométricas e índices zoométricos de los grupos raciales bovinos existentes en las parroquias rurales del cantón Cuenca- Ecuador. Se evaluaron 1.118 vacas, con un promedio de 5,1años de edad, condición corporal de 3,4 y 2,9 número de partos. Se analizaron 23 medidas lineales, 23 características Fanerópticas, 4 caracteres de ubre, 13 índices zoométricos. El Análisis estadístico se basó en la determinación de frecuencias, estadígrafos principales, krusKal Wallis, Chi-cuadrado, Correlación de Spearman, Análisis de componentes principales (ACP), y Análisis de conglomerados (clúster). Se obtuvo respectivamente para Hosltein, Brown Swiss, Jersey y Criolla un perímetro torácico de: 178,9±0,46 vs. 179,9±2,48 vs. 168,9±2,08 vs y 170,9±1,50 cm. Un peso promedio de: 425,5±2,97 vs. 444,6±15,03 vs. 355,7±12,76 vs. 374,9±9,31 Kg. Una alzada a la cruz (ACr) de: 129,5±0,26 vs. 133,8±1,25 vs. 121,8±1,25 vs. 123,3±0,89 cm. Se estableció que la raza Holstein de la zona y Brown Swiss posee tres colores de capa, dos en la Jersey y cuatro en la Criolla. El Perímetro torácico (PT) fue la medida bovinométrica que presentó mayor correlación con el peso vivo (r=0,91). El análisis de componentes principales permitió establecer tres grupos (peso, soporte y estatura) los cuales explicaron un 74,52% de la varianza acumulada. Según el análisis de conglomerados se determinó 17 subgrupos de animales. Se comprobó la existencia de cuatro grupos raciales de interés zootécnico en el cantón Cuenca, siendo la raza Holstein la que predomina con un 89%. Se identificaron cuatro razas en el cantón Cuenca encontrándose dentro de los parámetros nacionales e internacionales establecidos por sus asociaciones, siendo los índices zoométricos pelviano, pelviano longitudinal y espesor relativo de la caña presentaron diferencia estadística entre los grupos raciales


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El estudio se centra en el sector residencial de la ciudad de Cuenca, Ecuador. El objetivo es determinar hasta donde se puede reducir el consumo de energía a la vez que se obtengan óptimas condiciones de confort, estableciendo un indicador de eficiencia energética. Para ello se determina la demanda de energía eléctrica y los factores principales de consumo, mediante una metodología de investigación mixta tanto cualitativa como cuantitativa, pues el consumo energético se ve influenciado por diferentes elementos como la eficiencia de los equipos, diseño y hábitos de uso de los habitantes, entre otros. Se realizan encuestas a una muestra de 280 hogares del sector residencial de Cuenca y por otro lado se mide el consumo y calidad lumínica del ambiente interior de 6 viviendas mediante equipos, simulaciones y encuestas. Posteriormente se analizan los resultados obtenidos y se los compara con los estándares de eficiencia nacional e internacional, se proponen estrategias básicas para la reducción del consumo de energía eléctrica y finalmente el estudio define una clasificación de indicadores de consumo mínimo.


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Petroleum evaluation is analyze it using different methodologies, following international standards to know their chemical and physicochemical properties, contaminant levels, composition and especially their ability to generate derivatives. Many of these analyzes consuming a lot of time, large amount of samples , supplies and need an organized transportation logistics, schedule and professionals involved. Looking for alternatives that optimize the evaluation and enable the use of new technologies, seven samples of different centrifuged Brazilian oils previously characterized by Petrobras were analyzed by thermogravimetry in 25-900° C range using heating rates of 05, 10 and 20ºC per minute. With experimental data obtained, characterizations correlations were performed and provided: generation of true boiling point curves (TBP) simulated; comparing fractions generated with appropriate cut standard in temperature ranges; an approach to obtain Watson characterization factor; and compare micro carbon residue formed. The results showed a good chance of reproducing simulated TBP curve from thermogravimetry taking into account the composition, density and other oil properties. Proposed correlations for experimental characterization factor and carbon residue followed Petrobras characterizations, showing that thermogravimetry can be used as a tool on oil evaluation, because your quick analysis, accuracy, and requires a minimum number of samples and consumables


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El presente trabajo revisa la bibliografía sobre gestión del riesgo (GRi) que ha aparecido en los últimos tiempos, intentando anclar sus nociones, recomendaciones, pautas y estándares al ámbito de las bibliotecas y centros de documentación e información. Se analiza su utilidad, realizando un balance sobre la bibliografía consultada, proveniente tanto de Argentina como de distintos países. Se concluye sobre la necesidad de aplicar los procesos y los estándares inherentes a la GRi a los de las unidades de información para evitar los peligros o las amenazas en distintos ámbitos tales como el financiero, comunicacional, tecnológico, humano, ambiental, entre otros


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Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M. SC.) en Criminologie, option Sécurité Intérieure