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This work reports evidence of the induced migration of Mn2+ ions in Cd(1-x)MnxS nanocrystals (NCs) by selecting a specific thermal treatment for each sample. The growth and characterization of these magnetic dots were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM), optical absorption (OA), and electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques. The comparison of experimental and simulated EPR spectra confirms the incorporation of Mn2+ ions both in the core and at the dot surface regions. The thermal treatment of a magnetic sample, via selected annealing temperature and/or time, affects the fine and hyperfine interaction constants which modify the shape and the intensity of the EPR transition spectrum. The identification of these changes has allowed tracing the magnetic ion migration from core to surface regions of a dot as well as inferring the local density of the magnetic impurity ions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ethyl carbamate is an impurity present in distilled beverages. Given the risk of it being a carcinogenic substance, Brazilian legislation has determined that its presence in distilled beverages, such as 'aguardente' and 'cachaca' (two types of sugarcane spirits), should be limited to a maximum of 150 mu g/L. Ordinary spirits usually contain variable amounts of ethyl carbamate, although in lower concentrations than the maximum determined by law. The finding that commercial spirits had a much lower concentration of this impurity (around 50 mu g/L) led the authors to research the reasons for the differences, and these are explored in this paper, with a focus on the speed of the distillation process and its influence on the spirit's composition. The team conducted research in a sugarcane distillery producing 'aguardente' using a simple pot still and measured the influence of fast and slow distillation on the presence of ethyl carbamate and non-alcohol components in the process. The results demonstrated that the speed of distillation was proportionally related to the concentration of ethyl carbamate and secondary components in the beverage's composition. Copyright (c) 2012 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling
Nafion membranes series N117 doped with ammonium, at different cation fractions (H+/NH4+), were investigated for ionic transport and water vapor uptake, for several water activities and temperatures. Ammonium cations change both properties of the polymer in a similar manner. Membrane ionic conductivity and water vapor uptake (lambda) decrease as the ammonium concentration increases in the polymer. Ionic transport activation energies are calculated and the transport mechanism of ammonium ions in Nafion is discussed. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/2.040203jes] All rights reserved.
Isotibolone is frequently found as an impurity in tibolone, a drug used for hormone reposition of post-menopause women, due to some inadequate tibolone synthesis or as a result of degradation during drug storage. The presence of isotibolone impurities should be detected and quantified in active pharmaceutical ingredient products of tibolone before its use in the manufacturing of medicaments. The X-ray powder diffraction technique offers the possibility of quantifying isotibolone amounts at different stages of drug production and storage, from the chemical synthesis to the final formulation. In the course of a study involving the quantitative analysis of isotibolone by X-ray powder diffraction, the authors determined the structure of the title compound using a recently developed approach (A. Gomez and S. Kycia, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 2011, 44, 708-713). The structure is monoclinic, space group P2(1) (4), with unit cell parameters a = 6.80704(7) angstrom, b = 20.73858(18) angstrom, c = 6.44900(6) angstrom, beta = 76.4302(5)degrees, V = 884.980(15) angstrom(3) and two molecules per unit cell (Z = 2). The molecules are hydrogen bonded in the ab plane forming layers that are held together in the crystal by van der Waals interactions along the c-axis.
Time-resolved photoluminescence was employed to study electron-hole dynamics in radial heterostructured GaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs core/inner shell/outer shell nanowires. It was found that impurity random potential results in a red shift of the recombination time maximum with respect to the photoluminescence peak energy.
FIR spectroscopy is an alternative way of collecting spectra of many inorganic pigments and corrosion products found on art objects, which is not normally observed in the MIR region. Most FIR spectra are traditionally collected in transmission mode but as a real novelty it is now also possible to record FIR spectra in ATR (Attenuated Total Reflectance) mode. In FIR transmission we employ polyethylene (PE) for preparation of pellets by embedding the sample in PE. Unfortunately, the preparation requires heating of the PE in order to produces at transparent pellet. This will affect compounds with low melting points, especially those with structurally incorporated water. Another option in FIR transmission is the use of thin films. We test the use of polyethylene thin film (PETF), both commercial and laboratory-made PETF. ATR collection of samples is possible in both the MIR and FIR region on solid, powdery or liquid samples. Changing from the MIR to the FIR region is easy as it simply requires the change of detector and beamsplitter (which can be performed within a few minutes). No preparation of the sample is necessary, which is a huge advantage over the PE transmission method. The most obvious difference, when comparing transmission with ATR, is the distortion of band shape (which appears asymmetrical in the lower wavenumber region) and intensity differences. However, the biggest difference can be the shift of strong absorbing bands moving to lower wavenumbers in ATR mode. The sometimes huge band shift necessitates the collection of standard library spectra in both FIR transmission and ATR modes, provided these two methods of collecting are to be employed for analyses of unknown samples. Standard samples of 150 pigment and corrosion compounds are thus collected in both FIR transmission and ATR mode in order to build up a digital library of spectra for comparison with unknown samples. XRD, XRF and Raman spectroscopy assists us in confirming the purity or impurity of our standard samples. 24 didactic test tables, with known pigment and binder painted on the surface of a limestone tablet, are used for testing the established library and different ways of collecting in ATR and transmission mode. In ATR, micro samples are scratched from the surface and examined in both the MIR and FIR region. Additionally, direct surface contact of the didactic tablets with the ATR crystal are tested together with water enhanced surface contact. In FIR transmission we compare the powder from our test tablet on the laboratory PETF and embedded in PE. We also compare the PE pellets collected using a 4x beam condenser, focusing the IR beam area from 8 mm to 2 mm. A few samples collected from a mural painting in a Nepalese temple, corrosion products collected from archaeological Chinese bronze objects and samples from a mural paintings in an Italian abbey, are examined by ATR or transmission spectroscopy.
In this thesis we consider three different models for strongly correlated electrons, namely a multi-band Hubbard model as well as the spinless Falicov-Kimball model, both with a semi-elliptical density of states in the limit of infinite dimensions d, and the attractive Hubbard model on a square lattice in d=2.
In the first part, we study a two-band Hubbard model with unequal bandwidths and anisotropic Hund's rule coupling (J_z-model) in the limit of infinite dimensions within the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). Here, the DMFT impurity problem is solved with the use of quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations. Our main result is that the J_z-model describes the occurrence of an orbital-selective Mott transition (OSMT), in contrast to earlier findings. We investigate the model with a high-precision DMFT algorithm, which was developed as part of this thesis and which supplements QMC with a high-frequency expansion of the self-energy.
The main advantage of this scheme is the extraordinary accuracy of the numerical solutions, which can be obtained already with moderate computational effort, so that studies of multi-orbital systems within the DMFT+QMC are strongly improved. We also found that a suitably defined
Falicov-Kimball (FK) model exhibits an OSMT, revealing the close connection of the Falicov-Kimball physics to the J_z-model in the OSM phase.
In the second part of this thesis we study the attractive Hubbard model in two spatial dimensions within second-order self-consistent perturbation theory.
This model is considered on a square lattice at finite doping and at low temperatures. Our main result is that the predictions of first-order perturbation theory (Hartree-Fock approximation) are renormalized by a factor of the order of unity even at arbitrarily weak interaction (U->0). The renormalization factor q can be evaluated as a function of the filling n for 0
This thesis analyzes theoretically and computationally the phenomenon of partial ionization of the substitutional dopants in Silicon Carbide at thermal equilibrium. It is based on the solution of the charge neutrality equation and takes into account the following phenomena: several energy levels in the bandgap; Fermi-Dirac statistics for free carriers; screening effects on the dopant ionization energies; the formation of impurity bands. A self-consistent model and a corresponding simulation software have been realized. A preliminary comparison of our calculations with existing experimental results is carried out.
The heavy fermion compound UNi2Al3 exhibits the coexistence of superconductivity and magnetic order at low temperatures, stimulating speculations about possible exotic Cooper-pairing interaction in this superconductor. However, the preparation of good quality bulk single crystals of UNi2Al3 has proven to be a non-trivial task due to metallurgical problems, which result in the formation of an UAl2 impurity phase and hence a strongly reduced sample purity. The present work concentrates on the preparation, characterization and electronic properties investigation of UNi2Al3 single crystalline thin film samples. The preparation of thin films was accomplished in a molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) system. (100)-oriented epitaxial thin films of UNi2Al3 were grown on single crystalline YAlO3 substrates cut in (010)- or (112)-direction. The high crystallographic quality of the samples was proved by several characterisation methods, such as X-ray analysis, RHEED and TEM. To study the magnetic structure of epitaxial thin films resonant magnetic x-ray scattering was employed. The magnetic order of thin the film samples, the formation of magnetic domains with different moment directions, and the magnetic correlation length were discussed. The electronic properties of the UNi2Al3 thin films in the normal and superconducting states were investigated by means of transport measurements. A pronounced anisotropy of the temperature dependent resistivity ρ(T) was observed. Moreover, it was found that the temperature of the resistive superconducting transition depends on the current direction, providing evidence for multiband superconductivity in UNi2Al3. The initial slope of the upper critical field H′c2(T) of the thin film samples suggests an unconventional spin-singlet superconducting state, as opposed to bulk single crystal data. To probe the superconducting gap of UNi2Al3 directly by means of tunnelling spectroscopy many planar junctions of different design employing different techniques were prepared. Despite the tunneling regime of the junctions, no features of the superconducting density of state of UNi2Al3 were ever observed. It is assumed that the absence of UNi2Al3 gap features in the tunneling spectra was caused by imperfections of the tunnelling contacts. The superconductivity of UNi2Al3 was probably suppressed just in a degraded surface layer, resulting in tunneling into non superconducting UNi2Al3. However, alternative explanations such as intrinsic pair breaking effects at the interface to the barrier are also possible.
Verdünnte magnetische Halbleiter (DMS) sind technologisch vielversprechende Materialien mit sowohl ferromagnetischen als auch halbleitenden Eigenschaften. Sie gehören zu den entscheidenden Verbindungen bei der Entwicklung neuartiger Spintronikanwendungen. Bisher scheiterte der technologische Einsatz jedoch daran, dass die Curie Temperatur der meisten magnetischen Halbleiter viel zu niedrig ist. Neue Verbindungen auf Basis von ZnO wie Zn1-xCoxO sollen jedoch Ferromagnetismus oberhalb von Raumtemperatur zeigen. Die theoretischen Grundlagen der magnetischen Wechselwirkungen sind jedoch nicht verstanden und erfordern daher umfangreiche experimentelle Untersuchungen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden dünne Filme aus Zn0.95Co0.05O mittels Laserablation hergestellt und bezüglich ihrer magnetischen, elektrischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften untersucht, mit dem Ziel den Ferromagnetismus in diesem Material besser zu verstehen. Dabei kamen verschiedene experimentelle Methoden zum Einsatz: wie Magnetometrie, Röntgendiffraktometrie, Magnetischer Röntgenzirkulardichroismus (XMCD), Elektronenspinresonanz sowie magnetoelektrische Transportmessungen. Bei entsprechend defektfördernden Herstellungsbedingungen zeigen die Proben klare ferromagnetische Eigenschaften oberhalb von Raumtemperatur mit einer Sättigungsmagnetisierung von ca. 2 Bohr Magneton / Co sowie einer Remanenz von bis zu 90%. Elektrische Transportmessungen zeigen zudem einen deutlichen Magnetowiderstand sowie einen anomalen Hall Effekt. Letzterer steigt mit der Probenmagnetisierung und spricht für intrinsischen Ferromagnetismus sowie eine geringe Spinpolarisation. Da der Ferromagnetismus mit höherer Ladungsträgerdichte jedoch verschwindet, ist eine ferromagnetische Wechselwirkung über die Leitungselektronen auszuschließen. Eine genauere Auswertung der magnetoelektrischen Messdaten deutet zudem auf ein leitendes Störstellenband hin, das unter Umständen selbst spinpolarisiert ist. Vieles spricht somit dafür, dass die ferromagnetische Ordnung über magnetische Polaronen zustande kommt. Einige strukturelle und magnetometrische Ergebnisse sowie Elektronenspinresonanzmessungen deuten zudem auf metallische Ausscheidungen in Form von Cobalt Clustern hin, die einen zusätzlichen extrinsischen ferromagnetischen Beitrag liefern, der deutlich größer sein könnte als der intrinsische. Überraschenderweise zeigen XMCD Messungen jedoch, dass Cobalt überhaupt nicht am Ferromagnetismus beteiligt ist. Insgesamt gibt es Anzeichen, dass magnetische Defekte eine entscheidende Rolle hinsichtlich des Magnetismus in Zn0.95Co0.05O spielen.
In dieser Arbeit werden vier unterschiedliche, stark korrelierte, fermionische Mehrbandsysteme untersucht. Es handelt sich dabei um ein Mehrstörstellen-Anderson-Modell, zwei Hubbard-Modelle sowie ein Mehrbandsystem, wie es sich aus einer ab initio-Beschreibung für ein korreliertes Halbmetall ergibt.rnrnDie Betrachtung des Mehrstörstellen-Anderson-Modells konzentriert sich auf die Untersuchung des Einflusses der Austauschwechselwirkung und der nicht-lokalen Korrelationen zwischen zwei Störstellen in einem einfach-kubischen Gitter. Das zentrale Resultat ist die Abstandsabhängigkeit der Korrelationen der Störstellenelektronen, welche stark von der Gitterdimension und der relativen Position der Störstellen abhängen. Bemerkenswert ist hier die lange Reichweite der Korrelationen in der Diagonalrichtung des Gitters. Außerdem ergibt sich, dass eine antiferromagnetische Austauschwechselwirkung ein Singulett zwischen den Störstellenelektronen gegenüber den Kondo-Singuletts der einzelnen Störstellen favorisiert und so den Kondo-Effekt der einzelnen Störstellen behindert.rnrnEin Zweiband-Hubbard-Modell, das Jz-Modell, wird im Hinblick auf seine Mott-Phasen in Abhängigkeit von Dotierung und Kristallfeldaufspaltung auf dem Bethe-Gitter untersucht. Die Entartung der Bänder ist durch eine unterschiedliche Bandbreite aufgehoben. Wichtigstes Ergebnis sind die Phasendiagramme in Bezug auf Wechselwirkung, Gesamtfüllung und Kristallfeldparameter. Im Vergleich zu Einbandmodellen kommen im Jz-Modell sogenannte orbital-selektive Mott-Phasen hinzu, die, abhängig von Wechselwirkung, Gesamtfüllung und Kristallfeldparameter, einerseits metallischen und andererseits isolierenden Charakter haben. Ein neuer Aspekt ergibt sich durch den Kristallfeldparameter, der die ionischen Einteilchenniveaus relativ zueinander verschiebt, und für bestimmte Werte eine orbital-selektive Mott-Phase des breiten Bands ermöglicht. Im Vergleich mit analytischen Näherungslösungen und Einbandmodellen lassen sich generische Vielteilchen- und Korrelationseffekte von typischen Mehrband- und Einteilcheneffekten differenzieren.rnrnDas zweite untersuchte Hubbard-Modell beschreibt eine magneto-optische Falle mit einer endlichen Anzahl Gitterplätze, in welcher fermionische Atome platziert sind. Es wird eine z-antiferromagnetische Phase unter Berücksichtigung nicht-lokaler Vielteilchenkorrelationen erhalten, und dabei werden bekannte Ergebnisse einer effektiven Einteilchenbeschreibung verbessert.rnrnDas korrelierte Halbmetall wird im Rahmen einer Mehrbandrechnung im Hinblick auf Korrelationseffekte untersucht. Ausgangspunkt ist eine ab initio-Beschreibung durch die Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT), welche dann durch die Hinzunahme lokaler Korrelationen ergänzt wird. Die Vielteilcheneffekte werden an Hand einer einfachen Wechselwirkungsnäherung verdeutlicht, und für ein Wechselwirkungsmodell in sphärischer Symmetrie präzisiert. Es ergibt sich nur eine schwache Quasiteilchenrenormierung. Besonders für röntgenspektroskopische Experimente wird eine gute Übereinstimmung erzielt.rnrnDie numerischen Ergebnisse für das Jz-Modell basieren auf Quanten-Monte-Carlo-Simulationen im Rahmen der dynamischen Molekularfeldtheorie (DMFT). Für alle anderen Systeme wird ein Mehrband-Algorithmus entwickelt und implementiert, welcher explizit nicht-diagonale Mehrbandprozesse berücksichtigt.rnrn
For the advancement of spinelectronicsmuch importance is attached to Heusler compounds. Especially compounds with the stoichiometry Co2YZ are supposed to exhibit a large asymmetry between majority and minority electrons at the Fermi edge. Ideally, only majority states are present. This property leads to high magnetoresistive effects. However, the experimental results available at present fall behind the expectations. In particular, a strong reduction of the spin asymmetry with increasing temperature is problematic. For this reason,rnthe investigation of further representatives of this material class as well as optimization of their deposition is required. Therefore, during the course of this work thin Heusler films with the composition Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al and Co2Mn1−xFexSi were fabricated. At first, this was accomplished by sputter deposition, which is the standard technique for the preparation of thin Heuslerrnfilms. It resulted also here in samples with high structural order. On the other hand, these films exhibit only a reduced magnetic moment. To improve this situation, a laser ablation system was constructed. The resulting film deposition under ultra-high vacuum led to a clear improvement especially of the magnetic properties. In addition to the improved deposition conditions, this method allowed the flexible variation of the film stoichiometry as well. This possibility was successfully demonstrated in this work by deposition of epitaxial Co2Mn1−xFexSi films. The availableness of these high quality quaternary alloys allowed the systematic investigation of their electronic properties. Band structure calculations predict that the substitution of Mn by Fe lead to a shift of the Fermi energy over the minority energy gap, whereas the density of states remains nearly unchanged. This prediction could by tested by electronic transport measurements. Especially the normal Hall effect, which was measured at these samples, shows a transition from a hole-like charge transport in Co2MnSi to an electron-like transport in Co2FeSi. This is in accordance with corresponding band structure calculations as well as with comparative XMCD experiments. Furthermore, the behavior of the anomalous Hall effect was studied. Here it could be seen, that the effect is influenced by two mechanisms: On the one hand an intrinsic contribution, caused by the topology of the Fermi surface and on the other hand by temperature dependent impurity scattering. These two effects have an opposing influence on the anomalous Hall effect. This can lead to a sign reversal of the anomalous contribution. This behavior has been predicted just recently and was here systematically investigated for the first time for Heusler compounds.
The aim of the research activity focused on the investigation of the correlation between the degree of purity in terms of chemical dopants in organic small molecule semiconductors and their electrical and optoelectronic performances once introduced as active material in devices. The first step of the work was addressed to the study of the electrical performances variation of two commercial organic semiconductors after being processed by means of thermal sublimation process. In particular, the p-type 2,2′′′-Dihexyl-2,2′:5′,2′′:5′′,2′′′-quaterthiophene (DH4T) semiconductor and the n-type 2,2′′′- Perfluoro-Dihexyl-2,2′:5′,2′′:5′′,2′′′-quaterthiophene (DFH4T) semiconductor underwent several sublimation cycles, with consequent improvement of the electrical performances in terms of charge mobility and threshold voltage, highlighting the benefits brought by this treatment to the electric properties of the discussed semiconductors in OFET devices by the removal of residual impurities. The second step consisted in the provision of a metal-free synthesis of DH4T, which was successfully prepared without organometallic reagents or catalysts in collaboration with Dr. Manuela Melucci from ISOF-CNR Institute in Bologna. Indeed the experimental work demonstrated that those compounds are responsible for the electrical degradation by intentionally doping the semiconductor obtained by metal-free method by Tetrakis(triphenylphosphine)palladium(0) (Pd(PPh3)4) and Tributyltin chloride (Bu3SnCl), as well as with an organic impurity, like 5-hexyl-2,2':5',2''-terthiophene (HexT3) at, in different concentrations (1, 5 and 10% w/w). After completing the entire evaluation process loop, from fabricating OFET devices by vacuum sublimation with implemented intentionally-doped batches to the final electrical characterization in inherent-atmosphere conditions, commercial DH4T, metal-free DH4T and the intentionally-doped DH4T were systematically compared. Indeed, the fabrication of OFET based on doped DH4T clearly pointed out that the vacuum sublimation is still an inherent and efficient purification method for crude semiconductors, but also a reliable way to fabricate high performing devices.
In order to reduce the costs of crystalline silicon solar cells, low-cost silicon materials like upgraded metallurgical grade (UMG) silicon are investigated for the application in the photovoltaic (PV) industry. Conventional high-purity silicon is made by cost-intensive methods, based on the so-called Siemens process, which uses the reaction to form chlorosilanes and subsequent several distillation steps before the deposition of high-purity silicon on slim high-purity silicon rods. UMG silicon in contrast is gained from metallurgical silicon by a rather inexpensive physicochemical purification (e.g., acid leaching and/or segregation). However, this type of silicon usually contains much higher concentrations of impurities, especially 3d transition metals like Ti, Fe, and Cu. These metals are extremely detrimental in the electrically active part of silicon solar cells, as they form recombination centers for charge carriers in the silicon band gap. This is why simple purification techniques like gettering, which can be applied between or during solar cell process steps, will play an important role for such low-cost silicon materials. Gettering in general describes a process, whereby impurities are moved to a place or turned into a state, where they are less detrimental to the solar cell. Hydrogen chloride (HCl) gas gettering in particular is a promising simple and cheap gettering technique, which is based on the reaction of HCl gas with transition metals to form volatile metal chloride species at high temperatures.rnThe aim of this thesis was to find the optimum process parameters for HCl gas gettering of 3d transition metals in low-cost silicon to improve the cell efficiency of solar cells for two different cell concepts, the standard wafer cell concept and the epitaxial wafer equivalent (EpiWE) cell concept. Whereas the former is based on a wafer which is the electrically active part of the solar cell, the latter uses an electrically inactive low-cost silicon substrate with an active layer of epitaxially grown silicon on top. Low-cost silicon materials with different impurity grades were used for HCl gas gettering experiments with the variation of process parameters like the temperature, the gettering time, and the HCl gas concentration. Subsequently, the multicrystalline silicon neighboring wafers with and without gettering were compared by element analysis techniques like neutron activation analysis (NAA). It was demonstrated that HCl gas gettering is an effective purification technique for silicon wafers, which is able to reduce some 3d transition metal concentrations by over 90%. Solar cells were processed for both concepts which could demonstrate a significant increase of the solar cell efficiency by HCl gas gettering. The efficiency of EpiWE cells could be increased by HCl gas gettering by approximately 25% relative to cells without gettering. First process simulations were performed based on a simple model for HCl gas gettering processes, which could be used to make qualitative predictions.
Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Kombination verschiedener numerischer Methoden, sowie deren Anwendung auf Probleme stark korrelierter Elektronensysteme. Solche Materialien zeigen viele interessante physikalische Eigenschaften, wie z.B. Supraleitung und magnetische Ordnung und spielen eine bedeutende Rolle in technischen Anwendungen. Es werden zwei verschiedene Modelle behandelt: das Hubbard-Modell und das Kondo-Gitter-Modell (KLM). In den letzten Jahrzehnten konnten bereits viele Erkenntnisse durch die numerische Lösung dieser Modelle gewonnen werden. Dennoch bleibt der physikalische Ursprung vieler Effekte verborgen. Grund dafür ist die Beschränkung aktueller Methoden auf bestimmte Parameterbereiche. Eine der stärksten Einschränkungen ist das Fehlen effizienter Algorithmen für tiefe Temperaturen.rnrnBasierend auf dem Blankenbecler-Scalapino-Sugar Quanten-Monte-Carlo (BSS-QMC) Algorithmus präsentieren wir eine numerisch exakte Methode, die das Hubbard-Modell und das KLM effizient bei sehr tiefen Temperaturen löst. Diese Methode wird auf den Mott-Übergang im zweidimensionalen Hubbard-Modell angewendet. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Studien können wir einen Mott-Übergang bei endlichen Temperaturen und endlichen Wechselwirkungen klar ausschließen.rnrnAuf der Basis dieses exakten BSS-QMC Algorithmus, haben wir einen Störstellenlöser für die dynamische Molekularfeld Theorie (DMFT) sowie ihre Cluster Erweiterungen (CDMFT) entwickelt. Die DMFT ist die vorherrschende Theorie stark korrelierter Systeme, bei denen übliche Bandstrukturrechnungen versagen. Eine Hauptlimitation ist dabei die Verfügbarkeit effizienter Störstellenlöser für das intrinsische Quantenproblem. Der in dieser Arbeit entwickelte Algorithmus hat das gleiche überlegene Skalierungsverhalten mit der inversen Temperatur wie BSS-QMC. Wir untersuchen den Mott-Übergang im Rahmen der DMFT und analysieren den Einfluss von systematischen Fehlern auf diesen Übergang.rnrnEin weiteres prominentes Thema ist die Vernachlässigung von nicht-lokalen Wechselwirkungen in der DMFT. Hierzu kombinieren wir direkte BSS-QMC Gitterrechnungen mit CDMFT für das halb gefüllte zweidimensionale anisotrope Hubbard Modell, das dotierte Hubbard Modell und das KLM. Die Ergebnisse für die verschiedenen Modelle unterscheiden sich stark: während nicht-lokale Korrelationen eine wichtige Rolle im zweidimensionalen (anisotropen) Modell spielen, ist in der paramagnetischen Phase die Impulsabhängigkeit der Selbstenergie für stark dotierte Systeme und für das KLM deutlich schwächer. Eine bemerkenswerte Erkenntnis ist, dass die Selbstenergie sich durch die nicht-wechselwirkende Dispersion parametrisieren lässt. Die spezielle Struktur der Selbstenergie im Impulsraum kann sehr nützlich für die Klassifizierung von elektronischen Korrelationseffekten sein und öffnet den Weg für die Entwicklung neuer Schemata über die Grenzen der DMFT hinaus.