255 resultados para Humour
Il presente elaborato ha come obiettivo l’analisi della traduzione di alcuni estratti del libro di George Carlin "When will Jesus bring the pork chops?" L’opera si presenta come una raccolta di testi satirici, tutti dello stesso autore, che trattano temi ritenuti spesso tabù, quali, tra gli altri, l’handicap fisico e mentale, la morte e l’abuso. L’autore, conosciuto per la sua grande capacità oratoria, il suo humor dark e per l’uso di un linguaggio spesso scurrile e molto vario in tal sen-so, è uno tra i comici americani più conosciuti e stimati in tutto il mondo. La traduzione di un autore come Carlin è un esercizio importante proprio per la complessità del linguaggio che il comico utilizzava e per le tematiche che trattava, ma non solo; può infatti portare a una mag-giore consapevolezza sul ruolo del traduttore e sulle considerazioni, oltre che di tipo tecnico e pratico, teoriche ed etiche che questo lavoro richiede. Nei capitoli iniziali verranno presentate alcune teorie molto utili ed interessanti sia dal punto di vista pratico sia da quello dell’inquadramento teorico. Nel capitolo sul verbally expressed humour si presenteranno alcuni studi sui problemi principali nella traduzione delle opere umoristiche mentre, nel capitolo finale, si tratterà l'analisi della proposta di traduzione di alcuni frammenti dell’opera di Carlin con un commento sulle scelte applicate.
La Artificiosa memoria siue Phoenix de Pedro de Rávena tuvo una amplia difusión en la Europa del siglo XVI. Dos son las claves de su éxito: la fama de ilustre memorioso que consiguió forjarse con sus exhibiciones de memoria y el uso de las emociones en la formulación de reglas mnemotécnicas basadas en el humor y el erotismo. Sin embargo, poco antes de morir, en 1508, publicó unas breves Additiones quaedam ad artificiosam memoriam en las que añade algunas reglas nuevas y, sobre todo, renuncia a la norma que aconseja usar la imagen de jóvenes hermosas para elaborar escenas mnemotécnicas. Esta suerte de retractatio se explica en el contexto de la polémica mantenida con algunos teólogos de Colonia
This article considers the animating role that objects play in the theatre of Philippe Quesne and Vivarium Studio (France). The conventional role of object animation is often characterised by the performer manipulating objects and scenic material on the stage, asserting a control over the environment they are implicated in. In Quesne's theatre, this relationship is democratised. The theatrical apparatus, both materially and conceptually, is set up to enable the flow of animation to be interchangeable, affording an equal agency to the objects being used much as that of the performers. This theatre of animation is drawn through the framing concepts of displacement and humility. Displacement is considered as a compositional strategy that makes us aware of the volume of the stage space beyond the proscenium frame as a plane of composition. The introduction of large inflatable objects, real cars or large roles of fake snow foreground the objects material presence allows Quesne to play with moments of equilibrium, tipping, excess and absence. Humility is traced as a philosophy of objects that transcends the choice, handling and use of material items in Quesne's work. Simple objects take on a specific vibrancy because of how they give shape to the human participants on stage, animating moments of recognition that allows the human figure, its ethics, emotions and humour, to appear.
Willkommen Damen and Gentlemen! Roll up, stroll in and join us on a spectacular stagger through the post-apocalyptical wasteland of 1945. Before your very eyes the bearded ladies run on treadmills as they conjure up past and present digital landscapes. Masquerading as men for your entertainment, and their own protection, the bearded duo use gallows humour to launch you on an unimaginable, unconceivable plight of flight and migration. 1945. Lucia Rippel, expelled from her place of birth, walked 220 miles across the fractured landscape of Europe, with her two children and all her belongings dragged in a cart. In 2015, Ildikó Rippel and Rosie Garton retraced her footsteps, crossing borders, climbing fences, bleeding, crying, and blistering, and carrying their flat-pack children. No Woman’s Land is a politically charged, darkly humorous nod to 1920’s Kabarett, entwining the duo’s experience of the walk with Lucia’s story.
Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida kommunikationen mellan medarbetare på en psykiatrisk intensivvårdsavdelning kan fungera som ett förebyggande verktyg för medarbetarnas upplevda psykosociala arbetsmiljö. Studien är genomförd med en kvalitativ metod där empirin har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju medarbetare på en psykiatriska intensivvårdsavdelning. Empirin har tolkats genom en hermeneutisk ansats. Resultatet av studien visar att den interna kommunikationen mellan medarbetarna har en stor inverkan för den upplevda arbetsmiljön. På grund av den studerade avdelningens stundtals påfrestande och stressiga arbetssituation var de faktorer som påtalades som viktigast för att må bra på arbetet sammanhållning, förtroende, öppen kommunikation och humor. Dessa framkommer genom studien vara kommunikativa verktyg som går att arbeta förebyggande för att främja välmående på arbetsplatsen.
A primeira coisa em que se pensa quando se se debruça sobre um texto, à partida, classificado como humorístico, é qual o seu objectivo, quer dizer, qual é o dispositivo que faz espoletar no leitor aquele mecanismo pelo qual se desencadeia o riso? É um dispositivo aplicado de propósito? Não só, esse dispositivo que espoleta o humor é linguisticamente unidirecional, ou seja, visa apenas uma língua – aquela em que o texto foi escrito – ou permite uma abertura para outros contextos linguístico-culturais?
O presente projeto propõe acrescentar valor ao património do Ecomuseu de Torredeita através da Animação Artística. A criação de uma performance artística traduzida numa visita itinerante pelo Ecomuseu, é a proposta apresentada no sentido de dinamizar a localidade de Torredeita e o Ecomuseu em si. O trabalho é realizado em conjunto com a comunidade, mobilizando sinergias locais e chamando todos os intervenientes a ter um papel ativo na participação artística. A música, o teatro, as tradições e o humor dão vida a cenários museológicos característicos de ofícios e profissões antigas. O que é a arte como trabalho coletivo e até que ponto a animação artística poderá trazer valor a espaços museológicos são questões que este projeto coloca.
Dinucleoside polyphosphates comprises a group of dinucleotides formed by two nucleosides linked by a variable number of phosphates, abbreviated NpnN (where n represents the number of phosphates). These compounds are naturally occurring substances present in tears, aqueous humour and in the retina. As the consequence of their presence, these dinucleotides contribute to many ocular physiological processes. On the ocular surface, dinucleoside polyphosphates can stimulate tear secretion, mucin release from goblet cells and they help epithelial wound healing by accelerating cell migration rate. These dinucleotides can also stimulate the presence of proteins known to protect the ocular surface against microorganisms, such as lysozyme and lactoferrin. One of the latest discoveries is the ability of some dinucleotides to facilitate the paracellular way on the cornea, therefore allowing the delivery of compounds, such as antiglaucomatous ones, more easily within the eye. The compound Ap4A has been described being abnormally elevated in patient's tears suffering of dry eye, Sjogren syndrome, congenital aniridia, or after refractive surgery, suggesting this molecule as biomarker for dry eye condition. At the intraocular level, some diadenosine polyphosphates are abnormally elevated in glaucoma patients, and this can be related to the stimulation of a P2Y2 receptor that increases the chloride efflux and water movement in the ciliary epithelium. In the retina, the dinucleotide dCp4U, has been proven to be useful to help in the recovery of retinal detachments. Altogether, dinucleoside polyphosphates are a group of compounds which present relevant physiological actions but which also can perform promising therapeutic benefits.
In recent years, more and more Chinese films have been exported abroad. This thesis intends to explore the subtitling of Chinese cinema into English, with Zhang Yimou’s films as a case study. Zhang Yimou is arguably the most critically and internationally acclaimed Chinese filmmaker, who has experimented with a variety of genres of films. I argue that in the subtitling of his films, there is an obvious adoption of the domestication translation strategy that reduces or even omits Chinese cultural references. I try to discover what cultural categories or perspectives of China are prone to the domestication of translation and have formulated five categories: humour, politeness, dialect, history and songs and the Peking Opera. My methodology is that I compare the source Chinese dialogue lines with the existing English subtitles by providing literal translations of the source lines, and I will also give my alternative translations that tend to retain the source cultural references better. I also speculate that the domestication strategy is frequently employed by subtitlers possibly because the subtitlers assume the source cultural references are difficult for target language subtitle readers to comprehend, even if they are translated into a target language. However, subtitle readers are very likely to understand more than what the dialogue lines and the target language subtitles express, because films are multimodal entities and verbal information is not the only source of information for subtitle readers. The image and the sound are also significant sources of information for subtitle readers who are constantly involved in a dynamic film-watching experience. They are also expected to grasp visual and acoustic information. The complete omission or domestication of source cultural references might also affect their interpretation of the non-verbal cues. I also contemplate that the translation, which frequently domesticates the source culture carried out by a translator who is also a native speaker of the source language, is ‘submissive translation’.
O Humor é uma das bases da interação social humana e, por conseguinte, uma parte importante das relações que os indivíduos de uma sociedade estabelecem uns com os outros, utilizando-o com as mais variadas intenções. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar nos dois subgéneros narrativos humorísticos - a Piada e a Narrativa Conversacional de Cariz Humorístico - as semelhanças e as diferenças na construção das suas estruturas, na utilização das estratégias interacionais usadas pelos interlocutores durante as interações, bem como alguns elementos avaliativos que traduzem as reações dos intervenientes perante as narrativas ouvidas. Na primeira parte, procedemos à referência das principais linhas teóricas que norteiam o tema do presente trabalho. Neste âmbito, referenciamos os quadros teóricos como o de Raskin (1985) e o de Morais (2010), tendo este último sido utilizado como ferramenta base nas nossas análises. Na segunda parte, analisámos Piadas e Narrativas Conversacionais de Cariz Humorístico, uns retirados do Corpus Morais (2010), outros de um Corpus por nós criado (Furtado (2014)). A partir desta análise constatou-se que (i) a estrutura tanto da Piada como da Narrativa Conversacional de Cariz Humorístico se constrói de forma muito semelhante; (ii) o Ataque na Narrativa Conversacional de Cariz Humorístico se assemelha em muito ao Ataque da Piada; (iii) que o modo como o locutor constrói a Orientação e a Ação na Piada é, de um modo geral, fixo; (iv) que ambos os géneros narrativos contêm formas de qualificação dos enunciados muito semelhantes; (v) que o trigger das Piadas opõe sempre duas ideias distintas, conforme o preconizado por Raskin; (vi) que tanto nas Piadas como nas Narrativas Conversacionais de Cariz Humorístico os interlocutores necessitam de partilhar os mesmos conhecimentos prévios para que o objetivo final do locutor seja alcançado, isto é, o riso.
A evidência demonstra que as patologias do humor ocupam um lugar de destaque no panorama nacional. Elas são objeto de atenção dos enfermeiros e impõemse como um compromisso para a formação pessoal e profissional. Procurei então desenvolver competências clínicas de avaliação diagnóstica e de intervenção em contexto de cuidados, no domínio da saúde mental e psiquiatria. E apresentar sob a forma de relatório de estágio todo este processo. Dotado de um conjunto de conhecimentos prévios desenvolvi com os doentes estratégias de intervenção. Estas foram definidas a partir de uma avaliação diagnóstica que sistematicamente foi reformulada em função dos resultados que iam sendo obtidos com as respetivas intervenções. Os resultados demonstram que esta intervenção permitiu aos doentes mudar a forma como se veem, aumentar a sua capacidade de afirmação, expressar os seus sentimentos e pensamentos e, estabelecer a autoconfiança no sentido de facilitar o processo de reintegração familiar e social; ABSTRACT: PSYCHOSOCIAL REHABILITATION OF THE PATIENT WITH DEPRESSION Evidence shows that the pathologies humour occupy a prominent place on the national scene. They are nurses object of attention and impose themselves as a commitment to personal and professional development. I looked then develop clinical skills diagnostic assessment and intervention in the context of care in the field of mental health and psychiatry. And in the form of internship report this whole process. With a set of previous knowledge developed with patients intervention strategies. These were defined from a diagnostic evaluation that has been systematically reformulated depending on the results that were being achieved with the respective intervention. The results show that this intervention allowed the patients change the way they come, increase their assertiveness, express their feelings and thoughts and establish the confidence to facilitate the process of family and social reintegration.
TRPV4 activation triggers the release of melatonin from human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells
Melatonin is a neurohormone mainly produced in the pineal gland; nevertheless, various ocular structures such as the ciliary body, lens and the retina produce it. One of the roles of melatonin in the eye is the modulation of intraocular pressure, although little is known about the mechanisms that causes its presence in the aqueous humour. TRPV4 is a membrane channel which is activated by both physical and chemical stimuli. Therefore, this channel is sensitive to osmotic and hydrostatic pressure. As a consequence, TRPV4 results as an interesting candidate to study the relation between the activation of the TRPV4 channel and the production of melatonin. In this sense we have studied the role of the TRPV4 agonist GSK1016790A to modulate the production of melatonin in a cell line derived from human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells. The stimulation of the TRPV4 produced an increase in the extracellular melatonin levels changing from 8.5 ± 0.6 nM/well/30 min (control) to 23.3 ± 2.1 nM/well/30 min after 10 nM GSK1016790A application, this action being blocked by the selective antagonist RN 1734. The activation of the TRPV4 by GSK1016790A permitted to observe a melatonin increase which was concentration-dependent, and provided a pD2 value of −8.5 ± 0.1 (EC50 of 3.0 nM). In conclusion, the activation of the TRPV4 present in human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells can modulate the presence of extracellular melatonin, this being of relevance since this substance controls the dynamics of the aqueous humour.
En juin 2009, le colloque de l'Association québécoise de pédagogie collégial (AQPC) portait le titre Pour des apprentissages durables. Les participants et participantes du colloque échangeaient donc sur les moyens qui peuvent être mis en place pour que les étudiants et étudiantes gardent les connaissances acquises sur le long terme. Lors de ce colloque, plusieurs ateliers et conférences ont porté sur les méthodes d'enseignement novatrices comme l'apprentissage par projet. Toutefois, très peu ont touché au potentiel des émotions vécues dans une classe pour favoriser l'élaboration de la mémoire à long terme. Notre recherche porte précisément sur ce thème. Elle se situe dans le cadre d'un cours de biologie obligatoire pour tous les étudiants et étudiantes du programme de Sciences de la nature : Évolution et diversité du vivant (101-NYA-05). La problématique a été établie à partir de certaines observations faites dans trois collèges où le chercheur principal a oeuvré. Il s'agit du Cégep de Victoriaville, du Cégep François-Xavier-Garneau et du Cégep de Lévis-Lauzon. C'est toutefois à l'intérieur du Cégep de Lévis-Lauzon que la recherche a été menée. Parmi ces observations, on note d'abord qu'à l'intérieur des cours de biologie en général, l'exposé magistral occupe une place importante. Certains problèmes reliés à l'abandon du cours Évolution et diversité du vivant ou aux taux de réussite reliés à ce cours ont également été observés. Enfin, l'action des enseignants et enseignantes porte surtout sur le traitement cognitif des contenus, les émotions étant peu prises en considération. Il est de notre avis que faire plus de place aux émotions en classe —notamment durant l'exposé magistral — pourrait améliorer le processus de mémorisation à long terme ce qui pourrait avoir un impact éventuel sur les taux de réussite. Cela nous a amenés à formuler l'objectif général de notre recherche qui est d'établir un lien entre ce qui est conservé dans la mémoire à long terme et les émotions qui ont pu être vécues par les étudiantes et étudiants lors de l'apprentissage dans le cadre du cours Évolution et diversité du vivant. Le cadre de référence sur lequel s'est appuyée notre recherche repose en premier lieu sur le développement de deux concepts : émotions et mémoire. Nous avons d'abord défini le concept d'émotion, établi une liste de mots permettant l'expression d'émotions et mis en relief les relations qui existent entre les émotions et la cognition. Nous avons ensuite défini le concept de mémoire et en avons présenté les divers types. En deuxième lieu, nous avons présenté les structures cérébrales ainsi que les mécanismes biochimiques qui interviennent lors de l'élaboration de la mémoire à long terme. Le rôle des structures cérébrales impliquées dans les émotions sur la formation de réseaux neuronaux associés à la mémoire y a notamment été exposé. Enfin, des études menées en milieu scolaire portant sur le rôle des émotions en classe ont été présentées. Pour répondre à l'objectif général de notre recherche, nous avons opté pour une recherche qualitative descriptive. Treize étudiants et étudiantes du programme de Sciences de la nature du Cégep de Lévis-Lauzon ont accepté de participer à une entrevue de type semi-dirigé. Ces étudiantes et étudiants étaient tous en dernière session du programme ce qui laissait un écart d'au moins treize mois entre la fin du cours Évolution et diversité du vivant et la participation à l'entrevue. Au cours des entretiens, les participants et participantes avaient à identifier les trois éléments de contenu relié au cours qu'ils avaient le mieux conservés en mémoire. Ils devaient également identifier des émotions vécues à l'intérieur du même cours. Ils pouvaient également présenter des exemples vécus de lien émotion-mémoire dans le cadre du même cours. Les entrevues ont été transcrites et les contenus analysés par segmentation des unités de sens. Les résultats de notre recherche montrent que les participants et participantes de notre étude accordent une grande importance au rôle que jouent les émotions vécues en classe sur leur capacité de mémorisation. À cet égard, plusieurs éléments de contenus identifiés ont pu être reliés à des émotions vécues en classe. Par exemple, la génétique et la sélection naturelle ont fréquemment été reliées à l'amusement ou au plaisir. La surprise est également une émotion qui a été associée à plusieurs éléments de contenu. Il faut toutefois préciser que dans certains cas, les éléments de contenus identifiés n'avaient pas liens évidents avec des émotions vécues en classe. Dans ces cas, le travail personnel a pu avoir un impact positif par exemple. Toutefois, il est clair selon les participants et participantes que les émotions vécues en classe ont pu avoir un rôle déterminant sur la mémorisation de certains éléments de contenus identifiés. Notre analyse permet d'en venir à la même conclusion. À partir de l'analyse des entrevues et des liens qui ont été établis par les participants et participantes entre les émotions vécues et les éléments de contenus mémorisés, nous avons élaboré un répertoire comprenant cinq catégories d'outils permettant de favoriser la construction de la mémoire à long terme en agissant via les émotions vécues en classe. Ces catégories sont l'humour; les actions de l'enseignant ou l'enseignante; les témoignages; les personnifications et les comparaisons; et finalement, les activités et les jeux. Bien que notre recherche se situe dans le contexte d'un cours de biologie propre au programme de Sciences de la nature, le répertoire développé est suffisamment vaste pour être utile, dans des conditions semblables, à l'enseignement d'autres cours au sein de la communauté collégiale. L'exploitation du potentiel des émotions vécues en classe ne peut être considérée comme la recette qui règle tous les problèmes reliés aux apprentissages durables. Cette exploitation peut néanmoins représenter un outil pédagogique intéressant pour quiconque se sentirait à l'aise de l'utiliser.
El humor político alrededor del mundo ha sido un recurso para criticar el poder y la esfera política con la mordacidad que otros escenarios no permiten y con lenguajes que generan empatía con el público. En la capacidad de criticar a todos los poderes –y poderosos- por igual, sin condescendencias, recae la credibilidad de esa crítica, la cual se debe poder hacer sin censura en una sociedad pluralista y democrática. En Colombia, el humor político en televisión emergió y vivió su época dorada en la década de los noventa, hasta que su principal exponente, Jaime Garzón, fue asesinado. Este trabajo de grado buscó indagar por qué, a pesar de que nuevos productos de crítica política con humor surgieron en el país, hoy no hay ese tipo de oferta en la televisión abierta nacional. La respuesta a ese interrogante se pudo encontrar en múltiples factores, como un nuevo modelo económico en la industria de la televisión, un ambiente político polarizado y la ausencia o falta de promoción de talentos detrás de los libretos. Asimismo, en medio de esta coyuntura, se plantea que internet ha sido un vehículo para expresar, incluso de manera anónima, lo que miembros de la sociedad creen que anda mal con el poder y la política.
In this paper I analyse the discursive mechanics on a scene of the Brazilian film Ó paí, ó! , directed by Monique Gardenberg and based on Marcio Meirelles's play. As a start I reckon that the film textualises the social aspects parting from the relation between humour and denunciation. This relation mirrors at another one: the one between art and resistence, which is broadcast on the common sense as well as on the theoretical-political and artistical field. I reckon humour as the expression of both exaggeration and irony that is formulated by the interweavement of images, gestures, sounds and text. The denunciation, however, is viewed as the textualisation of the conflict, once there is an element of denouncement in the play (as well as in the film), since it intends to portrait the situation of the inhabitants of Pelourinho (a historical neighbourhood in Salvador) during the 90's. This was the period when the neighbourhood was under refurbishment, motivated by touristic interests. The analysis is done under the analytical and theoretical premises of the Discourse Analysis, on a materialist perspective. I also use the notions of interdiscourse, resistence and denunciation against the analytical notions of intradiscourse and discursive memory. I believe to be able to show how the visual formulations textualise social aspects, considering the intersection between humour and denunciation as an axis of sustainability of these formulations.