755 resultados para PEI
A new 12 channels parallel optical transmitter module in which a Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL) has been selected as the optical source is capable of transmitting 37.5Gbps date over hundreds meters. A new 12 channels parallel optical receiver module in which a GaAs PIN (p-intrinsic-n-type) array has been selected as the optical receiver unit is capable of responding to 30Gbps date. A transmission system based on a 12 channels parallel optical transmitter module and a 12 channels parallel optical receiver module can be used as a 10Gbps STM-64 or an OC-192 optical transponder. The parallel optical modules and the parallel optical transmission system have passed the test in laboratory.
A monolithically integrated CMOS bioamplifier is presented in this paper for EEG recording applications. The capacitive-coupled circuit input structure is utilized to eliminate the large and random DC offsets existing in the electrode-tissue interface. Diode-connected NMOS transistors with negative voltage between gate and source are candidates for large resistors necessary to the bioamplifier. A passive BEF (Band Eliminator Filter) can reduce 50 Hz noise disturbance strength by more than 60 dB. A novel analysis approach is given to help determine the noise power spectral density. Simulation results show that the two-stage CMOS bioamplifier in a closed-loop capacitive feedback configuration,provides an AC in-band gain of 39.6 dB, a DC gain of zero, and an input-referred noise of 87 nVrms integrated from 0.01 Hz to 100 Hz.
This paper describes the design process and performance of the optimized parallel optical transmission module. Based on 1x12 VCSEL (Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser) array, we designed and fabricated the high speed parallel optical modules. Our parallel optical module contains a 1x12 VCSEL array, a 12 channel CMOS laser driver circuit, a high speed PCB (Printed Circuit Board), a MT fiber connector and a packaging housing. The L-I-V characteristics of the 850nm VCSEL was measured at the operating current 8mA, 3dB frequency bandwidth more than 3GHz and the optical output 1mW. The transmission rate of all 12 channels is 30Gbit/s, with a single channel 2.5Gbit/s. By adopting the integration of the 1x12 VCSEL array and the driver array, we make a high speed PCB (Printed Circuit Board) to provide the optoelectronic chip with the operating voltage and high speed signals current. The LVDS (Low-Voltage Differential Signals) was set as the input signal to achieve better high frequency performance. The active coupling was adopted with a MT connector (8 degrees slant fiber array). We used the Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) packaging. With the edge connector, the module could be inserted into the system dispense with bonding process.
The present study reports a subretinal implant device which can imitate the function of photoreceptor cells. Photodiode (PD) arrays on the chip translate the incident light into current according to the intensity of light. With an electrode at the end of every photodiode, the PDs transfer the current to the remnant healthy visual cells such as bipolar cells and horizontal cells and then activate these cells. Biocompatible character of the materials and artificial photoreceptor itself were tested and the photoelectric characteristics of the chips in simulative condition were described and discussed.
A novel CMOS-based preamplifier for amplifying brain neural signal obtained by scalp electrodes in brain-computer interface (BCI) is presented in this paper. By means of constructing effective equivalent input circuit structure of the preamplifier, two capacitors of 5 pF are included to realize the DC suppression compared to conventional preamplifiers. Then this preamplifier is designed and simulated using the standard 0.6 mu m MOS process technology model parameters with a supply voltage of 5 volts. With differential input structures adopted, simulation results of the preamplifier show that the input impedance amounts to more than 2 Gohm with brain neural signal frequency of 0.5 Hz-100 Hz. The equivalent input noise voltage is 18 nV/Hz(1/2). The common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of 112 dB and the open-loop differential gain of 90 dB are achieved.
We study the four-wave mixing (FWM) in an opening five-level system with two dressing fields. There are three kinds of doubly dressing mechanisms (parallel cascade, sequential cascade, and nested cascade) in the system for doubly dressed four-wave mixing. These mechanisms reflect different correlations between two dressing fields and different effects of two dressing fields to the FWM. Investigation of these mechanisms is helpful to understand the generated high-order nonlinear optical signal dressed by multi-fields.
The dressed four- and six-wave mixings in a V-type four-level system are considered. Under two different dressed conditions, two- and three-photon resonant Autler-Townes splittings, accompanied by enhancement and suppression of wave mixing signal, are obtained analytically. Meanwhile, an electromagnetic induced transparency of multi-wave mixing is presented, which shows multiple peaks and asymmetric effects caused by one-photon, two-photon and three-photon resonances, separately. The slow light propagation multiple region of multi-wave mixing signal is also obtained.
随着材料科学的飞速发展,人们对具有不同结构和性能的聚合物材料提出了更高、更广泛的要求,合成出具有新型结构的聚合物,并研究其独特的性质和功能已成为当今高分子领域研究的主要方向。旋光性聚合物具有独特的不对称结构,在自然界的生物体中,旋光性大分子特有的不对称结构在维持生命过程、新陈代谢、物种繁衍、进化等方面都起着决定性的作用,在人工合成聚合物领域,旋光性聚合物也已经在手性识别和对映体拆分方面取得了广泛应用,并在手性催化剂、液晶、光开关、非线性光学和生物医药等领域表现出了潜在的应用前景。在本论文中,我们以具有强轴手性结构的2,2'-取代1,1'-联萘为手性源,设计并合成得到了多个系列的旋光性和非旋光性聚合物,取得了一些有意义的结果。1.含联萘基团旋光性聚酰亚胺的合成与性质从1,1'-联-2-萘酚出发合成了新型旋光性和非旋光性二酐单体,即2,2'-(3,3',-(3,3', 4,4'-四酸二酐)二苯甲酰氧基-1,1'-联萘((±)-,(R)-和(S)-BNDEDA),并通过BNDEDA和2,2'-(3,3', 4,4'-四酸二酐)二苯甲酰胺基-1,1'-联萘((±)-和(S)-BNDADA)同各种二胺的缩合聚合,制备得到了一系列旋光性和非旋光性聚酯酰亚胺PEIs和聚酰胺酰亚胺PAIs。(1) 所得芳香聚酰亚胺都具有良好的溶解性,较高的玻璃化转变温度和热分解温度:(2) PAIs和PEIs同它们相应的模型化合物在DMF溶液中具有基本相同的紫外可见吸收光谱,这说明聚合物沿分子主链方向的共轭长度局限在重复单元的结构之内,因此PAIs和PEIs溶液涂敷所得薄膜均表现出良好的透光性;(3) PAIs和PEIs都是非晶聚合物,但是它们在2θ为~12°处出现的衍射峰又说明在聚合物体系中存在着一定的长程有序结构,PEIs的有序性要高于PAIs的有序性,偶数亚甲基长脂肪链的引入没有造成PEI有序性的明显提高,而奇数亚甲基长脂肪链的引入则使得PEI在2θ为12°处的衍射峰更为明显;(4) 由于无法紧密排列,高分子链间的相互作用力不强,因此旋光性和非旋光性聚合物在热性能、溶解性和结晶性等方面均没有表现出明显差异;(5) 旋光性芳香PAls和PEIs都具有比它们相应模型化合物高的特性旋光值,CD谱图和构象分析结果表明,由于1,1'-联萘基团的轴手性和分子主链的刚性,旋光性芳香PAIs和PEIs的高分子链都具有高级手性构象结构;(6) 由于1,1'-联萘基团的二面角随着温度的升高而发生变化,因此聚合物的手性光学性质对温度表现出了明显的依赖关系。(7) 旋光性PAIs在DMF溶液中和在固体状态下都具有很好的旋光热稳定性,旋光性PEIs在固体状态下于玻璃化转变温度加热48 h也没有出现旋光能力的降低;(8) 光学双折射测试结果表明,溶液涂敷所得非旋光性聚合物薄膜的负性双折射要强于相应旋光性聚合物薄膜的负性双折射。2.新型联萘二酐和二胺单体的合成与聚合从1,1'-联-2-萘酚出发对1,1'-联萘基团的不同取得位置进行官能化,合成得到了九种14个新型联萘化合物,并成功地将改进的Curtius和Gabriel反应应用到联萘类二胺单体的合成中。利用所合成的新型二酐单体和二胺单体分别同各种二胺和二酐的缩合聚合,制备得到了一系列具有新型结构的非旋光性芳香聚酰亚胺,聚合物表现出良好的溶解性,较高的玻璃化转变温度和热分解温度。X-射线衍射谱图说明高分子链从1,1'-联萘基团6,6'-位连接所得聚酰亚胺具有较好的结构有序性。3.主链螺旋聚甲基丙烯酸联萘酚单甲醚酯的合成与表征从2-甲氧基-2'-羟基-1,1'-联萘出发,合成得到了新型旋光性和非旋光性甲基丙烯酸酯聚合单体,并在AIBN的自由基引发作用下聚合得到了具有主链螺旋结构的新型旋光性聚合物。(1) 手性光学性质的研究结果表明,旋光性聚甲基丙烯酸酯具有主链单手螺旋结构;(2) 聚合过程中不存在对映体选择性或对映有择性的聚合方式:(3) 聚合物核磁氢谱的研究结果表明,在旋光性聚合物体系中,位于侧链的联萘基团可能取两种构象结构,即动力学稳定和热力学稳定的构象。随着旋光性聚合物单手主链螺旋结构的形成,使甲氧基处于较高屏蔽状态下的联萘反式构象成为动力学稳定构象;(4) 变温核磁氢谱的研究表明,温度升高将造成动力学稳定的联萘反式构象结构在聚合物中的比例减少,并伴随着聚合物特性旋光值的降低,同时热力学稳定的联萘顺式构象结构在聚合物中的比例在增加;(5) 手性光学性质和核磁氢谱的研究结果表明,旋光性聚合物的主链手性构象(与侧链上联萘基团的构象相对应)对分子量的高低具有依赖关系;(6) 聚合单体同具有不同对映体过量的旋光性聚合物具有基本相同的紫外吸收光谱,说明旋光性聚合物中联萘基团构象结构的变化并未造成共轭程度的较大变化。而无论旋光性或是非旋光性聚合物所表现出来的荧光性则说明在聚合物体系中可能存在着联萘侧基的相互作用,形成了π电子跃迁。4.含联萘基团旋光性聚酯和聚酰胺的合成与性质通过(±)-和(S)-2,2'-二甲氧基-1,1-联萘-6,6'-二酰氯((±)-和(S)-DMBNDC)分别同1,1'-联-2-萘酚进行的界面缩聚,以及分别同各种芳香二胺在DMAc中的溶液缩聚合成得到了一系列旋光性和非旋光性聚酯和聚酰胺。(1) 聚合过程中不存在对映有择或对映体选择性的聚合方式;(2) GPC、~1H NMR谱图以及激光质谱的研究结果表明,DMBNDC同1,1'-联-2-萘酚的缩合产物可能主要以环状低聚物的形式存在;(3) 根据DMBNDC同1,1'-联-2-萘酚缩合所得产物的特性旋光值可以推断在聚合物体系中DMBNDC和1,1'-联-2-萘酚的手性结构具有良好的加和性:(4) (±)-和(S)-DMBNDC同各种芳香二胺聚合所得非旋光性和旋光性聚酰胺都表现出良好的溶解性,较高的玻璃化转变温度以及热稳定性。旋光性聚酰胺具有比相应非旋光性聚酰胺高的玻璃化转变温度;(5) 广角X-射线衍射谱图上的弥散峰表明所得聚酰胺具有非晶结构,但是随着二胺单元结构刚性的增强,聚合物在~13°处出现了新的衍射峰,说明聚合物结构的有序性得到了增强:(6) 旋光性聚酰胺都具有比模型化合物(S)-7高的特性旋光值,而且不同二胺单元结构造成了聚合物特性旋光值的较大变化,构象分析结果表明在旋光性聚酰胺的分子主链上存在着高级手性构象。
本文从3-硝基苯酐出发合成了3-位异构体的聚酰亚胺如:3,3'PTI-PoP,3,3'-PEI-PoP,3,3'-PSI-PoP。并利用本实验室已有的4-位异构体双酐,与3-位异构体双酐按不同比例混合分别与4,4'-二胺基二苯醚(简称PoP)共聚获得一系列共聚产物,此外还合成了尚未完见文献报导的3,4'-PTI-PoP,并对由不同异构体双酐获得的聚酰亚胺的性能进行了全面系统地研究与比较。考察了3-位异构体和4-位异构体所获得的聚酰胺酸溶液的稳定性,发现3-位异构体的聚酰胺酸比4-位异构体降解得快。用热分析法研究了聚酰亚胺的热稳定性,可以发现,PTI-PoP是具有最高的热稳定性。开始分解温度在530 ℃以上,属于最耐热聚合物的一种。PEI-PoP分解温度在500 PoP以上。PSI-PoP的热稳定性低于前二者。另一个现象是热稳定性与异构体无关,3-位和4-位异构体聚合物具有相当一致的稳定性。此外含有硫醚的聚酰亚胺的热稳定性高于含氧醚链的聚合物。PEI-PoP具有相当突击的韧性,且其韧性与异构体无明显关系,而PTI-PoP的韧性却决定于异构体的结构。4,4'-PTI-PoP具有较好的韧性,但3,3'-PTI-PoP就显得较脆,共聚物的韧性随4-位异构体组成的增加韧性增大。有趣的是3,4'-PTI-PoP具有较好的韧性。玻璃化转变温度系PSI-PoP最高,3,3'-PSI-PoP的T_g高于350 ℃,4,4'-PSI-PoP最低,3,3'-PEI-PoP的T-g高于4,4'-PEI-PoP。共聚物的T_g随4-位异构体含量的增加而降低。PEI-PoP耐光水学性能良好,PTI-PoP次之,其中4,4'-PEI-PoP优于3,3'-PEI-PoP;4,4'-PTI-PoP又好于3,3'-PTI-PoP。突出表现在4,4'-PEI-PoP和4,4'-PTI-PoP能够耐氯仿,而3,3'-PEI-PoP和3,3'-PTI-PoP氯仿则是它们的良溶剂。4,4'-PTI-PoP比3,3'-PTI-PoP耐碱。由不同异构体又酐所获得的聚酰亚胺的动态力学行为各异。3,3'-PTI-PoP和3,3'-PEI-PoP在到达玻璃化温度之前无明显的β-次转变峰,而4,4'-PTI-PoP和4,4'-PEI-PoP在50~200 ℃范围内有一个很宽的次转变峰。共聚物的次转变峰面积随异构体组成的不同而规律地变化,4-位异构体含量增加,面积增大。另外随温度升高,在T_g之前,贮能模量下降百分率也有规律可循,3,3'-PEI-PoP和3,3'-PTI-PoP分别比4,4'-PEI-PoP和4,4'-PTI-PoP下降幅度小。共聚物中,随4-位异构体含量的增加,模量下降百分率增大。3,4'-PTI-PoP的动态力学谱类似PTI-PoP共聚物,出现β-次转变峰,而其T_g高于4,4'-PTI-PoP低于3,3'-PTI-PoP.
A two-dimensional (2D) multi-channel silicon-based microelectrode array is developed for recording neural signals. Three photolithographic masks are utilized in the fabrication process. SEM images show that the microprobe is 1. 2mm long,100μm wide,and 30μm thick, with recording sites spaced 200μm apart for good signal isolation. For the individual recording sites, the characteristics of impedance versus frequency are shown by in vitro testing. The impedance declines from 14MΩ to 1.9kv as the frequency changes from 0 to 10MHz. A compatible PCB (print circuit board) aids in the less troublesome implantation and stabilization of the microprobe.
A monolithic integrated CMOS preamplifier is presented for neural recording applications. Two AC-coupied capacitors are used to eliminate the large and random DC offsets existing in the electrode-electrolyte interface. Diode-connected nMOS transistors with a negative voltage between the gate and source are candidates for the large resistors necessary for the preamplifier. A novel analysis is given to determine the noise power spectral density. Simulation results show that the two-stage CMOS preamplifier in a closed-loop capacitive feedback configuration provides an AC in-band gain of 38.8dB,a DC gain of 0,and an input-referred noise of 277nVmax, integrated from 0. 1Hz to 1kHz. The preamplifier can eliminate the DC offset voltage and has low input-referred noise by novel circuit configuration and theoretical analysis.
Design and fabrication of a parallel optical transmitter are reported. The optimized 12 channel parallel optical transmitter,with each channel's data rate up to 3Gbit/s,is designed, assembled, and measured. A top-emitting 850nm vertical cavity surface emitting laser(VCSEL) array is adopted as the light source,and the VCSEL chip is directly wire bonded to a 12 channel driver IC. The outputs of the VCSEL array are directly butt coupled into a 12 channel fiber array. Small form factor pluggable (SFP) packaging technology is used in the module to support hot pluggable in application. The performance results of the module are demonstrated. At an operating current of 8mA, an eye diagram at 3Gbit/s is achieved with an optical output of more than 1mW.