778 resultados para Mathematics teachers


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El presente trabajo de titulación denominado Texto Guía para Docentes enfocado en el bloque de Matemáticas Discretas del Primero B.G.U, ha sido desarrollado con la finalidad de presentar un aporte significativoy de ayuda al docente de Matemáticas de Primero de Bachillerato, anhelando un mejor desenvolvimiento dentro del aula de clase. Este documento está elaborado en base a la legislación educativa ecuatoriana vigente y de los documentos oficiales del Ministerio de Educación, el tema propuesto corresponde al tercer bloque curricular del primer año de Bachillerato General Unificado en la asignatura de Matemáticas. Nuestro trabajo de titulación se compone de tres capítulos. En el capítulo uno, se presenta una síntesis de temas como la evolución de la educación ecuatoriana, los modelos pedagógicos, los métodos de enseñanza, didáctica de la matemática y programación lineal, considerados como base para el desarrollo de la propuesta. En el capítulo dos, se detalla la investigación estadística realizada mediante una encuesta aplicada a docentes de Matemáticas de Primer año de Bachillerato, pertenecientes a la Coordinación Zonal 6 de Educación, Distrito Norte. Los resultados encontrados cimentaron la propuesta de la implementación del texto guía para el aprendizaje de Matemáticas Discretas. En el capítulo tres se elabora la propuesta del texto guía, estructurado en seis guías didácticas, cada una corresponde al desarrollo de una destreza con criterio de desempeñopara el tema planteado. Al final de este capítulo, se detallan conclusiones y recomendaciones dirigidas para el docente de matemáticas.


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El presente trabajo titulado “Guía Didáctica de Rúbricas de Evaluación para el Bloque Uno de Números y Funciones, dirigida a docentes de matemática de Segundo Año de Bachillerato” ha sido diseñado con la intención de fortalecer el proceso de evaluación a través de la utilización de un nuevo instrumento, la rúbrica; con el objetivo de facilitarla tarea evaluadora del docente. En el primer capítulo, se da a conocer de manera general los cambios que ha sufrido la educación en los últimos años, la necesidad de conocer y relacionar las corrientes pedagógicas innovadoras como el constructivismo y la teoría del aprendizaje significativo con la evaluación del proceso educativo, la didáctica en el ámbito de la matemática, y la implementación de guías didácticas y rúbricas como instrumentos de apoyo para el docente. En el segundo capítulo se busca dar sustento a la propuesta mediante la aplicación de una encuesta, en la cual se evidenciala falta de instrumentos de evaluación que rompan el estigma de la utilización únicamente de pruebas en este proceso, además la factibilidad del uso de una guía didáctica de rúbricas para la matemática. Finalmente, en el tercer capítulo se presentan20 modelos de rúbricas holísticas y analíticas desarrolladas por cada actividad, referidas al Bloque Uno de “Números y Funciones” en base a las Destrezas con Criterio de Desempeño de acuerdo a lo que se establece en el Currículo del sistema educativo ecuatoriano.


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A literature-based instrument gathered data about 147 final-year preservice teachers’ perceptions of their mentors’ practices related to primary mathematics teaching. Five factors characterized effective mentoring practices in primary mathematics teaching had acceptable Cronbach alphas, that is, Personal Attributes (mean scale score=3.97, SD [standard deviation]=0.81), System Requirements (mean scale score=2.98, SD=0.96), Pedagogical Knowledge (mean scale score=3.61, SD=0.89), Modelling (mean scale score=4.03, SD=0.73), and Feedback (mean scale score=3.80, SD=0.86) were .91, .74, .94, .89, and .86 respectively. Qualitative data (n=44) investigated mentors’ perceptions of mentoring these preservice teachers, including identification of successful mentoring practices and ways to enhance practices.


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Worldwide, there is considerable attention to providing a supportive mathematics learning environment for young children because attitude formation and achievement in these early years of schooling have a lifelong impact. Key influences on young children during these early years are their teachers. Practising early years teachers‟ attitudes towards mathematics influence the teaching methods they employ, which in turn, affects young students‟ attitudes towards mathematics, and ultimately, their achievement. However, little is known about practising early years teachers‟ attitudes to mathematics or how these attitudes form, which is the focus of this study. The research questions were: 1. What attitudes do practising early years teachers hold towards mathematics? 2. How did the teachersmathematics attitudes form? This study adopted an explanatory case study design (Yin, 2003) to investigate practising early years teachers‟ attitudes towards mathematics and the formation of these attitudes. The research took place in a Brisbane southside school situated in a middle socio-economic area. The site was chosen due to its accessibility to the researcher. The participant group consisted of 20 early years teachers. They each completed the Attitude Towards Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) (Schackow, 2005), which is a 40 item instrument that measures attitudes across the four dimensions of attitude, namely value, enjoyment, self-confidence and motivation. The teachers‟ total ATMI scores were classified according to five quintiles: strongly negative, negative, neutral, positive and strongly positive. The results of the survey revealed that these teachers‟ attitudes ranged across only three categories with one teacher classified as strongly positive, twelve teachers classified as positive and seven teachers classified as neutral. No teachers were identified as having negative or strongly negative attitudes. Subsequent to the surveys, six teachers with a breadth of attitudes were selected from the original cohort to participate in open-ended interviews to investigate the formation of their attitudes. The interview data were analysed according to the four dimensions of attitudes (value, enjoyment, self-confidence, motivation) and three stages of education (primary, secondary, tertiary). Highlighted in the findings is the critical impact of schooling experiences on the formation of student attitudes towards mathematics. Findings suggest that primary school experiences are a critical influence on the attitudes of adults who become early years teachers. These findings also indicate the vital role tertiary institutions play in altering the attitudes of preservice teachers who have had negative schooling experiences. Experiences that teachers indicated contributed to the formation of positive attitudes in their own education were games, group work, hands-on activities, positive feedback and perceived relevance. In contrast, negative experiences that teachers stated influenced their attitudes were insufficient help, rushed teaching, negative feedback and a lack of relevance of the content. These findings together with the literature on teachers‟ attitudes and mathematics education were synthesized in a model titled a Cycle of Early Years Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Mathematics. This model explains positive and negative influences on attitudes towards mathematics and how the attitudes of adults are passed on to children, who then as adults themselves, repeat the cycle by passing on attitudes to a new generation. The model can provide guidance for practising teachers and for preservice and inservice education about ways to foster positive influences to attitude formation in mathematics and inhibit negative influences. Two avenues for future research arise from the findings of this study both relating to attitudes and secondary school experiences. The first question relates to the resilience of attitudes, in particular, how an individual can maintain positive attitudes towards mathematics developed in primary school, despite secondary school experiences that typically have a negative influence on attitude. The second question relates to the relationship between attitudes and achievement, specifically, why secondary students achieve good grades in mathematics despite a lack of enjoyment, which is one of the dimensions of attitude.


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This thesis examined how Bhutanese eighth grade students and teachers perceived their classroom learning environment in relation to a new standards-based mathematics curriculum. Data were gathered from administering surveys to a sample of 608 students and 98 teachers, followed by semi-structured interviews with selected participants. The findings of the study indicated that participants generally perceived their learning environments favorably. However, there were differences in terms of gender, school level, and school location. The study provides teachers, educational leaders, and policy-makers in Bhutan new insights into students' and teachers' perceptions of their mathematics classroom environments.


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Drawing on participatory action research, this study identifies the pedagogies necessary to advance reasoning, which is one of the proficiencies from the Australian Curriculum Mathematics, and explores how reasoning leads to greater productive disposition. With the current emphasis on STEM in schools, this research is timely. This thesis makes an original and substantive contribution to the understanding of why and how teachers can most effectively advance student proficiency in reasoning through targeted instructional strategies and style of instruction. The study explores the ways in which teacher practices, when focused on reasoning, enhance the disposition of students towards greater mathematical proficiency.


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As they began their one-year teacher education program 138 elementary school teacher candidates completed a questionnaire designed to measure their beliefs concerning the nature of mathematics, measured on a scale from absolutist to fallibilist, and their beliefs concerning effective mathematics instruction, measured on a scale from traditional to constructivist. Interviews were conducted with volunteer questionnaire participants, with selection based on the questionnaire results and using two sets of criteria. Study 1. involved 8 teacher candidates showing distinct absolutist or fallibilist views of mathematics and individual interviews explored participants' beliefs concerning the use of information and communication technology, particularly interactive whiteboards (IWB), in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Participants with absolutist beliefs about the nature of mathematics tended to focus on the IWB as a presentation tool, while those with fallibilist beliefs appreciated the use of the IWB to support student exploration. Study 2. involved 8 teacher candidates with apparently misaligning absolutist beliefs concerning the nature of mathematics and constructivist beliefs concerning teaching. Interviews exploring participants' favoured instructional approaches, particularly those involving the use of manipulatives, showed that constructivist views involved essentially surface beliefs and that in fact manipulatives would be employed to support traditional direct instruction.


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The A-level Mathematics qualification is based on a compulsory set of pure maths modules and a selection of applied maths modules with the pure maths representing two thirds of the assessment. The applied maths section includes mechanics, statistics and (sometimes) decision maths. A combination of mechanics and statistics tends to be the most popular choice by far. The current study aims to understand how maths teachers in secondary education make decisions regarding the curriculum options and offers useful insight to those currently designing the new A-level specifications.

Semi-structured interviews were conducted with A-level maths teachers representing 27 grammar schools across Northern Ireland. Teachers were generally in agreement regarding the importance of pure maths and the balance between pure and applied within the A-level maths curriculum. A wide variety of opinions existed concerning the applied options. While many believe that the basic mechanics-statistics (M1-S1) combination is most accessible, it was also noted that the M1-M2 combination fits neatly alongside A-level physics. Lack of resources, timetabling constraints and competition with other subjects in the curriculum hinder uptake of A-level Further Maths.

Teachers are very conscious of the need to obtain high grades to benefit both their pupils and the school’s reputation. The move to a linear assessment system in England while Northern Ireland retains the modular system is likely to cause some schools to review their choice of exam board although there is disagreement as to whether a modular or linear system is more advantageous for pupils. The upcoming change in the specification offers an opportunity to refresh the assessment also and reduce the number of leading questions. However, teachers note that there are serious issues with GCSE maths and these have implications for A-level.


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This project addressed the need for more insightful, current, and applicable resources for intermediate math teachers in Canadian classrooms. A need for a handbook in this division seemed warranted by a lack of government resource support. Throughout an extensive review of the literature, themes and topics for the handbook emerged. The handbook was designed to not only provide educators with examples of effective teaching strategies within the mathematics classroom but to also inform them about the ways in which their personal characteristics and personality type could affect their students and their own pedagogical practices. Three teaching professionals who had each taught in an intermediate math class within the past year evaluated the handbook. The feedback received from these educators was directly applied to the first draft of the handbook in order to make it more accessible and applicable to other math teachers. Although the handbook was written with teachers in mind, the language and format used throughout the manual also make it accessible to parents, tutors, preservice education students, and educational administrators. Essentially, any individual who is hoping to inspire and educate intermediate math students could make use of the content within the handbook.


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Proporciona una introducción general a la enseñanza de las matemáticas en las escuelas de primaria y secundaria. Sitúa el plan de estudios de esta asignatura en el contexto de la alfabetización aritmética de toda la escuela y analiza, entre otras, cuestiones importantes: la planificación y dirección de la clase, la investigación en matemáticas, tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y desarrollo personal y profesional de los docentes.


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Guía para tener una comprensión más clara de las matemáticas y de los materiales que se utilizan en el aula con niños de tres a ocho años. Muestra cómo ayudarlos en el desarrollo y la comprensión de las matemáticas por sí mismos, en lugar de aprender recetas y rutinas. Al final de cada capítulo se incluyen algunos ejemplos de actividades que pueden ser utilizadas en las distintas edades. Contiene estrategias para el cálculo mental.