959 resultados para Logical positivism.
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Administrativo
OBJECTVE: To objectively and critically assess body mass index and to propose alternatives for relating body weight and height that are evidence-based and that eliminate or reduce the limitations of the body mass index. METHODS: To analyze the relations involving weight and height, we used 2 databases as follows: 1) children and adolescents from Brazil, the United States, and Switzerland; and 2) 538 university students. We performed mathematical simulations with height data ranging from 115 to 190 cm and weight data ranging from 25 to 105 kg. We selected 3 methods to analyze the relation of weight and height as follows: body mass index - weight (kg)/height (m²); reciprocal of the ponderal index - height (cm)/weight1/3 (kg); and ectomorphy. Using the normal range from 20 to 25 kg/m² for the body mass index in the reference height of 170 cm, we identified the corresponding ranges of 41 to 44 cm/kg1/3 for the reciprocal of the ponderal index, and of 1.45 to 3.60 for ectomorphy. RESULTS: The mathematical simulations showed a strong association among the 3 methods with an absolute concordance to a height of 170 cm, but with a tendency towards discrepancy in the normal ranges, which had already been observed for the heights of 165 and 175 cm. This made the direct convertibility between the indices unfeasible. The reciprocal of the ponderal index and ectomorphy with their cut points comprised a larger age range in children and adolescents and a wider and more central range in the university students, both for the reported (current) and desired weights. CONCLUSION: The reciprocal of the ponderal index and ectomorphy are stronger and are more mathematically logical than body mass index; in addition, they may be applied with the same cut points for normal from the age of 5 ½ years on.
Este documento descreve o trabalho implementado no Centro de Apoio psicopedagógico do Funchal, no âmbito do Ramo de Aprofundamento de Competências Profissionais do mestrado em Reabilitação Psicomotora, durante o ano letivo 2013/2014. O trabalho desenvolvido centrou-se nas áreas da Psicomotricidade, numa dinâmica de intervenção individual e em grupo, com treze crianças com Perturbações do Desenvolvimento, contendo a mais nova quatro anos e a mais velha onze. A intervenção seguiu uma organização lógica e coerente passando pelas avaliações, planos de intervenção, intervenção psicomotora e por fim, avaliação final e análise dos resultados obtidos. De uma forma mais pormenorizada são relatados dois estudos de caso, em que o primeiro diz respeito a uma criança sobredotada e o segundo ao grupo da sala Treatment and education of autistic and related communication handicapped children, os quais ilustram a aplicação prática da psicomotricidade, visando a promoção do desenvolvimento de várias áreas, nos domínios motor, comportamental, relacional e afetivo.
Abordar la infancia desde el enfoque de derechos (ED) implica una lectura de los derechos de los cuales los niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) son titulares y de las acciones estatales que se implementan para viabilizar el ejercicio concreto de ellos. Esta perspectiva exige comprender los contenidos de las políticas púb,el grado de participación que se les asigna y los sentidos que ellas toman en términos de progresividad de los derechos. Los cambios de concepción de la infancia desde la Convención Internacional de los Derechos del Niño (CIDN) y los cambios legislativos interpelan al Estado y la sociedad a modificar la visión hegemónica. Nuestra hipótesis gira alrededor de las siguientes considerac.: se han producido algunas modificaciones en las políticas y acciones estatales, aún no se dan las transformaciones necesarias de las lógicas institucionales y de los operadores que estimulen la participación de NNA en el ámbito escolar. Esto se visualiza en la ausencia de análisis cuali de los contenidos de las acc. y la falta de ftes estadísticas específicas, que muestren la orientac.de los contenidos en los principios de la protecc.integral. Estos presupuestos plantean interrogantes que delimitan el problema de investigación: ¿cómo se construye y reconstruye el ejercicio de la ciudadanía a través de la participación de los NNA, en su paso por la escuela, y cuáles son las lógicas institucionales que habilitan u obstaculizan ese ejercicio? Y ¿cuáles son los recursos institucionales que permitan que los programas y acciones redunden en el ejercicio efectivo de los derechos?.Obj.gral: Describir, analizar e interpretar la progresividad en el ejercicio de los derechos de participación e informacióin que tienen los adolescentes en escuelas secundarias de la cd de Cba, durante 2005 / 2010, para promover espacios públicos de construcción de ciudadanía. Se analizarán tres escuelas de Córdoba, escuela pública provincial, púb. nacional y privada. Obj. Espec.: Analizar las prácticas participativas formales e informales en las escuelas seleccionadas.- Aplicar indicadores cuanti y cualitativos del “Sistema de Indicadores para los derechos de la Infancia” Describir y analizar los recursos materiales y humanos. Elaborar y proponer procedim. para la confec. de registros de datos estadísticos - Elaborar y proponer lineamientos para la elaborac.e implementac.de acciones. Diseñar herramientas de difusión sobre los ds de participación e información.Esta investigac. es de carácter descriptivo e interpretativo, analizará diferentes ftes de informac.con técnicas cuanti y cualitativas, durante período la promulgación de la Ley 26061/05 y la adhesión prov. 9396/07. Se tomarán del Sistema de Indicadores, el derecho a la educación, el tema transversal “Acceso a la información y participación”, y las categorías de análisis “Recepción del Derecho y Capacidades estatales”. Se trabajaran indicadores cuanti y señales de progreso (cualitativos): estructurales, proceso y resultados. Serán analizados los Programas implementados durante el período de estudio. Estrategias cuali observac. participante, entrevistas, grupos focales, talleres de sensibilización, etc .Otras ftes de info: doc. institucionales, registros, evaluac, contenidos de programas y campañas y de difusión, prensa escrita, legislaciones, etc. La info se analizará a través Programa Atlas Ti, y del análisis estadístico. Algunos resultados esperados: Evaluac.y ajuste del Sistema de indicadores, la sensibilizac. desde el EF de autorid. escol. para la formulac. de planes y programas para el monitoreo adecuado de los mismos y para la rendic. de ctas de su gestión. Estimular la participac. de NNA en la escuela. Realizac.de documental. Brindar herramientas al Edo para superv de la aplicación progresiva del ejercicio de los derechos de participación e información de NNA Promov la continua evaluac. de los programas y acc.desde el ED para estimular el reconoc. de la nec.de ajuste de la política. The issue of children from the rights focus implies a reading of the rights in which children and adolescents are the holders and the state actions that are implemented to enable the exercise of them. This perspective requires understanding the contents of the public policies, the participation level that is assigned, and the senses that they take in terms of rights progressivity of. The conception changes about children since the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and legislative changes challenge to the State and society to modify hegemony vision. Our hypothesis revolves around the following considerations: there have been some public policies and state actions changes, but they not turn out, yet, transformations in logical institutional and actors whose are encourages children participation in school. This could be reflects in the absence of qualitative analysis in the actions contents and the lack of sources specific statistics, that will be showing the control of the principal contents of integral protection. These, raise the questions that delimit our problem research: how is built citizenship exercise through children and adolescent’s participation in the school, and what are the institutional logical that empowers or turns difficult that exercise? And What are the institutional resources that make possible the effective exercise of the rights, through different programs and actions?. General Objective: To describe, analyze and interpret exercise progressivity participation and information rights that have the adolescents in secondary schools in Córdoba City during 2005 / 2010, in order to promote public spaces for the construction of citizenship. It will analyze three schools in Cordoba, provincial public school, national public school and private school. . Obj. Specifics: To analyze the formal and informal participative practices in the schools selected. - To apply quantitative and qualitative indicators of the “Indicators System for Infa
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo examinar um dos meios de prova oral do processo civil, que é o depoimento da criança. Diante da existência de uma certa resistência quanto à utilização e validade deste meio de prova, foram destacados argumentos de direito probatório favoráveis à tomada do depoimento infantil, como o direito à prova no sistema da prova livre e na vertente do direito de ação e defesa, além da necessária comparação com o processo penal e o destaque aos princípios da proteção integral e do superior interesse da criança, os quais foram reforçados por outros de natureza médico-psicológica, que visaram a destacar a capacidade cognitiva da criança em recordar fatos e relatá-los. Após a desconstrução do modelo de exclusão prévia do depoimento infantil, a dissertação abordou os modelos de proteção para a audição judicial da criança, para se evitar a vitimização secundária da criança e exposição desnecessária às partes, advogados e juízes. Neste particular, foram revisados os modelos inglês do closed-circuit television - CCTV e argentino da Câmara de Gesell como paradigmas para vários outros países, inclusive o Brasil que tem incentivado o depoimento sem dano. Em derradeiro, foi examinada a valoração desse depoimento da criança, tomando-se por base a justificação lógico-racional da prova consubstanciada nos módulos de constatação, ocasião em que foi possível sublinhar que a utilização dos modelos e métodos de inquirição protetivos culminam em maior credibilidade ao depoimento da criança no processo civil e proporcionam a descoberta de falsidade voluntária ou não. Também no tópico da valoração da prova, o conteúdo do depoimento infantil vai trazer maior confiança quando conjugado com elementos intrínsecos, como a coerência do discurso e a ausência de contradições, e extrínsecos, realizado na modalidade protetiva.
El present treball fa un anàlisi i desenvolupament sobre les millores en la velocitat i en l’escalabilitat d'un simulador distribuït de grups de peixos. Aquests resultats s’han obtingut fent servir una nova estratègia de comunicació per als processos lògics (LPs) i canvis en l'algoritme de selecció de veïns que s'aplica a cadascun dels peixos en cada pas de simulació. L’idea proposada permet que cada procés lògic anticipi futures necessitats de dades pels seus veïns reduint el temps de comunicació al limitar la quantitat de missatges intercanviats entre els LPs. El nou algoritme de selecció dels veïns es va desenvolupar amb l'objectiu d'evitar treball innecessari permetent la disminució de les instruccions executades en cada pas de simulació i per cadascun del peixos simulats reduint de forma significativa el temps de simulació.
En aquest projecte s'ha implementat un sistema de data archiving amb SAP-IXOS per a una empresa després que aquesta demanés consell a la nostra consultora per reduir espai en la base de dades, ja que només els quedava lliure un 14% de l'ocupació total, i d'aquesta forma millorar el rendiment del sistema. S'ha realitzat un estudi de la base de dades, ocupació en Mb i creixement mensual de les dades en les taules. S'han parametritzat objectes d'arxivat, creat i definits repositoris de contingut, fitxers lògics i s'han programat reports addicionals per arxivar les dades correctament. El resultat ha estat reduir la base de dades en un 22% sent posible l'entrada de noves dades obtenint una resposta més àgil del sistema.
Conflict among member states regarding the distribution of net financial burdens has been allowed to contaminate the entire design of the EU budget with very negative consequences in terms of equity, efficiency and transparency. To get around this problem and pave the way for a substantive budget reform, we propose to decouple distributional negotiations from the rest of the budget process by linking member state net balances in a rigid manner to relative prosperity. This would be achieved through the introduction of a system of compensating horizontal transfers that would take to its logical conclusion the Commission's proposal for a generalized compensation mechanism. We discuss the impact of the proposed scheme on member states? incentives and illustrate its financial implications using revenue and expenditure projections for 2013 that are based on the current Financial Perspectives and Own Resources Decision.
Este documento explica la metodología de trabajo utilizada durante el desarrollo de este proyecto. El resultado obtenido ha sido un producto que forma parte del portal web Luxury Porperties. Luxury Properties es una marca comercial, creada por la compañía Luxury Dreams, para identificar un portal web especializado en las propiedades de lujo. Para desarrollar este concepto, la empresa compró el dominio luxuryproperties.es con el objetivo de crear un sistema que implemente toda la lógica de negocio necesaria para la publicidad y mercadeo de sus productos. Al final del documento se encuentran las recomendaciones y las futuras valoraciones a tener en cuenta por el cliente en futuras ampliaciones del portal.
BACKGROUND: Multiple interventions were made to optimize the medication process in our intensive care unit (ICU). 1 Transcriptions from the medical order form to the administration plan were eliminated by merging both into a single document; 2 the new form was built in a logical sequence and was highly structured to promote completeness and standardization of information; 3 frequently used drug names, approved units, and fixed routes were pre-printed; 4 physicians and nurses were trained with regard to the correct use of the new form. This study was aimed at evaluating the impact of these interventions on clinically significant types of medication errors. METHODS: Eight types of medication errors were measured by a prospective chart review before and after the interventions in the ICU of a public tertiary care hospital. We used an interrupted time-series design to control the secular trends. RESULTS: Over 85 days, 9298 lines of drug prescription and/or administration to 294 patients, corresponding to 754 patient-days were collected and analysed for the three series before and three series following the intervention. Global error rate decreased from 4.95 to 2.14% (-56.8%, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The safety of the medication process in our ICU was improved by simple and inexpensive interventions. In addition to the optimization of the prescription writing process, the documentation of intravenous preparation, and the scheduling of administration, the elimination of the transcription in combination with the training of users contributed to reducing errors and carried an interesting potential to increase safety.
This paper extends previous research and discussion on the use of multivariate continuous data, which are about to become more prevalent in forensic science. As an illustrative example, attention is drawn here on the area of comparative handwriting examinations. Multivariate continuous data can be obtained in this field by analysing the contour shape of loop characters through Fourier analysis. This methodology, based on existing research in this area, allows one describe in detail the morphology of character contours throughout a set of variables. This paper uses data collected from female and male writers to conduct a comparative analysis of likelihood ratio based evidence assessment procedures in both, evaluative and investigative proceedings. While the use of likelihood ratios in the former situation is now rather well established (typically, in order to discriminate between propositions of authorship of a given individual versus another, unknown individual), focus on the investigative setting still remains rather beyond considerations in practice. This paper seeks to highlight that investigative settings, too, can represent an area of application for which the likelihood ratio can offer a logical support. As an example, the inference of gender of the writer of an incriminated handwritten text is forwarded, analysed and discussed in this paper. The more general viewpoint according to which likelihood ratio analyses can be helpful for investigative proceedings is supported here through various simulations. These offer a characterisation of the robustness of the proposed likelihood ratio methodology.
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the curiously circular course followed by mainstream macroeconomic thinking in recent times. Having broken from classical orthodoxy in the late 1930s via Keynes’s General Theory, over the last three or four decades the mainstream conventional wisdom, regressing rather than progressing, has now come to embrace a conception of the working of the macroeconomy which is again of a classical, essentially pre-Keynesian, character. At the core of the analysis presented in the typical contemporary macro textbook is the (neo)classical model of the labour market, which represents employment as determined (given conditions of productivity) by the terms of labour supply. While it is allowed that changes in aggregate demand may temporarily affect output and employment, the contention is that in due course employment will automatically return to its ‘natural’ (full employment) level. Unemployment is therefore identified as a merely frictional or voluntary phenomenon: involuntary unemployment - in other words persisting demand-deficient unemployment - is entirely absent from the picture. Variations in aggregate demand are understood to have a lasting impact only on the price level, not on output and employment. This in effect amounts to a return to a Pigouvian conception such as targeted by Keynes in the General Theory. We take the view that this reversion to ideas which should by now be obsolete reflects not the discovery of logical or empirical deficiencies in the Keynes analysis, but results rather from doctrinaire blindness and failure of scholarship on account of which essential features of the Keynes theory have been overlooked or misrepresented. There is an urgent need for a critical appraisal of the current conventional macroeconomic wisdom.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. Aquest treball de recerca es basa en l'experimentació i, posteriorment, l'obtenció i anàlisi de resultats de l'experiment creador d'anells de Liesegang. Aquest experiment, consistent en la precipitació d'un compost en una base gelificada formant anells distanciats logarítmicament els uns dels altres, ha estat durant més d'un segle objecte d'investigació de moltíssims científics, els quals no han sabut mai treure'n una explicació lògica i raonable d'aquest rar comportament. L'autor ha pretès recrear els curiosos anells intentant formar-los amb diferents inhibidors i compostos als trobats en la bibliografia. Després de realitzar més d'una trentena d'experiments, s'ha realitzat una anàlisi exhaustiva dels resultats. Aquest apartat ha estat un dels més enriquidors, ja que s'han dut a terme en ell comparacions sorprenents i troballes molt curioses, com per exemple la similitud entre els anells de Liesegang i les estructures de Turing, la qual intenta explicar les formes presents en els ocels dels éssers vius; i l'aparició d'anells de Liesegang segons l’òptica visual, efecte inexistent en l’àmplia bibliografia consultada. A més a més, també s'han efectuat una sèrie d'estudis: un en què es confirmen les distàncies logarítmiques entre els anells i on es realitza una comparació entre les dades empíriques i el patró matemàtic; i un altre en què s'estudia el comportament dels anells al variar els factors que regulen la velocitat de reacció.
Felipe Pérez Martí, who was the Venezuelan Minister of Planning and Development in the government of Hugo Chávez, proposes an economic model that he calls the altruistic economy or fourth way, which leads cooperative game theory to its logical extremes postulating a pure communism. Here we sustain that, first, it is impossible in the model of Pérez Martí to marginally allocate non-primary goods to those most in need or who most value them, facing a problem of defective economic calculation, and second, in order to achieve equality, he would have to replace his atomic local planners by a central planner, who would be unable to overcome the problem of imperfect and and incomplete information.
2 Abstract2.1 En françaisLe séquençage du génome humain est un pré-requis fondamental à la compréhension de la biologie de l'être humain. Ce projet achevé, les scientifiques ont dû faire face à une tâche aussi importante, comprendre cette suite de 3 milliards de lettres qui compose notre génome. Le consortium ENCODE (ENCyclopedia Of Dna Elements) fût formé comme une suite logique au projet du génome humain. Son rôle est d'identifier tous les éléments fonctionnels de notre génome incluant les régions transcrites, les sites d'attachement des facteurs de transcription, les sites hypersensibles à la DNAse I ainsi que les marqueurs de modification des histones. Dans le cadre de ma thèse doctorale, j'ai participé à 2 sous-projets d'ENCODE. En premier lieu, j'ai eu la tâche de développer et d'optimiser une technique de validation expérimentale à haut rendement de modèles de gènes qui m'a permis d'estimer la qualité de la plus récente annotation manuelle. Ce nouveau processus de validation est bien plus efficace que la technique RNAseq qui est actuellement en train de devenir la norme. Cette technique basée sur la RT-PCR, m'a notamment permis de découvrir de nouveaux exons dans 10% des régions interrogées. En second lieu j'ai participé à une étude ayant pour but d'identifier les extrémités de tous les gènes des chromosomes humains 21 et 22. Cette étude à permis l'identification à large échelle de transcrits chimères comportant des séquences provenant de deux gènes distincts pouvant être à une grande distance l'un de autre.2.2 In EnglishThe completion of the human genome sequence js the prerequisite to fully understand the biology of human beings. This project achieved, scientists had to face another challenging task, understanding the meaning of the 3 billion letters composing this genome. As a logical continuation of the human genome project, the ENCODE (ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements) consortium was formed with the aim of annotating all its functional elements. These elements include transcribed regions, transcription binding sites, DNAse I hypersensitive sites and histone modification marks. In the frame of my PhD thesis, I was involved in two sub-projects of ENCODE. Firstly I developed and optimized an high throughput method to validate gene models, which allowed me to assess the quality of the most recent manually-curated annotation. This novel experimental validation pipeline is extremely effective, far more so than transcriptome profiling through RNA sequencing, which is becoming the norm. This RT-PCR-seq targeted-approach is likewise particularly efficient in identifying novel exons, as we discovered about 10% of loci with unannotated exons. Secondly, I participated to a study aiming to identify the gene boundaries of all genes in the human chromosome 21 and 22. This study led to the identification of chimeric transcripts that are composed of sequences coming form two distinct genes that can be map far away from each other.