842 resultados para Edith Fetherston
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Seleccionado en la convocatoria: Proyectos de innovación e investigación educativa de centros docentes de niveles no universitarios, Gobierno de Aragón 2012-2013
Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: Espiritualidad y acci??n social. Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n. Resumen en ingl??s y catal??n.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
El presente trabajo de investigación esta referido al estudio y análisis del Consejo de la Judicatura en la Constitución Política del Estado Boliviano, ya que la creación de esta importante institución, como órgano rector administrativo y disciplinario del Poder Judicial, se incorpora a las reformas constitucionales y llega a formar parte del proceso de modernización del sistema judicial en Bolivia. La importancia de esta investigación radica, que con la creación de nuevos organismos dentro del Poder Judicial, como el Consejo de la Judicatura, se busca enfrentar los problemas de desconfianza e inseguridad jurídica, solucionándolos y devolviendo al ciudadano la fe y confianza en la administración de justicia y en sus instituciones democráticas. El contenido del Primer Capítulo, esta referido a los antecedentes y análisis de las reformas constitucionales que se van desarrollando en los países de América Latina, donde se puede advertir procesos destinados a la reforma y modernización del Estado, siendo uno de los elementos más importantes las reformas judiciales para lograr el desarrollo de una justicia legítima y creíble, asimismo se realiza una síntesis de las reformas constitucionales que se dieron en Bolivia, desde la primera Constitución de 1826 hasta llegar a la última reforma de 1994, dando lugar a la creación del Consejo de la Judicatura, y de esta manera se examina la crisis del Poder Judicial boliviano. En el Segundo Capítulo, se realiza un estudio sobre la reforma constitucional de 1994 y, la creación e implementación del Consejo de la Judicatura en Bolivia, como institución clave del control de la administración de justicia, teniendo importancia histórica en el país, porque por primera vez se cuenta con un órgano administrativo y disciplinario del Poder Judicial; de igual manera se hace un examen global de la Ley del Consejo de la Judicatura. En el Capítulo Tercero, denominado el Consejo de la judicatura, se estudia en forma exhaustiva su estructura orgánica desde el punto de vista de la Constitución Política del Estado y de su propia Ley. De igual manera se hace un análisis de la organización administrativa del Consejo, de los recursos humanos en la Ley del Consejo de la Judicatura y del régimen económico y financiero del Poder Judicial. El estudio del Consejo de la Judicatura como órgano administrativo y disciplinario del Poder Judicial, se encuentra en el Cuarto Capítulo, donde damos a conocer sus funciones y atribuciones; además se hace un análisis del régimen disciplinario del Poder Judicial, señalando la procedencia de los procesos disciplinarios y cuales los alcances y efectos de las resoluciones emitidas por el Consejo de la Judicatura. En el Capítulo Quinto, se analiza al Instituto de la Judicatura de Bolivia, como una unidad desconcentrada de capacitación y formación profesional a los servidores judiciales, dependiente del Consejo de la Judicatura; su naturaleza, funciones y estructura orgánica del mismo, para concluir con una evaluación de su funcionamiento hasta nuestros días. El Capítulo Sexto esta referido a la responsabilidad del Estado por error en la administración de justicia, donde se hace un estudio sobre la responsabilidad que tiene el Estado por el daño producido como consecuencia del mal funcionamiento de la administración de justicia; analizando de igual manera el caso boliviano. Finalmente, en las conclusiones damos a conocer la importancia y crítica de la creación y funcionamiento del Consejo de la Judicatura en Bolivia. Por todo lo anteriormente señalado, el objeto de la presente tesis, no solo es proporcionar una exposición básica y sistemática del contenido que comprende, sino resaltar la importancia de la creación del Consejo de la Judicatura. Este trabajo está destinado a juristas, abogados, estudiosos en derecho, estudiantes y a todo individuo que se considere miembro de un Estado y pueda tener la seguridad del respeto a sus garantías y derechos fundamentales consagrados en la Constitución Política del Estado, a través de una eficiente administración de justicia.
This paper is an attempt to assess perceptions of Augustinian identity and role, amongst both patrons and recruits, in the early stages of the order’s introduction to England. In some ways, the enthusiasm for houses of regular canons, living like monks, seems surprising. Historians of the Augustinians in England have focused on two broad areas of explanation. The first is that Augustinians could be expected to provide more services for secular society than Benedictines; and the second is that support from Henry I and his first queen, Edith-Matilda, made the Augustinians fashionable – at least until they were overtaken by the Cistercians. This paper revisits these issues, whilst also attempting an analysis of the Augustinians’ intellectual and spiritual role, through a case study of northern England.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Cathepsin S, a protein coded by the CTSS gene, is implicated in adipose tissue biology--this protein enhances adipose tissue development. Our hypothesis is that common variants in CTSS play a role in body weight regulation and in the development of obesity and that these effects are influenced by dietary factors--increased by high protein, glycemic index and energy diets. METHODS: Four tag SNPs (rs7511673, rs11576175, rs10888390 and rs1136774) were selected to capture all common variation in the CTSS region. Association between these four SNPs and several adiposity measurements (BMI, waist circumference, waist for given BMI and being a weight gainer-experiencing the greatest degree of unexplained annual weight gain during follow-up or not) given, where applicable, both as baseline values and gain during the study period (6-8 years) were tested in 11,091 European individuals (linear or logistic regression models). We also examined the interaction between the CTSS variants and dietary factors--energy density, protein content (in grams or in % of total energy intake) and glycemic index--on these four adiposity phenotypes. RESULTS: We found several associations between CTSS polymorphisms and anthropometric traits including baseline BMI (rs11576175 (SNP N°2), p = 0.02, β = -0.2446), and waist change over time (rs7511673 (SNP N°1), p = 0.01, β = -0.0433 and rs10888390 (SNP N°3), p = 0.04, β = -0.0342). In interaction with the percentage of proteins contained in the diet, rs11576175 (SNP N°2) was also associated with the risk of being a weight gainer (p(interaction) = 0.01, OR = 1.0526)--the risk of being a weight gainer increased with the percentage of proteins contained in the diet. CONCLUSION: CTSS variants seem to be nominally associated to obesity related traits and this association may be modified by dietary protein intake.
Although FTO is an established obesity-susceptibility locus, it remains unknown whether it influences weight change in adult life and whether diet attenuates this association. Therefore, we investigated the association of FTO-rs9939609 with changes in weight and waist circumference (WC) during 6.8 years follow-up in a large-scale prospective study and examined whether these associations were modified by dietary energy percentage from fat, protein, carbohydrate, or glycemic index (GI). This study comprised data from five countries of European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) and was designed as a case-cohort study for weight gain. Analyses included 11,091 individuals, of whom 5,584 were cases (age (SD), 47.6 (7.5) years), defined as those with the greatest unexplained annual weight gain during follow-up and 5,507 were noncases (48.0 (7.3) years), who were compared in our case-noncase (CNC) analyses. Furthermore, 6,566 individuals (47.9 (7.3) years) selected from the total sample (all noncases and 1,059 cases) formed the random subcohort (RSC), used for continuous trait analyses. Interactions were tested by including interaction terms in the models. In the RSC-analyses, FTO-rs9939609 was associated with BMI (β (SE), 0.17 (0.08) kg·m(-2)/allele; P = 0.034) and WC (0.47 (0.21) cm/allele; P = 0.026) at baseline, but not with weight change (5.55 (12.5) g·year(-1)/allele; P = 0.66) during follow up. In the CNC-analysis, FTO-rs9939609 was associated with increased risk of being a weight-gainer (OR: 1.1; P = 0.045). We observed no interaction between FTO-rs9939609 and dietary fat, protein and carbohydrate, and GI on BMI and WC at baseline or on change in weight and WC. FTO-rs9939609 is associated with BMI and WC at baseline, but association with weight gain is weak and only observed for extreme gain. Dietary factors did not influence the associations.
BACKGROUND: Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes encoding the components involved in the hypothalamic pathway may influence weight gain and dietary factors may modify their effects. AIM: We conducted a case-cohort study to investigate the associations of SNPs in candidate genes with weight change during an average of 6.8 years of follow-up and to examine the potential effect modification by glycemic index (GI) and protein intake. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Participants, aged 20-60 years at baseline, came from five European countries. Cases ('weight gainers') were selected from the total eligible cohort (n = 50,293) as those with the greatest unexplained annual weight gain (n = 5,584). A random subcohort (n = 6,566) was drawn with the intention to obtain an equal number of cases and noncases (n = 5,507). We genotyped 134 SNPs that captured all common genetic variation across the 15 candidate genes; 123 met the quality control criteria. Each SNP was tested for association with the risk of being a 'weight gainer' (logistic regression models) in the case-noncase data and with weight gain (linear regression models) in the random subcohort data. After accounting for multiple testing, none of the SNPs was significantly associated with weight change. Furthermore, we observed no significant effect modification by dietary factors, except for SNP rs7180849 in the neuromedin β gene (NMB). Carriers of the minor allele had a more pronounced weight gain at a higher GI (P = 2 x 10⁻⁷). CONCLUSIONS: We found no evidence of association between SNPs in the studied hypothalamic genes with weight change. The interaction between GI and NMB SNP rs7180849 needs further confirmation.