970 resultados para 5000


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钍是一种重要的核燃料。我国包头稀土精矿含钍0.2%,按每年处理5000吨精矿计算,每年可回收氧化钍10吨。因而研究钍与稀土及其它杂质的分离,不仅能回收钍,同时能降低稀土产品的放射性污染。用伯胺从硫酸焙烧精矿中分离钍的流程已应用于工业生产,但从氧化焙烧流程中回收钍的问题尚未得到解决。本工作主要是研究二种常用的萃取剂伯胺N_(1923)和HEH(EHP)(P_(507))对钍的萃取机理,并针对包头矿氧化焙烧硫酸浸出液中钍与稀土的分离,研究了工艺流程。本工作主要包括五部分。一、伯胺从硫酸溶液中萃取钍的机理研究了伯胺-苯溶液从硫酸介质中萃取钍的萃取机理,用饱和法、斜率法、等克分子系列法确定了萃合物的组成,得到了在一定条件下的萃取反应为:Th~(4+) + 2SO_4~(2-) + 2(RNH_3)_2SO_(4(O)) <-> (RNH_3)_4Th(SO_4)_(4(O))考察了不同溶剂对萃取平衡的影响,在不同溶剂中,伯胺的萃钍能力次序如下:四氯化碳>氯仿>苯>二甲苯>二氯已烷>正已烷。计算了不同条件下的浓度平衡常数K,lg K = 10.28 ± 0.05,结果表明,K不随伯胺浓度改变,K随水相酸度增大而增大,随钍浓度增大而减小。研究了温度对萃取平衡的影响,结果表明,伯胺从硫酸溶液中萃取钍的热效应很小。并计算了一定条件下的热力学函数ΔH = -2900 JM~(-1),ΔS = 190 JM~(-1)。考察了不同条件下的红外和核磁共振谱,并对所提出的机理进行了讨论。二、伯胺从碳酸盐溶液中萃取钍的机理研究了伯胺-正辛烷溶液从碳酸盐介质中萃取钍的平衡规律,用斜率法确定了萃合物组成,得出萃取机理:Th~(4+) + 5CO_3~(2-) + 4(RNH_3NO_3)_((1.5)(O)) <-> (RNH_3)_6Th(CO_3)_(5(O)) + 6NO_3~-考察了不同碳酸盐及水相PH值对萃取平衡的影响,结果表明,在各种碳酸盐溶液中,萃取能力均随碳酸盐浓度及水相PH值增加而下降。计算了浓度平衡常数K,结果表明,K随伯胺浓度增加而增加。研究了不同溶剂及温度对萃取平衡的影响,结果表明,伯胺从碳酸盐溶液中萃取钍是放热反应,并计算了两种碳酸盐浓度下的ΔH、ΔS值。考察了萃合物的红外光谱和核磁共振谱,并对反应机理进行了讨论。三、P_(507)从硫酸溶液中萃取钍的机理研究了P_(507)-正辛烷溶液在不同浓度(1 ~ 15 N)的硫酸介质中萃取钍的平衡规律,同斜率法,饱和法确定了萃合物组成,提出了不同硫酸浓度下P_(507)萃取钍的两种机理。在低酸度下(0.5-6 N):Th~(4+) + 2.5(HL)_(2(O)) <-> ThL_3(HL_2)_((O)) + 4H~+在高酸度下(10-15 N):Th~(4+) + 2HSO_4~- + SO_4~(2-) + 2.5(HL)_(2(O)) <-> H_2Th(SO_4)_35(HL)_((O))并按如下机理萃取硫酸(12N以上):2H~+ + SO_4~(2-) + (HL)_(2(O)) <-> H_2SO_2·2(HL)_((O))通过低酸度下的饱和萃取试验,得出了在饱和情况下,P_(507)萃取钍的机理:Th~(4+) + 2(HL)_(2(O)) <-> ThL_(4(O)) + 4H~+考察了不同溶剂对萃取平衡的影响,结果表明,P_(507)从低浓度硫酸溶液中萃取钍的能力随溶剂的介电常数增加而下降。计算了各种条件下的浓度平衡常数,lgK(2.2N H_2SO_4) = 4.07 ± 0.02, lgK (12.6N H_2SO_4) = 3.53 ± 0.04,结果表明,在高、低两种酸度下,K均不随P_(507)浓度改变,在低酸底下,K随硫酸浓度增加而略有增大,在高酸度下,K随硫酸浓度增加有较显著的增大。从温度对萃取平衡的影响指出,P_(507)从硫酸介质中萃取钍是放热反应。计算了各种酸度下的ΔH、ΔS值。研究了萃合物的红外及核磁共振谱,并对不同条件下的反应机理进行了讨论。四、用伯胺从包头矿氧化焙烧流程中回收钍的工艺包头稀土矿氧化焙烧流程中,得到了含钍、铈(IV),稀土(III)和铁(III)的硫酸浸出液。工艺要求从该浸出液中回收钍,并且同时把其中的铈(IV)单独分离出来。由于料液中有大量的铈(IV),严重地影响了伯胺对钍的萃取能力,如果增大伯胺浓度,会使分相速度减慢。我们用15%N_(1923)-5%异辛醇-煤油作有机相,进行了13级分流萃取,出口小相中Th/RE = 3 * 10~(-5),低于国家规定标准,铈(IV)较完全地被萃入有机相中,出口有机相中铈的纯度为96.7%。然后用3N硝酸加1%过氧化氢溶液将钍与铈同时反萃到水相,反萃液中铈(IV)已被还原为铈(III),再用0.3F P_(507)进行8级逆流萃取,将钍萃入有机相,铈留在水相,从而使钍与铈分离。五、用P_(507)从包头矿氧化焙烧硫酸浸出液中回收钍的工艺当有铈(IV)存在时,P_(507)对钍的萃取能力仍很强。我们用1.54F P_(507)-煤油作萃取剂,进行了5级逆流萃取,出口水相中Th/RE = 1.2 * 10~(-4),低于国家规定标准,铈(IV)全部萃入有机相中,出口有机相中铈的品位为96.2%。出口有机相用2N硫酸加2%过氧化氢进行还原反萃,用13级分流反萃,使铈全部反到水相中,钍则不被反萃,达到了铈、钍分离的目的。以上两种工艺流程均可用于从氧化焙烧硫酸浸出液中分离钍及铈。


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锗与人体的生理活动密切相关,有关资料表明,有机锗化合物对人体的多种疾病,尤其是癌症具有高效、低毒的特点,从而使锗化合物的合成,药理研究成为一个新兴的、引人注目的领域。在本论文中,我们建立了一套锗及其形态分析的新方法,并提出了氢化物发生一银语胶光度法连续测定砷和锗、微量硒测定的新方法,探讨了锗、砷、硒三种氢化物的性质及测定锗,砷时其它石生成氢化物元素的干扰和消除方法。本论文的工作分为以下六部分。一、微量锗测定新方法的建立微量锗的测定,从目前资料来看,主要采用苯基荧光酮一表面活性剂、碱性染料-锗钼杂多酸和氢化物发生-原子吸收连用的方法,对于使用显色剂的各种测定手段,都不同程度的存在着选择、重现性差及操作繁琐的缺点;原子吸收测定锗,原子化效率不高,条件要求较为苛刻。所以,我们的工作旨在寻求一个简便、快速、灵敏度高、选择性好的测定锗的新方法。通过试验,我们采用硼氢化钾将溶液中锗以锗化氢的形式发生出来,用硝酸银、有机溶剂,动物胶的混合溶液吸收,锗化氢与硝酸银溶液反应形成黄色的溶胶显色,在425nm处有最大吸收,成功的建立了测定微量锗的新方法。新的方法将锗化氢的发生、吸收、富集、显色在一个系统中同时进行,达到简便、快速的要求,灵敏度高,表观摩尔吸光系数为7.32 * 10~4 l·mol~(-1)·cm~(-1),对岩矿、土壤等固体样品的测定,检测下限为0.05ppm,对水样的测定,检测限可达2PPb,通过对三十多种离子的干扰试验表明,绝大部分离子均不干扰锗的测定,选择性好,对水、土壤、植物样品,煤飞灰等样品进行测定,取得令人满意的结果。二、锗的形态分析方法的研究锗的形态分析还未见有作者进行系统研究,这方面的工作几乎还是一个空白。以医学界人士研究发现,在促进人体的新陈代谢,治疗各种疾病上,有机形态的锗起着更加积极的作用,随着锗的有机药物的合成,对药物中的锗进行形态分析就愈来愈重要。我们在试验中发现,热的稀硝酸介有效的将无机形态锗以样品中浸取出来,并在确定的柠檬酸铵(PH5.5)的缓冲液中被硼氢化钾还原至GeH_4,用氢化物发生-银溶胶光度法测定。同时,有机形态锗则在此稀硝酸中保持稳定,且在所采用的氢化物发生条件下,不能被还原至 GeH_4,故不在两种形态锗共存时,进行无机锗的测定,利用湿法消解,使样品中锗全部转化为无机形态,测定锗的总量,差减法而可求得有机锗的含量。本文对固体,液体样品中锗的形态分析分别进行了讨论,对固体样品的浸取条件进行了详细研究。用该方法进行锗的形态分析,不仅灵敏度高,选择性好,而且具有较高的重视性和稳定性。对无机形态锗和锗总量测定的回收率分别为95-105%。90-100%,并成功的对某些药物,水及合成样进行了分析。三、含锗样品消解条件的研究本文研究了多种湿法消解体系,对含锗样品消解过程中存在着的回收率低,稳定性差的原因做了较为详细的探讨,经过试验证明,在常用的湿法消解体系中,加入氢氟酸的作用并不是为了防止锗的挥发,常用的酸HNO_3, H_2SO_4, HClO_4在消解过程中并不会引起锗的挥发损失,引起的回收率降低的主要原因是硅胶的吸附,而加入F~-使回收率提高是因为F~-使硅胶以SiF_4形式挥发而使锗的吸附得以解析所改。对生物样品的消解,本文提出了HNO_3-HClO_4-NH_4F-(NH_4)_2MoO_4新的消解体系。体系对样品消解完全、回收率高(90-105%),对各种加标样品及实际样品消解测定,稳定性,准确性均令人满意。四、氢化物发生一银溶胶光度法连续测定砷和锗锗砷同属可生成氢化物元素,将它们在一个系统中同时发生出来,吸收显色测定,将使实际样品的分析更加简便,快速。为同时发生两种氢化物,我们选择了各种强酸、弱酸、缓冲液作为反应介质,以柠檬酸铵缓冲液和草酸铵介质为最佳,并确定了介质的数值酸度PH 5.5-6.0。在这种条件下,锗砷可被充分发生出来。利用A_3H_3 GeH_4的极性及还原能力的差异,使气体通过两支串镁的,盛有不同硝酸银溶液的吸收管,先得A_3H_3吸收显色,GeH_4不被吸收而导入第二个吸收管吸收,达到两种氢化物分别吸收、两个元素连续测定的目的。本方法操作简便,反应快速、灵敏度高,锗砷标准曲线参数分别为Ge {r = 0.9997 a = 0.0047 b = 0.207 A/μg As { r = 0.9996 a = -0.0011 b =0.309A/μg对水样的测定,锗,砷检测限分别达到2PPb和1PPb。利用这种方法,成功的进行了GSD,GRD,煤飞灰等复杂样品及水样的分析。五、氢化物发生-硒化银溶胶法测定微量硒硒做为人体必需的微量元素之一,既参与人体的各种代谢,必不可少,摄入过量则又有害,硒的生物学效应及环境毒性方面研究的迅速进展,要求人们简便快速、准确灵敏的进行种样品中微量硒的分析。本文在0.2NH_2SO_4-2%硒石酸介质中,用硼氢化钾宁将Se(IV)以H_2Se形式发生出来,用硝酸银-阿拉伯胶溶液吸收,形成硒化银溶胶显色,建立了硒化氢发生-硒化银溶胶光度法测定微量硒的新方法,本方法不仅反应快速、操作方便,而且具有较高灵敏度和选择性,显色后的溶液在 246nm处有最大吸收,检测限为0.04PPM。本文探讨了硒化氢发生、吸收显色的各种影响因素,确定了最佳条件。用于进行硒酵母、人发、米、尿等样品中微量硒的测定,并且与其它方法所得结果进行了对照,结果完全一致。六、测定锗,砷,硒时共价氢化物元素的干扰及消除可生成氢化物元素之间的干扰是采用氢化物发生技术分离测定元素的主要干扰因素之一,由于各元素性度接近,这种干扰往往很难消除。许多文献却提到这种干扰问题,但对消除干扰却缺乏有效方法,这就使复杂样品中这些元素的测定遇到很大困难。本文采用氢化物发生-银溶胶光度法对锗,砷,硒三种元素氢化物的性质进行了试验,探讨了它们在酸性,中性,碱性水溶液中的稳定性及与变价离子、氧化剂反应的能力,得出:三种氢化物的稳定性为GeH_4 > A_3H_3 > H_2Se,而其还原能力则与上述顺序正好相反。基于氢化物的稳定性及还原能力的差异,我们提出了测定锗,砷时消除其它共价氢化物元素干扰的简便,有效方法,对锗的测定,采用U形管中填充浸润KIO_3酸性溶液脱脂棉的方法,发生出来的气体通过U形管,可方便的消除其它七种共价氢化物元素的干扰,具有高效性。测定微克锗, As~(5+), As~(3+), Sb~(3+) Pb~(2+), Bi~(4+), Sn~(2+)的允许量可达毫克级,百倍于Ge(IV)的Te~(4+), Se~(4+)也不产生干扰。对砷的测定,则采用U形管中填充浸润乙醇胺的DMF混合液的脱脂棉的方法消除干扰,1000-5000倍量的Pb~(3+), Bi~(3+), Sn~(4+), Sn~(2+), Sb~(3+), 15-100倍的Ge~(4+), Se~(4+), Te~(4+)不干扰砷的测定。


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In the present research, two Chinese rhesus monkeys were inoculated intravenously with 5000 TCID50 of SIVmac239. The changes in the numbers of CD4+ T lymphocyte in peripheral blood, plasma viral loads, proviral DNA and humoral antibodies against virus were periodically monitored during 121 days. At the early stage of infection, proviral DNA had been detected in PBMCs, and infectious SIVmac239 virus had been isolated from PBMCs. At the same period, the numbers of CD4+ T lymphocytes were significantly decreased, and maintained at low level during the 121-day period of infection. Plasma viral loads reached the peak at week 2 post-inoculation and kept at a steady state subsequently. Moreover, antibodies against viral proteins were detected from plasma. All the results showed that the two Chinese rhesus monkeys had been infected with SIVmac239 successfully. This animal model can be applied for further AIDS researches.


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Background: The model eukaryote, Tetrahymena thermophila, is the first ciliated protozoan whose genome has been sequenced, enabling genome-wide analysis of gene expression. Methodology/Principal Findings: A genome-wide microarray platform containing the predicted coding sequences (putative genes) for T. thermophila is described, validated and used to study gene expression during the three major stages of the organism's life cycle: growth, starvation and conjugation. Conclusions/Significance: Of the,27,000 predicted open reading frames, transcripts homologous to only,5900 are not detectable in any of these life cycle stages, indicating that this single-celled organism does indeed contain a large number of functional genes. Transcripts from over 5000 predicted genes are expressed at levels >5x corrected background and 95 genes are expressed at >250x corrected background in all stages. Transcripts homologous to 91 predicted genes are specifically expressed and 155 more are highly up-regulated in growing cells, while 90 are specifically expressed and 616 are up-regulated during starvation. Strikingly, transcripts homologous to 1068 predicted genes are specifically expressed and 1753 are significantly up-regulated during conjugation. The patterns of gene expression during conjugation correlate well with the developmental stages of meiosis, nuclear differentiation and DNA elimination. The relationship between gene expression and chromosome fragmentation is analyzed. Genes encoding proteins known to interact or to function in complexes show similar expression patterns, indicating that co-ordinate expression with putative genes of known function can identify genes with related functions. New candidate genes associated with the RNAi-like process of DNA elimination and with meiosis are identified and the late stages of conjugation are shown to be characterized by specific expression of an unexpectedly large and diverse number of genes not involved in nuclear functions.


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To save finite-difference time-domain(FDTD) computing time, several methods are proposed to convert the time domain FDTD output into frequency domain. The Padé approximation with Baker's algorithm and the program are introduced to simulate photonic crystal structures. For a simple pole system with frequency 160THz and quality factor of 5000,the intensity spectrum obtained by the Padé approximation from a 28-item sequence output is more exact than that obtained by fast Fourier transformation from a 220-item sequence output. The mode frequencies and quality factors are calculated at different wave vectors for the photonic crystal slab from a much shorter FDTD output than that required by the FFT method,and then the band diagrams are obatined. In addition,mode frequencies and Q-factors are calculated for photonic crystal microcavity.


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AM真菌的形成,对共生植物有许多有益的作用。近年来,科学家又将菌根用于修复污染的土壤。对辽河油田和沈抚污水灌区进行了AM菌的调查,结论如下:I)辽河油田和沈抚污水灌区的主要的AM真菌是Glomus mosseae, G. geospora, G. constrictum, Paraglomus occultum,其中优势属为Glomus。因北方冬季的严寒,经过一个冬季,土壤中的抱子密度减少80%以上。在资源调查的基础上,以三叶草、万寿菊和大豆作为供试植物,做盆栽模拟实验,结果为:I )当柴油浓度高达30 000 mg·kg~(-1)时,AM菌仍能侵染菊花,和菊花形成共生体;2)随着油浓度的增加,侵染率先增加,而后降低。3)随着油浓度的增加,叶绿素总量先略微增加,当油浓度高达30 000 mg·kg~(-1)时,叶绿素含量下降;4)随着油浓度的增加和灭菌,植物的营养生长和生殖生长受到抑制,而接AM菌、细菌和固氮菌能缓和这种抑制;5)随着油浓度的增加和AM菌的生育进程,AM菌的接种效应在增强。6)对接菌和不接菌的处理来说,随着油浓度的增加,降解率先增加,5000 mg·kg~(-1)时达到最大,分别为94.280la和93. 16%;然后降解率降低。低浓度时接入AM菌,能促进柴油的降解;而当油浓度高达30000mg·kg~(-1)时,不接AM菌反而降解效果会好些。


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组特殊自养氨氧化混合种群,表现:无机环境种群生长迅速、生物量高;在一个完全无机的自养生长环境中,不仅保持高氨氧化速率,并出现丰富的异养微生物种群;该种群置于异养、厌氧环境中,迅速表现出产氢特征。对于这样一个特殊的生态体系,研究其共生机理,以及联接这些种群之间的碳源和能源问题,将具有非常重要意义。我们拟从种群特征、细胞表面分泌产物、游离体系产物多糖、蛋白和脂肪酸方面开展研究。 第一部分,自养氨氧化混合种群的基本特征。采用氨氧化培养基,进行种群氨氧化特征研究;采用扫描电镜观察自养混合种群的微观特征;沉降、离心去除微生物种群,分析水相中的总有机碳、糖类等物质;利用LB培养基进行种群的分离、纯化,并采用DGGE手段对微生物种群结构进行分析。结果表明,接入菌种后(2/5000(V/V)),培养液中氨(200mg/L)在3-5天内快速降解;亚硝酸盐与氨氮变化呈负相关趋势,仅有少量硝酸盐含量(< 30mg/L)。氨氧化种群的生物量增长与氨氧化趋势一致,初始生物量7.75 mg/L(蛋白含量),3-5天后生物量快速增长,并达到最高63.06 mg/L(蛋白含量)。电镜图片显示,种群外包裹一层粘液。离心除去菌体后,检测培养液总有机碳和糖的含量,同样表现出与生物量增长相似的特征,分别由初始的3.73、2.35 mg/L,3-5内天迅速增加,并分别达到最大值35.19、27.45 mg/L。经初步分离、纯化并对纯化菌株进行测序,获得了10株异养微生物分别为布鲁氏菌科苍白杆菌属、纤维单孢菌、类芽孢菌属、黄杆菌属、无色杆菌、鞘脂单胞菌、嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌、噬氢菌属、硫红球菌、假单胞菌;DGGE显示,约有20分条离带,我们对其中的两条优势条带进行切割回收测序,鉴定为欧洲亚硝化单胞菌(Nitrosomonas eur)。 第二部分:混合种群自养-异养菌共生的可能机制。在对微生物种群特征初步分析基础上,针对胞外糖类组分可能被微生物代谢分解,我们重点对微生物细胞蛋白质与糖类进行分析。采用超声结合RIPA裂解液裂解,SDS-PAGE电泳分析混合种群总蛋白种类,并通过氨基酸分析仪及红外光谱法分析氨基酸组成及蛋白红外特征。采用超声破碎结合反复冻融对细胞样品进行处理,提取液采用醇沉、Sevage脱氮白,凝胶过滤方法脱盐和分级分离。对提取物的糖分析包括:紫外扫描,红外光谱,核磁共振,单糖组成分析;扫描电镜观察菌群破裂现象。SDS-PAGE分析结果表明:氨氧化种群不同生长阶段都显示出42kD蛋白表达量很高,d4时42kD蛋白表达已经很强,4-7d内一直持续这种过量表达,直到d8后表达开始减弱。说明42kD蛋白可能与氨氧化密切相关。红外光谱分析显示:细胞提取物的特征峰分布在3427.42cm-1、1718.18 cm-1和1681.72 cm-1、1160.07和1086.74 cm-1,分别对应为OH、 C=O、C-O-C基团,表明具有蛋白的典型特征;氨基酸分析显示蛋白中的Gly,Asp,Ala,Glu含量相对较高。 提取物中胞外多糖分离谱图得到不均一组分,共得到6个收集峰;紫外扫描在201-213 nm处有多糖吸收峰,同样表明多糖成分不均一性;多糖红外光谱特征峰主要分别在3400.49 cm-1、2920.28 cm-1、1154.54和1087.52 cm-1,对应OH、-CH2- or CH 、C-O-H or C-O-C等多糖特征基团;多糖提取物核磁共振1H d4.3~5.9之间出现强吸收峰,这是1H中,多糖存在的明显证据,1H NMR中,其中O-乙酰基的甲基上的氢信号为d1.1~1.3之间。糖肟全苯甲酸酯衍生物的HPLC测定中,得到单一的单糖峰,由于时间问题,还未进行更深入的试验;电镜图片显示,种群中的细胞有大量的破裂现象。 实验表明,自养氨氧化混合种群显示出快速的氨氧化速率,氨氧化过程生物量和有机质的增加明显。微生物种群包裹粘液层,并分离纯化出大量的异养菌;去除菌体后的游离培养液中存在有机质(包括多糖)说明无机自养生长体系中存在异养菌生长、繁殖的二次碳源;细胞提取物中蛋白条带数目多、种类丰富;细胞多糖提取物具有明显的多糖特征,以及单糖的存在。结合种群的显微特征和游离体系中的有机质的检测结果,我们认为,无机自养生长体系中,种群细胞生长过程中发生的破裂现象可能是导致大量的蛋白、多糖释放到游离胞外,并成为其他异养菌生长的碳源和氮源。这可能是自养体系中,大量异养菌共生的可能机制,至于是什么原因引起种群生长过程中产生的破裂现象,还有待下一步深入研究。 A group of mixed autotrophic ammonia oxidizing populations, having much biological characteristic tested by concerned personnel for pilot test: Performed rapid population growth and obtained high biomass in inorganic environment; Not only maintained a high rate of ammoxidation, promoted a wealth of heterotrophic microbial populations growth in a totally inorganic and autotrophic growth environment; Placed in heterotrophic and anaerobic environment,had the performance characteristics that could rapidly produce hydrogen.For such a special ecological system, Study its symbiotic mechanism and the connection between these populations of carbon and energy issues, will have a very important significance. We intended from the characteristics of the population, the secretion product of cell surface, free substance in the liquid medium like polysaccharide, protein and fatty acids carrying out research. Part I: The basic features of mixed autotrophic ammonia oxidizing populations . Use inorganic liquid medium, processed study for ammonia oxidation characteristics of the population; we used scanning electron microscopy to get micro-features of autotrophic ammonia oxidizing populations .The medium was carried out settlement and centrifugal then removed the microbial populations, after all of that we analysis the water phase for total organic carbon(TOC), carbohydrate and other substances; Solid ammonia oxidizing medium was adopted to separation and purification of population, DGGE means was for structure analysis of microbial population. The results showed that after the inoculum of bacteria (2 / 5000 (V / V)), ammonia in the culture medium (200 mg / L) was rapid degradation in 3-5 days; ammonia and nitrite have the negative correlation between changes in the trend, then only a small amount of nitrate content (<30mg / L). The biomass growth of ammoxidation population in line with the trend of ammonia oxidation, the initial volume of it was 7.75 mg / L (protein content), in 3-5 days upto 63.06 mg / L (protein content). Electron microscope image showed, the populations were wrapped in a layer of mucus, including the a large number ruptted micorbe , Centrifuge to remove bacteria, then detected the medium for total organic carbon and sugar content, result took on the same characteristics with biomass growth, that were from the initial 3.73、2.35 mg / L respectively, in 3-6 days achieved rapid increase in the maximum to 35.19、27.45 mg / L respectively. After initial separation、 purification ,then processed sequencing to strains purified and got the result that there were 10 heterotrophic microorganisms : Brucella Branch pale bacillus, Cellu lomonas, Bacillus species category, a Flavobacterium, colorless Bacteria, Aeromonas sheath fat, little support maltophilia Aeromonas, macrophages species hydrogen, sulphur-MI, Pseudomonas bacteria spores; DGGE display, there were 20 separation bands approximately. Part II: Mixed populations that autotrophic - heterotrophic bacteria symbiotic mechanism. On the basis of preliminary analysis of microbial population characteristics, aiming at extracellular carbohydrate components might be decomposition by microbial, we focused on microbial cell protein and carbohydrate analysis. Using ultrasound combined with RIPA lysis cracking the cells, SDS-PAGE electrophoresis analysis the total protein species of the population, and through the amino acid analyzer studied the compositions of amino acid and infrared spectroscopy analysis of a protein infrared characteristics. Using ultrasound combined with repeatedly freezing and thawing to treated the cell sample, then took the means that alcohol precipitation, deproteinization by Sevage, gel filtration aimed at desalination and grade separation to deal with the lysates . The extraction of sugar analysis included: UV scanning, IR, NMR, single-sugar composition analysis. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that: 42 kD protein expression was very high at different growth stages of mixed autotrophic ammonia oxidizing populations , on the fourth day, 42 kD protein expression had been very strong, 4-7d, it had continued this excessive expression, then started to weaken after 7 days. 42 kD protein that might be closely associated with ammonia oxidation. Infrared spectral analysis showed that: cell extracts with the characteristic that the peak distribution in 3427.42 cm-1、1718.18 cm-1 and 1681.72 cm-1、1160.07 cm-1 and 1086.74 cm-1 corresponding to OH、C = O、C-O-C Groups which had the typical characteristics of protein; and analysis showed that amino acids including Gly, Asp, Ala, Glu ,the content in the protein is relatively high. Exopolysaccharide in the extracts had the separation map that it was uneven, received a total of six collection peaks by the detection mode of phenol-sulphruic acid method ; ultraviolet scan in the 201-213 nm department had polysaccharide absorbing peak, the same ingredients that polysaccharide heterogeneity; infrared polysaccharide spectral characteristics of the main peak at 3400.49 cm-1, 2920.28 cm-1, 1154.54 and 1087.52 cm-1, corresponding OH,-CH2-or CH, C-O-H or C-O-C;and other characteristics of polysaccharide group; 1H NMR of polysaccharide extract appeared absorption peak between d4.3 ~5.9, which is the apparent evidence of polysaccharide, In 1H NMR, the hydrogen signal of one of O-acetyl was between 1.1 to 1.3. The determination of Sugar oxime whole benzoate derivatives by HPLC, there was a single-sugar peak, as a matter of time, yet more in-depth test. Summary: Mixed autotrophic ammonia oxidizing populations show us that it had the ability in ammonia oxidizing and it was great, organic matter and biomass increased significantly in the process of ammonia oxidation. Microbial populations was wrapped up slime layer, the phenomenon of cell breakdown obviously, and there were a lot of separation and purification of the heterotrophic bacteria; a lot of organic matter (including polysaccharides)remined in the medium that removal of cell indicated the inorganic system existed secondary carbon sources that could be used by the heterotrophic bacteria ; there were a large number proteins bands of cell extract, rich variety; cell extracts of polysaccharide had obvious characteristics of polysaccharide, and the existence evidence of single-sugar. Combined population of microscopic characteristics and free of organic matter in the test results, we believe that the health of inorganic system, population growth occurred in the course of the breakdown of the phenomenon is likely to lead to a lot of protein and polysaccharide released into the extracellular free, And other heterotrophic bacteria use them to the growth as carbon and nitrogen. This may be autotrophic system, the large number of heterotrophic bacteria symbiotic mechanism.


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Charge transfer due to collisions of ground state O3+ (2s(2)2p P-2) ions with molecular hydrogen is investigated using the quantum-mechanical molecular-orbital close-coupling (MOCC) method, and electronic and vibrational state-selective cross sections along with the corresponding differential cross sections are calculated for projectile energies of 100, 500, 1000 and 5000 eV/u at the orientation angles of 25 degrees,45 degrees and 89 degrees. The adiabatic potentials and radial coupling matrix elements utilized in the QMOCC calculations were obtained with the spin-coupled valence-bond approach. The infinite order sudden approximation (IOSA) and the vibrational sudden approximation (VSA) are utilized to deal with the rotation of H-2 and the coupling between the electron and the vibration of H-2. It is found that the distribution of vibrationally resolved cross sections with the vibrational quantum number upsilon' of H-2(+) (upsilon') varies with the increment of the projectile energy; and the electronic and vibrational stateselective differential cross sections show similar behaviors: there is a highest platform within a very small scattering angle, beyond which the differential cross sections decrease as the scattering angle increases and lots of oscillating structures appear, where the scattering angle of the first structure decreases as E-P(-1/2) with the increment of the projectile energy E-P; and the structure and amplitude of the differential cross sections are sensitive to the orientation of molecule H-2, which provides a possibility to identify the orientations of molecule H-2 by the vibrational state-selective differential scattering processes.


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The principle of particle coupling between horizontal and vertical directions in solenoid is presented. Further more, the method of decoupling can be obtained by using the coupling dynamic equations. 5000 particles are tracked under three conditions: CSRm doesn't contain solenoids, contains main solenoid and toroids, contains compensating solenoids. The results of the particle trace calculations show that the particles coupling between horizontal and vertical is very serious because of the existence of solenoids, and lot's of particals are lost. Another two solenoids which locate in the fit place can be used to decrease the coupling intensation. The method is proved to be useful by the trace calculations.


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用600kev的kr~+对Cr/Al薄膜系统进行了离子束混合研究。实验样品是在单晶硅上蒸镀约5000 A厚的铝膜,相继再上所需不同厚度的铬膜。Kr~+注入剂量范围在2.0 * 10~(15)~2.5 * 10~(16) kr~+/cm~2之间。用2.0 Mev的α粒子对注入前后的样品进行了背散射分析,发现铝谱的前沿和铬谱的后沿有明显的展宽,且随剂量的增大而加宽,Cr/Al界面原子混合扩展量的平方α~2注入剂量φ成线性关系;当注入剂量大于1.0 * 10~(16) kr~+/cm~2时,铝谱前沿和铬谱的后沿出现有明显的平坦,经理论拟合计算,发现有化合物形成,x射线衍射实验结果证明化合物形式为Al_(13)Cr_2。本文还得到了混合量Q与剂量的线性关系。最后,对混合机制进行了讨论