996 resultados para Vision 2015


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O presente relatório enquadra-se no previsto pelo Estatuto da Carreira de Investigação Científica, reportando as atividades desenvolvidas pelo Investigador Auxiliar Mário Rui Rilhó de Pinho, no triénio 2012 - 2015.


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Mestrado em Gestão e Empreendedorismo


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Mestrado em Controlo de Gestão e dos Negócios


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Ramo de especialização: Imagem por Ressonância Magnética


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial


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OBJETIVO: Analizar cambios organizacionales, políticos y económicos resultantes de la descentralización del sistema de salud en la población sin seguridad social en México. METODOS: Se visitaron tres estados del país seleccionados por el número de habitantes en condición de pobreza, el partido político en el poder y la etapa de implementación de la descentralización (la primera fue en 1984 y la segunda en 1997). Se realizaron entrevistas durante 2007 con informantes clave de los servicios de salud de los gobiernos estatales, personas que acudieron a consulta en los servicios estatales de salud y líderes comunitarios. Los datos fueron analizados desde una perspectiva antropológica y económica. RESULTADOS: La descentralización ocurrió de forma heterogénea en cada estado, observándose una transferencia de responsabilidades de la federación a los estados, más no así una ruptura con la dependencia del nivel central - federal. Las reformas impulsadas desde el nivel federal para crear un esquema fundamentado en principios de subsidiaridad financiera y democratización en salud enfrentan retos políticos y organizacionales para su consolidación. CONCLUSIONES: El enfoque antropológico muestra la relevancia de considerar factores organizacionales, políticos y económicos como parte del proceso de descentralización.


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Computational Vision stands as the most comprehensive way of knowing the surrounding environment. Accordingly to that, this study aims to present a method to obtain from a common webcam, environment information to guide a mobile differential robot through a path similar to a roadway.


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Mestrado em Controlo de Gestão e dos Negócios


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Mestrado em Fiscalidade


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When the Internet was born, the purpose was to interconnect computers to share digital data at large-scale. On the other hand, when embedded systems were born, the objective was to control system components under real-time constraints through sensing devices, typically at small to medium scales. With the great evolution of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the tendency is to enable ubiquitous and pervasive computing to control everything (physical processes and physical objects) anytime and at a large-scale. This new vision gave recently rise to the paradigm of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). In this position paper, we provide a realistic vision to the concept of the Cyber-Physical Internet (CPI), discuss its design requirements and present the limitations of the current networking abstractions to fulfill these requirements. We also debate whether it is more productive to adopt a system integration approach or a radical design approach for building large-scale CPS. Finally, we present a sample of realtime challenges that must be considered in the design of the Cyber-Physical Internet.


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ABSTRACT - Jean Cocteau, French cinema auteur avant la lettre, has consecrated his uniqueness to the defense of the “poet” and the promotion of its artistic ideals, before the French Nouvelle Vague inspired the break away from the filmic tradition and ahead of the eulogistic tendency to consider the director the undisputed creative entity of the filmmaking process. The Orphic trilogy expresses Cocteau’s cinematic philosophy in action. In other words, it reveals the way by which the creative entity affirms itself as the major filmic enunciator, through an allegorical relationship with vision. Therefore, Cocteau’s self-reflexive metacinema conjoins, in a fertile attunement, the starting point and the ultimate goal, the creation and the reception. Without being exactly a cinema about the cinema, this artistic practice is, nonetheless, very much with the cinema, feeding as it does on its essence. The films Le Sang d’un poète (“The Blood of a Poet”, 1932), Orphée (“Orpheus”, 1950) and Le Testament d’Orphée, ou ne me demandez pas pourquoi! (“Testament of Orpheus”, 1960) recreate, in allegorical form, the double creative function: the look of the directing entity reflects the gaze of the observer, just as this one always restores the presence of the creator. In short: Cocteau’s films, more than anyone else’s, deliberately reflect its auteur as enunciator.


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The stability of binocular vision depends on good fusional amplitudes and its measurements provide information about the patient’s ability to cope with a deviation. However, weak correlations between fusional amplitudes and angle of deviation have been reported in the literature. There are no uniform normative values of fusional amplitudes, even though standards for vergence have been established since 1940s. Aims: 1) Determine the prevalence of heterephoria; 2) Determine the relationship between heterophoria, fusional amplitudes and stereoacuity in children.


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Preventable visual loss in children is an important public health problem. The critical period of susceptibility to deprivation or abnormal visual experience has been identified since the early 1970s. Preventable visual loss caused by amblyopia (0.3%–4%) and its risk factors such as strabismus (2.1%–4.6%) and uncorrected refractive errors (5%–7.7%) represent an important public health problem. Thus the primary justification for preschool vision screening is the detection of amblyopia or amblyogenic refractive, strabismic, or ocular disease conditions. However in Portugal there has been little investigation regarding prevalence of visual anomalies among school-age children. Data on the prevalence are lacking but are needed for planning vision services. Aims: 1) Determine the prevalence of strabismus; 2) Determine the prevalence of decreased visual acuity; 3) Determine the prevalence of uncorrected refractive error.


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Speleologist’s perform their activity in demanding visual conditions of very low luminance - many visual tasks involve resolution of detail under conditions of low contrast. Work related conditions in a cave as exposure to heat, chemicals, dust and poor lighting conditions could influence the integrity of the visual system and predispose the eye to diseases that eventually affect vision. Poor lighting conditions cause a variety of symptoms of visual discomfort and may increase the risk of accidents. Good visual acuity is crucial for several and has an important role for safety purposes. The aim of this study was to evaluate lighting conditions and optical filters effects on visual performance in speleologists exposed to cave environments.


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Computer Vision Syndrome (CSV): 1) Conjunto de complicações desencadeadas com o acto de fixação para perto, que são experimentadas durante ou após o uso do computador; 2) Distúrbio caracterizado pelo esforço repetitivo de perto traduzindo-se em sintomas oculares e não oculares. Pertinência do estudo: os trabalhadores de telecomunicações desempenham actividades prolongadas de fixação para perto, o que pode originar queixas de fadiga visual devido ao stress exercido sob a convergência acomodativa. Objectivos do estudo: 1) Identificar quais os parâmetros da visão binocular que são mais influenciados pelo uso prolongado do computador; 2) Comparar a visão binocular em dois grupos de indivíduos com e sem sintomatologia ocular.