993 resultados para Ritmo de filtração glomerular
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Comunicaci??n presentada en las Jornadas sobre Investigaci??n e Innovaci??n en la Educaci??n F??sica escolar celebradas en el CEP de La Laguna, del 2 al 5 de junio de 2010
BACKGROUND: The role of inflammation and oxidative stress in mild renal impairment in the elderly is not well studied. Accordingly, we aimed at investigating the associations between estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR), and markers of different inflammatory pathways and oxidative stress in a community based cohort of elderly men. FINDINGS: Cystatin C-based GFR, ACR, and biomarkers of cytokine-mediated inflammation (interleukin-6, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein[CRP], serum amyloid A[SAA]), cyclooxygenase-mediated inflammation (urinary prostaglandin F2alpha [PGF2alpha]), and oxidative stress (urinary F2 isoprostanes) were assessed in the Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men(n = 647, mean age 77 years). RESULTS: In linear regression models adjusting for age, BMI, smoking, blood pressure, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and treatment with statins, ACE-inhibitors, ASA, and anti-inflammatory agents, eGFR was inversely associated with CRP, interleukin-6, and SAA (beta-coefficient -0.13 to -0.19, p < 0.001 for all), and positively associated with urinary F2-isoprostanes (beta-coefficient 0.09, p = 0.02). In line with this, ACR was positively associated with CRP, interleukin-6, and SAA (beta- coefficient 0.09-0.12, p < 0.02 for all), and negatively associated with urinary F2-isoprostanes (beta-coefficient -0.12, p = 0.002). The associations were similar but with lower regression coefficients in a sub-sample with normal eGFR (>60 ml/min/1.73 m2, n = 514), with the exception that F2-isoprostane and SAA were no longer associated with eGFR. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that cytokine-mediated inflammation is involved in the early stages of impaired kidney function in the elderly, but that cyclooxygenase-mediated inflammation does not play a role at this stage. The unexpected association between higher eGFR/lower albuminuria and increased F2-isoprostanes in urine merits further studies.
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O lodo de suinocultura e o resíduo de serraria podem constituir problema ambiental quando dispostos no ambiente. A possibilidade de 36 tratamento via filtração foi o objetivo deste estudo. Foram avaliados o potencial de remoção de carga poluidora do lodo de suinocultura por filtros orgânicos de serragem (Pinus sp.), bem como o impacto do descarte no solo do lodo antes e após a filtragem. Utilizou-se um Argissolo e um Latossolo para o estudo da contaminação após a disposição de lodo de suinocultura e filtrado. O solo foi disposto por camadas em vasos de PVC e mantidos em condições naturais. Seis granulometrias de serragem foram utilizadas para estabelecer as vazões de trabalho (20, 25, 30, 40 e 50 mm) e avaliar o efeito do tempo de detenção na performance dos filtros. O maior tempo de detenção correspondeu ao menor tamanho de partícula de serragem. As vazões intermediárias, correspondentes ao tamanho intermediário de material filtrante, em dois filtros sucessivos (30 e 50 mm) com filtração diária, apresentaram melhor performance de filtragem. A filtração do lodo de suinocultura possibilitou redução da demanda química de oxigênio em 85 %, de sólidos totais em 95 % e de sólidos sedimentáveis em 100 %. A retenção de lodo de suinocultura na serragem proporcionou o enriquecimento do resíduo orgânico em nutrientes, bem como diminuição da relação C:N para aproximadamente 20:1. A percolação através de ambos os solos, de lodo de suinocultura antes e após filtragem através de filtro de serragem, determinou uma diminuição significativa de coliformes totais e fecais no percolado, mas dependente da contaminação do material aplicado. Foi observado também que, quanto maior o período sem precipitação pluviométrica após aplicação dos lodos no solo, menor a presença de patogênicos no percolado.
A situação de alta inflação vigente na economia brasileira desde meados da década de oitenta, força as organizações empresariais a encontrar mecanismos que alimentem seu sistema de informaç5es e possibilitem o cumprimento de contratos e o processo de tomada de decisões. Utilizando a técnica do estudo de caso, este trabalho acompanha a experiência de uma organização empresarial em seu processo de adaptação à realidade econômica, após diagnosticar que o seu sistema de informações apresentava um nível muito reduzido de eficácia, ao não incorporar dados sobre as variações de preços na economia. O uso da indexação de valores monetários acompanhado de medidas de reorganização administrativa, da incorporação de novos controles econômicos e financeiros e da expansão da automatização levaram a empresa a um novo estágio de gestão
A presente pesquisa investiga a relação do movimento corporal na construção do conceito de ritmo a partir de um trabalho de composição coletiva, abrangendo os seguintes momentos: a) Composição rítmico-corporal; b) Representação gráfica; c) Entrevista individual; c) O aprendizado em grupo: a construção da performance. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em uma situação de canto coral, contando com a participação de 30 meninas entre 11 e 18 anos. Integrar o movimento corporal compreende uma proposta de canto coral construtivista, tomando por base a trilogia cognição-música-corpo. A partir dessa inter-relação, muitos autores de diferentes áreas fazem-se presentes, porém buscamos um aprofundamento na teoria construtivista interacionista de Jean Piaget, mais especificamente no seu conceito de tomada de consciência, a fim de analisar o processo de construção rítmica de nossas alunas-cantoras. A metodologia empregou o Método Dialético-Didático, uma extensão do Método Clínico, na observação e intervenção com os grupos e nas entrevistas individuais. Os resultados mostraram que o envolvimento do movimento corporal favorece a compreensão da estruturação rítmica, desencadeando tomadas de consciência a partir da observação de si mesmo, pois é o próprio corpo em movimento que desenha os tempos no espaço. Além disso, sentir o próprio corpo nesse processo tem favorecido a performance de modo geral, contribuindo com a afinação, a descontração e a expressividade do grupo.
Deep bed filtration occurs in several industrial and environmental processes like water filtration and soil contamination. In petroleum industry, deep bed filtration occurs near to injection wells during water injection, causing injectivity reduction. It also takes place during well drilling, sand production control, produced water disposal in aquifers, etc. The particle capture in porous media can be caused by different physical mechanisms (size exclusion, electrical forces, bridging, gravity, etc). A statistical model for filtration in porous media is proposed and analytical solutions for suspended and retained particles are derived. The model, which incorporates particle retention probability, is compared with the classical deep bed filtration model allowing a physical interpretation of the filtration coefficients. Comparison of the obtained analytical solutions for the proposed model with the classical model solutions allows concluding that the larger the particle capture probability, the larger the discrepancy between the proposed and the classical models
It is known that sleep plays an important role in the process of motor learning. Recent studies have shown that the presence of sleep between training a motor task and retention test promotes a learning task so than the presence of only awake between training and testing. These findings also have been reported in stroke patients, however, there are few studies that investigate the results of this relationship on the functionality itself in this population. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between functionality and sleep in patients in the chronic stage of stroke. A cross-sectional observational study was conducted. The sample was composed of 30 stroke individuals in chronic phase, between 6 and 60 months after injury and aged between 55 and 75 years. The volunteers were initially evaluated for clinical data of disease and personal history, severity of stroke, through the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale, and mental status, the Mini-Mental State Examination. Sleep assessment tools were Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Questionnaire of Horne and Ostberg, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, the Berlin questionnaire and actigraphy, which measures were: real time of sleep, waking after sleep onset, percentage of waking after sleep onset, sleep efficiency, sleep latency, sleep fragmentation index, mean activity score. Other actigraphy measures were intraday variability, stability interdiária, a 5-hour period with minimum level of activity (L5) and 10-hour period with maximum activity (M10), obtained to evaluate the activity-rest rhythm. The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) were the instruments used to evaluate the functional status of participants. The Spearman correlation coefficient and comparison tests (Student's t and Mann-Whitney) were used to analyze the relationship of sleep assessment tools and rest-activity rhythm to measures of functional assessment. The SPSS 16.0 was used for analysis, adopting a significance level of 5%. The main results observed were a negative correlation between sleepiness and balance and a negative correlation between the level of activity (M10) and sleep fragmentation. No measurement of sleep or rhythm was associated with functional independence measure. These findings suggest that there may be an association between sleepiness and xii balance in patients in the chronic stage of stroke, and that obtaining a higher level of activity may be associated with a better sleep pattern and rhythm more stable and less fragmented. Future studies should evaluate the cause-effect relationship between these parameters
Stroke is a neurological disorder caused by restriction of blood flow to the brain, which generates directly a deficit of functionality that affects the quality of life of patients. The aim of this study was to establish a short version of the Social Rhythm Scale (SRM), to assess the social rhythm of stroke patients. The sample consisted of 84 patients, of both sexes, with injury time exceeding 6 months. For seven days, patients recorded the time held 17 activities of SRM. Data analysis was performed using a principal components factor analysis with varimax rotation of the full version of SRM in order to determine which activities could compose brief versions of SRM. We then carried out a comparison of hits, the ALI (Level Activity Index) and SRM, between versions, by Kruskal-Walls and the Mann-Whitney test. The Spearman correlation test was used to evaluate the correlation between the score of the full version of SRM with short versions. It was found that the activities of SRM were distributed in three versions: the first and second with 6 activities and third with 3 activities. Regarding hits, it was found that they ranged from 4.9 to 5.8 on the first version; 2.3 to 3.8 in version 2 and 2.8 to 6.2 in version 3, the first the only version that did not show low values. The analysis of ALI, in version 1, the median was 29, in version 2 was 14 and in version 3 was 18. Significant difference in the values of ALI between versions 1 and 2, between 2 and 3 and between versions 1 and 3. The highest median was found in the first version, formed by activities: out of bed, first contact, drink coffee, watch TV in the evening and go to bed. The lowest median was observed in the second version and this was not what had fewer activities, but which had social activities. The medians of the SRM version 1 was 6, version 2 was 4 and version 3 was 6. Significant difference in the values of SRM between versions 1 and 2 and between 2 and 3, but no significant difference between versions 1 and 3. Through analysis, we found a significant correlation only between the full version and the version 1 (R2 = 0.61) (p <0.05), no correlation was found with version 2 (R2 = 0.007) nor with version 3 (R2 = 0.002), this was finally a factor to consider version 1 as the short brazilian version of the Social Rhythm Metric for stroke patients