951 resultados para Poets, French.
The present study is entitled The Aesthetics of Paul Verlaine and Changampuzha Krishnapillai - a comparative perspective. The purpose of the study is to compare the poetic genius of the French poet Paul Verlaine (1844-1896) and that of the Malayalam poet Changampuzha Krishnapillai (1911-1948), within a descriptive framework. The investigation will hopefully answer the questions- Has Changampuzha been indeed influenced by Verlaine, if so, to what extent? Can the aesthetic appreciation be justified in both poets as illustrated in their works? The comparative methodology of juxtaposing the selected oeuvres of the poets is largely adopted in the study. Since the span of analysis is across national and linguistic borders, the distinguishing as well as exclusive traits of the individual poets will be of much importance in formulating the comparative assumption in this work. The vastly differing geographical, linguistic and cultural milieus of these two poets,-one a national French poet and the other, a regional Indian poet writing in Malayalam prima facie,endow the theme of the dissertation with an innate hue of diversity. Such an ambitious task would naturally entail a renewed research into the dedication of the poets to their muses and their ultimate contributions to poetics. The analysis, while attempting to illuminate from a fresh angle, the amply researched oeuvre of Verlaine and the lesser studied one of Changampuzha, cannot but be aware of the limitations of the task at hand. The present study is the first of its kind on the specific theme of analysis, and is hoped that it would be of relevance since no work has so far been known to have been undertaken on the topic. At a time when the birth centenary celebrations of Changampuzha have just concluded, this study is hoped to assume significance as it would help in isolating the originality of the poet's works, extricating the garb of the French influence. Ultimately, this study aims at creating a wider appreciation of the impact that the French writers have had on Malayalam writers, thus shedding new light on the benign foreign influences that served to enhance the beauty of our cultural heritage
GeoNetwork opensource is a standards based, Free and Open Source catalog application to manage spatially referenced resources through the web. It is an OSGEO Project initiated by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). The purpose of this presentation is to illustrate the implementation of such a catalog in national projects in France and in Switzerland. Firstly, we will present you the Geosource project undertaken by BRGM (http://www.brgm.fr/), gathering national and local authorities, national geographic survey, public organisations, associations in order to provide a metadata catalog for french users : definition of french iso profile, support for INSPIRE metadata requirements. Finally, we will present the SwissTopo geocat II project. The purpose of the project is to develop the next generation geospatial catalog for SwissTopo on the basis of GeoNetwork opensource. This both projects underline the closely collaboration between national authorities and the Geonetwork opensource community
links to online notes on the imperfect tense, used for revision French level 3a. Includes 20 question self assessment test
The framework was developed in response to feedback from partner institutions around Europe.
Resumen en español
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Texto adaptado al currículo nacional inglés en la materia de historia, estudia los acontecimientos ocurridos en Francia desde finales del siglo XVIII hasta la caída del imperio napoleónico a principios del siglo siguiente; así como la pervivencia, hasta nuestros días, del legado de la Revolución Francesa y de la época napoleónica.
Ayuda a los alumnos a entender la mentalidad de las personas que vivieron la Revolución Francesa. Para lo cual estudia las condiciones sociales, políticas y económicas de Francia y de sus ciudadanos en los años previos a la Revolución, durante la fase del Terror y en la era napoleónica. Cada sección se estructura como una investigación histórica, para que cada estudiante seleccione, ordene y clasifique la información y aprenda a relacionar las cuestiones clave. Su contenido se adapta al curriculum nacional inglés.
Es un recurso para el profesor basado en el libro del alumno, que le ayuda a planificar el estudio. Utiliza preguntas de carácter muy general, para dar a los estudiantes una visión de conjunto y en profundidad de los acontecimientos históricos.
El poeta y ensayista cubano confiesa que la poesía le dio una razón para vivir, y que sigue siendo su gran amor. Aunque difícil de definir, plantea que al ser humano le resulta imposible resistir sin ella: en toda crisis (la enfermedad, la muerte o la guerra), se recurre a la poesía. Las influencias literarias le llegaron de escritores alemanes, franceses y latinoamericanos (sobre todo, de Jorge Luis Borges, José Lezama Lima, Octavio Paz y Alfonso Reyes). El autor cubano destaca los méritos de varios poetas ecuatorianos y latinoamericanos. De Lezama Lima, quien “vivía para la poesía y el espíritu, con apenas unos pesitos”, resalta su sentido coral de la cultura (como construcción colectiva) y de la literatura. Respecto de la Revolución, aun reconociendo que hubo errores, está convencido de que es lo mejor que pudo pasarle a Cuba, no solo porque es la que buscó con insistencia, de Martí a Lezama, sino porque es la que triunfó y sigue adelante, pese al bloqueo económico de medio siglo por parte de la mayor potencia mundial, y de todas las dificultades.