221 resultados para Materialidade
This article aims to undertake a discursive analysis of the label and advertising material of three beers sold in Brazil: the Cafuza beer, the Mulata beer and Devassa Negra beer. Starting from the regularity that binds and weaves the statements in question - the reference to the African-Brazilian woman - the objective is to present an analysis that considers the semiotic nature of these statements, and bring out their enunciation margins and its historical dimension. The purpose is to analyze the discursive thread that provides conditions of emergence, providing visibility to the scenario of enslavement still perdurable here as historical a priori, in a game of memories that echo through time. What we will see is the body of the black woman (also mulatto and black-indian woman) caught by a discourse that comes from the image of the female sexual slavery and reaches today its exacerbation, especially if we think of the (con)fusion established between the brand names of those beers and the women printed on their labels: products to be consumed? As a theoretical and methodological framework, this article will have as a starting point the discussions made within the French Discourse Analysis in the course of the 1980s. We will bring forward a discussion, although in general, on how emerges, in that decade, the concerns about a semiotic materiality of discourse, beyond the linguistic materiality. Anchored by this panorama, our goal is to work out new perspectives through its analytical application. It is the attempt to take the statement considering the different languages that comprise it, as well as to provide it with the historical density intrinsic to it, making it appear, in the light of the day, what was not visible immediately.
Neste ensaio de Jeffrey Cedeño, paira o olhar para a literatura como objeto de materialidade cultural metidatizado por estruturas sócio-históricas e para a imaginação humana como potencial de superação de cicatrizes sociais e, sobretudo, como local de reflexão singular sobre a vida. O limite da faculdade imaginativa é lido, muitas vezes, como uma estrutura inevitável dos processos históricos, na medida em que a perfectibilidade não ultrapassa a materialidade simbólica dos objetos culturais.
More than understanding a speech, we need to decode it to then seek to understand how this discourse was made and what direction effects it produces. The Mentor of the Brazilians from Sao Joao del Rei - our object of study in this article - since its announcement in 1829, it was proposed to be like the newspaper's name itself shows, a Mentor, a newspaper to guide, advise women the inclusion in the political and moral life of the country, but without forgetting the family and their deveres. Para rationale of this study are taken as the essence of the studies Pêcheux and Eni Orlandi, the French Discourse Analysis (DA), trying to understand the speech of the mining journal in their production conditions in the nineteenth century. Understanding that social memory leads to a discursive memory that formulates the speeches already in place, giving rise to the social-historical context of ideological and enunciator statement. In addition, it is necessary to establish the role of the analyst in the process of understanding of the subject matter, because according to Orlandi (2008), the subject has his body tied to the body of the senses; subject and senses has its corporeality, made at the meeting of the materiality of language and history. In this perspective, enunciator and analyst embody the senses three cutouts of the weekly newsletter: a) the ad in the Astro de Minas newspaper talking about the first Mentor of the Brazilians women edition, b) the No. 1 edition and c) No.10 edition of the Mentor of the Brazilians women.
This work is part of the result of masters degree research that aims to analyze how the margarine commercials "Qualy", through television, create a particular imagery around the very concept of family. For this purpose, we raise the following question: how are the effects of meaning, concerning this concept, created in the “Qualy” margarine television advertising? To answer this question we focus on the goal of understanding Sadia discourse using a “Qualy” advertise campaign, produced in 2009, which consist of eight commercials. Our theoretical purpose is to seek the light of French Discourse Analysis of Michel Pecheux and Eni Orlandi, trying to understand the workings of these effects of sense on family which come from this advertising intent. The campaign propagation took place through open national television media between 2009 and 2010. In the course of its eight episodes it tells a little story about a particular family dynamic, composed of three members: a mother (Anne), son (Rafa) and grandmother (Theresa), plus a fourth character who does not live with his family but is often around, it is the mother's boyfriend (Beto). With the analysis process it was possible to notice that although the surface of discourse reveal an organization of contemporary family, the relationships established in this family, even if sometimes conflicting, substantially reveal that the traditional family, which has always been present in commercials, above all, the margarine ones.
The underlying imaginary geographical landscapes account from a certain perception of a nation's identity construction processes. It is what we find in the aesthetic design of Os transparentes the Angolan writer's Ondjaki, a work which you can see the boundaries between the territory and the individual who occupies it through constructions and deconstructions mutual processes. We therefore want to develop interpretive analysis of the relations that link the internal and external influences of characters in intense contact with the place they live in a battered building, located in a city in crisis, Luanda. We will analyze exchanges between the characters of this work, marking the movements of the narrators and text structure, movements point to the many ways to represent the heterogeneous space of cultural influences located in the historical and spatial context of contemporaneity. Therefore, we will use the Rita Chaves studies on the break with the fixity that undertake such characters and also the Tania Macêdo, on the relationship between literature, history and identity Angola. Materiality to immateriality, the work is meant to examine the physical dematerialization experienced by the protagonist, along the plot, highlighting a closer relationship between this process and the deterioration of the city, metonymic situation that may be related to poor stability as it flies to national identity Angola.
This paper seeks to problematize the contradiction as constitutive sense of the language, from the studies developed by Ducrot (1987) and Bakhtin/Voloshinov (2006). We asked ourselves to what extent it would be possible to control the clarity of expression of ideas, and how you can delete any problem that risks a logical and coherent organization of saying. In the case of this work, we want to ask which place the contradiction takes on as well as the relation that it establishes with the coherence and incoherence. From the analysis of sustained statements in concepts of the Argumentation Theory and the Polyphony, from the authors mentioned before, it was possible to establish a contrastive relation between the two perspectives of analysis, bearing in mind the proposed question. What allowed us to say the discourse’s senses cannot be limited to the materiality of the language and a methodology of textual logic does not account for countless possibilities of organizing a text – it is necessary to involve other forms of analysis, in a study that takes advantage of the internal structures as contribution of external determinants than mean jointly.
This study has the objective of analyzing, based on the theoretical and methodological device of the French Discourse Analysis, the meanings that (are) produce(d) (in) the photographs that compose the special report entitled “Cidades médias” (“Medium-sized cities”), published by Veja magazine in September, 2010. This report aims, according to the magazine, at highlighting which are the Brazilian cities that are considered “metropolis of the future”, for making possible, amongst other elements, also the obtainment of financial success. If the photographs in the media act as supports of the linguistic materiality, as representations of reality, I intend in this study: work with the effect of evidence produced by the photograph; reflect about the ideological crossing, which determines what can and must be said and, therefore, what cannot and must not be said; analyze in what way this crossing passes by the image and what is its representation in the journalistic discourse; and analyze which are the meanings produced by the photographs that compose the special report on Veja magazine; also in their relation to the subjects introduced there. For my investigation, I was based on the contributions of Barthes (1984) and Dubois (1993) and in some important concepts for the Discourse Analysis field found in Pêcheux (2009 [1988]) and Orlandi (2007 [1992]; 1995).
The relationship between verbal and visual materiality in printed infographics is provided. The manner the verbal significant updates certain discursive memories may be understood when related to the visual significant is thus investigated. Whereas the object under investigation is an infographic of the magazine Saúde titled The virus that combats viruses; the analysis, which is based on a materialist theoretical stance, triggers the notions of memory and materiality. Content effect reiterates the functioning of the linguistic sign through the language’s literality within the word-thing relationship and it establishes itself within the visual stance while producing faithful effects with the real. When one investigates the manner discursive memory performs the relationship between the verbal and the visual in infographics, one understands that this relationship is established within the context of incompleteness of the above-mentioned types of materiality. It also occurs within the equivocation that verbal materiality may be complemented by the visual or that the image may faithfully represent the real. The formulation of infographics demands-updates-reaffirms a verbal faithfulness with the visual within a content relationship. Verbal interweaving (in explicatory graphics) with images (the visual) produces meaning effects that project language as an instrument, ideal in its transparency, and literally reveals the thing to which it refers.
In this paper it is intended to analyzesexual diseases preventive discourse (SDPD) - placing it in relation to production conditions that make possible its appearance. In this sense, carnival is perceived as a period in which incentive campaigns – that try to convince the population about the importance of using condoms - are intensified. Carnival constitutes the deflagrated element that emphasizes SDPD discourse in media. It is intended to investigate network of memories that produce sense effects. As analysis materiality,it was selected the samba Vamosvestir a camisinha, meuamor.that was presented by Acadêmicos do Grande Rio Samba School in 2004, also presented by the Health Ministry informative campaign, about using of condom, carried out by televised media in 2012 carnival. In addition, reading gesture – about the mentioned samba – aims to investigate the measurement that discourse incorporation occurs about SDPD prevention, in public power educative campaigns – especially in Helth Ministry.
A proposta deste trabalho é discutir algumas representações deidosos que aparecem na mídia impressa (revista Veja), através da análise da materialidade linguística de recortes discursivos selecionados. Nosso objetivo é levantar questionamentos sobre a identidade do idoso na sociedade contemporânea, através do imaginário que é construído por esses meios de comunicação, numa perspectiva teórica dos discursos e dos estudos da identidade. Tal problemática se põe em relevância no momento em que a população envelhece e denega esse envelhecimento, em nome da busca de um imaginário da eterna juventude. Propomo-nos, com a análise, revelar um pouco do imaginário social do idoso veiculado por essa mídia e problematizar as identidades propostas aos idosos por esses veículos deinformação, buscando desconstruir estereótipos e produzir novos olhares sobre a velhice, de forma a disseminar tal debate em outras instâncias discursivas, como o discurso pedagógico.
Este artigo analisa os procedimentos desconstrutores efetuadosna linguagem, evidenciados no poema-livro Galáxias (1984), de Haroldo de Campos, em que a concepção de escritura é estabelecida como “jogo”. Utilizou-se como referencial teórico-metodológico as formulações de Gilles Deleuze, sobretudo o seu conceito de instância paradoxal, e as reflexões de Jacques Derrida, especialmente as formulações que deslocam a concepção de unicidade do sentido. Conclui-se que a textualidade de Galáxias realiza incessantes desterritorializações no campo da sintaxe, do léxico, da lógica e da semântica. No entanto, os procedimentos executados na materialidade da linguagem nesse longo poema variam significativamente entre seus diferentes fragmentos, alcançando inusitados efeitos de desestabilização do código estabelecido. Enfim, constata-se que o livro-viagem (ou a viagem como livro) de Haroldo de Campos trouxe uma contribuição significativa à poesia brasileira do século XX, sobretudo no que diz respeito aos textos de inovação ou às escrituras denominadas “desconstrutoras”.