704 resultados para Etch adhesives
Growth-induced defects in Yb:FAP crystals grown by the Czochralski method have been investigated by optical microscopy, chemical etching, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Anisotropic etching features have been observed on two FAP crystal planes: (0001) and (1010). The shape of etch pits on the (0001) plane is hexagonal, while the etch pits on the (1010) plane have a variety of irregular shapes. It is also found that the density of etch pit varies along the boule. Based on the experimental observations, the formation mechanisnis of growth defects are discussed, and methods for reducing the growth-induced defect concentration is proposed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
采用提拉法生长了质量优异的Yb:Ca5(PO4)2F(Yb:FAP)晶体。运用化学腐蚀,光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜以及能量散射光谱仪观察了该晶体中的生长条纹和包裹物等宏观缺陷,以及晶体的位错腐蚀形貌、位错密度及其分布情况,同时观察了晶体中亚晶界的形态。由晶体中位错的径向变化以及生长条纹可知:晶体在生长过程中为微凸界面生长。高温下CaF2的挥发造成了在晶体生长后期熔体中组分偏离化学计量比,出现组分过冷,形成包裹物。且位错密度显著增加。Yb:FAP晶体的各向异性使得晶体在(10 10)面的位错蚀坑形状、大小以
The twin defects in Ce:YAP were investigated by using synchrotron radiation topography and etch figures. The results show that the twins are {101} and {121} types, and the exchange of neighboring lattice parameters is considered to be the intrinsic factor for twining. Based on such analysis, the twin structure model was established. Otherwise, the growth experiment results show that the abrupt change of growth rate during shoulder formation tends to cause twining.
gamma-LiAlO2 single crystal was successfully grown by Czochralski method. The crystal quality was characterized by X-ray rocking curve and chemical etching. The effects of air-annealing and vapor transport equilibration (VTE) on the crystal quality, etch pits and absorption spectra of LiAlO2 were also investigated in detail. The results show that the as-grown crystal has very high quality with the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 17.7-22.6 arcsec. Dislocation density in the middle part of the crystal is as low as about 3.0 x 10(3) cm(-2). The VTE-treated slice has larger FWHM value, etch pits density and absorption coefficient as compared with those of untreated and air-annealed slices, which indicates that the crystal quality became inferior after VTE treatment. (C) 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
g-LiAlO2 single crystal is a promising substrate for GaN heteroepitaxy. In this paper, we present the growth of large-sized LiAlO2 crystal by modified Czochralski method. The crystal quality was characterized by high-resolution X-ray diffraction and chemical etching. The results show that the as-grown crystal has perfect quality with the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 17.7-22.6 arcsec and etch pits density of (0.3-2.2) x 10(4) cm(-2) throughout the crystal boule. The bottom of the crystal boule shows the best quality. The optical transmission spectra from UV to IR exhibits that the crystal is transparent from 0.2 to 5.5 mu m and becomes completely absorbing around 6.7 mu m wavelength. The optical absorption edge in near UV region is about 191 nm.
Juntas coladas têm se mostrado como a principal alternativa de união entre componentes fabricados em materiais distintos ou não, tendo como vantagem principal a ausência de aporte de calor e melhor distribuição de tensões. A literatura mostra que estudos anteriores foram realizados com o objetivo de caracterizar diversas propriedades associados às juntas, porém, pouco ainda se conhece sobre o comportamento dessas uniões relacionado à fluência. Os ensaios de fluência têm como principal desvantagem a baixa produtividade de resultados visto que, na maioria dos casos, os equipamentos aptos a realizarem este tipo de teste ensaiam apenas um corpo de prova por vez. Neste caso, o tratamento estatístico é baseado em uma pequena quantidade de resultados, reduzindo a confiabilidade na predição do comportamento em fluência. O Laboratório de Adesão e Aderência (LAA/UERJ/IPRJ) desenvolveu o equipamento pneumático de fluência (EPF) capaz de realizar dez ensaios simultâneos com parâmetros distintos. Este trabalho investiga o comportamento de juntas de cisalhamento simples (SLJ) compostas por substratos metálicos colados com adesivo epóxi e poliuretano. As juntas foram fabricadas em conformidade a norma ASTM D 1002, seguindo procedimento de preparo RT-003/08 TMC/CENPES/PETROBRAS. Os resultados mostram que, para projetos onde esteja prevista utilização das juntas durante longos períodos de tempo sob carregamento, conhecer apenas suas tensões médias de ruptura não é o suficiente para garantir a segurança do empreendimento. É proposto um modelo inicial do comportamento sob fluência de juntas coladas.
Mixed phase carbon-diamond films which consist of small grain diamond in an a:C matrix were deposited on polished Si using a radio frequency CH4 Ar plasma CVD deposition process. Ellipsometry, surface profilometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and spectrophotometry were used to analyse these films. Film thicknesses were typically 50-100 nm with a surface roughness of ± 30 A ̊ over centimetre length scans. SEM analysis showed the films were smooth and pinhole free. The Si substrate was etched using backside masking and a directional etch to give taut carbon-diamond membranes on a Si grid. Spectrophotometry was used to analyse the optical properties of these membranes. Band gap control was achieved by varying the dc bias of the deposition process. Band gaps of 1.2 eV to 4.0 eV were achieved in these membranes. A technique for controlling the compressive stress in the films, which can range from 0.02 to 7.5 GPa has been employed. This has allowed the fabrication of thin, low stress, high band gap membranes that are extremely tough and chemically inert. Such carbon-diamond membranes seem promising for applications as windows in analytical instruments. © 1992.
We have fabricated an ultra-compact 4×4 optical matrix on InP/InGaAsP material. 1×4 MMI couplers and TIR mirrors are employed to produce a compact 1×2 mm2 device. A CH4/H2/O2 RIE dry etch process has been used to realize two-level dry etching: deep-etch for both the MMI couplers and the mirrors and shallow-etch for the rest of the routing waveguides. It was found that a metal/dielectric bilayer mask is essential for multi-dry-etch processes and high profile verticality. We have found a Ti intermediate mask for the deep-etch process which is removable by SF6 dry-etch before the following shallow process. Dry-etch removal of the intermediate mask is necessary to protect the deep-etched mirror sidewall.