340 resultados para Bureaucracy.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Purpose - This study examined the relationship between environmental management practices developed at a campus of a Brazilian university (University of Sao Paulo) and the greening of its organizational culture. The paper aims to discuss these issues.Design/methodology/approach - This article presents a theoretical background based on the concepts of environmental management, organizational culture and environmental management in higher education institutions. The main framework of this research is the model proposed by Harris and Crane.Findings - The studied university has an environmental management program that is sometimes constrained in the following ways: the university bureaucracy and hierarchy; the main performance indicators for lecturers and professors are based on scientific production and publication, giving them little time for complementary activities; and some units develop their own environmental management practices, but they are not disseminated as best practices for use by other units. Some academic units showcase the proactive actions of professors who incorporate environmental management into their daily activities. The general perception is that the phrase environmental management is almost synonymous with solid waste management.Originality/value - This research details the first Brazilian application of the Harris and Crane model. It contributes an original analysis of environmental management and green organizational culture of a Brazilian university, an organizational type that has seldom been studied to date.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Micro and Small Enterprises are in a special group of companies it given potential for development, employability, and integration into society. Although in Brazil they have high mortality rates, resulted to creation of the Statute of Micro and Small Enterprise in order to encourage it through tax benefits and advantages in public procurement processes. However, the other side of the debate, the public procurement process is the moment when the Public Sector relates to the Private Sector to materialize works, services and shopping. These procurement processes have itself weaknesses, such as excessive bureaucracy, delays and corruption, leading us to inquire: is a good idea promotes the development of micro and small enterprises through weaknesses procurement process? This discussion using theoretical framework, and an analysis of two case studies where the winners of procurement were two enterprises benefited from the Statute of Micro and Small Enterprises
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
The Amazon region has a large sociobiodiversity, where lives people with traditional knowledge about the uses of its natural resources. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 1992 recognized the autonomy of each nation over its genetic resources and the rights of traditional populations about the knowledge of the use of these natural resources. In 2001 it was published the law M.P. 2.186-16/2001 which created the Conselho Nacional de Gestão do Patrimônio Genético (CGEN) and the first rules about access to genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge in Brazil. Since his creation, the actions of CGEN have received criticism from various sectors, both private and public, and, unlike its initial proposal, has become one of the main obstacles of ethnobotanical studies, the bureaucracy, the long process analysis and communication difficulties with this organ.
Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS
Quais fatores determinam a rotatividade dos servidores de confiança do governo federal brasileiro? Este artigo mostra que mudanças partidárias na direção dos ministérios não necessariamente se traduzem em mudanças na composição dos cargos de confiança. Funcionários de confiança com funções de policymaking são mais afetados pela mudança de ministro do que os demais. Além disso, órgãos afetados por escândalos de corrupção tiveram uma taxa de permanência de seus funcionários de confiança maior do que a dos demais órgãos. Fica evidente a necessidade de considerar a policy expertise dos funcionários, medida em tempo de serviço público, para entender a rotatividade. O artigo aponta para a pertinência de estudar as relações "Executivo-Executivo" no Brasil.
Este artigo empreende um esforço de reintrepretação sobre o desenvolvimentismo no Brasil. Procura repensá-lo a partir da tríade estruturante que lhe confere sentido: um consenso ideológico sobre as potencialidades nacionais, um estilo de reflexão sobre o país e uma aposta no planejamento democrático e descentralizado. A política econômica é encarada mais como ferramenta do que um fim em si mesmo. Para tanto, acompanhou-se a trajetória Rômulo Almeida, de modo a traçar o pano de fundo do Brasil desenvolvimentista entre 1946 e 1964. Um esforço de coleta de material inédito produzido pelo economista baiano ao longo dos anos 1970 permitiu mostrar como ele revê sua rica trajetória de servidor público e oferece uma crítica à política econômica da ditadura militar, partindo de um pensamento sistêmico e de uma dialética planejadora. Ao final, são tecidas algumas considerações acerca das possibilidades de emergência de uma nova perspectiva desenvolvimentista para o país no contexto atual.
Negli ultimi anni, parallelamente all’espansione del settore biologico, si è assistito a un crescente interesse per i modelli alternativi di garanzia dell’integrità e della genuinità dei prodotti biologici. Gruppi di piccoli agricoltori di tutto il mondo hanno iniziato a sviluppare approcci alternativi per affrontare i problemi connessi alla certificazione di terza parte. Queste pratiche sono note come Sistemi di Garanzia Partecipativa (PGS). Tali modelli: (i) si basano sugli standard di certificazione biologica dell’IFOAM, (ii) riguardano il complesso dei produttori di una comunità rurale, (iii) comportano l’inclusione di una grande varietà di attori e (iv) hanno lo scopo di ridurre al minimo burocrazia e costi semplificando le procedure di verifica e incorporando un elemento di educazione ambientale e sociale sia per i produttori sia per i consumatori. Gli obiettivi di questo lavoro di ricerca: • descrivere il funzionamento dei sistemi di garanzia partecipativa; • indicare i vantaggi della loro adozione nei Paesi in via di sviluppo e non; • illustrare il caso della Rede Ecovida de Agroecologia (Brasile); • offrire uno spunto di riflessione che riguarda il consumatore e la relativa fiducia nel modello PGS. L’impianto teorico fa riferimento alla Teoria delle Convenzioni. Sulla base del quadro teorico è stato costruito un questionario per i consumatori con lo scopo di testare l’appropriatezza delle ipotesi teoriche. I risultati finali riguardano la stima del livello di conoscenza attuale, la fiducia e la volontà d’acquisto dei prodotti PGS da parte dei consumatori nelle aree considerate. Sulla base di questa ricerca sarà possibile adattare ed esportare il modello empirico in altri paesi che presentano economie diverse per cercare di comprendere il potenziale campo di applicazione dei sistemi di garanzia partecipativa.
Die vorliegende Magisterarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Produktivitaet bürokratischer Routinen am Centre for National Culture in Wa, Nordwestghana. Staat, Nation und nationale Kultur sind keine fest umgrenzten Entitäten, sondern entstehen in einem andauernden Prozess der Aushandlung und Bedeutungszuschreibung und in der permanenten Reproduzierung ihrer Grenzen und Kategorien. Bürokratische Routinen und administrativen Prozesse werden als jene Praktiken betrachtet, die Kultur nationalisieren. Die Arbeit geht der Frage nach, wie sich die stete Reproduktion der räumlichen Verortung des Staats durch bürokratische Routinen auf die Grenzen von Kultur und die Kategorien, in denen Kultur gedacht wird, auswirkt. Das wichtigste Schlagwort ghanaischer Kulturpolitik ist „unity in diversity“. Einer Vielzahl „lokaler Kulturen“ soll ihr rechtmäßiger Platz im nationalen Potpourri eingeräumt werden, aber die gewünschte Vielfalt darf keine politische Sprengkraft entwickeln. Die zentrale Aufgabe staatlicher Kulturinstitutionen in Ghana ist daher, die „rohe Kultur“ (die im Dorf verortet wird), zu choreographieren. Die Verwaltungspraxis der Kulturbeamten unterstellt die Einheit lokaler Kulturgrenzen (wo auch immer man die ziehen würde) mit den politisch-administrativen Grenzen, nach denen die Kulturinstitutionen organisiert sind, und trägt auf diese Weise zur Naturalisierung staatlicher Kulturgrenzen bei.
Polizei in Afrika ist korrupt und schlecht ausgebildet und eine „Marionette“ der Regierungen − so das nicht nur im populären, sondern auch sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskurs vermittelte Bild. Eine ethnographische Perspektive, die Polizeiarbeit im Alltag beobachtet und auf die Interaktionsstrategien der Polizisten mit Klienten und ihre Deutungen und Selbstbilder fokussiert, erlaubt neue Einsichten in das alltägliche Funktionieren der Organisation. Die vorliegende Arbeit basiert auf einem dreimonatigen Aufenthalt in der domestic violence unit der Police Headquarters in der Upper West Region Ghanas. Sie zeigt unter anderem, wie die Akteure die Ausbildung zum Polizisten, Gehaltsfragen, Versetzungen, Geschlechterverhältnis und Beförderungen konzeptionalisieren und wo sie sich in ihrer Arbeitswelt positionieren. Die besondere Aufmerksamkeit der Arbeit gilt der Interaktion der Polizisten mit Akteuren außerhalb ihrer Organisation, den „Klienten“. Eine zentrale Erkenntnis ist, dass die Klienten erst mit Hilfe typischer bürokratischer Praktiken und Redensarten als solche von den Polizisten konstruiert werden. Dabei sind die Klienten aber weder passiv polizeilicher Willkür ausgeliefert noch können einflussreiche Klienten die Polizei nach ihrem Gusto manipulieren. In zwei Fallstudien von Verhandlungssituationen wird deutlich, wie Polizisten Autorität in der Interaktion mit Klienten herstellen und legitimieren und welche Maßnahmen Klienten ihrerseits ergreifen, um die Situation zu ihren Gunsten zu gestalten.
Gewalttätig, korrupt und faul oder eher gesetzestreu, hilfsbereit und freundlich? Diese Abhandlung befasst sich mit der Arbeitsweise der Beniner Polizei und den Bildern, die sie von sich erzeugt und den Eindrücken, die sie bei den Bürgern hinterlässt. Die Arbeit liefert Erkenntnisse über den Aufbau und die Arbeitsweise der Beniner Polizei. Sie verweist auch auf das Konkurrenzverhältnis der Polizei zu anderen Sicherheitskräften, wie etwa der Gendarmerie und sie zeigt, dass sich die Polizeirnin diversen Grauzonen – der Legalität, der Staatlichkeit und der Formalität – bewegt. Informelle Strategien, schleichende Privatisierung und Korruption sichern in einem gewissen Rahmen das Funktionieren der Institution. Diese Schwächen der Institution haben jedoch negative Auswirkungen auf das Bild der Polizei und ihr Verhältnis zu den Bürgern. Nicht das propagierte Ideal einer Polizei, sondern die realen Interaktionen mit ihr dominieren die Wahrnehmung der Bürger von der Organisation.
Cross-sectoral interorganizational relationships in post-conflict situations occur regularly. Whether formal task forces, advisory groups or other ad hoc arrangements, these relations take place in chaotic and dangerous situations with urgent and turbulent political, economic and social environments. Furthermore, they typically involve a large number of players from many different nations, operating across sectors, and between multiple layers of bureaucracy and diplomacy. The organizational complexity staggers many participants and observers, as do the tasks they are charged with completing. Reform efforts in Bosnia and Herzegovina starting in 1995 may serve as the archetype model of conflict, transition and development for the 21st century. It wins this honor due not to its particular programmatic successes and failures, rather to the interorganizational complexity of the International Community. From the massive response to the crisis, to the modern nation-building policies it spawned, and the development assistance practices and institutional arrangements it created, the Bosnian development experience has much to offer by way of lessons learned. This manuscript frames the unique Bosnian development situation, and provides lessons learned from the experience of nation building given local realities. Pettigrew (1992) called this "contextualizing." While network and/or organizational structure, strategy and process explain many interorganizational relationship issues, the development variables identified in this manuscript prove equally important, yet elusive and difficult to measure despite their very real and overt presence.