985 resultados para Averaging Theorem


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We investigate polynomials satisfying a three-term recurrence relation of the form B-n(x) = (x - beta(n))beta(n-1)(x) - alpha(n)xB(n-2)(x), with positive recurrence coefficients alpha(n+1),beta(n) (n = 1, 2,...). We show that the zeros are eigenvalues of a structured Hessenberg matrix and give the left and right eigenvectors of this matrix, from which we deduce Laurent orthogonality and the Gaussian quadrature formula. We analyse in more detail the case where alpha(n) --> alpha and beta(n) --> beta and show that the zeros of beta(n) are dense on an interval and that the support of the Laurent orthogonality measure is equal to this interval and a set which is at most denumerable with accumulation points (if any) at the endpoints of the interval. This result is the Laurent version of Blumenthal's theorem for orthogonal polynomials. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. (USA).


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Quantitative estimates of time-averaging in marine shell accumulations available to date are limited primarily to aragonitic mollusk shells. We assessed time-averaging in Holocene assemblages of calcitic brachiopod shells by direct dating of individual specimens of the terebratulid brachiopod Bouchardia rosea. The data were collected from exceptional (brachiopod-rich) shell assemblages, occurring surficially on a tropical mixed carbonate-siliciclastic shelf (the Southeast Brazilian Bight, SW Atlantic), a setting that provides a good climatic and environmental analog for many Paleozoic brachiopod shell beds of North America and Europe. A total of 82 individual brachiopod shells, collected from four shallow (5-25 m) nearshore (<2.5 km from the shore) localities, were dated by using amino acid racemization (D-alloisoleucine/L-isoleucine value) calibrated with five AMS-radiocarbon dates (r(2) = 0.933). This is the first study to demonstrate that amino acid racemization methods can provide accurate and precise ages for individual shells of calcitic brachiopods.The dated shells vary in age from modern to 3000 years, with a standard deviation of 690 years. The age distribution is strongly right-skewed: the young shells dominate the dated specimens and older shells are increasingly less common. However, the four localities display significant differences in the range of time-averaging and the form of the age distribution. The dated shells vary notably in the quality of preservation, but there is no significant correlation between taphonomic condition and age, either for individual shells or at assemblage level.These results demonstrate that fossil brachiopods may show considerable time-averaging, but the scale and nature of that mixing may vary greatly among sites. Moreover, taphonomic condition is not a reliable indicator of pre-burial history of individual brachiopod shells or the scale of temporal mixing within the entire assemblage. The results obtained for brachiopods are strikingly similar to results previously documented for mollusks and suggest that differences in mineralogy and shell microstructure are unlikely to be the primary factors controlling the nature and scale of time-averaging. Environmental factors and local fluctuations in populations of shell-producing organisms are more likely to be the principal determinants of time-averaging in marine benthic shelly assemblages. The long-term survival of brachiopod shells is incongruent with the rapid shell destruction observed in taphonomic experiments. The results support the taphonomic model that shells remain protected below (but perhaps near) the surface through their early taphonomic history. They may be brought back up to the surface intermittently by bioturbation and physical reworking, but only for short periods of time. This model explains the striking similarities in time-averaging among different types of organisms and the lack of correlation between time-since-death and shell taphonomy.


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Our objective in this paper is to prove an Implicit Function Theorem for general topological spaces. As a consequence, we show that, under certain conditions, the set of the invertible elements of a topological monoid X is an open topological group in X and we use the classical topological group theory to conclude that this set is a Lie group.


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We find that within the formalism of coadjoint orbits of the infinite dimensional Lie group the Noether procedure leads, for a special class of transformations, to the constant of motion given by the fundamental group one-cocycle S. Use is made of the simplified formula giving the symplectic action in terms of S and the Maurer-Cartan one-form. The area preserving diffeomorphisms on the torus T2=S1⊗S1 constitute an algebra with central extension, given by the Floratos-Iliopoulos cocycle. We apply our general treatment based on the symplectic analysis of coadjoint orbits of Lie groups to write the symplectic action for this model and study its invariance. We find an interesting abelian symmetry structure of this non-linear problem.


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The electron-diffraction pattern for two slits with magnetic flux confined to an inaccessible region between them is calculated. The Aharonov-Bohm effect gives a diffraction pattern that is asymmetric but has a symmetric envelope. In general, both the expected displacement and the kinetic momentum of the electron are nonzero as a consequence of the asymmetry. Nevertheless, Ehrenfests theorems and the conservation of momentum are satisfied. © 1992 The American Physical Society.


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The classical Gauss-Lucas Theorem states that all the critical points (zeros of the derivative) of a nonconstant polynomial p lie in the convex hull H of the zeros of p. It is proved that, actually, a subdomain of H contains the critical points of p. ©1998 American Mathematical Society.


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An invex constrained nonsmooth optimization problem is considered, in which the presence of an abstract constraint set is possibly allowed. Necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality are provided and weak and strong duality results established. Following Geoffrion's approach an invex nonsmooth alternative theorem of Gordan type is then derived. Subsequently, some applications on multiobjective programming are then pursued. © 2000 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint.


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We apply the Bogoliubov Averaging Method to the study of the vibrations of an elastic foundation, forced by a Non-ideal energy source. The considered model consists of a portal plane frame with quadratic nonlinearities, with internal resonance 1:2, supporting a direct current motor with limited power. The non-ideal excitation is in primary resonance in the order of one-half with the second mode frequency. The results of the averaging method, plotted in time evolution curve and phase diagrams are compared to those obtained by numerically integrating of the original differential equations. The presence of the saturation phenomenon is verified by analytical procedures.


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We study the existence of periodic solutions in the neighbourhood of symmetric (partially) elliptic equilibria in purely reversible Hamiltonian vector fields. These are Hamiltonian vector fields with an involutory reversing symmetry R. We contrast the cases where R acts symplectically and anti-symplectically. In case R acts anti-symplectically, generically purely imaginary eigenvalues are isolated, and the equilibrium is contained in a local two-dimensional invariant manifold containing symmetric periodic solutions encircling the equilibrium point. In case R acts symplectically, generically purely imaginary eigenvalues are doubly degenerate, and the equilibrium is contained in two two-dimensional invariant manifolds containing nonsymmetric periodic solutions encircling the equilibrium point. In addition, there exists a three-dimensional invariant surface containing a two-parameter family of symmetric periodic solutions.


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Since the 1980s, huge efforts have been made to utilise renewable energy sources to generate electric power. One of the interesting issues about embedded generators is the question of optimal placement and sizing of the embedded generators. This paper reports an investigation of impact of the integration of embedded generators on the overall performances of the distribution networks in the steady state, using theorem of superposition. Set of distribution system indices is proposed to observe performances of the distribution networks with embedded generators. Results obtained from the case study using IEEE test network are presented and discussed.


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We consider the Lorenz system ẋ = σ(y - x), ẏ = rx - y - xz and ż = -bz + xy; and the Rössler system ẋ = -(y + z), ẏ = x + ay and ż = b - cz + xz. Here, we study the Hopf bifurcation which takes place at q± = (±√br - b,±√br - b, r - 1), in the Lorenz case, and at s± = (c+√c2-4ab/2, -c+√c2-4ab/2a, c±√c2-4ab/2a) in the Rössler case. As usual this Hopf bifurcation is in the sense that an one-parameter family in ε of limit cycles bifurcates from the singular point when ε = 0. Moreover, we can determine the kind of stability of these limit cycles. In fact, for both systems we can prove that all the bifurcated limit cycles in a neighborhood of the singular point are either a local attractor, or a local repeller, or they have two invariant manifolds, one stable and the other unstable, which locally are formed by two 2-dimensional cylinders. These results are proved using averaging theory. The method of studying the Hopf bifurcation using the averaging theory is relatively general and can be applied to other 3- or n-dimensional differential systems.


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In recent years quaternionic functions have been an intense and prosperous object of research, and important results were determined [1]-[6]. Some of these results are similar to well known cases in one complex variable, op. cit. [5], [6]. In this paper the hypercomplex expansion of a function in a power series as well as determination of a Liouville's type theorem have been investigated to the quaternionic functions. In this case, it is observed that the Liouville's type theorem is true for second order derivatives, which differs from its classical version. © 2011 Academic Publications, Ltd.


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Riemann surfaces, cohomology and homology groups, Cartan's spinors and triality, octonionic projective geometry, are all well supported by Complex Structures [1], [2], [3], [4]. Furthermore, in Theoretical Physics, mainly in General Relativity, Supersymmetry and Particle Physics, Complex Theory Plays a Key Role [5], [6], [7], [8]. In this context it is expected that generalizations of concepts and main results from the Classical Complex Theory, like conformal and quasiconformal mappings [9], [10] in both quaternionic and octonionic algebra, may be useful for other fields of research, as for graphical computing enviromment [11]. In this Note, following recent works by the autors [12], [13], the Cauchy Theorem will be extended for Octonions in an analogous way that it has recentely been made for quaternions [14]. Finally, will be given an octonionic treatment of the wave equation, which means a wave produced by a hyper-string with initial conditions similar to the one-dimensional case.


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The structural stability of vector fields with impasse regular curves on S2 is studied and a version of Peixoto's Theorem is established. Moreover a global analysis of normal forms of the constrained systems. A(x).ẋ=F(x),x∈R3,A∈M(3),F:R3→R3 in the Poincaré ball (i.e. in the compactification of R3 with the sphere S2 of the infinity) is made. © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS.