999 resultados para Rede Nacional de Escolas de Governo
O principal objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a possível relação entre o fracasso escolar, entendido como anos de repetência, e o autoconceito de alunos da 8a. série do 1º grau da rede oficial de escolas de Campo Grande, no Município do Rio de Janeiro. Este trabalho foi realizado com dois grupos de alunos, sendo que um grupo havia tido experiência de fracasso escolar, isto é, repetência, e o outro grupo não. Para verificar a relação, repetência e autoconceito, foi utilizada a "Escala de Autoconceito Tennessee", desenvolvida por H. Fitts, traduzida e reduzida por Corona em 1977. A escala consta de 30 itens com 5 alternativas de respostas para cada item (tipo Likertl, sua amplitude é de 150 pontos, sendo o maior escore possível 150 (30x51 o menor 30 (30x1), indicando respectivamente uma desestruturação do autoconceito em termos de supervalorização e uma desestruturação por infra-aloração. O confronto das médias de autoconceito de grupos de alunos com diferentes frequências de repetência e sem repetência mostrou que a repetência de serie covaria significativamente com o autoconceito dos alunos estudados, concomitantemente, com a classe social. Apesar de os resultados do estudo não serem conclusivos, ainda assim consideramos válida sua realização, na medida em que fornece mais esclarecimentos a um dos mais graves problemas da escola de 1º grau no Brasil, que é o da repetência.
Com base na percepção dos servidores lotados nas unidades da Advocacia-Geral da União localizadas no estado de Pernambuco, esta pesquisa se propôs a investigar qual a contribuição dos eventos de aprendizagem ofertados pela Escola da AGU, quanto aos conteúdos programáticos ministrados no período de 2007 a 2011, para o aprimoramento do desempenho profissional dos integrantes do quadro funcional da Advocacia Geral da União. A gestão por competências nas organizações, sejam estas públicas ou privadas, tem se afirmado como elemento estratégico para o alcance dos resultados institucionais, residindo neste fato a relevância da presente pesquisa
O trabalho avalia a viabilidade de utilizar-se da rede privada de escolas para oferecer educação básica aos alunos da rede pública, através do preenchimento da ociosidade existente nos colégios privados.
Contando todo o vaivém de documentos, a análise pelo governo de novos terminais de uso privado tem demorado 988 dias, em média. Um trabalho encomendado por Barbalho à diretoria de análise de políticas públicas da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV-RJ) demonstra que esse prazo pode ser encurtado para apenas 65 dias.
The aim of this thesis was to investigate the evolution of the socio-occupational status in Rio Grande do Norte from 2001 to 2008, based on the characterization of the socio-economic status of this State from the analysis of labor market norte-rio-grandense . The study, specifically, drew a comparison between the dynamics of the labor market in Rio Grande do Norte and the capital city, Natal. From this perspective, the purpose was to make a relationship between the social division of labor and its effects on the socio-spatial division, represented in the "macro scale" by the federal unit and the "micro level" for the capital; locus of economic and population concentration. The collection of data on the labor market had as a major source PNAD/IBGE, characterizing the labor market in many ways: people of working age, economically active population and employed and unemployed people, classified by age, sex, color, education, income and social protection condition. However, as for the socio-occupational division, we follow the methodology used by the research group on national television, based in IPPUR /UFRJ, called Monitoring of the Metropolis," which rallied twenty-four groups that aggregate the occupations found in the PNAD/IBGE, in eight groups of socio-occupational categories, according to the similarity between them. It was used in the socio-spatial cutting two relevant discussions, which are inter-related and were characterized as crucial points in developing the research problem: the former was related to the influence of the hegemony of merchant capital in the labor market in Rio Grande North and, the latter, it referred the socio-economic relations between the territory and the variable occupation. Lastly, the results all indicated that in Rio Grande do Norte, as a peripheral state, has suffered the devastating influence of the hegemony of capital purely commercial basis, where "wealth" of capitalism is generated through the sphere of mere movement of goods and services rather than a productive process due to the social relations of production more advanced. We have a little advanced economic structure, with a tertiary sector that has propagated under-employment or disguised unemployment. Similarly, the agricultural sector has been presented as an example of greater social degradation of working conditions in the state. The secondary sector, in turn, also was not behind this uncertainty; on the contrary, confirmed that condition, with poor levels of income, low education of the workforce and a high degree of social helplessness, even in the state capital, space full urban area, which although always appear with a favorable condition compared to Province, in practically most of the variables studied, was also reflected at the same time the author of a structurally underdeveloped condition
The use of graphical objects three-dimensional (3D) multimedia applications is gaining more space in the media. Networks with high transmission rates, computers with large processing and graphics boost and popularize such three-dimensional applications. The areas of 3D applications ranging from military applications, entertainment applications geared up for education. Within the applications related to education, we highlight the applications that create virtual copies of cultural spaces such as museums. Through this copy, you can virtually visit a museum, see other users, communicate, exchange information on works, etc. Thereby allowing the visit museums physically distant remote users. A major problem of such virtual environments is its update. By dealing with various media (text, images, sounds, and 3D models), its subsequent handling and update on a virtual environment requires staff with specialized knowledge. Speaking of museums, they hardly have people on your team with this profile. Inside the GT-MV (Grupo de Trabalho de Museus Virtuais), funded by RNP (Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa) propose a portal for registration, amendment and seen collaborative virtual museums of Brazil. The update, be it related to work or physical space, a system with a national scale like this, would be impossible if done only by the project team. Within this scenario, we propose the modeling and implementation of a tool that allows editing of virtual spaces in an easy and intuitive as compared with available tools. Within the context of GT-MV, we apply the SAMVC (Sistema de Autoria de Museus Virtuais Colaborativos) to museums where curators build the museum from a 3D floor plan (2D). The system, from these twodimensional information, recreates the equivalent in three dimensions. With this, through little or no training, team members from each museum may be responsible for updating the system
In this work, we present a text on the Sets Numerical using the human social needs as a tool for construction new numbers. This material is intended to present a text that reconciles the correct teaching of mathmatics and clarity needed for a good learning
We developed this dissertation aiming its in the process of teaching and learning of the Principle of Mathematical Induction and we set our efforts so that the students of the first year of the high school can assimilate the content having the knowledge seen in the basic education as foreknowledge. With this, we seek to awake in the student the interest on proofs, showing how much it s needed in examples that involve contents that he is already seen
In general, the study of quadratic functions is based on an excessive amount formulas, all content is approached without justification. Here is the quadratic function and its properties from problems involving quadratic equations and the technique of completing the square. Based on the definitions we will show that the graph of the quadratic function is the parabola and finished our studies finding that several properties of the function can be read from the simple observation of your chart. Thus, we built the whole matter justifying each step, abandoning the use of decorated formulas and valuing the reasoning
In this work we studied the method to solving linear equations system, presented in the book titled "The nine chapters on the mathematical art", which was written in the first century of this era. This work has the intent of showing how the mathematics history can be used to motivate the introduction of some topics in high school. Through observations of patterns which repeats itself in the presented method, we were able to introduce, in a very natural way, the concept of linear equations, linear equations system, solution of linear equations, determinants and matrices, besides the Laplacian development for determinants calculations of square matrices of order bigger than 3, then considering some of their general applications
Humans, as well as some animals are born gifted with the ability to perceive quantities. The needs that came from the evolution of societies and technological resources make the the optimization of such counting methods necessary. Although necessary and useful, there are a lot of diculties in the teaching of such methods.In order to broaden the range of available tools to teach Combinatorial Analysis, a owchart is presented in this work with the goal of helping the students to x the initial concepts of such subject via pratical exercises
This work presents a proposal for introducing the teaching of Geometry Space study attempts to demonstrate that the use of manipulatives as a teaching resource can be an alternative learning facilitator for fixing the primitive concepts of geometry, the postulates and theorems, position relationships between points, lines and planes and calculating distances. The development makes use of a sequence of activities aimed at ensuring that students can build a more systematic learning and these are divided into four steps
Generally, arithmetic and geometric progressions are taught separately from ane and exponential functions, only by the use of memorized formulas and without any concern of showing students how these contents are related. This paper aims at presenting a way of teaching such contents in an integrated way, starting with the definition of ane and exponential functions relating them to situations from the daily life of the students. Then, characteristics and graphics of those functions are presented and, subsequently, arithmetic and geometric progression are shown as a restriction of the ane and exponential functions. Thus, the study of the progressions is introduced based on the functions mentioned above using situations from students daily lives as examples
In this study, we sought to address the weaknesses faced by most students when they were studying trigonometric functions sine and cosine. For this, we proposed the use of software Geogebra in performing a sequence of activities about the content covered. The research was a qualitative approach based on observations of the activities performed by the students of 2nd year of high school IFRN - Campus Caicfio. The activities enabled check some diculties encountered by students, well as the interaction between them during the tasks. The results were satisfactory, since they indicate that the use of software contributed to a better understanding of these mathematical concepts studied
The objective of this work if constitutes in creation a proposal for activities, in the discipline of mathematics, for the 6th year of Elementary School, that stimulates the students the develop the learning of the content of fractions, from the awareness of the insufficiency of the natural numbers for solve several problems. Thus, we prepared a set with twelve activities, starting by the comparison between measures, presenting afterward some of the meanings of fractions and ending with the operations between fractions. For so much, use has been made of materials available for use in the classroom, of forma ludic, for resolution of challenges proposed. Through these activities, it becomes possible students to recognize the necessity of using fractions for solve a amount larger of problems