829 resultados para Obstruction respiratoire


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Chronic rhinosinusitis is one of the most common chronic respiratory tract diseases affecting up to 15% of the adult population in the Western world. It may be perpetuated by factors predisposing to sinus ostial obstruction together with inflammatory changes in the sinus mucosa. Chronic rhinosinusitis is associated with asthma, and it may represent the same disease process. Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis (CRSwNP) and asthma share also the characteristic inflammatory features and histopathologic feature of airway remodelling. Remodelling is considered as a key event in the pathogenesis of asthma. It is controlled by a delicate balance between the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their regulators. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the microbiological findings, inflammatory features and MMP and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) expression in CRSwNP. The results were related to the patient history, exposure to moisture and clinical outcome in order to find out possible explanations for the etiology and chronicity of CRSwNP. Bacterial culture results were similar in patients and in controls and do not explain the chronic course of CRSwNP. The presence of fungi seems to be more common in CRSwNP than chronic rhinosinusitis in general, and they should be actively searched for using microbiological as well as histological methods. Typical outdoor fungal species were found in nasal lavage samples taken from controls in the autumn but not in the winter, reflecting environmental exposure. Exposure to moisture was reported by 46% of the CRSwNP patients, which is in accordance to the Finnish general population. Exposed patients did not differ significantly from non-exposed subjects with regards to microbiological findings, tissue eosinophilia and clinical outcome. Significantly elevated levels of collagenase-2 (MMP-8) and interleukin (IL)-8 but not tumour necrosis factor-α were found in CRSwNP patients. In particular, the activation of mesenchymal-type MMP-8 but not polymorphonuclear-type MMP-8 was associated with elevated IL-8 levels. IL-8 and MMP-8 may form an inductive cytokine-proteinase cascade in CRSwNP pathogenesis and provide a target for novel therapies and a diagnostic tool for monitoring CRSwNP treatment. The proteolytic spectrum is different in eosinophilic and non-eosinophilic CRSwNP with the up-regulation of MMP-8 and MMP-9 in non-eosinophilic CRSwNP, suggesting different pathophysiology in these subgroups. The lack of MMP up-regulation was associated with a poor prognostic factor and worse clinical outcome, representing a possible synergic anti-inflammatory function of MMP-8 and MMP-9 in CRSwNP. This study provides new information about possible immunologic mechanisms in the pathogenesis of CRSwNP. The recently discovered anti-inflammatory/ defensive properties of MMP-8 and MMP-9 in animal models are reported for the first time in a clinical setting in human inflammatory diseases.


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- Background/Aims Liver sinusoidal endothelial cell (LSEC) fenestrae are membrane-bound pores that are grouped in sieve plates and act as a bidirectional guardian in regulating transendothelial liver transport. The high permeability of the endothelial lining is explained by the presence of fenestrae and by various membrane-bound transport vesicles. The question as to whether fenestrae relate to other transport compartments remains unclear and has been debated since their discovery almost 40 years ago. - Methods In this study, novel insights concerning the three-dimensional (3D) organization of the fenestrated cytoplasm were built on transmission electron tomographical observations on isolated and cultured whole-mount LSECs. Classical transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy imaging was performed to accumulate cross-correlative structural evidence. - Results and Conclusions The data presented here indicate that different arrangements of fenestrae have to be considered: i.e. open fenestrae that lack any structural obstruction mainly located in the thin peripheral cytoplasm and complexes of multifolded fenestrae organized as labyrinth-like structures that are found in the proximity of the perinuclear area. Fenestrae in labyrinths constitute about one-third of the total LSEC porosity. The 3D reconstructions also revealed that coated pits and small membrane-bound vesicles are exclusively interspersed in the non-fenestrated cytoplasmic arms.


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Maintenance of breeding efficiency and high semen quality is essential for reproductive success in farm animals. Early recognition of possible inheritable factors causing infertility requires constant attention. This thesis focuses on describing different manifestations of impaired spermatogenesis, their impact on fertility and partly also their incidence in populations. The reasons for spermatogenic failure are various. An interruption of germ cell differentiation, spermatogenic arrest, can lead to infertility. The incidence of azoospermia was investigated in the 1996 2005 survey of Finnish AI and farm breeding boars. We focused on the diagnosis, testicular morphometry and the possible reasons for the condition. The incidence of azoospermia was significantly higher in Yorkshire boars than in the Landrace breed. The most common diagnosis in Yorkshire boars was germ cell arrest at the primary spermatocyte level. The second most frequent diagnosis in Yorkshire boars was segmental aplasia of the Wolffian ducts with idiopathic epididymal obstruction. Other reasons for azoospermia were infrequent. In the second study we investigated the incidence of two relatively well-defined specific sperm defects in Finnish Yorkshire and Landrace boars during the same survey, the immotile short-tail sperm (ISTS) defect and the knobbed acrosome (KA) defect. In the Finnish Yorkshire boars the inherited ISTS defect, and the probably inherited KA defect, were important causes of infertility during 1996 2005. The ISTS defect was found in 7.6% and the KA defect in 0.8% of the Yorkshire boars. No Landrace boars were diagnosed with either of these two defects. In the third study we described a new sterilizing sperm defect in an oligoasthenoterazoospermic bull. Because of its morphological characteristics this defect was termed the multinuclear-multiflagellar sperm (MNMFS) defect. The number of Sertoli cells in the seminiferous tubuli was highly increased in the MNMFS bull compared with the number in normal bulls. In the following two studies we used a combined approach of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), flow cytometry and morphometric studies to provide information on the cytogenetic background of macrocephalic bull spermatozoa. We described cellular features of diploid spermatozoa and compared the failures in the first and second meiotic divisions. In the last study we describe how the transplantation of testicular cells was used to determine whether spermatogonia derived from donor animals are able to colonize and produce motile spermatozoa in immune-competent unrelated boars suffering the ISTS defect. Transplantation resulted in complete focal spermatogenesis, indicated by the appearance of motile spermatozoa and confirmed by genotyping.


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Snoring is a primary and major clinical symptom of upper airway obstruction during sleep. Sleep-disordered breathing ranges from primary snoring to significant partial upper airway obstruction, and obstructive sleep apnea. Adult snoring and obstructive sleep apnea have been extensively studied, whereas less is known about these disorders in children. Snoring and more severe obstructive sleep apnea have been shown to have a harmful effect on the neurobehavioral development of children, but the mechanisms of this effect remains unknown. Furthermore, the correlation of this effect to objective sleep study parameters remains poor. This study evaluated the prevalence of snoring in preschool-aged children in Finland. Host and environmental risk factors, and neurobehavioral and neurocognitive symptoms of children suffering from snoring or obstructive sleep apnea were also investigated. The feasibility of acoustic rhinometry in young children was assessed. The prevalence and risk factors of snoring (I) were evaluated by a questionnaire. The random sample included 2100 children aged 1-6 years living in Helsinki. All 3- to 6-year-old children whose parents reported their child to snore always, often, or sometimes were categorized as snorers, and invited to participate to the clinical study (II-IV). Non-snoring children whose parents were willing to participate in the clinical study were invited to serve as controls. Children underwent a clinical ear-nose-throat examination. Emotional, behavioral, and cognitive performances were evaluated by Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL), Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI-R) and NEPSY-A Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment (NEPSY). Nasal volume was measured by acoustic rhinometry, and nasal resistance by rhinomanometry. Lateral and posteroanterior cephalometry were performed. A standard overnight ambulatory polysomnography was performed in the home environment. Twenty-six healthy children were tested in order to assess the feasibility of acoustic rhinometry in young children (V). Snoring was common in children; 6.3% of children snored always or often, whereas 81.3% snored never or occasionally. No differences were apparent between snorers and non-snorers regarding age, or gender. Pediatric snoring was associated with recurrent upper respiratory infections, otitis media, and allergic rhinitis. Exposure to parental tobacco smoke, especially maternal smoking, was more common among snorers. Rhinitis was more common among children who exposured to tobacco smoke. Overnight polysomnography (PSG) was performed on 87 children; 74% showed no signs of significant upper airway obstruction during sleep. Three children had obstructive apnea/hypopnea index (OAHI) greater than 5/h. Age, gender, or a previous adenoidectomy or tonsillectomy did not correlate with OAHI, whereas tonsillar size did correlate with OAHI. Relative body weight and obesity correlated with none of the PSG parameters. In cephalometry, no clear differences or correlations were found in PSG parameters or between snorers and non-snorers. No correlations were observed between acoustic rhinometry, rhinomanometry, and PSG parameters. Psychiatric symptoms were more frequent in the snoring group than in the nonsnoring group. In particular, anxious and depressed symptoms were more prevalent in the snoring group. Snoring children frequently scored lower in language functions. However, PSG parameters correlated poorly with neurocognitive test results in these children. This study and previous studies indicate that snoring without episodes of obstructive apnea or SpO2 desaturations may cause impairment in behavioral and neurocognitive functions. The mechanism of action remains unknown. Exposure to parental tobacco smoke is more common among snorers than non-snorers, emphasizing the importance of a smoke-free environment. Children tolerated acoustic rhinometry measurements well.


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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a slowly progressive disease characterized by airway inflammation and largely irreversible airflow limitation. One major risk factor for COPD is cigarette smoking. Since the inflammatory process starts many years prior to the onset of clinical symptoms and still continues after smoking cessation, there is an urgent need to find simple non-invasive biomarkers that can be used in the early diagnosis of COPD and which could help in predicting the disease progression. The first aim of the present study was to evaluate the involvement of different oxidative/nitrosative stress markers, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitor-1 (TIMP-1) in smokers and in COPD. Elevated numbers of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), nitrotyrosine, myeloperoxidase (MPO) and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) positive cells and increased levels of 8-isoprostane and lactoferrin were found in sputum of non-symptomatic smokers compared to non-smokers, and especially in subjects with stable mild to moderate COPD, and they correlated with the severity of airway obstruction. This suggests that an increased oxidant burden exists already in the airways of smokers with normal lung function values. However, none of these markers could differentiate healthy smokers from symptomatic smokers with normal lung function values i.e. those individuals who are at risk of developing COPD. In contrast what is known about asthma exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) was lower in smokers than in non-smokers, the reduced FENO value was significantly associated with neutrophilic inflammation and the elevated oxidant burden (positive cells for iNOS, nitrotyrosine and MPO). The levels of sputum MMP-8 and plasma MMP-12 appeared to differentiate subjects who have a risk for COPD development but these finding require further investigations. The levels of all studied MMPs correlated with the numbers of neutrophils, and MMP-8 and MMP-9 with markers of neutrophil activation (MPO, lactoferrin) suggesting that especially neutrophil derived oxidants may stimulate the tissue destructive MMPs already in lungs of smokers who are not yet experiencing any airflow limitation. When investigating the role of neutrophil proteases (neutrophil elastase, MMP-8, MMP-9) during COPD exacerbation and its recovery period, we found that levels of all these proteases were increased in sputum of patients with COPD exacerbation as compared to stable COPD and controls, and decreased during the one-month recovery period, giving evidence for a role of these enzymes in COPD exacerbations. In the last study, the effects of subject`s age and smoking habits were evaluated on the plasma levels of surfactant protein A (SP-A), SP-D, MMP-9 and TIMP-1. Long-term smoking increased the levels of all of these proteins. SP-A most clearly correlated with age, pack years and lung function decline (FEV1/FVC), and based on the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, SP-A was the best marker for discriminating subjects with COPD from controls. In conclusion, these findings support the hypothesis that especially neutrophil derived oxidants may activate MMPs and induce an active remodeling process already in the lungs of smokers with normal lung function values. The marked increase of sputum levels of neutrophil proteases in smokers, stable COPD and/or during its exacerbations suggest that these enzymes play a role in the development and progression of COPD. Based on the comparison of various biomarkers, SP-A can be proposed to serve as sensitive biomarker in COPD development.


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We consider the following question: Let S (1) and S (2) be two smooth, totally-real surfaces in C-2 that contain the origin. If the union of their tangent planes is locally polynomially convex at the origin, then is S-1 boolean OR S-2 locally polynomially convex at the origin? If T (0) S (1) a (c) T (0) S (2) = {0}, then it is a folk result that the answer is yes. We discuss an obstruction to the presumed proof, and provide a different approach. When dim(R)(T0S1 boolean AND T0S2) = 1, we present a geometric condition under which no consistent answer to the above question exists. We then discuss conditions under which we can expect local polynomial convexity.


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Angiogenin belongs to the Ribonuclease superfamily and has a weak enzymatic activity that is crucial for its biological function of stimulating blood vessel growth. Structural studies on ligand bound Angiogenin will go a long way in understanding the mechanism of the protein as well as help in designing drugs against it. In this study we present the first available structure of nucleotide ligand bound Angiogenin obtained by computer modeling. The importance of this study in itself notwithstanding, is a precursor to modeling a full dinucleotide substrate onto Angiogenin. Bovine Angiogenin, the structure of which has been solved at a high resolution, was earlier subjected to Molecular Dynamics simulations for a nanosecond. The MD structures offer better starting points for docking as they offer lesser obstruction than the crystal structure to ligand binding. The MD structure with the least serious short contacts was modeled to obtain a steric free Angiogenin - 3' mononucleotide complex structure. The structures were energetically minimized and subjected to a brief spell of Molecular Dynamics. The results of the simulation show that all the li,ligand-Angiogenin interactions and hydrogen bonds are retained, redeeming the structure and docking procedure. Further, following ligand - protein interactions in the case of the ligands 3'-CMP and 3'-UMP we were able to speculate on how Angiogenin, a predominantly prymidine specific ribonuclease prefers Cytosine to Uracil in the first base position.


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BACKGROUND Familial diarrhea disorders are, in most cases, severe and caused by recessive mutations. We describe the cause of a novel dominant disease in 32 members of a Norwegian family. The affected members have chronic diarrhea that is of early onset, is relatively mild, and is associated with increased susceptibility to inflammatory bowel disease, small-bowel obstruction, and esophagitis. METHODS We used linkage analysis, based on arrays with single-nucleotide polymorphisms, to identify a candidate region on chromosome 12 and then sequenced GUCY2C, encoding guanylate cyclase C (GC-C), an intestinal receptor for bacterial heat-stable enterotoxins. We performed exome sequencing of the entire candidate region from three affected family members, to exclude the possibility that mutations in genes other than GUCY2C could cause or contribute to susceptibility to the disease. We carried out functional studies of mutant GC-C using HEK293T cells. RESULTS We identified a heterozygous missense mutation (c.2519G -> T) in GUCY2C in all affected family members and observed no other rare variants in the exons of genes in the candidate region. Exposure of the mutant receptor to its ligands resulted in markedly increased production of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). This may cause hyperactivation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR), leading to increased chloride and water secretion from the enterocytes, and may thus explain the chronic diarrhea in the affected family members. CONCLUSIONS Increased GC-C signaling disturbs normal bowel function and appears to have a proinflammatory effect, either through increased chloride secretion or additional effects of elevated cellular cGMP. Further investigation of the relevance of genetic variants affecting the GC-C-CFTR pathway to conditions such as Crohn's disease is warranted. (Funded by Helse Vest Western Norway Regional Health Authority] and the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.)


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Given a smooth, projective variety Y over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and a smooth, ample hyperplane section X subset of Y, we study the question of when a bundle E on X, extends to a bundle epsilon on a Zariski open set U subset of Y containing X. The main ingredients used are explicit descriptions of various obstruction classes in the deformation theory of bundles, together with Grothendieck-Lefschetz theory. As a consequence, we prove a Noether-Lefschetz theorem for higher rank bundles, which recovers and unifies the Noether-Lefschetz theorems of Joshi and Ravindra-Srinivas.


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Background: Deviated nasal septum (DNS) is one of the major causes of nasal obstruction. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) nasal sensor is the new technique developed to assess the nasal obstruction caused by DNS. This study evaluates the PVDF nasal sensor measurements in comparison with PEAK nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF) measurements and visual analog scale (VAS) of nasal obstruction. Methods: Because of piezoelectric property, two PVDF nasal sensors provide output voltage signals corresponding to the right and left nostril when they are subjected to nasal airflow. The peak-to-peak amplitude of the voltage signal corresponding to nasal airflow was analyzed to assess the nasal obstruction. PVDF nasal sensor and PNIF were performed on 30 healthy subjects and 30 DNS patients. Receiver operating characteristic was used to analyze the DNS of these two methods. Results: Measurements of PVDF nasal sensor strongly correlated with findings of PNIF (r = 0.67; p < 0.01) in DNS patients. A significant difference (p < 0.001) was observed between PVDF nasal sensor measurements and PNIF measurements of the DNS and the control group. A cutoff between normal and pathological of 0.51 Vp-p for PVDF nasal sensor and 120 L/min for PNIF was calculated. No significant difference in terms of sensitivity of PVDF nasal sensor and PNIF (89.7% versus 82.6%) and specificity (80.5% versus 78.8%) was calculated. Conclusion: The result shows that PVDF measurements closely agree with PNIF findings. Developed PVDF nasal sensor is an objective method that is simple, inexpensive, fast, and portable for determining DNS in clinical practice.


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The temperature behaviour of an Al bicrystal with surfaces consisting of (110) and (111) crystals is simulated using molecular dynamics. The result shows that the (110) crystal losses its crystalline order at 820K, whereas the disorder does not propagate through the (111) crystal at this temperature. Instead, some disordered atoms are recrystallized into the (111) crystal and the initial grain boundary changes into a stable order-disorder interface. Thus, it was discovered that at a temperature near its melting point, the (111) crystal grew and obstructed the propagation of disorder. Such an obstruction is helpful for understanding melting.


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Resumen: La prisión preventiva es la medida cautelar más grave e intensa del proceso penal, en tanto importa la coactiva privación de la libertad personal del imputado. Se trata de un instituto problemático, que plantea un contrapunto particularmente dilemático con la presunción de inocencia. Posee un fundamento constitucional, directamente vinculado con la necesidad de asegurar, en la medida de lo posible, la realización del derecho penal material. Aunque la regla general es que durante el desarrollo del proceso penal el imputado debe permanecer en libertad, no puede negarse la existencia de ciertos supuestos legitimadores de la prisión preventiva. La realidad social y la necesidad de respuestas racionales a los fenómenos de la inseguridad y de la delincuencia violenta han revelado serias fisuras en el paradigma según el cual los únicos supuestos legitimadores son los llamados peligros procesales de fuga o entorpecimiento de la investigación. Surgen así como datos que deben ser también necesariamente tenidos en cuenta para la detención cautelar tanto la especial gravedad del delito cometido y su relación con la preservación del orden público, como la existencia de un peligro de reiteración delictiva constatable. Estos dos últimos presupuestos legitimadores de la prisión preventiva cobran independencia conceptual de los primeramente mencionados. Además, cuando la prisión preventiva se funda en la especial gravedad del delito o en el peligro de reiteración delictiva, se transforma, aunque sin mutar su esencia, en un instrumento más en las políticas de seguridad dirigidas a combatir el fenómeno de la delincuencia.


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Dislocation emission from the crack tip in copper under mode II loading is simulated with molecular dynamics method. After 26 partial dislocations are emitted and then relaxed to reach the equilibrium under the constant displacement, the double pile-ups (including an inverse pile-up and a pile-up) are formed. i.e., the first dislocation is piled up before the obstruction, and the last dislocation is piled up ahead of the crack tip. These results conform to the TEM observations.


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Investiga o Regimento Interno da Câmara dos Deputados com o objetivo de verificar se suas regras favorecem excessivamente a prática da obstrução, o que pode levar ao desequilíbrio da disputa parlamentar em favor daqueles - sobretudo os oposicionistas - que decidem obstruir as deliberações mediante a utilização de táticas protelatórias. O estudo centra sua análise na quantidade de tempo gasto com a votação dos diversos mecanismos de obstrução, tendo em vista o tempo regimental disponível para a Ordem do Dia, fase da sessão destinada exclusivamente à discussão e votação das diversas propostas legislativas. O objetivo é apurar se o tempo despendido com artifícios procrastinatórios (requerimentos, dentre outros) supera em demasia o destinado à apreciação da matéria principal. Na apreciação de medidas provisórias (MP), por exemplo, os cálculos efetuados nas simulações demonstram que a votação dos requerimentos, por si só, pode consumir mais da metade do tempo utilizado para votar uma única MP, o que foi confirmado pelos resultados verificados na análise dos casos concretos selecionados.


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A fibrose cística (FC) é a doença autossômica recessiva mais comum na população branca que leva à redução na expectativa de vida. A doença pulmonar é a maior causa de morbidade e mortalidade. A relevância do presente estudo se dá diante de alguns fatores: aumento drástico da sobrevida média nos últimos 60 anos na FC, a fisiopatologia pulmonar não é bem compreendida, ausência de estudos reportados na literatura, até o momento, utilizando a técnica de oscilações forçadas (TOF) exclusivamente em adultos com FC. Assim sendo os objetivos deste estudo são: analisar as alterações da mecânica respiratória em adultos com FC através da espirometria, pletismografia e TOF; correlacionar os resultados da TOF aos espirométricos e pletismográficos e avaliar a sensibilidade e especificidade da TOF nestes indivíduos. É um estudo de corte transversal descritivo, no qual foram analisados dois grupos de indivíduos: controle (n=23) e FC (n=27). Os resultados foram expressos através média desvio-padrão. As técnicas funcionais respiratórias foram realizadas na seguinte sequência: TOF, espirometria, pletismografia. Na pletismografia foram avaliados os parâmetros: CPT (capacidade pulmonar total), CRF (capacidade residual funcional) e VR (volume residual), CRF/CPT e VR/CPT, resistência (Rva) e condutância específica das vias aéreas (SGva). Na espirometria: volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1), capacidade vital forçada (CVF), fluxo expiratório entre 25% e 75% (FEF25%-75%) da CVF (FEF25%-75%) e razões VEF1/CVF (%) e FEF/CVF (%). Na TOF: propriedades resistivas do sistema respiratório- R0 (resistência no intercepto), Rm (resistência média) e S (inclinação da reta de resistência) e propriedades reativas: Cdin,sr (complacência dinâmica do sistema respiratório), Xm (reatância média), frequência de ressonância (fr); e o módulo da impedância em 4 Hz (׀Zrs4Hz׀). Na espirometria o distúrbio ventilatório obstrutivo (DVO) com CVF reduzida foi predominante, com marcante redução do FEF25%-75% no grupo FC (p<0,0001) em relação ao controle. Na pletismografia: destacou-se a elevação de VR, na presença de CPT normal e elevação da Rva e redução da SGva no grupo FC. Alterações da TOF ocorridas no grupo FC em relação ao controle: aumento de R0 e Rm (p<0,0001) e fr (p<0,0002), relacionados à obstrução das vias aéreas; redução de S (p<0,0006), Xm (p<0,0001) associadas à não-homogeneidade do sistema respiratório e Cdin,sr (p<0,0001), relacionada à redução da complacência pulmonar; aumento do módulo da impedância em 4 Hz (׀Zrs4Hz׀) (representando a carga mecânica total do sistema respiratório) resultante da interação das demais alterações da TOF citadas. Os parâmetros da TOF apresentaram correlações muito boas com a espirometria e moderadas com a pletismografia. Rm foi o único parâmetro que não se relacionou com nenhuma destas técnicas. A sensibilidade e especificidade da TOF em adultos com FC apresentaram valores elevados, sobretudo nos parâmetros reativos, em especial, Xm (85,2% e 73,9% respectivamente e área sob a curva de 0,86).