774 resultados para Mathematics teachers - Training of
The purpose of this research was to explore women elementary teachers' perceptions of how their decision to return to teaching part-time from a maternity leave influences their professional and personal lives. The investigation focused on the decisions surrounding a mother's choice to reenter the teaching profession parttime in a field where each mother had previously been employed full-time. A collective case study was undertaken based on an in-depth interview with five mothers who had made the choice to return to the classroom part-time. The data collected in this study were analyzed and interpreted using qualitative methods. The following four major themes emerged from the interviews: decisionmaking process, challenges faced by mothers who teach part-time, the importance of support, and the enhancement of instructional practice from parenthood. Using these four themes, an analysis was conducted to examine the similarities and differences among the experiences of the participants. The mothers' reflections, my analysis, and the related literature were used at the conclusion of this report to compile implications for teaching practice, theory, and further research.
The purpose ofthis qualitative study was to explore teachers' reflections on Multiple Intelligences theory and the processes they engage in when using the theory with elementary-aged exceptional students. FOllr public school teachers took part in the study. An introductory observation visit, semistructured in-depth interviews, field notes, and teachers' own written reflections served as data sources. Content-analysis was applied to review the data for thenles related to the research topic. The findings indicated several benefits of using Multiple Intelligences. This tlleory appeared to affect teachers' views of exceptionalleamers, directing the teachers' fOClIS to the students' potentials. It also seemed to have value for assisting teachers in planning an inclusive approacll, enhancing exceptional students' self-esteem, developing nletacognition, and prolTIoting cognitive engagement. Finally, the findings suggest that Multiple Intelligences has inlplications for teachers' professional development to reach a more diverse range of students.
This qualitative study explores practicing teachers' experiences of teaching in classrooms of diversity, that is, classrooms where students represent a variety of differences including race, culture, ethnicity, and class. More specifically, this study investigates the types of curricular and pedagogical practices teachers employ in their classrooms. This study attempts to make a contribution to the scholarship of critical pedagogy by drawing upon the works of critical pedagogues to make sense of participants' descriptions oftheir curricular and pedagogical practices. Four participants were involved in this study. Participants were elementary teachers in classrooms of difference in Ontario who contributed the primary sources of data by engaging in 2 individual interviews. Additional sources of data included a focus group meeting that 2 ofthe participants were able to attend, school board curriculum resource documents assisting teachers in teaching critically, as well as a research journal which the researcher kept throughout the study. The scholarship of critical pedagogy (Ellsworth, 1992; Giroux, 1993; McLaren, 1989) informs the analysis of participants' descriptions of their teaching experiences. Many of the participants did not engage in a practice of critical pedagogy. This study explores some of the challenges and possibilities of using critical pedagogy to create spaces in classrooms where teachers can build connections between the curriculum mandated by the government and the multiple identities and experiences that students bring into the classroom. This study concludes with a discussion on what teachers need to know to be able to begin creating equitable and educational experiences in classrooms of difference.
This study was particularly aimed at the examinations and the effect they have on schooling at the secondary school level in Zimbabwe. The views and opinions of teachers on the use of terminal examinations for certification and the influence they are seen to have on teachers' approach to the curriculum were examined. The literature has shown that there is widespread criticism of the justice and effects of terminal examinations. It is argued that they lead to an over-emphasis of that which is measured, knowledge and intellectual ability, at the expense of that kind of education progress which is almost impossible to measure in an end-of-the-course assessment. Three hundred and six secondary school teachers responded to a survey which asked for teachers' perceptions of examinations and the curriculum. The findings of this study indicated that teaching is structured towards examinations. Although teachers are trying to teach and develop reasoning skills and other activities, the pressure of examinations and the importance of doing well in them force teachers to restrict themselves to examination requirements.
This qualitative study addresses the question of how teachers negotiate meaning of new curriculum to better understand how curriculum is transformed from a theoretical construct to a practical one. Through interviews with 5 teachers, their experiences were examined as they negotiated the process of implementing new curriculum. Three theoretical constructs provided the entry point into the study: epistemology, teacher knowledge, and teacher learning. Using inductive analysis, 4 points or attributes of negotiation emerged: reference, growth, autonomy, and reconciliation. These attributes provided a theoretical framework from which a constructivist conceptualization of teacher learning and teacher knowledge could serve to understand the process of how teachers negotiate meaning of curriculum. Studied and theorized in this way, teacher knowledge and teacher learning are seen to be inextricably linked in a relationship that is dynamically changed by forces of stability and instability. Theorizing the negotiation of meaning from a constructivist epistemology also strengthened the assertion that negotiating meaning is a unique structural process, and that knowledge construction is therefore unique to each knower and subject to experience in a particular time and place. The implications for such a theory are, first, that it questions the legitimacy of privatized teacher practice and, second, that it calls for a renewed conceptualization of collegial network and relationship to strengthen the capacity for negotiating meaning of curricular initiatives. Understanding the relationship of curricular theory and negotiating meaning also has implications for curriculum development. In particular, the study highlights the necessity of professional discretion and the generative process of negotiating meaning.
Public undertakings have been assigned a significant role to play in the systematic socio-economic development of India. My interest in the subject was kindled while I was doing my Masters Diploma in Public Administration at the Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi during 1960-61. It was further strengthened by my teaching of the subject in different courses offered by me at the School of Management Studies and in several programmes organised by various voluntary and training organisations like the Institute of Management in Government, Trivandrum, Centre for Management Development, Trivandrum, etc. The several years in which I served as a member of the faculty in the School of Management Studies, University of Cochin,gave me the opportunity to come into close contact with different public sector concerns and their managers at various levels. This rich opportunity gave me a better insight into the problems faced by these concerns. The present study is a result of the interest so developed.
A review article of the The New England Journal of Medicine refers that almost a century ago, Abraham Flexner, a research scholar at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, undertook an assessment of medical education in 155 medical schools in operation in the United States and Canada. Flexner’s report emphasized the nonscientific approach of American medical schools to preparation for the profession, which contrasted with the university-based system of medical education in Germany. At the core of Flexner’s view was the notion that formal analytic reasoning, the kind of thinking integral to the natural sciences, should hold pride of place in the intellectual training of physicians. This idea was pioneered at Harvard University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Pennsylvania in the 1880s, but was most fully expressed in the educational program at Johns Hopkins University, which Flexner regarded as the ideal for medical education. (...)
La titulación de Maestro especialidad de Educación Primaria de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Granada, acoge cada año a 4 grupos de 95 alumnos en su primer curso. A estos alumnos hay que añadir, en el caso de la asignatura Matemáticas y su Didáctica, a los numerosos repetidores de la asignatura que se encuentran en cursos superiores. Esta bolsa de repetidores, equivalente a un 40 % de la nueva matrícula, se ve favorecida por una baja asistencia a las clases, con lo que nos encontramos que la media por grupo (que va disminuyendo conforme avanza el curso) oscila entre 30 y 90 alumnos, cuando según el número de alumnos matriculados debería de ser de entre 80 y 130 alumnos. El absentismo se acompaña de un índice importante de abandono pese a que, desde hace 2 años, la matrícula de esta especialidad se cierra en junio, dado que se cubre el cupo de 380 alumnos nuevos admitidos y, por tanto, se supone que los alumnos que ingresan tienen mayores expectativas de completar los estudios que los que se matricularían en septiembre. Diversas circunstancias favorecen este fuerte absentismo escolar, así como los abandonos, entre las que destacamos que muchos de nuestros alumnos simultanean estudios y trabajo
Analizando informaciones de diversas fuentes sobre resultados en Educacion Matemática de niños de Educacion Primaria (TIMMS1, Informe PISA2, contacto con profesionales…), es fácil constatar la gran dificultad que muchos de ellos tienen para alcanzar el nivel matemático que sería deseable en una sociedad como la actual, que necesita ciudadanos bien formados y particularmente en ésta materia que se encuentra en multitud de situaciones cotidianas y en la base de la mayoría de conocimientos científicos e informáticos
Se presentan los resultados de un estudio sobre las tradiciones de ense??anza en varios pa??ses europeos. Dichos pa??ses son B??lgica, Inglaterra, Hungr??a y Espa??a. Se realiza un estudio a peque??a escala en el que se emplean m??todos cuantitativos y cualitativos. A lo largo del estudio, se tiene como objetivo sacar conclusiones que mejoren la ense??anza de las Matem??ticas. Dicho objetivo es siempre m??s prioritario que la obtenci??n de generalizaciones sobre la ense??anza. Se establecen comparaciones a trav??s de los resultados de varios tests y seobtienen unas conclusiones. A partir de las conclusiones, se extraen recomendaciones para los profesores con las que mejorar su experiencia docente.
Se aborda el estudio comparativo de la ense??anza de la matem??tica en varios pa??ses europeos. Se estudia la ense??anza de los pol??gonos en primaria desde un punto de vista cuantitativo y cualitativo. Para el estudio se apoya en el an??lisis de cuatro unidades did??cticas puestas en pr??ctica por profesores de los correspondientes pa??ses. Se muestra la complementariedad de ambos tipos de datos y sus posibilidades para profundizar en la ense??anza de los pol??gonos.
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