969 resultados para Hydrogen-sulfide


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The ultramafic-hosted Logatchev hydrothermal field (LHF) is characterized by vent fluids, which are enriched in dissolved hydrogen and methane compared with fluids from basalt-hosted systems. Thick sediment layers in LHF are partly covered by characteristic white mats. In this study, these sediments were investigated in order to determine biogeochemical processes and key organisms relevant for primary production. Temperature profiling at two mat-covered sites showed a conductive heating of the sediments. Elemental sulfur was detected in the overlying mat and metal-sulfides in the upper sediment layer. Microprofiles revealed an intensive hydrogen sulfide flux from deeper sediment layers. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that filamentous and vibrioid, Arcobacter-related Epsilonproteobacteria dominated the overlying mats. This is in contrast to sulfidic sediments in basalt-hosted fields where mats of similar appearance are composed of large sulfur-oxidizing Gammaproteobacteria. Epsilonproteobacteria (7- 21%) and Deltaproteobacteria (20-21%) were highly abundant in the surface sediment layer. The physiology of the closest cultivated relatives, revealed by comparative 16S rRNA sequence analysis, was characterized by the capability to metabolize sulfur com- ponents. High sulfate reduction rates as well as sulfide depleted in 34S further confirmed the importance of the biogeochemical sulfur cycle. In contrast, methane was found to be of minor relevance for microbial life in mat-covered surface sediments. Our data indicate that in conductively heated surface sediments microbial sulfur cycling is the driving force for bacterial biomass production although ultramafic- hosted systems are characterized by fluids with high levels of dissolved methane and hydrogen.


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This study focuses on the vertical distribution of authigenic carbonates (aragonite and high Mg-calcite) in the form of finely disseminated precipitates as well as massive carbonate concretions present in and above gas hydrate bearing sediments of the Northern Congo Fan. Analyses of Ca, Mg, Sr and Ba in pore water, bulk sediments and authigenic carbonates were carried out on gravity cores taken from three pockmark structures (Hydrate Hole, Black Hole and Worm Hole). In addition, a background core was retrieved from an area not influenced by fluid seepage. Pore water Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios are used to reveal the current depths of carbonate formation as well as the mineralogy of the authigenic precipitates. The Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios of bulk sediments and massive carbonate concretions were applied to infer the presence and depth distribution of authigenic aragonite and high Mg-calcite, based on the approach presented by Bayon et al. [Bayon et al. (2007). Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios in Niger Delta sediments: Implications for authigenic carbonate genesis in cold seep environments. Marine Geology 241(1-4), 93-109, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2007.03.007]. We show that the approach developed by Bayon et al. (2007) for sediments of cold seeps of the Niger Delta is also suitable to identify the mineralogy of authigenic carbonates in pockmark sediments of the Congo Deep-Sea Fan. We expand this approach by combining interstitial with solid phase Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios, which demonstrate that high Mg-calcite is the predominant authigenic carbonate that currently forms at the sulfate/methane reaction zone (SMRZ). This is the first study which investigates both solid phase and pore water signatures typical for either aragonite or high Mg-calcite precipitation for the same sediment cores and thus is able to identify active and fossil carbonate precipitation events. At all investigated pockmark sites fossil horizons of the SMRZ were deduced from high Mg-calcite located above and below the current depths of the SMRZ. Additionally, aragonite enrichments typical for high seepage rates were detected close to the sediment surface at these sites. However, active precipitation of aragonite as indicated by pore water characteristics only occurs at the Black Hole site. Dissolved and solid phase Ba concentrations were used to estimate the time the SMRZ was fixed at the current depths of the diagenetic barite fronts. The combined pore water and solid phase elemental ratios (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca) and Ba concentrations allow the reconstruction of past changes in methane seepage at the investigated pockmark sites. At the Hydrate Hole and Worm Hole sites the time of high methane seepage was estimated to have ceased at least 600 yr BP. In contrast, a more recent change from a high flux to a more dormant stage must have occurred at the Black Hole site as evidenced by active aragonite precipitation at the sediment surface and a lack of diagenetic Ba enrichments.


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A study of lead distribution in recent, ancient Black Sea and Neweuxinian bottom sediment shows similar vertical distributions of the element in the oxygen and hydrogen sulfide zones of the sea; i.e. hydrogen sulfide contamination does not affect lead contents in bottom sediments of the sea. Lead distribution in sediment mass of the Black Sea reflects dependence of accumulation of the element on the hydrodynamic regime of the sea and forms of its migration. It is noted that absence of lead accumulation in Black Sea nodules results from specific nodule formation and from geochemical activity of the element. A large role of diagenetic sulfide formation in lead geochemistry is shown. Degree of lead accumulation in iron sulfides depends on conditions of sedimentation and on physical and chemical parameters in the sea.


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The Arabian Sea off the Pakistan continental margin is characterized by one of the world's largest oxygen minimum zones (OMZ). The lithology and geochemistry of a 5.3 m long gravity core retrieved from the lower boundary of the modern OMZ (956 m water depth) were used to identify late Holocene changes in oceanographic conditions and the vertical extent of the OMZ. While the lower part of the core (535 - 465 cm, 5.04 - 4.45 cal kyr BP, Unit 3) is strongly bioturbated indicating oxic bottom water conditions, the upper part of the core (284 - 0 cm, 2.87 cal kyr BP to present, Unit 1) shows distinct and well-preserved lamination, suggesting anoxic bottom waters. The transitional interval from 465 to 284 cm (4.45 - 2.87 cal kyr BP, Unit 2) contains relicts of lamination which are in part intensely bioturbated. These fluctuations in bioturbation intensity suggest repetitive changes between anoxic and oxic/suboxic bottom-water conditions between 4.45 - 2.87 cal kyr BP. Barium excess (Baex) and total organic carbon (TOC) contents do not explain whether the increased TOC contents found in Unit 1 are the result of better preservation due to low BWO concentrations or if the decreased BWO concentration is a result of increased productivity. Changes in salinity and temperature of the outflowing water from the Red Sea during the Holocene influenced the water column stratification and probably affected the depth of the lower boundary of the OMZ in the northern Arabian Sea. Even if we cannot prove certain scenarios, we propose that the observed downward shift of the lower boundary of the OMZ was also impacted by a weakened Somali Current and a reduced transport of oxygen-rich Indian Central Water into the Arabian Sea, both as a response to decreased summer insolation and the continuous southward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone during the late Holocene.


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Diagenesis has extensively affected the magnetic mineral inventory of organic-rich late Quaternary sediments in the Niger deep-sea fan. Changes in concentration, grain size, and coercivity document modifications of the primary magnetic mineral assemblages at two horizons. The first front, the modern iron redox boundary, is characterized by a drastic decline in magnetic mineral content, coarsening of the grain size spectrum, and reduction in coercivity. Beneath a second front, the transition from the suboxic to the sulfidic anoxic domain, a further but less pronounced decrease in concentration and bulk grain size occurs. Finer grains and higher coercive magnetic constituents substantially increase in the anoxic environment. Low- and high-temperature experiments were performed on bulk sediments and on extracts which have also been examined by X-ray diffraction. Thermomagnetic analyses proved ferrimagnetic titanomagnetites of terrigenous provenance as the principal primary magnetic mineral components. Their broad range of titanium contents reflects the volcanogenic traits of the Niger River drainage areas. Diagenetic alteration is not only a grain size selective process but also critically depends on titanomagnetite composition. Low-titanium compounds are less resistant to diagenetic dissolution. Intermediate titanium content titanomagnetite thus persists as the predominant magnetic mineral fraction in the sulfidic anoxic sediments. At the Fe redox boundary, precipitation of authigenic, possibly bacterial, magnetite is documented. The presence of hydrogen sulfide in the pore water suggests a formation of secondary magnetic iron sulfides in the anoxic domain. Grain size-specific data argue for a gradual development of a superparamagnetic and single-domain iron sulfide phase in this milieu, most likely greigite.


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Concentrations of sulfide, S°, and thiosulfate were determined in waters of the Baltic Sea. Microquantities of these compounds were observed in oxic waters. Concentration levels of reduced sulfur compounds in Baltic oxic waters were very close to levels of the Black Sea oxic zone. Thiosulfate and S° were predominate compounds in oxic water whereas sulfide was a predominant compound of Baltic waters high in hydrogen sulfide. Conclusion was made that during sedimentation in oxic waters anaerobic microorganisms along with aerobic bacteria take part in mineralization of organic matter. They exist on surfaces and in microniches of particles of organic detritus.


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In anoxic environments, volatile methylated sulfides like methanethiol (MT) and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) link the pools of inorganic and organic carbon with the sulfur cycle. However, direct formation of methylated sulfides from reduction of dissolved inorganic carbon has previously not been demonstrated. When studying the effect of temperature on hydrogenotrophic microbial activity, we observed formation of DMS in anoxic sediment of Lake Plußsee at 55 °C. Subsequent experiments strongly suggested that the formation of DMS involves fixation of bicarbonate via a reductive pathway in analogy to methanogenesis and engages methylation of MT. DMS formation was enhanced by addition of bicarbonate and further increased when both bicarbonate and H2 were supplemented. Inhibition of DMS formation by 2-bromoethanesulfonate points to the involvement of methanogens. Compared to the accumulation of DMS, MT showed the opposite trend but there was no apparent 1:1 stoichiometric ratio between both compounds. Both DMS and MT had negative d13C values of -62 per mil and -55 per mil, respectively. Labeling with NaH**13CO3 showed more rapid incorporation of bicarbonate into DMS than into MT. The stable carbon isotopic evidence implies that bicarbonate was fixed via a reductive pathway of methanogenesis, and the generated methyl coenzyme M became the methyl donor for MT methylation. Neither DMS nor MT accumulation were stimulated by addition of the methyl-group donors methanol and syringic acid or by the methyl-group acceptor hydrogen sulphide. The source of MT was further investigated in a H2**35S labeling experiment, which demonstrated a microbially-mediated process of hydrogen sulfide methylation to MT that accounted for only <10% of the accumulation rates of DMS. Therefore, the major source of the 13C-depleted MT was neither bicarbonate nor methoxylated aromatic compounds. Other possibilities for isotopically depleted MT, such as other organic precursors like methionine, are discussed. This DMS-forming pathway may be relevant for anoxic environments such as hydrothermally influenced sediments and fluids and sulfate-methane transition zones in marine sediments.


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Results of studies in two biogeochemically active zones of the Atlantic Ocean (the Benguela upwelling waters and the region influenced by the Congo River run-off) are reported in the book. A multidisciplinary approach included studies of the major elements of the ocean ecosystem: sea water, plankton, suspended matter, bottom sediments, interstitial waters, aerosols, as well as a wide complex of oceanographic studies carried out under a common program. Such an approach, as well as a use of new methodical solutions led to obtaining principally new information on different aspects of oceanology.


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Here, we present results from sediments collected in the Argentine Basin, a non-steady state depositional marine system characterized by abundant oxidized iron within methane-rich layers due to sediment reworking followed by rapid deposition. Our comprehensive inorganic data set shows that iron reduction in these sulfate and sulfide-depleted sediments is best explained by a microbially mediated process-implicating anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to iron reduction (Fe-AOM) as the most likely major mechanism. Although important in many modern marine environments, iron-driven AOM may not consume similar amounts of methane compared with sulfate-dependent AOM. Nevertheless, it may have broad impact on the deep biosphere and dominate both iron and methane cycling in sulfate-lean marine settings. Fe-AOM might have been particularly relevant in the Archean ocean, >2.5 billion years ago, known for its production and accumulation of iron oxides (in iron formations) in a biosphere likely replete with methane but low in sulfate. Methane at that time was a critical greenhouse gas capable of sustaining a habitable climate under relatively low solar luminosity, and relationships to iron cycling may have impacted if not dominated methane loss from the biosphere.


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First videographic indication of an Antarctic cold seep ecosystem was recently obtained from the collapsed Larsen B ice shelf, western Weddell Sea (Domack et al., 2005). Within the framework of the R/V Polarstern expedition ANTXXIII-8, we revisited this area for geochemical, microbiological and further videographical examinations. During two dives with ROV Cherokee (MARUM, Bremen), several bivalve shell agglomerations of the seep-associated, chemosynthetic clam Calyptogena sp. were found in the trough of the Crane and Evans glacier. The absence of living clam specimens indicates that the flux of sulphide and hence the seepage activity is diminished at present. This impression was further substantiated by our geochemical observations. Concentrations of thermogenic methane were moderately elevated with 2 µM in surface sediments of a clam patch, increasing up to 9 µM at a sediment depth of about 1 m in the bottom sections of the sediment cores. This correlated with a moderate decrease in sulphate from about 28 mM at the surface down to 23.4 mM, an increase in sulphide to up to 1.43 mM and elevated rates of the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) of up to 600 pmol cm**-3 d**-1 at about 1 m below the seafloor. Molecular analyses indicate that methanotrophic archaea related to ANME-3 are the most likely candidates mediating AOM in sediments of the Larsen B seep.


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We report and discuss molecular and isotopic properties of hydrate-bound gases from 55 samples and void gases from 494 samples collected during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 204 at Hydrate Ridge offshore Oregon. Gas hydrates appear to crystallize in sediments from two end-member gas sources (deep allochthonous and in situ) as mixtures of different proportions. In an area of high gas flux at the Southern Summit of the ridge (Sites 1248-1250), shallow (0-40 m below the seafloor [mbsf]) gas hydrates are composed of mainly allochthonous mixed microbial and thermogenic methane and a small portion of thermogenic C2+ gases, which migrated vertically and laterally from as deep as 2- to 2.5-km depths. In contrast, deep (50-105 mbsf) gas hydrates at the Southern Summit (Sites 1248 and 1250) and on the flanks of the ridge (Sites 1244-1247) crystallize mainly from microbial methane and ethane generated dominantly in situ. A small contribution of allochthonous gas may also be present at sites where geologic and tectonic settings favor focused vertical gas migration from greater depth (e.g., Sites 1244 and 1245). Non-hydrocarbon gases such as CO2 and H2S are not abundant in sampled hydrates. The new gas geochemical data are inconsistent with earlier models suggesting that seafloor gas hydrates at Hydrate Ridge formed from gas derived from decomposition of deeper and older gas hydrates. Gas hydrate formation at the Southern Summit is explained by a model in which gas migrated from deep sediments, and perhaps was trapped by a gas hydrate seal at the base of the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). Free gas migrated into the GHSZ when the overpressure in gas column exceeded sealing capacity of overlaying sediments, and precipitated as gas hydrate mainly within shallow sediments. The mushroom-like 3D shape of gas hydrate accumulation at the summit is possibly defined by the gas diffusion aureole surrounding the main migration conduit, the decrease of gas solubility in shallow sediment, and refocusing of gas by carbonate and gas hydrate seals near the seafloor to the crest of the local anticline structure.