Bulk rock magnetic measurements and thermomagnetic analyses of sediment core GeoB4901-8 from the southeastern flank of the Niger deep-sea fan

Autoria(s): Bleil, Ulrich; Dillon, Melanie

LATITUDE: 2.678333 * LONGITUDE: 6.720000 * DATE/TIME START: 1998-02-26T05:58:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1998-02-26T05:58:00




Diagenesis has extensively affected the magnetic mineral inventory of organic-rich late Quaternary sediments in the Niger deep-sea fan. Changes in concentration, grain size, and coercivity document modifications of the primary magnetic mineral assemblages at two horizons. The first front, the modern iron redox boundary, is characterized by a drastic decline in magnetic mineral content, coarsening of the grain size spectrum, and reduction in coercivity. Beneath a second front, the transition from the suboxic to the sulfidic anoxic domain, a further but less pronounced decrease in concentration and bulk grain size occurs. Finer grains and higher coercive magnetic constituents substantially increase in the anoxic environment. Low- and high-temperature experiments were performed on bulk sediments and on extracts which have also been examined by X-ray diffraction. Thermomagnetic analyses proved ferrimagnetic titanomagnetites of terrigenous provenance as the principal primary magnetic mineral components. Their broad range of titanium contents reflects the volcanogenic traits of the Niger River drainage areas. Diagenetic alteration is not only a grain size selective process but also critically depends on titanomagnetite composition. Low-titanium compounds are less resistant to diagenetic dissolution. Intermediate titanium content titanomagnetite thus persists as the predominant magnetic mineral fraction in the sulfidic anoxic sediments. At the Fe redox boundary, precipitation of authigenic, possibly bacterial, magnetite is documented. The presence of hydrogen sulfide in the pore water suggests a formation of secondary magnetic iron sulfides in the anoxic domain. Grain size-specific data argue for a gradual development of a superparamagnetic and single-domain iron sulfide phase in this milieu, most likely greigite.


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Heslop, David; Dillon, Melanie (2007): Unmixing magnetic remanence curves without a priori knowledge. Geophysical Journal International, 170, 556-566, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03432.x


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Dillon, Melanie; Bleil, Ulrich (2006): Rock magnetic signatures in diagenetically altered sediments from the Niger deep-sea fan. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 111, B03105, doi:10.1029/2004JB003540

Palavras-Chave #3D saturation remanence/3D saturation magnetization; Bc; Bcr/Bc; Center for Marine Environmental Sciences; chi_nf; Coercive force; Coercivity of remanence; Coercivity of remanence/coercive force; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Eastern Niger fan; GeoB4901-8; Gravity corer (Kiel type); Hcr; horizontal translation type Curie balance; Hysteresis, saturation magnetization; M41/1; Magn; Magnetization; Magnetization, normalized; Magnetometer, PMC N2900 alternating-gradient force; MARUM; Meteor (1986); Ms; Msr/Ms; Normalized; norm Magn; Quantum Design MPMS-XL susceptometer (SQUID); Remanence; Sigma r; SL; Susceptibility, normalized; Susceptibility, specific, non-ferromagnetic; Susc norm; T; Temperature, technical; Thermodynamic temperature; T tech
