Chemistry of sediment cores of POSEIDON cruise POS392

Autoria(s): Jørgensen, Bo Barker; Fossing, Henrik; Endler, Rudolf

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 55.081097 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 14.587077 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 54.046700 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 11.093770 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 57.306800 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 20.077430 * DATE/TIME START: 2009-11-29T16:34:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2009-12-15T17:58:00




application/zip, 64 datasets








Endler, Rudolf; Rehder, Gregor (2009): FS Poseidon Cruise Report P392. Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, 53 pp, hdl:10013/epic.37704.d001


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted

Palavras-Chave #[SO4]2-; 373860; 373860-2RL; 373860-4RL; 373870; 373870-2RL; 373870-4RL; 373870-6GC; 373880; 373880-2RL; 373880-4RL; 373880-6GC; 373900; 373900-2RL; 373900-4GC; 373920; 373920-2RL; 373920-4GC; 373940; 373940-2RL; 373940-4GC; 373950; 373950-2RL; 373950-4RL; 373950-6GC; 373960; 373960-2RL; 373960-4RL; 373960-6GC; 374050; 374050-2RL; 374050-3RL; 374050-5GC; 374060; 374060-2RL; 374070; 374070-2RL; 374080; 374080-2RL; 374090; 374090-2RL; 374100; 374100-2RL; 374110; 374110-1RL; 374130; 374130-1RL; 374140; 374140-1RL; 374170; 374170-2RL; 374170-4RL; 374170-6GC; 374175; 374175-1RL; 374175-3RL; 374175-5GC; 374180; 374180-2RL; 374180-4RL; 374180-6GC; 374190; 374190-2RL; 374190-4RL; 374190-6GC; 374200; 374200-2RL; 374200-4RL; 374200-6GC; 374280; 374280-2RL; 374290; 374290-2RL; 374300; 374300-2RL; 374320; 374320-2RL; 374330; 374330-1RL; 374380; 374380-2RL; 374380-4RL; 374380-6GC; 374390; 374390-2RL; 374390-4RL; 374390-6GC; 374400; 374400-2RL; 374400-4RL; 374400-6GC; 374410; 374410-2RL; 374420; 374420-3RL; 374430; 374430-2RL; 374450; 374450-2RL; Arkona Basinn; BALTIC Gas; BALTIC-GAS; Baltic Sea, Mecklenburg Bay; Baltic Sea, Stolpe Channel and Fore Delta; Bornholm Basin; Calculated from weight/volume; Carbon, total, dissolved and particulate; CH4; CH4 sed; CN-analyser (CHN-O-rapid); Density, wet bulk; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; detection limit: 0.0018 µmol/cm**3; detection limit: 0.0020-0.0036 mmol/l in the porosity range 0.9-0.5; detection limit: 0.01 mmol/l; detection limit: 1.0 µmol/l; detection limit: 1.6 µmol/l; Digital thermometer; Fe2+; Fe tot diss; Gas chromatography; GC; Gotland Basin; Gravity corer; H2S; Hydrogen sulfide; Ion chromatography; Iron, total, dissolved; Iron 2+; Methane; Methane, sediment; Methane emission in the Baltic Sea; Nitrogen, total per unit volume of sediment; Photometry; Poros; Porosity; POS392; Poseidon; RL; Rumohr-Lot; Sulfate; t; TC; Temperature, in rock/sediment; TN; Water content of wet mass; Water wm; WBD
