Geological, geochemical and biogeochemical data on boundary zones of the Atlantic Ocean

Autoria(s): Romankevich, Evgeny A; et al.

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -13.381357 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 10.529059 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -26.416667 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -20.473333 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 37.415000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 14.816667 * DATE/TIME START: 1990-08-10T09:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1990-11-10T09:15:00




Results of studies in two biogeochemically active zones of the Atlantic Ocean (the Benguela upwelling waters and the region influenced by the Congo River run-off) are reported in the book. A multidisciplinary approach included studies of the major elements of the ocean ecosystem: sea water, plankton, suspended matter, bottom sediments, interstitial waters, aerosols, as well as a wide complex of oceanographic studies carried out under a common program. Such an approach, as well as a use of new methodical solutions led to obtaining principally new information on different aspects of oceanology.


application/zip, 104 datasets








Borodkin, Sergey O; Shanin, SS (1994): Hydrochemistry. In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 20-26

Korneeva, Galina A; Romankevich, Evgeny A (1994): Activity of hydrolitic enzymes in the sea ecosystem. In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 157-166

Kuptsov, Vladimir M (1994): Geochronological studies of bottom sediments (I). In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 87-97

Kuptsov, Vladimir M (1994): Geochronological studies of bottom sediments (II). In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 301-306

Lukashin, Vyacheslav N; Ivanov, Georgy V; Isaeva, Alexandra B (1994): On geochemistry of bottom sediments. In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 174-199

Lukashin, Vyacheslav N; Ivanov, Georgy V; Isaeva, Alexandra B (1990): Supplement 1. Chemical composition of bottom sediments from the East Atlantic, data from Cruise 20 of R/V Vityaz-2.

Lukashin, Vyacheslav N; Shevchenko, Vladimir P; Romankevich, Evgeny A; Arashkevich, Elena G; Borodkin, Sergey O; Korneeva, Galina A; Os'kina, Natalia S; Pimenov, Nikolay V (1994): Sediment matter fluxes (I). In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 46-55

Lukashin, Vyacheslav N; Shevchenko, Vladimir P; Romankevich, Evgeny A; Arashkevich, Elena G; Borodkin, Sergey O; Korneeva, Galina A; Os'kina, Natalia S; Pimenov, Nikolay V (1994): Sediment matter fluxes (II). In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 273-279

Nemirovskaya, Inna A (1994): Hydrocarbons in bottom sediments. In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 140-146

Nemirovskaya, Inna A (1994): Hydrocarbons in bottom sediments. In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 335-342

Nemirovskaya, Inna A; Peresypkin, Valery I (1994): Lipids in water and suspended matter. In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 136-140

Nemirovskaya, Inna A; Peresypkin, Valery I (1994): Lipids in water and suspended matter. In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 332-335

Os'kina, Natalia S (1994): Planctonic foraminifera distribution (II). In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 290-297

Os'kina, Natalia S (1994): Planktonic foraminifera distribution (I). In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 76-81

Peresypkin, Valery I; Romankevich, Evgeny A (1994): Phenol compounds and lignin in bottom sediments. In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 146-156

Peresypkin, Valery I; Romankevich, Evgeny A; Alexandrov, AV (1994): Phenol compounds and lignin in bottom sediments near the Kunene River mouth. In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 342-348

Pimenov, Nikolay V; Davydova, IA; Rusanov, Igor I (1994): Microbiological processes of carbon and sulfur cycles. In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 97-114

Pimenov, Nikolay V; Davydova, IA; Rusanov, Igor I (1994): Role of microorganisms in biogechemical cycle of carbon and sulfur in the Benguela upwelling zone. In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 306-321

Romankevich, Evgeny A; Lyutsarev, Sergey V; Peresypkin, Valery I (1994): Dissolved and particulate organic carbon. In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 42-46

Shevchenko, Vladimir P (1990): Supplement 2. Grain size composition of aerosol particles counted in the East Atlantic in August - November 1990, data from Cruise 20 of R/V Vityaz-2.

Shevchenko, Vladimir P; Pustelnikov, Oleg S; Lukashin, Vyacheslav N (1994): Distribution and composition of suspended matter. In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 30-42

Shevchenko, Vladimir P; Pustelnikov, Oleg S; Lukashin, Vyacheslav N; Serova, Valentina V (1994): Suspended matter, its composition and distribution. In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 257-271

Timonin, Alexander G; Drits, Alexander V; Arashkevich, Elena G; Semenova, Tatyana N (1994): Chlorophyll a and zooplankton in the Congo River region. In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 26-30

Timonin, Alexander G; Drits, Alexander V; Arashkevich, Elena G; Semenova, Tatyana N (1994): Distribution of plankton and ecophysiological characteristics of Calanoides carinatus population. In: Romankevich, EA (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean; Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, 214-257


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Supplement to: Romankevich, Evgeny A; et al. (1994): Biogeokhimiya Pogranichnykh Zon Atlanticheskogo Okeana (Biogeochemistry of Boundary Zones in the Atlantic Ocean). Nauka Publ. (Moscow): in Russian, (E.A. Romankevich, Ed.), 400 pp

Palavras-Chave #~800 µm; [NO2]-; [SO4]2-; <10 µm; >0.7 µm; >10 µm; 0.5-0.25 µm; 0.7-0.5 µm; 100-200 µm; 14C uptake; 1500-2000 µm; 200-500 µm; 200-600 µm; 210Pb; 210Pb std dev; 210Pb xs; 210Pb xs std dev; 3.4-benzpyrene; 3.4-benzpyrene, dissolved; 3.4-benzpyrene, particulate; 3.4-BP; 300-400 µm; 50-100 µm; 700-1000 µm; 90-100 µm; acetate; Acetosyringone; Acetovanillone; AcetSy; AEA; Al; Alkane-naphthenic hydrocarbons; Alkane-naphthenic hydrocarbons per unit mass total organic carbon; Altitude; ALTITUDE; Aluminium; Amp; Amphibole; Amylolytic enzyme activity in enzyme units; Angola Basin; ANH; ANH/TOC; Anthracene; Anthracene, dissolved; Anthracene, particulate; Aragonite; Archive of Ocean Data; ARCOD; Area; Area/locality; Arg; atomic; atomic ratio; authigenic; Auto-analyzer; AV; B. universa; Ba; Bact [SO4]2- red abund; Bact abund; Bacteria, abundance; Bacteria, methane forming, abundance; Bacteria, sulfate reducing, abundance; Bact met form abund; Barium; BC; Benguela Upwelling; Binocular; Biog; Biogenic particles; Biorbulina universa; Box corer; bSiO2; C_phenol of TOC; CaCO3; CaCO3 flux; Cal; Calcite; Calcium carbonate; Calcium carbonate flux; Calculated; Calculated from 210Pb_ex; Carb; Carbon, carbonate, particulate flux; Carbon, organic, dissolved; Carbon, organic, particulate; Carbon, organic, particulate flux per day; Carbon, organic, total; Carbon, organic total/Nitrogen, total; Carbon, organic total/Phosphorus ratio; Carbon, total flux; Carbon, total particulate; Carbon analyser AN-7529, 7560; Carbonates; Carbon dioxide assimilation rate; Carbon dioxide assimilation rate, sediment; Carbon dioxide assimilation rate per area; Carbon Preference Index; C flux; CH4; CH4 FRS/sed; CH4 OR; CH4 ORS/sed; chemosynthesis; Chl a; Chlorophyll a; Chromatographic; Chromium; Chrysene; Chrysene, dissolved; Chrysene, particulate; Co; CO2 ar sed; CO2 assr; CO2 assr area; Cobalt; Copper; Coscinodiscus sp. flux; Coulter counter; Counting, foraminifera, planktic; Counting, light microscope; CPI; Cr; CTD, Neil Brown; Cu; cylindrical, 200-500 µm; D3.4-BP; d34S [SO4]2-; d34S H2S; d34S Mss; d34S Py; DAnthr; DChr; delta 34S, hydrogen sulfide; delta 34S, monosulfide; delta 34S, pyrite; delta 34S, sulfate; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; DEPTH, water; Depth bot; Depth Comment; Depth top; Depth water; Detritus clots; DFL; Distance; DNaphth; DOC; Double leaching by 5% Na2CO3; DPAH; DPH; DPL; DPY; Duration; East Atlantic; East Equatorial Atlantic; Eh; Eh, Pt-electrode; Enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins and peptides; Enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins and polysaccharides; Event; Fe; Fe3O4; Fecal pel flux; Fecal pellets flux; ferruginous; filamentous, 1000-1500 µm; Filtration; Fluoranth; Fluoranthene; Fluoranthene, dissolved; Fluoranthene, particulate; Fluorometry; Flux of total mass; Flux tot; Foraminifera, planktic flux; Foram plankt flux; from acetate; from bottom; from H2:CO2; from hydrocarbonate; from trimethylamine; G. aequilateralis; G. anfracta; G. bermudezi; G. bulloides; G. calida; G. calida calida; G. conglobatus; G. conglomerata; G. crassaformis; G. decoraperta; G. digitata; G. dutertrei; G. falconensis; G. fimbriata; G. flexuosa; G. glutinata; G. hexagona; G. hirsuta; G. humerosa; G. humilis; G. inflata; G. inflata triangula; G. menardii; G. menardii flexuosa; G. pachyderma d; G. pachyderma s; G. pseudokugleri; G. pumilio; G. quinqueloba; G. ruber; G. ruber p; G. ruber w; G. rubescens; G. sacculifer; G. scitula; G. scitula gigantea; G. tenellus; G. truncatulinoides; G. tumida; G. uvula; GC; Globigerina bermudezi; Globigerina bulloides; Globigerina calida; Globigerina calida calida; Globigerina decoraperta; Globigerina digitata; Globigerina falconensis; Globigerina pachyderma dextral; Globigerina pachyderma sinistral; Globigerina quinqueloba; Globigerina rubescens; Globigerinella aequilateralis; Globigerinita glutinata; Globigerinita humilis; Globigerinita iota; Globigerinita pumilio; Globigerinita uvula; Globigerinoides conglobatus; Globigerinoides ruber; Globigerinoides ruber pink; Globigerinoides ruber white; Globigerinoides sacculifer; Globigerinoides tenellus; Globoquadrina conglomerata; Globoquadrina dutertrei; Globoquadrina hexagona; Globoquadrina humerosa; Globorotalia anfracta; Globorotalia crassaformis; Globorotalia fimbriata; Globorotalia flexuosa; Globorotalia hirsuta; Globorotalia inflata; Globorotalia inflata triangula; Globorotalia menardii; Globorotalia menardii flexuosa; Globorotalia pseudokugleri; Globorotalia pumilio; Globorotalia scitula; Globorotalia scitula gigantea; Globorotalia truncatulinoides; Globorotalia tumida; Glucose consumption rate as carbon; Glucose consumption rate as carbon, sediment; Glucose cr C; Glucose cr C sed; Goethite; Gp; Grab; GRAB; Gravity corer; Gth; Gypsum; H. pelagica; H2+CO2; Halite; Hastigerina pelagica; HC; HC/TOC; Hl; Hydrocarbons; Hydrocarbons/organic carbon ratio; Ill; Illite; in interstitial waters; Inorganic particles; Iron; Isotopic tracer uptake; Kalifeldspar; Kaolinite; Kfs; Kln; large; Layer; Layer description; Lead; Lead 210, standard deviation; Lead 210 activity per mass; Lead 210 excess; Lead 210 excess, standard deviation; Lignin; Lignin/TOC; Lignin per unit mass total organic carbon; Lipids, dissolved; Lipids, particulate; Lipids diss; Lipids part; Magnetite; Manganese; mass; mass ratio; Mass spectrometry; Methane; Methane, daily formation rate per unit sediment mass; Methane, daily oxidation rate per unit sediment mass; Methane, oxidation rate; Microorg abund; Microorganisms, abundance; Microscopy; mineral; Mn; monosulfide S; MULT; Multiple investigations; Naphth; Naphthalene; Naphthalene, dissolved; Naphthalene, particulate; Ni; Nickel; Nitrate; Nitrite; Nitrogen, particulate flux; Nitrogen, total particulate; NO3; NOBS; Number of observations; Number of species; O. universa; O2; OA; OAc; OAP; ocean particles; of accumulation; of hydrocarbons; of inhibition by addition of 10 mg/l azide; of inhibition by addition of 10 mg/l picolinic acid or allyl-thiourea; of large foraminifers; of large thread-like fecal pellets; of small foraminifers; of small thread-like fecal pellets; of tintinids; OKEAN; Okean Grab; OM terr; Opal, biogenic silica; Orbulina universa; Organic matter, terrigenous; oval, 80-150 µm; Oxidation reduction (RedOx) potential; Oxygen; P; P. obliquiloculata; P3.4-BP; PAH; PAH OC; PAnthr; Part conc; Particle concentration; Pb; PCC flux; PChr; PEA; Perc; Percentage; Perylene; Perylene, dissolved; Perylene, particulate; PFL; pH; Phases, amorphous to X-ray; Phenanthr; Phenanthrene; Phenanthrene, dissolved; Phenanthrene, particulate; phenol C of TOC; Phillipsite; Phosphate; Phosphorus; Phosphorus, particulate; Phosphorus particulate flux; photosynthesis; Php; pH sensor; Pl; Plagioclase; Plank OM of SM; Plankton organic matter, of suspended matter; PNaphth; PN flux; PO4; pOB/V; pOB=OA+OAP+OAc; POC; POC flux; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, dissolved; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, particulate; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, per unit mass organic carbon; p-Oxyacetophenone; p-Oxybenzaldehyde; p-Oxybenzoic acid; PP; PPAH; PP C; PP flux; PPH; PPL; PPY; Primary production, integrated; Prot act; Proteolytic activity; Proteolytic enzyme activity in enzyme units; PSiO2; Pteropoda flux; Pulleniatina obliquiloculata; PVS=pOB+V+S; Pyrene; Pyrene, dissolved; Pyrene, particulate; Quartz; Qz; R. robusta flux; Radiochemical purification and beta-counting; Ratio; reactive; reactive of total; Rhizosolenia robusta flux; S_H2O; S/V; S. dehiscens; S=SA+AS+SAc; S°+S_org+S_pyrite; S2-; SA; SAc; SAc/SA; Sample type; Samp type; Sediment; Sedimentation rate; Sediment type; Sed rate; Si; Silica, particulate; Silicon; Size; Size fraction < 0.010 mm; Size fraction > 0.0007 mm; Size fraction > 0.010 mm; Size fraction 0.0005-0.00025 mm; Size fraction 0.0007-0.0005 mm; small; Southeast Atlantic; Spec No; Sphaeroidinella dehiscens; SPM; Sr; SRR sed; S SO4; Stephanopyxis sp. flux; Strontium; Sulfate ion; Sulfate reduction rate, sediment; Sulfur in sulfate; sum; Sum; Sum alkane-naphthenic hydrocarbons C16-C23; Sum C16-C23; Suspended matter; Syringcaldehyde; Syringic acid; terrigenous ferruginous; terrigenous mineral; terrigenous particles; Thalassiosira sp. flux; thread-like, large; thread-like, small; Ti; Tint cell flux; Tintinnid loricae cell flux; Titanium; Titration; TOC; TOC/P; TOC/TN; total; total reduced S; TPC; TPN; Trap, sediment; TRAPS; trimethyl-amine; Triphenylene; V; V=VA+AV+VAc; VA; VAc; VAc/VA; Vanadium; Vanillic acid; Vanillin; var.; Vit20; Vityaz-2; Vy20-3171; Vy20-3171-1; Vy20-3171-3; Vy20-3171-4-6; Vy20-3171-5; Vy20-3171W; Vy20-3174; Vy20-3175BC; Vy20-3175GC; Vy20-3175W; Vy20-3178; Vy20-3180; Vy20-3180W; Vy20-3181; Vy20-3182; Vy20-3182W; Vy20-3183; Vy20-3184; Vy20-3184W; Vy20-3185; Vy20-3186; Vy20-3186W; Vy20-3187; Vy20-3188; Vy20-3188W; Vy20-3188W1; Vy20-3189; Vy20-3190; Vy20-3190W; Vy20-3191; Vy20-3192; Vy20-3192W; Vy20-3193; Vy20-3194; Vy20-3194W; Vy20-3195; Vy20-3196; Vy20-3197; Vy20-3197W; Vy20-3198; Vy20-3199; Vy20-3199W; Vy20-3202; Vy20-3205; Vy20-3206; Vy20-3209; Vy20-3212; Vy20-3212W; Vy20-3213; Vy20-3213W; Vy20-3214; Vy20-3215; Vy20-3216; Vy20-3217GR; Vy20-3217TR; Vy20-3217W; Vy20-3218; Vy20-3218W; Vy20-3219; Vy20-3219W; Vy20-3220; Vy20-3220W; Vy20-3221; Vy20-3221W; Vy20-3223; Vy20-3223W; Vy20-3224; Vy20-3224W; Vy20-3225; Vy20-3226; Vy20-3228; Vy20-3229; Vy20-3229W; Vy20-3231; Vy20-3234; Vy20-3237; Vy20-3239; Vy20-3239BC; Vy20-3239W; Vy20-3240; Vy20-3241; Vy20-3244; Vy20-3245; Vy20-3245GR; Vy20-3245W; Vy20-3246; Water sample; Weighing dry trap material; Wet chemistry; Wet combustion; with addition of 10 mg/l azide; with addition of 10 mg/l picolinic acid or allyl-thiourea; with formalin; without addition of inhibitors; without preservatives; with sodium azide; WS; XRA; X-ray diffraction (XRD); X-ray fluorescence (XRF); Zinc; Zn
