318 resultados para Exploradores Italianos


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The article uses theoretical approaches as simplexity, neuroscience and enactivism to discuss everyday classroom activities. It tries to transpose the classical bipolar division between mind and body, through these approaches in cognitive science. Two experiments on the body’s role in teaching are presented to demonstrate the relevance of the awareness of the body, to improve performance in the classroom. The first experiment uses neurofeedback to measure the body temperature, as a means to understand the role of the body in self-regulation and control of the attention. The second uses a bracelet multi-sensor, which provides data on the energy spent by the teacher in daily activities in the classroom. Italian and Brazilian researchers cooperate in this experimental path of inclusive teaching, to be used in classes with children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.


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This study aims to investigate the Idioms (IEs) or combinations related to the Italian lexical units testa and capo, in comparison to the Portuguese lexical unit cabeça. Since they have come from two completely different etyma, they are not perfect synonyms; on the contrary, they gave rise to several expressions that are common to just one lexical units. Corpus selection was made in monolingual Italian general dictionaries and then the data was classified according to each typology: idioms that are common only with the unit capo; idioms just with head; idioms that are synonyms with both; IEs whose translations refer to other parts of the body. As a result, we found that most of the IEs with capo or testa have common semes, but most of them also are specific to one or other lexical unit exclusively, confirming the difference in semantic features between them as well as non-univocity between languages.


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Giorgio Bassani in his book Una lapide in via Mazzin seeks to show to the readers all the sufferings passed by Italians during the Second World War and emphasized those persists until today. Aiming to make an unprecedented translation of this tale, it is expected that the text provides us great experiences in the language and we could see the actual difficulties and differences with the Portuguese language, despite being considered these languages closed ones. The objective of this work is to produce a translation that allows us to transmit all anxieties and reflections suffered by the main character of the tale. After the war, the survivor of the concentration camp can go back to your city. He appears exactly at the moment is being placed a headstone on the synagogue wall in homage to Jews deported and killed in the camps. Given the gaunt figure of the man with his striped pajamas, the population is driven to rethink their own indifference and , in a way, its share of blame. Thus, the return should be celebrated is rejected and the figure of the survivor becomes a nuisance. The function of the headstone is actually and literally put a stone on the story. To achieve the proposed objective for this work, we analyzed all the chapters of the story Una lapide in via Mazzini and tried to find equivalents in Portuguese. However, we not ignored the traces of meaning that Giorgio Bassani invested in his work. Therefore, it was necessary to use both printed and virtual dictionaries. With the advancement of the translation work, we realized the difficulty of finding appropriate solutions to achieve the desired effect . The fidelity proposed by the author became increasingly difficult as our work progressed. In the course of all the discussions, it was concluded that , in fact , when it comes to translation, maintaining fidelity to the original text in a foreign language is a difficult and laborious process


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This essay intends to analise the relationship between science and literature in Italy in the 20th century. I will remark the considerations about science and literature made by italian writers like Calvino and Levi.


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From the 1860s, the Italian emigration reached many entily, becoming on national problem and a source of revenue for shipping companies operating in the Atlantic. In Italy, the resources were fundamental in financing the replacement of the old sailboats by more modern steamers. Established in 1881, the Navigazione Generale Italiana (NGI) had not scoped to carry passengers. It acted in trade of goods conjugated with postal services widely subsidized by the state. By incorporating that transported immigrants, in a concentration process that would transform it in the largest shipping company in Italy, the NGI opened the thriving business of emigration to the Americas. Based on reports and Balance Exercises Financial of the company between the years 1881 and 1915, papers relating to merchant shipping and emigration legislation (laws of 1888 and 1901), this paper aims to present some results of research on the importance trafficking of Italian emigrants Navigazione Generale Italiana for marking the specialization process of its fleet this kind of service.


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In the final decades of the nineteenth century, the growth of Italian emigration was constituted in a secure source of income for the shipping companies that operated in the Atlantic and played a major role in financing the replacement of old sailboats by modern steamers. Based on reports and balance exercises financial, besides newspapers related to mercantile marine, this article aims to present some results of the research about the importance of Italians emigrants’ transporting to the shipping company La Veloce, showing its economic trajectory and particularities.


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This article intends to verify the Fanfulla's action in the dynamic of the political propaganda, as well as the cultural exchanges established with the fascism during 1922-1924. The leading question is insert on the political culture studies concerned with the significance of the fascism spread among the Italian immigrants and his descendants located on the Sao Paulo State. It unfold in others questions: the reason of the Mussolini government pledge to publish those ideas, the themes approached in this propaganda, the reactions it rise, as well on the Italian community, the Brazilian government and political movements. On this issue is included the position of the Brazilian government, on the Brazilian diplomacy or in the repressive agencies toward fascist Italy and the supporters of the fascism. The choice of the newspaper Fanfulla is justified for its position in the historiography, considered the most expressive source for this study, due its longevity, relations with the fascist regime and diffusion on Sao Paulo State.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O objetivo central deste artigo é problematizar a questão da imigração para as cidades refletindo sobre a temática dos deslocamentos, que articula lugar de origem e acolhimento. A pesquisa se fez a partir da migração de italianos que ocuparam e construíram o bairro do Bexiga em São Paulo. Para tanto, procuramos refletir sobre as motivações da imigração, as condições de vida na Itália e no Brasil e as construções de redes de sociabilidade e pertencimento que viabilizaram o ato migratório.


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Editorial: Atender a los estudiantes. Actualidad institucional: Nuevo título de Experto Universitario en Ortopedia. La ULPGC impartirá Enfermería en Fuerteventura. Concurso de emprendedores Universitarios. Reportaje: VICERRECTORADO DE ESTUDIANTES Y EXTENSIÓN UNIVERSITARIA: Un abanico de servicios para el estudiante. La ULPGC investiga: Investigación sobre caballos trotadores italianos en plena competición. Acto con motivo del Año Europeo de la Creatividad y la Innovación para destacar la I+D+i. Novedoso servicio de información para usuarios del transporte público. Comunidad universitaria: Universidad de Verano de Maspalomas. Reconocimiento a los ganadores de los Campeonatos Universitarios Españoles. Encuentro de Voluntarios Internacionales.


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[EN] This study examined the effectiveness of a school-based rugby introductory training course (“Rugby Project For Schools”) in a sample of one hundred and three Italian adolescents, sixty-three attending the program (rugby group), and forty not taking part in the project (control group).


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Este trabajo se concentra sobre el papel que los anglicismos desempeñan en la lengua italiana. Se compara el uso de anglicismos en la lengua italiana con su uso en la lengua española, y se reflexiona sobre las razones de una presencia mayor en italiano de anglicismos no adaptados, y una tendencia en español a traducir los préstamos a la hora de importarlos, produciendo calcos. Se utilizarán los informativos televisivos como fuentes, en cuanto, por un lado, son espejo de la lengua hablada, y, por otro, influencian el proceso de interferencia, o sea, la manera en la que los anglicismos entran en la lengua de llegada. Se proponen ejemplos de palabras que los telediarios italianos utilizan en forma no adaptada, acompañados de su equivalente en español y un ejemplo práctico de su uso en informativos españoles. El objetivo de este trabajo es observar la proliferación de anglicismos en italiano, analizando el campo de la economía en informativos destinados a un público no especializado, comparando esta tendencia de la lengua italiana con la del español y reflexionar sobre la necesidad de uso de los anglicismos recogidos en el corpus del trabajo y/o su posible sustitución por equivalentes de las lenguas analizadas.


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El presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de dar a conocer a los jóvenes lectores italianos la obra narrativa y el estilo literario de Xosé Neira Cruz, uno de los autores más representativos de la literatura infantil contemporánea gallega y española. Con este fin, se ha traducido y analizado uno de los libros más famosos del autor, Gatos y leones, finalista en el concurso catalán Lola Anglada poco tiempo después de su primera aparición. El trabajo consta de cinco capítulos. En el primero, se presenta al autor, detallando su vida, su estilo y sus obras, a través de una entrevista que es el fruto del encuentro con el autor en Santiago de Compostela (enero de 2015). En el segundo capítulo, se ofrece un análisis del texto original, profundizando los aspectos más significativos de la obra en general y de cada cuento en particular (trama, narrador, personajes principales, tiempo y espacio, estilo y temas). El tercer capítulo está dedicado a la figura del gato, protagonista indiscutible de los cuentos que forman el libro e inspiración de la obra literaria y artística de muchos escritores, poetas y pintores, a lo largo de los siglos. En el cuarto capitúlo se encuentra la propuesta de traducción, en la que se ha preservado el formato del original y se han añadido ilustraciones para enriquecer el texto. Finalmente, en el quinto capítulo, se expone la metodología adoptada para traducir el texto y se comentan las estrategias empleadas a lo largo del proceso de traducción para resolver los problemas que han surgido.


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Este proyecto tiene el objetivo de analizar la traducción periodística a través del análisis de la traducción de tres artículos españoles y de sus traducciones publicadas en la revista italiana Internazionale. La traducción periodística constituye un sector significativo para los medios de comunicación, y los textos traducidos representan una parte importante de las noticias de la prensa y de las revistas que a menudo utilizan artículos extranjeros para contar lo que pasa en el mundo. Internazionale traduce artículos procedentes de todo el mundo, sin embargo, este trabajo se centra solo en las traducciones de textos publicados por periódicos españoles. Los artículos estaban incluidos en la sección “Visti dagli altri” (Vistos por los otros), un apartado que trata artículos de la prensa extranjera sobre temas italianos. En concreto, he analizado artículos publicados en El País, La Vanguardia y El Correo. He elegido analizar artículos que trataban temáticas concernientes Italia: un escándalo relacionado con la corrupción, la política internacional italiana con referencia a la Unión Europea y las discusiones consiguientes a un evento natural. El análisis evidenciará las diferencias entre el artículo original y su traducción, se observarán las estrategias y las elecciones adoptadas por el traductor, así como las diferentes técnicas empleadas.