881 resultados para Comunicação no serviço social


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A «comunicação e a cultura inclusivas» constituem o móbil de um amplo desenvolvimento biopsicossocial e humano, numa dimensão de igualdade de circunstâncias e de oportunidades para todos, com lugar e qualidade de vida para todos, independentemente de dificuldades como, por exemplo, sensoriocognitivas, sociocognitivas, sociocomunicacionais, intelectuais, psíquicas, patologias neurogénicas da comunicação. Trata-se de uma «viagem» concisa, «passeando» num paradigma novo para o desenvolvimento humano, o da «educomunicção inclusiva», uma aglutinação conceptual consubstanciada no polinómio «educação+comunicação/TIC+cultura+pedagogia», que é o caminhar livre e seguro, digno e socializante, numa perspetiva ecoevolutiva humana profícua e eticizante da vida.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Mestrado em Comunicação da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul - USCS


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Esta investigação teve como finalidade estudar a concepção que Professores, Alunos e Assistentes Sociais têm do papel do profissional Assistente Social. Os sujeitos pesquisados foram 14 professores, Assistentes Sociais, 56 alunos do VII nível do curso de Serviço Social da Pontíficia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul e 39 Assistentes Sociais formados pelo referido curso no período de 1972 a 1978. Os dados foram coletados através de dois instrumentos: o primeiro baseado na metodologia Q de Stenphenson, composto por setenta afirmações sobre o papel do Assistente Social e o segundo por um questionário para a identificação dos sujeitos. Para análise dos dados foram utilizaram-se os procedimentos preconizados pelo metodologia Q. Descreveu-se, primeiramente, a concepção que cada um dos grupos tinha do papel profissional do Assistente Social, em suas dimensões prescritivas e, em seguida, procedeu-se a comparação dos grupos entre si. Os resultados demonstram uma heterogeneidade entre as concepções dos três grupos, comparados entre si, e entre os sujeitos de cada um dos grupos. Quanto à semelhança de concepção do papel profissional do Assistente Social verificou-se maior proximidade entre Alunos e Assistentes Sociais, seguidos por Professores e Alunos e, em último lugar, Professores e Assistentes Sociais. São feitas sugestões para estudos posteriores e para a atuação no curso de Serviço Social.


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A dissertação apresentada enfoca as relações entre subjetividade e trabalho com o objetivo de analisar a experiência social dos operários no contexto industrial, considerando principalmente as experiências de gestão participativa. É a partir da ótica do sujeito trabalhador que se pretende decifrar o trabalho no cotidiano fabril, realizando as articulações entre a realidade macroscópica e a realidade particular de uma indústria do setor metal-mecânico no município de Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul. Assim, este trabalho analisa, à luz da teoria social crítica, as transformações no capitalismo decorrentes de sua crise contemporânea e os impactos sobre o mundo do trabalho, sobretudo a partir do processo de reestruturação produtiva com suas inovações tecnológicas e sócioorganizacionais. A abordagem qualitativa privilegiou, enquanto procedimento metodológico, o estudo de caso. Esta pesquisa, ao cruzar campos teóricos interdisciplinares nas áreas de conhecimento da Administração, Sociologia do Trabalho, Psicologia Social e Serviço Social, abordando como principais categorias teóricas: trabalho, processo de trabalho, subjetividade, experiência social e participação, pretende ampliar as perspectivas de análise sobre o tema em questão.


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A pesquisa aborda o fenômeno de organização da sociedade em rede, caracterizado pela apropriação das Tecnologias de Informação e de Comunicação (TICs) no quotidiano de estudantes, professores, pesquisadores e cientistas em nosso país, marcando a consolidação de uma cibercultura científica brasileira. O estudo teve como objetivo investigar o processo de interação social em uma lista de discussão formada por acadêmicos e cientistas da área de recursos hídricos, com a possibilidade de identificar o ciberespaço como um ambiente de disputa e de cooperação para o grupo reunido na lista da Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos (ABRH-Gestão). A dinâmica de interação entre os membros da lista de discussão foi observada a partir do método netnográfico, de enfoque qualitativo, durante o período de janeiro a junho de 2004. A classificação das mensagens quanto ao tema e quanto ao tipo de conteúdo foi outro procedimento adotado, sendo que o material empírico de análise se concentrou no mês de abril. Como resultado do estudo, constata-se que a lista ABRH-Gestão promove a formação de uma comunidade virtual de caráter científico motivada pela existência de afinidades e interesses comuns em torno do tópico recursos hídricos. Dessa forma, a lista consegue se manter em plena atividade há mais de cinco anos por pessoas geograficamente dispersas e que atuam em diferentes atividades profissionais, convivendo em meio a diálogos e debates em uma comunidade virtual imaginada.


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Analysis of the influences exerted by the Brazilian institutional scenario on SESC ¿ The Social Service of Commerce, focusing state-market-society relations in the 1990 decade, states the core issue of the present dissertation. It also aims to discuss the suitability of adopting corporate social responsibility oriented actions in accordance with these changes. In the first place SESC's institutional setting, and questions addressed to it, as well as pressures to which the organization has been submitted since the mid 1980's are presented to the reader. Following, elements of particular significance closely related to SESC's present institutional framework are described: the country's political redemocratization, social and organizational networks, state reform, and the like.


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Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de estudar, sob a ótica sócio-construtivista, o processo de determinação do padrão de televisão digital no Brasil. Com base no referencial teórico conhecido como The Social Shaping of Technology, foi possível realizar a descrição detalhada do processo de construção social desta tecnologia enfatizando os principais conceitos e como eles se articularam durante a interação dos grupos sociais envolvidos no processo até o fechamento de seu desenvolvimento. O processo de determinação do padrão de televisão digital foi reconstruído com base em documentos de domínio público, baseado em uma abordagem interpretativa.


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O trabalho aborda a problemática de Recursos Humanos na Administração publica Municipal, especificamente na área do Bem-Estar Social em São Paulo. Através de pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo, a autora busca tratar o modelo gerencial predominante no período de 1977 a 1982, considerado marco na descentralização dos serviços da Coordenadoria do Bem-Estar Social através da criação das SURS-Supervisôes Regionais de Serviço Social.


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O objetivo primordial deste trabalho está em verificar uma das causas principais dos problemas de comunicação, em especial nas organizações: o autismo administrativo. Trata da padronização de comportamento segundo os grupos, principalmente os profissionais, nas organizações. Aborda as manifestações, através de índice e de signos dessa padronização, e suas implicações na comunicação administrativa. Testa empiricamente a manifestação verbal desses padrões. Aponta formas de lidar com as barreiras, assim geradas, à comunicação: maior conscientização a respeito do problema, e desenvolvimento de uma visão crítica do modelo usual de comunicação, de forma a dar enfase ao receptor.


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In this work we have analyzed the political commitment of the social assistance sponsored by the Bradesco Foundation in João Pessoa. This Foundation is a private institution of public interest that provides social assistance to low income populations all over Brazil. This kind of work is one of the oldest management initiatives in what is actually referred to as managers` social responsibility. This thesis assumes that managers who are in fact socially responsible should guide their actions by the principles of social democracy, so that everyone can enjoy citizens` social freedom, and guarantee their rights as well as the political awareness of social actors. Analysis of documents and a qualitative approach have been applied to the pedagogical Project of the Foundation, as well as phenomenology to study the social profile of their students. The analysis of the pedagogical project as well as the students` standpoint towards life reveals that the Bradesco Foundation is indeed committed to the social efficacy of its students. The educational proposal of the organization includes those elements that are required for teenagers` education envisaging participative citizenship. The teenagers` speech reveals that they have developed the project identity, being therefore able to take part in the process of political transformation of our time. The results indicate that the Bradesco Foundation not only guarantees some of the basic social rights for the healthy development of those who attend their courses, but also sponsors a high level education providing both a technical and a political formation


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In itinerant film projects made in Brazil, the unique experience of watching movies on the big screen is held in open spaces, through the establishment of a contemporary ritual, under which the presence of spectators is primordial. Considering this dynamic of the performance of itinerant cinema, the main objective of this research is to analyze the process of reception of the spectators of the sessions of Cine Sesi Cultural, conducted by the Social Service Industry - Sesi, in Rio Grande do Norte state. The body of research was composed by the audience of the movie sessions of the edition developed in 2010. Analyses were made from the look on the specific audience of open sessions of this cinema project throughout a case study. Theoretical authors of Latin American as Jesus Martin-Barbero, Guillermo Orozco, Eliseo Veron and Nestor Garcia Canclini, which have important theoretical basis for the analysis of research on the cinematographic reception of the spectators, were taken as a basis. In this discussion are associated with contributions from Brazilian authors as Roseli Paulino, Fernando Mascarello, Mauro Wilton Souza, Nilda Jacks and Carolina Escostesguy. Besides the reception study, the research focuses on aspects that relate to and explain the circumstances in which itinerant cinema emerges as an alternative exhibition, for example, the context of the exhibition of films in the country, lack of public policies in the audiovisual sector, and mainly the closing of movie theaters in the inner cities of the country and the consequent migration of these rooms to the malls. Seeking to reduce the existing gap in the studies of the reception of spectators to the cinema in the country, this research presents a deeper analysis of the reception of the public of the itinerant cinema as a contribution to an important database for the diagnosis of projects such as the Cine Sesi Cultural


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The present research study the work professional of the Social worker in the National Institute of Social Security of Rio Grande do Norte s State, especially about the working terms, the demands and working process of Social worker in consequence of the limits established with disorganization of his institutional space derived of the Counter-Reforms of the State and of Social Security. In decade of 1990 there was in Brazil adhesion to the neoliberal politics what configured a new organization of work and a new performance of the State. Inside this context, it was accomplished the Counter-Reforms with emphasis in the privatizations, reform of the Social Security and of the device of the Brazilian State, among other actions. Particularly, in Social Service reforms brought profound consequences for the Social workers of INSS, among it: reduction of professionals and in his institutional space. This study situates the Social Worker of Social Security in front of the contemporary modifications in the world of work as well as in front of the consequences come upon of the Counter-Reforms implemented and executed by the neoliberal governments in the country of way the of frame and to enter to the globalized world and the new order of the capital. From the qualitative research based in the critical and dialectic theoreticianmethodological perspective that study the phenomena from your relations, mediations and contradictions, was possible unveil the limits and the possibilities of the professional work of the Social worker in INSS placed the Counter-Reforms of Social Security. Synthetically, the results of this investigation indicate that, there is an worsening in the inconsistency of the work with relation to social worker's functional situation and his working terms in the institution


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This work deals with an analysis related to the social worker s practice in the oncology area. It aims to identify demands, work conditions as well as current challenges related to this profession. It considers the specificities of breast cancer and relates it to political decisions in the health sector considering the concept of contemporary capitalism. The study analyzes professional action and the demands presented by breast cancer patients who are currently in treatment in Hospital Dr. Luiz Antônio em Natal-Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil. The methodological procedures considered of documental analysis, semi-structured interviews (with two social workers that work with fifteen breast cancer patients) as well as participant observation; which was done counting with my own professional practice in the oncology area. Thus, the research also discusses the breast cancer issue in the life of the users considering their social-economical, cultural and political determinants. Factors such as age in which the diagnosis was known, the relation user/social workers, number of children, rights of the oncology patient, place where he/she lives, education, civil status, (re)insertion of the professional in the work field, perception of self-esteem and bio-psycho-social representation of breast cancer in the lives of these women, all of which were dealt with in this research


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It discusses the social place occupied by the youth of outlying areas in the urban social imaginary. Having the stigma issue as an axle, it presents the essential categories to its understanding, such as (in)visibility, violence and exclusion, pointing out this quarrel in a social- anthropologychal approach. The research was carried through with teenagers of the age band from 15 to 24 years old, living in Mãe Luiza neighborhood, a popular quarter of Natal s east zone, that has close to 16.000 inhabitants. Quantitative methods had been used, through questionnaires application to 364 teenagers; and qualitative methods through the accomplishment of 5 focal groups with the adolescents. The results point a strong youth concern regarding the quarter daily violence; and the weaved image in the urban social imaginary of the neighborhood As dangerous", "violent". It is also possible to perceive the social groups diversity, in general, related with churches and cultural activities, which are important catalysers of the envolvement process of the youth with the quarter


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This Project was built to reflect about juvenile violence and the socio-educational´s range of community services provision. It is known that the juvenile violence is a phenomenon inserted on the capitalism system, backed on neo liberal project. Though, it is essential a historical analysis, showing the economical, political, social and cultural mechanisms which determine the juvenile violence personality. On this way, it is seek understand the elements that leads on work world changes, on the State and public politics sphere, that deepens social dissimilarities. On this propose, it is known that there is a relation among the violence, while one of many manifestations of social question on society and the macroestructuals´determinant that lead the teenager to a social rick situation. This research focused on a inquiry quail-quantitative, using the theoric-metodological procedures of observation, interview and documental quest techniques. The universe had been defined by the intentional sample of 22 interviewed on total, during August and October 2008, covering adolescents and their relatives, technical and the coordinator, which subsidized the Socio educational program of community services provision from Natal analysis of limits and their range. The results of this investigation indicate the necessity of development, with the teenagers authors of infringement acts, a care system that is grounded on a professional formation, respect on human rights and citizenship conquest, regarding that children and teenagers are designed as people on development, that have theirs rights and integral protection, being the State, society and family responsibility assure the integral development of them